
Climate Crisis Quotes

There are 201 quotes

"We are in a climate emergency. We need grown-ups in the room to take responsibility."
"It's only through cooperation, through coming together in our democracy, that we can address the climate crisis."
"You don't need to exaggerate when talking about the climate crisis; the data speaks for itself."
"We know that low-income communities particularly communities of color do bear the brunt of the climate crisis."
"The future is very clear, the emissions keep climbing, every summer gets more apocalyptic."
"The climate crisis is so serious and it's on such an urgent timeline that we feel inadequate as humans and we become paralyzed."
"The peril of the climate crisis is already evident but we can also see the promise in the jobs of casting and machining, installing and rewiring, pouring new foundations, and building new industries."
"Our climate crisis is not a partisan issue and it is not a hoax. It is an existential threat to all of us."
"I didn't mind explaining photosynthesis to you when you were 12 but you're adults now and this is an actual crisis."
"It's about coming to the moment to deal with this maximum threat that we exist where that's now facing us: climate change."
"We have not come here to beg world leaders to care for our future. They have ignored us in the past and they will ignore us again."
"Climate change may be the existential crisis of our time."
"Scientists suspect that we have already passed the tipping point for this climatic death spiral."
"We can't solve the climate emergency without understanding feedback loops." - Greta Thunberg
"We've got to worry about both I'm not saying the extinction question is unimportant but I'm saying that we don't spend enough time worrying about how AI or the climate crisis could knock out our democracies."
"The effects of the climate crisis today." - "People are dying, children are starving."
"Jacob, you have six children, do you not care about their future?" - "Your six children are heading towards a future filled with life-threatening extreme weather events."
"The climate crisis at some fundamental level is a soil crisis."
"We are not just in a severe climate catastrophe; we are in the sixth mass extinction."
"There's no more time to hang back or sit on the fence."
"Climate change is here. It's not turning back anytime soon."
"We truly can't address the climate crisis separately from economic inequality and racism."
"A real sense of people pulling together to fight this existential crisis."
"A national emergency on climate change... it's crisis after crisis."
"Nature is a place of spirituality for many, yet because of the climate crisis, nature as we know it is dying out."
"Climate change is here, it's a crisis, and it's caused by fossil fuels."
"Satellite supplied data has been critical to confirm the true extent of the climate crisis we're facing."
"Humanity is on thin ice, and that ice is melting fast."
"There's no such thing as climate alarmism anymore; nothing you say can be too extreme."
"The true state of climate and environmental collapse is exponentially more dire and more immediate than anything we are being told by any official sources."
"We are now in free fall to a completely different and far less hospitable planet."
"Avoiding those [tipping points] is of the utmost importance."
"If we do not fix the climate, if we do not stop devastating it, if you do not stop devastating wildlife and nature, then we are not going to have food to put on the table quite soon."
"This rebellious spirit is being kindled or inflamed. It's being fueled By what is known today as the climate change crisis."
"This is a president who's committed to addressing the climate crisis, he's taken executive action, he's also brought leaders together."
"Climate change is not a problem anymore, it's a serious problem."
"The planetary climate system is unraveling by the day."
"Climate engineering is the single greatest core causal factor for the planetary burned-down happening all over the globe."
"Climate breakdown destroys our life-support systems; we need to confront it."
"This is the decisive decade. This is a decade we must make decisions that will avoid the worst consequences of a climate crisis." - Joe Biden
"We are entering a period of exponential growth in climate catastrophes."
"This knowledge offers a real solution for Humanity's survival amidst the global climate threat."
"The climate collapse is here, it is accelerating."
"The climate crisis doesn't care if you are in a red or blue state, it's an existential threat."
"We are on an escalator towards hotter and hotter temperatures, worse and worse heat waves."
"The Greenland ice sheet is close to a melting point of no return."
"The world is changing fundamentally, and COVID-19 and climate change are telling us that."
"It's the climate crisis, it's what we've done to the nitrogen cycle, it's what we're doing to the water cycle, it's what we do to biodiversity and overall we've destabilized the earth's natural life support systems."
"Because it's more than just climate change, it's more than just a climate crisis, it's both, it encompasses like I was saying biodiversity loss, the destabilization of other systems."
"Fenway Park cannot hold back the surging sea water as the never-ending cycle of apocalyptic weather strikes again."
"Congratulations to Jay Inslee on his impactful campaign to bring the climate crisis to the forefront of the national conversation."
"We need to fundamentally change the power structure of the United States if we want to stop the climate crisis."
"Science does have the solutions for the climate crisis."
"The worst case scenario is not the only option we have to live with."
"The crisis is we're burning up the planet and AOC says we're going to die in 12 years."
"More than 11,000 scientists have endorsed a letter declaring a climate crisis."
"It's the worst drought situation ever on record."
"3.5 degrees warming is an existential threat to our species. It's not a joke."
"Extreme weather events represent what the Secretary General has rightly called code red for humanity."
"This is the singular issue of our time that will determine how we live, where we live, and if we live."
"We need to care for our communities' mental health when it comes to facing the climate crisis."
"Climate change is real, caused by human activity, and is doing a terrible disservice to future generations."
"Youth are the ones who are going to be impacted the most by the climate crisis."
"These wildfires are blinking code red for our nation. They're gaining frequency and ferocity."
"The burning of fossil fuels is destabilizing the very foundations of life on the planet."
"How long do you think you can continue to ignore the climate crisis, the global aspect of equity, and historic emissions without being held accountable?"
"Everyone was warned but no one listened. We lost entire cities. The East River swallowed Lower Manhattan. A heat wave killed two million people in Madrid in just one day."
"Once the glaciers melt, you can't unmelt them."
"The climate crisis represents a genuine threat to capitalism's ability to reproduce itself."
"The climate crisis is the greatest investment opportunity in history."
"Leaving science in the hands of big corporations was proven to be a disaster for our climate."
"A deadly combination of heat and humidity known as the wet bulb effect is already a factor."
"We will not make it through the next decade and likely much much less than that on the current course."
"How bad is it? Earth barreling toward hot house state not seen in 50 million years."
"The survivability limit is extremely worrying. Millions could die within hours at certain wet bulb temperatures."
"We are on a highway to climate hell with our foot still on the accelerator."
"The worst case scenarios, if we just don't do anything and burn everything that we can find, that's about eight to nine degrees Fahrenheit warmer than where we are now."
"Climate fuel green party fires burned over 175 000 square kilometers across the country."
"An ice-free Arctic could send dire rippled effects around the world."
"Climate change is real, it is a present danger to us."
"The failure to avert the climate catastrophe is the greatest moral failure of our time."
"Climate change is the apex crisis of all time, and the US military is the primary crisis multiplier."
"Texans are dying. This is an unprecedented climate disaster in the state. Millions and millions of people are without power, they're without water, everything is going poorly. It's bad. It's not good. It's very bad. Not good."
"We are literally on a trajectory that could turn this planet into a true sister to Venus in the geologic blink of an eye."
"Our governments are not acting like these documents are telling them they need to act."
"So if we don't immediately address climate change, certain parts of the Middle East are going to be uninhabitable, and you think you have a refugee crisis now with the war in Syria? Just wait."
"That's climate change, it means we're headed for disaster."
"The full extent of the damage from India's sizzling heat is underestimated by lawmakers and officials."
"It's important, it's going to take a lot of work to end the climate crisis but everybody can help."
"Passing a climate bill is probably the biggest climate bill to ever pass Congress."
"The way to solve the climate crisis is through collective action."
"I think by 2030 we've reached point of no return right."
"The climate crisis is definitely here."
"There's a difference between acknowledging the climate crisis and addressing the climate crisis."
"It is a fact that we cannot just recycle our way out of the climate crisis."
"Let's get this on the table right away: with regard to the climate crisis, yes, it's time to panic. We are in deep trouble. There is no plan B. We must move to zero net carbon emissions and fast."
"The climate crisis will force nations and classes to compromise for the sake of planetary survival."
"Almost literally all of our consumer choices are both shaped by and have an impact on the situation with regards to the ongoing climate crisis."
"When we hold accountable those who repeat the myths of overpopulation and those who create the conditions for the climate crisis, we're able to make it a lot harder for ugly and violent ideologies to find a comfortable home."
"But is that true? That the answer to the climate crisis and a lack of resources is that impoverished families, again across Latin America, Asia and Africa just need to have fewer kids?"
"Better coverage also begins with being accurate about the causes of the climate crisis, about who is responsible."
"It will help us attack the climate crisis head-on."
"The speed and severity of the climate crisis is... to a significant extent the result of the dynamics of capitalism."
"It is very clear from the science that the most existential crisis the world faces is from the growing climate crisis without intervention. Our warming planet will have irreversible negative impacts on the United States and throughout the world."
"If we protect more forests, we have a very high probability of avoiding the worst impacts of the climate crisis."
"We're also capable of really pretty wonderful things. And we're smart and inventive. So, yes, we're facing a climate crisis. It's real. We're also inventing a lot of things having to do with that. We are looking at the problem and we are coming up with the solutions."
"I think we can borrow lessons from in terms of the climate crisis and being more sustainable with what we do."
"Humanity still has a long way to go in terms of tackling the climate crisis, but we all can start contributing starting today."
"If we are to hold planetary temperatures below dangerous levels, there can be no new fossil fuel extraction."
"We have to solve the climate crisis now."
"...if we took the climate crisis as seriously as it deserves to be treated, we have a chance to build a much better present than we have right now."
"We are living in a time of serial shocks, where we've deregulated the market, got a lot of market shocks, reverberations, blowback from our oil wars, and now we have climate shocks on top of it."
"Avoiding a climate disaster will be one of the greatest challenges humans have ever taken on."
"The only question is, are we going to get there in time to not be ravaged by the worst consequences of the climate crisis?"
"Fighting the climate crisis can only be done if we are united. It can't be done by letting working people, by letting Working Families bear the cost of climate change while big polluters make bigger and bigger profits."
"We're all in this climate crisis together."
"All of these are shorter than the net zero by 2050, which means that we are at great risk."
"The loss of polar ice has dire consequences, more than 600 million people live in coastal areas less than 10 meters above sea level."
"Communities are already experiencing climate emergencies, so we can't just worry about emissions, we need to help them prepare and adapt."
"How can the existential urgency of the climate crisis kick our butts out of our respective silos and build a coherent progressive movement capable of winning?"
"If carbon emissions outpace uptake, the permafrost region may turn into a new source of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere."
"We are approaching or maybe even beyond the point of no return for the Greenland ice sheet."
"This is a real problem that's getting worse every year."
"The climate system is an angry beast and we are poking it with sticks."
"We are at a time in humanity really that at the point of a bigger probably the biggest crisis we've ever had as a race with climate change."
"Right now we live in a climate disaster, and we have to be mindful of the future."
"The impacts of climate change are going to derail economies."
"Since there's a global climate crisis and since everybody needs to create installed capacity at scale at this point, that's an easy one."
"The climate crisis is also based on the collective trauma that reduces the feedback loops and the sensing of the biodiversity."
"It's already causing the planet to heat up, and scientists fear that the runaway global warming of the past could happen again in the future."
"With thousands displaced from their homes and incalculable damages, Canadians are on the front lines of extreme weather events exacerbated by climate change."
"What's the cost of not having humanity anymore?"
"We can't reduce ourselves out of this calamity or this crisis; we simultaneously have to draw down a large portion of that atmospheric carbon, and soil is our number one game in doing that."
"We're now facing a climate emergency."
"Decades of inaction have given us a grim baseline of future changes."
"These are the faces of climate change, not just the polar bear, because climate change absolutely is a public health crisis."
"The UK is facing the climate crisis; it's facing the prospect of people going cold this winter."
"It's here to help us evolve to the next level of what it means to be human."
"This is the real climate emergency."
"If we don't take the problem on, we are doomed."
"We are in a climate emergency and... it multiplies all of these other problems."
"The best we can do now is mitigate, but we can still mitigate the worst."
"The sky holds new threats for us now and it will not return to normal in our lifetimes."
"We're running out of time to avoid the worst effects of climate change."
"Science is actually basically telling us only one thing: it's happening, it's really happening, and unfortunately for us, it will probably have a major impact on the planet in the next few hundreds of years."
"The crucial thing about the climate crisis is that it affects everyone; there are literally no bystanders."
"This region of the world is warming faster than any other part of the planet."
"Temperature rises that's going to lead to the melting of these ice sheets in both glaciers and in the ice caps at the poles."
"The United States faces a profound climate crisis with little time left to avoid a dangerous, potentially catastrophic climate trajectory."
"We're living at a time of pandemic, of racial division, of staggering economic inequality, of climate crisis."
"The polar vortex might collapse definitively, leading us not to just occasional adventurous cold weeks, but to a permanent ice age!"
"This industrial operation, perhaps the largest such project in the world, is rapidly accelerating the release of the carbon emissions that will, if left unchecked, soon render the planet uninhabitable for humans and most other species."
"The models are too stable compared to what the observations suggest; the observations say we're much closer to the Tipping Point than the models would have it."
"Bitcoin now is a solution to the climate crisis and this is how we're going to convert bad things into good things."
"How bad could it get? How bad could climate change be?"
"If we don't solve the population problem, we're not going to solve the climate crisis either."
"We know that climate change is an enormous problem. It is the problem for the next century."
"Every place on Earth, glaciers are receding, ice caps are thinning."
"Time is running out, and the latest report says it even more clearly than ever before."
"Our future is at stake. Nothing is immune — climate change affects everything."
"It's an emergency what's going on right now with the climate."
"There is such a thing as being too late when it comes to trying to sort out the climate crisis."
"Some nations will be underwater, and so whether large nations like it or not, the consequence of sea level rise is a planetary scale perspective."
"It felt really scary actually because the whole climate, the whole landscape is just drying out."
"We are on a slide path to a significantly different planet if we don't make significant transformational changes now in how we're using energy."
"Climate change is increasingly driving displacement in Africa, Asia, and North America because of extreme heat, climate-related diseases, extreme weather such as flooding."
"Our house is on fire; let's act like it."
"Climate change is an existential problem and we do need to have a lot of these minerals."
"We have to do something, and soon."
"The climate disaster, crisis, emergency, threat – whatever you choose to call it – is not just a small island developing state problem but a problem of all humankind."
"Our atmosphere continues to get warmer and wetter and our planet continues to get less and less hospitable to the way our societies are organized today."
"We're really seeing a dramatic increase in carbon dioxide and in temperatures."
"Canadians are dealing with the costs of the climate crisis while everyday costs are soaring."
"We cannot solve the climate crisis if we don't figure out how to grow healthy foods here in California using less water and creating less pollution in our communities."
"When we talk about climate change, it's no longer a threat as people still seem to think; it is a crisis."
"The accelerating crisis of climate change, particularly global warming, might be the most serious of all."
"Global warming leads to some pretty serious consequences and harmful climate change."
"As together we can change the world and solve this climate crisis."
"The era of global boiling has arrived."
"He understood that climate disruption is so existentially threatening that remaining a dispassionate observer was fundamentally immoral."
"The wildfires are kind of undeniable. The sea level rise is undeniable."