
Financial Pressure Quotes

There are 54 quotes

"I do feel people are really at their limit and borrowing up to their limit to get into the market."
"We're almost trying to create a haven for creators who want an environment that is development friendly, values product and player experience over short-term financial pressures."
"I'm sorry, okay? You better get promoted today. We need your money to buy a new house."
"You should live as far below your means as possible because the pressure everywhere is to live as far over your means as you possibly can."
"Gold is under pressure for entirely understandable, normal macroeconomic reasons."
"Game Oven's income wasn't the main reason we closed the studio but rather the pressure of our monthly burn rate on the creativity for that next project."
"If you've got more than 30, 40, 50 percent of your portfolio in gold... you're a distressed seller not a distressed buyer."
"Something's gonna give and you're going to have to give up this lifestyle and downsize or just not use [ __ ] that is burdensome to a significant extent."
"There are no holidays there are no sick days if you're not putting out videos you're not you're not making money and you're not paying your bills and you're not growing."
"The reality is if we keep raising interest rates it's going to put more pressure."
"At a time when American families are under increasing financial pressure their government cannot sit by and watch millions of pounds of food turn to waste."
"I was fully self-employed, pretty much forcing myself to make this work or I can't pay my bills."
"You have to have something that takes care of your life that takes care of you because when you're working under the pressures of how am I going to eat today."
"Using a credit card because you have no other option and you can't pay for it, that's the type of pressure we want to alleviate."
"You shouldn't feel obligated if you feel manipulated in a price that you weren't willing to pay."
"I think that's going to increasingly lead to a lot of markets stocks bonds and countries uh really feeling a pinch here and facing some headwinds."
"You need to keep squeezing that same rock for more profits."
"This building is asking for a 28% rent increase."
"The perfect storm is you got inflation at an all-time high still they still trying to work on an entertainment now interest rates are significantly higher than they were also moratorium in so it's a lot of people that's going to be evicted."
"This is big and it's going to be a lot of upward pressure."
"Don't feel like you always have to chase that next financial goal in order to be happy."
"Children living with financial pressure are vulnerable to exploitation."
"The heat is certainly on him this season to prove he's worth all that money."
"Shoppers are stepping back when it comes to splurging on non-essentials because they're feeling the heat from rising prices and higher borrowing costs."
"If Ethereum starts closing below this level, that is going to add some significant pressure to all coins."
"Absolutely. I once had a supervisor who loved to remind me that I couldn't afford to lose my job because I just bought a car."
"You've got to kind of try and keep up and balance your content with like still doing stuff you like but also doing stuff to like make you money so that you can afford your mortgage and your food and bills and such."
"...and if that show wasn't, like, I and I don't know what, you know, what it was, but it's like if it wasn't crazy financially lucrative, you've... that's three years where you can't do anything else."
"But if you're living in America, let's say LA, you have student debt, you have housing crisis, you have to make $2,000, $3,000 every month. This is really difficult for you."
"When is enough enough? Could come after this, easily if I was pulling in 30 grand a year."
"You're bootstrapping, this, I mean with the payment terms and all of that, it's gotta be suffocating."
"Jared was stressed. His wife was upset at him all the time. His colleagues weren't happy with him. Real estate was slow and the bills were continuing to stack up."
"He literally says it in interviews that he doesn't really care or like much of the stories that he's had in the last couple of years. But because he's getting paid all this money, it's like, 'Okay, let's sit down, let's deal with it.'"
"It's just as simple as, like, when I do trade, I get to trade because I want to, which I do it every day because I love it, but you get what I'm saying, like, it's not that pressure like, oh, I need to make this money because I need to pay this."
"I think OnlyFans could be lucrative, but one of the issues I have with a lot of the process that I went through to get my master's degree and go to school and stuff like that is a lot of the driving motivating factor behind me putting in so much time into things was money."
"Running for cash is now the only alternative to sacking staff."
"The more bills that I have, the harder it's going to make me work."
"...if I didn't win, I had no money. So I had to win."
"Life shouldn't have to cost a fortune. Cost of living crisis and all."
"The site stands still for eight weeks while mortgage payments and an increasingly difficult property market sucks at least fifteen thousand pounds more out of the project."
"If you have the power to heal and the power to do all of these things, if there is no power to prosper on your ministry, you are going to compromise. It's only a matter of time. No matter how much a man of integrity you are, the bills of ministry will squeeze you."
"I personally don't like having my art have the pressure of paying bills. It's boring. I think it's amazing, but again, look, I love it. He doesn't."
"Used to dream of outer space but now they're laughing at our face, saying, 'Wake up, you need to make money.'"
"If you're skinned, you have to work in a job that you don't want to work in because you need to make money, that's where depression comes in."
"After 10 interest rate rises in a row, people really are under the pump."
"We are all living this fake life, people are borrowing money to act rich, afraid to be poor."
"Her entree into the adult film industry was a combination of Trainer's coercion and the financial desperation the couple faced."
"Some people don't necessarily have money but they feel obligated to spend money on their friends and family."
"We're seeing high rents, we're seeing mortgages go up."
"We're so pushed to make money and we neglect our health, just overall ourselves, and it's just not good."
"Knowing that your child is making more money than you and that you have to make things work because it then becomes your livelihood can only be, for lack of a better word, overwhelming."
"Falling behind on mortgage payments, car notes, trying to put your kids through school... that's really all it takes."