
Stress Impact Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"Stress suppresses your immune function and promotes inflammation. When you're going through life in chaos, your finances, your relationships, you're angry, you're jealous, you're bitter, you're insecure... that sets you up for disease."
"What we don't recognize is how deeply the stress is affecting every part of our lives."
"Pressure makes diamonds but it also makes dumb decisions."
"A relaxed brain makes good decisions. A stressed brain makes worse decisions."
"Emotional stress weakens the immune system."
"Stress is the thing that causes the most pain physically for us mentally emotionally, and it causes relationships to die."
"The moment stress hormones come in, they shut off the conscious mind."
"Stress definitely causes people's glucose spikes to be higher."
"A lot of people suffering from IBS find that it flares up in times of stress."
"Stress has a huge impact on gut and brain health, triggering autoimmune conditions."
"Stress could be the very thing sabotaging your weight loss efforts."
"Stressful situations increase the risk of addiction."
"The thing about stress is it actually kills you."
"When you're stressed, your structure and function of your gut changes slightly."
"Elon is currently 50 years old he has 20 maybe 30 good years left at best before the impacts of aging and the extreme stress that he constantly puts himself under begins to catch up with him."
"The hierarchy will become more clear in a higher intensity environment."
"Stress kills via two hormones adrenaline and cortisol."
"Nothing good develops in an atmosphere of anxiety. Nothing."
"Chronic stress causes that visceral fat to accumulate instead."
"Absolutely stress and sleep have such an impact on a thyroid health conversion health weight loss detoxification repair and maintenance."
"If we just felt less stressed, I think we'd be a lot healthier and a lot happier."
"The more stress you have, the more it affects your productivity."
"Stress can stick in your body, like physical trauma, surgeries, and injuries."
"Stress can lead to stress eating, obesity, anxiety, and depression."
"But we know that chronic stress is not good for us, it's an indiscriminate killer."
"Chronic stress is the biggest problem today."
"Stress affects people very negatively. You look at things more negatively when you're stressed out."
"Whenever I go through stressful situations or I feel like I have anxiety or something, it really does kind of show up on my skin."
"Worry is a killer. It saps our strength, darkens our days, and does things to our body chemistry."
"Living in a state of stress is really hard on your body."
"Do you panel believe that Kevin Samuels was taken early because of us, because of stress, because of all the pressure that was put on his shoulders?"
"Stress plays a role in probably the onset of illness through disruptions of immune system function and makes it worse once you have an illness."
"Stress is the number one killer out there right now."
"Someone's really under the weather, and I do feel it's because of stress."
"The issue is it's not coming from them being fatigued from stress." - Dr. Brian Walsh
"Stress is probably one of the main killers out there, chronic stress, not acute."
"Relentless stress hormone production disrupts the function of so much inside us."
"Stress may be the one thing that nobody really pays attention to, that can have the greatest impact on your health."
"Stress reduces frontal lobe activity, affecting creativity, planning, motivation, and more."
"If you're constantly stressing yourself out, you're going to feel it in your gut and you're going to feel it in your whole body."
"Life stressors can predict the way that we age in a healthy way or an unhealthy way."
"Health behaviors and stress matter."