
Public Concern Quotes

There are 307 quotes

"It's an ongoing danger for everybody in these neighborhoods."
"Nigerians should not be concerned about the issues. This is not time for who is here with their son or who is father with this. Look at what happened yesterday, people are being kidnapped."
"The purpose of this video is to give my commentary and opinion on matters of public concern."
"87% of Americans said that inflation and the rising costs of everyday goods is what's driving their stress."
"We need to make sure we have information that's good information and then look which released to the public. Unless there's some reason not to, the public should know. People are concerned; we should let them know."
"How is the economy working for most Americans? The numbers really don't look good."
"You've got the most popular sport in America basically on notice... and that raises all sorts of questions for guys who are playing in the league, guys who played in the league, moms, kids, all of us who love football. It's pretty scary."
"Nearly 70% of Americans are worried about a nuclear attack."
"The frightening thing is there are far too many Americans who seem disinterested in the degradation of civility."
"We state-funded have been giving kids irreversible sex hormone hormones... this is a serious issue that should worry everyone."
"The bulk of the population really does care very much about the truth."
"We need to focus on our people here in the United States."
"There was concern that food being cooked in it would be poisonous."
"I think that Canadians are more worried about affordability being able to feed their own children and themselves than they are about the climate crisis."
"I believe Americans care about corruption and do not want to see their president involved in corruption."
"I think we have to say, we really don't want it to come to that. But I understand why people would be scared and want to defend themselves."
"I think everyone is very anxious about Xavier receiving some justice. This wasn't an accident."
"America has now become a super scary place where people are constantly killing each other and getting away with it."
"If Sanders became serious, it would be as scary as Corbyn was in the UK."
"Donald Trump is dangerous to women and to our families and to our country."
"We are less safe in the very state that we love and live in."
"Nobody knows at this point nobody knows how bad things are going to get."
"What the is going on? Give us the confidence that nothing happened."
"The picture does not look good. The future doesn't look good, folks. And if you're worried, if you're scared, you should be."
"The American people are looking for answers."
"I dearly hope that he's playing a madman on television... if he's really serious, we're really screwed."
"It's a national crisis. I don't understand why it's not taken more seriously."
"Things like this should truly scare every citizen of this country that things like this can even happen."
"I picked my kids and the kids in this country. It's not just about my kids... it was the kids in San Francisco, the 50,000 public school students who were home not getting an education."
"Musk is exposing hidden codes on social media, showing how censorship works and talking about complex political matters; fans are thankful but at the same time worried about what he might reveal next."
"If you plan on pulling a weapon, you'd better be prepared to use it. Also, you'd better have a damn good lawyer." - Lady Lee
"This could be this generation's Watergate. I really do believe that."
"It's concerning that we actually don't understand what these things are, we don't know anything really about them at all."
"Now we're in the face; people are sounding the alarm."
"Are we all gonna die? Because that's the first question on everybody's mind."
"The question on a lot of people's minds is where is 14-year-old Ella Jones?"
"Miscarriage just after getting her vaccine and she was very far along and many people said it's not a secret they."
"People intuitively understand something is desperately wrong here."
"Closing schools is a very worrying and retrograde step."
"More Americans are concerned about inflation than the January 6th circus."
"There are things that violate our airspace and we go, 'I don't know what they are.' It's terrifying."
"Trump's mental health issues are the elephant in the room that nobody is talking about."
"What we have right now is not working, too many people are dying."
"I know that there's a lot of stuff going on right now that sounds pretty scary."
"It seems like no matter what he does or says, he just gets more and more popular."
"Yo, that's good for him man, a lot of people were making videos because they were kind of worried about himself."
"The federal government does not care about the jury pool."
"How's this kind of shit get like it's just unbelievable there needs to be some more oversight with the damn corners and people need to pay an invention demand more answers like now be satisfied with."
"Everybody is talking about this democracy I'm amazed at the number of people who really feel that none of us is going to matter if we lose the country..."
"But look what's 12 points higher Joe Biden's age and Fitness is for office nearly three out of four voters say that that is a major or moderate concern Joe."
"The American people have real problems." - Brian Becker
"What causes inflation? Everyone's very upset about inflation in the United States."
"More and more Americans are saying, 'What's wrong with our borders? Why don't we protect our borders? What are we doing for our own National Security?'"
"I think with all the hype Dali is causing it's also causing a lot of conversation and even fear amongst artists who sort of think oh am I threatened here."
"Nobody cares. Nobody is looking at you. Nobody cares."
"The president's focus on action, and I'm a little dismayed that I didn't receive one question on the deaths that we got in this country this weekend." - Press Secretary
"This is their worst nightmare because uh again this is a credible witness."
"Let's explore what these potential dangers of the spike protein actually are."
"It's not just that it's unpopular, it's that this is an issue that really matters to people."
"The sheer number of earthquakes in such a brief period is unnerving."
"Price inflation is usually where people start to care more about it because it's when it's actually impacting the prices that you pay for goods."
"Mental health is really serious, and I think Will's really going through it at the moment."
"The number one issue above the economy, inflation, covered lockdowns, all of it, was climate."
"Does the United States government care about me? Are they only worried about their campaign contributions from wealthy individuals?" - Bernie Sanders
"We're talking some serious problems and a good part of Californians."
"What happened to me can happen to any one of you, can happen to every one of you, will certainly happen to a slew of people who are on Donald's Hit List."
"No matter where you go across America, no matter who you talk to, one of the biggest issues is the economy and jobs."
"I think the average person is concerned about climate change."
"There's good cause for a whole bunch of people to be concerned... crimes have been committed."
"America does not want to witness a food fight, they want to know how we're gonna put food on their table."
"There's not a lot of concern out there, just a lot of complacency."
"The financial system is in real trouble. A lot of people who don't want to be thinking about money need to be thinking about money."
"I want some of the tension to be released... I want a president I don't have to think about for a few weeks..."
"It's leaving so many Americans really worried."
"This is yet another frightening case that reminds us how fragile freedom is."
"Americans have grown more worried about AI in the last nine months."
"Why people are not more worried about it is just baffling."
"It feels like due process and presumption of innocence have been tossed completely out."
"People have been hurt by this stuff, people have honest questions."
"There are a lot of people in this country who are struggling to get by who want a better life for their kids. I don't think a social issue is the most pressing for the average person; I think it's the economy."
"This debate is about you... it's about making sure that the sacrifices that you have made to fix our economy aren't wasted." - Nick Clegg
"Gabby Patito's death at such a young age is a tragedy."
"I'm not saying Trump is correct, I'm not saying that Joe Biden won, I am saying that there are certainly more than enough anomalies being brought up that freak people out."
"Our agenda speaks to the questions and the pain that people are now feeling."
"The corruption of the Biden family is a major issue for our country."
"Do we really have to have these Mass tragedies? It's very devastating."
"Long Covid, a lot of people contact me and say we feel abandoned."
"Even one instance of voter fraud should be too many for all of us."
"Labour is not taking this matter seriously and doesn't really care if they cared they would do something about it."
"Whatever happened to Matt Hardy was a terrible situation, it was scary."
"Foreign policy often seems a little bit distant. So let me just say that if you are concerned about education and infrastructure and healthcare, you know what you should be concerned about foreign policy." - Bernie Sanders
"California and this is very alarming for a lot of people because they are the prime murder suspects for one of the most brutal murders in California to that date."
"Do you find yourself concerned with the fact, the quote, 'cancel culture'?"
"They're gonna be frightened to go out in the streets."
"Fear is on the rise for leaning Tower of San Francisco following Surfside condo collapse in Florida."
"We all need to be concerned about the rhetoric."
"Normal people are fed up and they're terrified. They're being targeted for their private political beliefs, they're being demonized."
"A number of Americans are very concerned and very alarmed."
"Of course, a lot of people would be worried."
"This is outrageous, what's happening with our children."
"It's very creepy to know that one of the victims, Kaylee, is on the phone at 2:52 A.M, and the timeline says the murders at 3 A.M. Could someone have been watching?" - Dr. Joy Crossing
"It is completely out of character for artists to go missing."
"A lot of people were very worried about this."
"I don't care about no stormy Daniels I don't care about no hos no prostitutes no slots or no tramps what I care about is how Congress is wasting our money."
"Americans are terrified. What is your message to them?"
"People are really going through something serious right now, and y'all just care about how many views does my video have?"
"Are they scaring us because this is a real concern or for political gain?"
"It's about the lives and livelihood of the American people."
"No one in our community, not a mother, not a nine-year-old, certainly not news professionals, should become the victim of gun violence."
"You cannot elect a president who can't keep his eyes open, who can't see, who doesn't know the names of cities, and this happens over and over again."
"There's no question that people are feeling pain... at the grocery store, at the pump, at pharmacy counters." - Senator Warnock
"It does seem as if now we are seeing increased numbers of people taking out their their anguish their hatred on the littlest of people of children."
"These missing people are real and it's disturbing how they manage just to dematerialize and then nothing."
"I'm just glad people have moved on to getting upset about real problems again."
"The idea that we are making policy based on this, policy which involves vaccinating children, is scary."
"The two-meter rule can be relaxed, but others are worried."
"There's a pit in my stomach because every day that I wake up and Gabby is still missing, this becomes less and less likely that we're getting to an outcome that we all want."
"Prescription drug costs are very resonant with the American people, and that is why addressing prescription drugs and lowering prescription drug costs is a key part of the inflation reduction act."
"We are facing a dangerous level of stupid in this country."
"It's not that people don't care, it's that trust has been broken."
"Mounting public concerns from citizens, cities, and sponsors, over the recent state of controversial games have forced organizing bodies, like FIFA and the IOC, to pursue reforms."
"People are just in shock by these increased costs particularly as I said, the middle and lower income Americans who I represent..."
"I am definitely now more concerned about my personal space in public than what I ever have been." - Marcus
"The mythology is what's missing. That's what I think everybody's freaking out about."
"But the way it is being taken by kids when they've had a bit of alcohol in the mix..." - Nick Ferrari at breakfast
"Let's just talk about some balloons flying over the country."
"Relax, he's in Canada, taking the trip. Everybody freaking out online. Where's Campy? He's taking a trip. He's human. He has to visit his family once in a while."
"For the families of Rochester's victims, and for nearly any human being, the emotions and motives of a child killer are impossible to fathom."
"Anything transfer over homophobic it is uh possible jail time and a 25 000 fine in Canada yeah yeah I hope that's not true some of my Canadians uh tap in let me know what's going on it was good that sounds crazy"
"I think it's okay to ask questions about something that's very new and involves children."
"Personally if you really view this as existential, maybe you should be focusing on the issues that people are telling you they really care about."
"This isn't a Republican or Democrat issue. This is the safety of this nation."
"Smash this like button if you learn something in this video. I know it's annoying, but if you could do it for me, it would literally mean the entire world to me."
"Inflation at 39-year highs, and people, oh my gosh, stop it."
"Why is this Congress obsessed with itself and cares nothing about the American people?"
"Nigeria is not working. People are asking that something should be done."
"Putin's plans can put so many people on the street."
"Inflation is much worse than we all imagined."
"He's having a complete mental breakdown, people are thinking he might go full... well, I mean, I don't want to say go full Etika..."
"Where are you going to cut it from? You know where he will take it out of. It’s coming out of health care and Medicare and Social Security."
"LA ain't no better. They stabbed somebody yesterday at the Echo Park station. Did it really? Yeah, it was on the news."
"People are concerned about pocketbook problems."
"It's always been about the economy, it's always been about inflation."
"It's quite obvious that we're witnessing a man going through something very severe."
"The very fact that these sort of defining features of police states have now crept into the United States is... a matter of great alarm."
"It's actually revealing of someone who's cognitive slippage is getting worse by the day and showing it more flagrantly every single day."
"How in the world can a mother wait 30 days before ever reporting her child missing?"
"I'm concerned when I see people telling Canadians that they should not be proud."
"Canada's debt is growing massively, spending is out of control, and Canadians are feeling the pinch right now."
"That picture of four convicted Trump associates... facing serious prison time... should be chilling to any American."
"Suspicion of government is increasingly growing due to its greatly expanded power."
"We were all wondering, you know, are these people ever going to get caught?"
"Gas prices are through the roof. They're at record highs. It's like, I think 480, according to AAA. Five? It hit five, you know, a month ago. People are struggling."
"We'll enough people care when your story reaches them why."
"Turns out she's got a dirty little secret about the weight loss stuff we're going to talk about but first right now it is no secret if you're tuned in we are seeing what could be a recession piling up at the beginning of the year."
"Many people want the government to protect the consumer. A much more urgent problem is to protect the consumers from the government."
"They don't want to talk about this... this is getting so bad."
"Everything that they've done so far has only sowed concern, has only sowed sort of chaos in terms of the public's perception of what is going on."
"This is crazy. I mean, why? Like, why would somebody dump them over the bridge? That's just such an evil thing to do."
"The failure rate of communication is not the height of concern for most of the American people."
"I've been waiting for an outcome to the Brexit saga."
"This should be really troubling, how is that going down?"
"This is very, very worrying... it's just an absolute disaster overall."
"It's lunacy out there what's actually happening."
"It's like the city's falling apart. You can't even step outside in the daytime."
"So, you know, late 90s, early 2000s, and we were worried about Al Qaeda to be honest, yeah. It was not UFO, it wasn't on the menu really until the Tic Tac."
"This goes beyond Hunter Biden they've already allowed critical to expire now for Hunter Biden this is obviously a chilling moment."
"Nobody whose right to a safe abortion has been taken away is going to care that the decision got leaked months before."
"This man needs help, yes he does. We sincerely hope he gets the help that he so clearly needs."
"When he speaks now, it's like watching someone drift off. It's incredibly sad to watch."
"Who cares? Why is it so important to everybody? I've never understood it."
"Biden needs a cognitive exam now to determine his fitness for office."
"We have rising epidemics of misery, loneliness, drug addiction, and suicide — obviously something isn't working."
"When the questions are asked, is the warming that's occurred primarily harmful, are you very concerned about it, these are the questions that drive the debate."
"Bernie will be unstoppable and it is their [ __ ] nightmare."
"There is a Rasmussen poll that came out recently that showed 64% of Americans are concerned about the growing criticism of America's police."
"The fact that these people are so creepy/weird yet are also the ones responsible for shaping the news headlines we all see in the media should be really concerning."
"Every piece of research I have seen for the last two years: cost of living is the number one issue."
"Let's face it our world's in trouble, fear is epidemic, people are concerned about what's going to happen."
"Dismiss the concerns of tens of millions of citizens about the fairness of the election."
"Stop the sexualization of our children...it has to end."
"Those people who voted for the conservatives in 2019...now that Brexit's been delivered will be concerned about other things."
"I guess I'm naive, but it did seem like for a little while people were worried about sports washing."
"It feels to me like everyone's missing the actual issues, the actual things that are hurting Canadians every single day."
"This needs to be exposed I mean look at these photos for a minute of Ellen as a young child with S I mean I have my own kids and I look at this I'm like this is this is crazy I mean it's absolute Insanity."
"What on earth is that? Where did it come from? And are our streets really safe?"
"Joe Biden must be investigated now for these claims."
"People argued for updates on the victims' condition, urging the government to speak up."
"The longer people wait for a trial, the more our questions are going to be out there circulating and demanding answers for the public."
"Everything he does for second amendment... we're in trouble."
"The most important issue to the American people right now... has been managed poorly."
"There's a lot of attention here because four children were murdered and seven others were injured and that that is on the mind of every single person in this country."
"Americans are deeply concerned about his mental acuity."
"66 percent of Americans are concerned that restrictions will be lifted too quickly." - Pew Research Center
"I'm here to tell you ladies and gentlemen not a month goes by where I don't get a call at my Institute by someone telling me that someone in the government implanted these things in their brain without them knowing. I'm not kidding."
"These terrible things are happening because we have people in power who care more about themselves and their power than they do about the people."
"The overwhelming majority of the public care deeply about this country and its future."
"Squatters have victimized many, many New Yorkers who say something just has to be done."