
Epoch Quotes

There are 54 quotes

"We are entering into the age of Aquarius, which will carry 2,500 years."
"We are living at the beginning of an epoch when new forces and faculties will develop."
"It's the literal dividing line between two world ages."
"There's a general theme of let us not call it end days but I mean everyone feels like we are at the turn of some epoch."
"At the dawn of the 17th century, Japan was entering a new epoch."
"We are living in an epic time of transformation and change."
"This marked the advent of a novel epoch in warfare, where the flames of annihilation were both refined and unleashed with unparalleled ferocity."
"The disruption is the church age. The Christian Church comes in."
"During the Eocene epoch, the entire earth was far warmer than it is today."
"We're moving into an Epoch of survival of the kindest."
"The anthropocene demands a zo-centric or life-centric approach."
"The Anthropocene being a definition of a new entity which is us all."
"We are at an inflection point, one once in a century kind of inflection point."
"We are in one of the most exciting times of all history."
"A glorious epoch, the intro is awesome."
"We've defined a new geological epoch: the Anthropocene."
"We have overwhelming evidence that we've entered a whole new geological epoch - the Anthropocene."
"A philosophy is something that is a center of the totalization of the experience of an epoch."
"Philosophy could have believed that this general totalization of the experience of an epoch might be formulated in an analogically rigorous language."
"Philosophy is the center of the totalization of our epoch."
"We live in what some are calling the Anthropocene, the age when humanity is the dominant force shaping all life on Earth."
"We aren't in the Holocene anymore; we're in the Anthropocene."
"The times of the Gentiles starts with Nebuchadnezzar and finishes at the end of the tribulation under the thumb of the Antichrist."
"What we get here is a wholly new epoch and what it is, is much more like the old Enlightenment."
"Have humans changed the planet enough for us to be living in a new epoch?"
"It is not by the direct method of a scrupulous narration that the explorer of the past can hope to depict that singular epoch."
"We've essentially transitioned from the Holocene... to the Anthropocene."
"We’re reshaping the Earth so dramatically that scientists believe we’ve entered an entirely new age called the Anthropocene."
"It must have some important consequences and so lasting, that I can't but consider it as an epoch in history."
"Never has there been such a need as in our fifth post-Atlantean epoch for people to make an increasing effort to achieve what is of such particular value: understanding spiritual scientific knowledge."
"Okay, after a single epoch, we have 91% accuracy, and we do not see any kind of overfitting because the accuracy on both training and test datasets are pretty much the same, 91."
"We stand today at the threshold of a great epoch of infinite potential for discovery."
"At the end of the epoch, you sum all the errors, then you take the average of it, which is called mean square error."
"We are living through a rather unusual epoch in human history."
"We don't live in a special place in the universe, but we do live at a special time."
"The Hijra of the Prophet Muhammad... that really started a new epoch."
"This is a period of history that is the culminating period of the age that we are now a part of."
"The chief mark of our epoch is a profound laziness and fatigue."
"Feeding one batch of data through the network one time is called an epoch."
"Unique timestamp is basically the number of seconds since January 1st, 1970."
"We're absolutely on the edge of a change of an epoch, change of an age, a change of consciousness."