
Beethoven Quotes

There are 128 quotes

"Notably with Beethoven, composers began organizing large concerts to introduce the mass to their music."
"Beethoven's Fifth Symphony starts with an anguished opening theme and ends with a glorious major key melody."
"Is Beethoven really the greatest composer who ever lived, and more importantly, how do you know?"
"Beethoven is the biggest name in what's called the Western Classical Canon."
"By the time this Ninth Symphony is over you are unbalanced... you have been truly transported to some other place within your own conscious... forced... to reflect on what it is to be a human being and alive."
"There is an element to Beethoven's music that is extraordinary nearly perfect and daring and conception even taken completely out of context with his mastery of form that is his sense of rhythm."
"Music is a higher revelation than all of wisdom and philosophy." - Ludwig van Beethoven
"What is different in Beethoven is the emotional seriousness...his music is somehow deeply moral."
"It's very fitting that the Voyager satellite should be carrying Beethoven's 5th Symphony as part of its message to aliens...it's a great portrait of human beings."
"Beethoven's music is actually addictive...this kind of intensity that he demands for listening is something that you don't want to give up."
"When everything else is lost and you really think you're alone...you're never really alone if you listen to Beethoven."
"Beethoven's nine symphonies set a new standard for power and drama."
"Statistics are never going to register why Beethoven's Emperor Concerto is the amazing work it is."
"Ludwig Van Beethoven's sheet music... not all of his works are complete, and I'm sure there are some more pieces that we don't even know about that were never published or were just lost to time."
"Beethoven insisted that every cup of coffee made for him was prepared from exactly 60 coffee beans."
"When Beethoven heard a friend's Opera for the first time he commented, 'I like your Opera, I think I'll put it to music.'"
"Beethoven was completely aware of all the trends musically speaking going on in Vienna."
"You don't have to love Beethoven to give your kids classical music lessons."
"These Symphonies are the Redemption of Beethoven's experience."
"On December 22nd, 1808, in the bitter cold of Vienna, in an unheated auditorium at the theater and ravine, Beethoven put on what is still considered the greatest show on earth in classical music."
"Beethoven, you all know his music, you all know something about his life."
"Beethoven's piano sonata opus 110 is the middle one of his last three. It strikes me as having a certain air of improvisation, as if Beethoven was responding to passing thoughts."
"Beethoven said that his name should not have been Bach, it should really have been 'mere,' in other words, not brook, but ocean."
"Beethoven is its joy even when it's dark."
"So let's talk about--let's talk a little bit about this Beethoven sonata we've got here."
"What was the first name of Beethoven, the composer of the piano piece known as the Moonlight Sonata?"
"The point is to try and summarize where we are today in Beethoven piano sonata interpretation."
"So, after Beethoven, the first truly great quartet writer we need to deal with was Schubert."
"Oh, what a glorious Beethoven cycle it is."
"His Beethoven is always extraordinary, mono, stereo, it doesn't matter."
"I really really think it is the most misunderstood of all of Beethoven's symphonies."
"The slow movement of the fourth is one of the most extraordinary creations in all of Beethoven."
"Beethoven got death as he got older."
"These are as great as it gets in the Beethoven quartets."
"The quality of work in the Beethoven string quartets probably is as high as you will find anywhere in all of music."
"Every string quartet in the world that is worthy of the name plays the Beethoven string quartets."
"The Beethoven quartets are so iconic, they are so well known."
"Beethoven's triple concerto was a formal experiment in which Beethoven really learned how to deal with classical conservative form."
"Ludwig V Beethoven, or Ludo as we disciples call him, was born in 1770 at Bonn."
"Once you get into the third movement of the freaking Moonlight Sonata, they call that the madman's composition."
"Beethoven was famously known for going deaf, once that happened everyone told him that he should just quit music forever, but he just wouldn't hear it."
"It's forces beyond Beethoven; it's listeners who conspired to turn him into the poster boy of classical elitism."
"Our efforts don't tarnish Beethoven's legacy; in fact, they celebrate a composer who wanted to break free of all the rules in pursuit of a better world."
"Power is the moral principle of those who excel others, and it is also mine." - Beethoven, 1798
"Everybody knows Beethoven, and everybody loves him."
"Who's a good boy? Who's a good boy? It's Beethoven."
"Darth Vader's development as a combative Force wielder was analogous to Ludwig van Beethoven's development as a musical composer after he had gone deaf."
"The Juilliard Quartet really initiated an entirely new aesthetic in Beethoven quartet playing."
"The entire set is stunning; it's a marvelous set of Beethoven quartets."
"Listening to Beethoven's fifth, you can't help but get the feeling that there's something right with the world."
"Beethoven always makes me laugh; he has such a wonderful sense of humor in music."
"There's something almost inevitable about a Beethoven symphony; that note had to be there, you could not change that note."
"There's something almost inevitable about Beethoven's symphony; that note had to be there. You could not change that note."
"This utter conviction in his own talent enabled Beethoven to dictate to life on his own terms."
"I hope to at once demystify Beethoven and at the same time explain to you why I think he deserves some degree of deity."
"The plainness, the humaneness of a Ludwig von Beethoven, and also the magnificence of an individual who seeks to be better than what he could be without that effort."
"The struggle of the genius of Ludwig van Beethoven: how do you contradict the past, how do you go forward, is part of this adventure."
"When you're as popular as Beethoven, you've got dozens of excellent recordings of just about everything."
"It's already Beethovenish, you know, it has that sense of struggle, that cosmic Olympian quality."
"It's Beethoven's best ending... absolutely perfect ending."
"The music of Beethoven exists inside ourselves in an ornamental iron existential costume built monumentally for the cosmogonic needs of the 20th century."
"The music of Beethoven is so immense, it is created with so much love, care, and dignity, the absolute golden ratio of the form."
"Yeah, I mean to me that sounds very Beethoveny, just because the sequence and the repetitions and then the variation the third time and the call and response."
"In the end stages of the Beethoven frieze, love and art are shown to ultimately triumph."
"Every note in Beethoven is true in some way."
"Thinking about Beethoven's moonlight sonata always, I find it very soothing."
"The Beethoven Violin Concerto is the first major romantic violin concerto."
"Beethoven has rethought the entire concept of what a violin concerto was supposed to be."
"It's an ode to joy, Beethoven's Ninth Symphony."
"Oh how could I possibly admit an infirmity in the one sense which ought to be more perfect in me than in others, a sense which I once possessed in the highest perfection."
"Beethoven had every reason to feel conspired against by fate."
"In the Ninth Symphony, he goes way beyond defiance, sweeping us up into a realm where men and women become gods."
"Beethoven's later years, he was deaf, yet during those years he created some of the greatest music in the history of the world."
"Beethoven, Brahms heard their music in imagination before setting the notes to paper."
"I just adore his symphonies, especially the moonlight sonata."
"I conduct Beethoven symphonies and things just from body language."
"He pursued private music lessons while absorbing the music of Ludwig van Beethoven, whose music he came to adore more than anything else."
"He was a composer in the Beethoven style, rugged, rhythmic, full of struggle and turmoil leading to usually a blazingly affirmative conclusion."
"That was the first movement from Beethoven's fifth symphony."
"I'm just happy Beethoven's made a comeback; it's about time."
"The fact that the CD is 74 minutes in length is down to the fact that the chairman of Sony's favorite piece of music was Beethoven's Ninth Symphony, which was 74 minutes in length."
"The first ever DNA analysis of Ludwig van Beethoven has revealed a shocking truth about his mysterious death."
"Every human feeling you ever had is found in the music of Beethoven."
"It's the most Beethovenish symphony that Haydn wrote."
"Beethoven's piano concertos... they start in the classical style of Mozart and they wind up close to the Romantic style to come."
"He was struck apocalyptically the first time he heard Beethoven's fifth symphony."
"Among all the masters who have written for piano, Beethoven assigned Clementi the very foremost rank."
"Beethoven's music is firmly rooted in reality; that's what makes him unique."
"The expressive power of accented non-chord tones was exploited constantly by composers in the generations after Beethoven."
"Now passing from Revelation chapter 20 to Revelation chapter 21 is like passing from some horror movie into the sixth symphony by Ludwig von Beethoven."