
Internet Behavior Quotes

There are 111 quotes

"Arguing with people on the internet is not the most constructive use of time."
"The internet's illusion of anonymity does embolden people to say whatever they want."
"The best way to get the right answer on the Internet is not to ask a question, but to post the wrong answer."
"Sending online hate is wrong, and being so negative is not OK."
"Remember, it's easy to be angry on the internet."
"The most effective way to deal with someone you don't like on the internet... is to not talk about them at all."
"Do you think people would just do that? Go on the internet and tell the truth?"
"Most people wouldn't even share their internet history with the closest people to them in their lives, so why would you want to share it with people that actually have an incentive to exploit all of your personal data?"
"I can't be out there saying that stuff and be on the internet lying. I can't do that."
"Be careful out there if you're talking trash anywhere on the internet. You never know when the gaming police might be listening."
"If I had any problems with him, the last thing I would do is take that [ __ ] to the internet, bro."
"The anonymity of the Internet has made us all meaner and dumber."
"Message of the day: don’t be an internet gangsta… be yourself."
"Don't feed the trolls." - A brilliant piece of advice that everyone should follow when navigating the internet.
"I will never understand the disconnect that the internet provides for certain people."
"This is finally somebody fighting back against your cruelty on the internet."
"The Internet is full of morons who will believe whatever they want to if it suits their narrative."
"You know, there are a lot of narcissistic sociopaths out there and the anonymity of the internet emboldens them. So a lot of this trolling epidemic that's going on are just a lot of these individuals who have those personality distortions."
"Your rabid fans went after me this is the internet it's about time you got a taste of your own medicine what goes around comes around and karma's only a [ __ ] if you are."
"I can't stand trolls, y'all are so annoying."
"What does it hurt me if I just say hey don't say that about her on the internet."
"If people are going to be hateful out on the internet, at least you see who."
"The Internet really does expose a lot of very cyclical human behaviors."
"Being crappy on the Internet can be very rewarding."
"Nobody deserves to be dogpiled like that on the internet."
"Arguing on the internet is ultimately a waste of time."
"I don't care if there's thousands of them threatening to round up certain minority ethnicities and put them in camps. Two dozen? I don't care."
"Katie Joy Paulson intentionally publishes false and defamatory material to denigrate others through sensationalism and fabrication."
"You get to decide who you're going to be on the Internet."
"So you got a short amount of time on god's green earth, that's what you're going to waste it with being a jerk on the internet?"
"Be kind to one another, especially over the internet."
"The number one rule for me is always: don't feed the trolls."
"One thing being extremely on the internet has taught me is never give your enemies content. 100."
"He's the villain troller. Like, that's what he does. And we all know that."
"Come on man, don't be rude just because you're anonymous online. You could be building meaningful relationships that will keep that holiday depression at bay."
"Unpopular opinion: stop telling women on the internet how beautiful they are and go say it to your wife."
"How dare you assume that these people wanted their blindness cured, and even if they did, how dare you post this on the internet?"
"Even more important rule of thumb on the internet... never let people know what actually gets under your skin."
"People are weird on the internet... and for the most part you don't gotta pay attention to it."
"Every single time we type in our search bar, we're changing our list of items."
"There's nothing braver than someone on the internet telling someone else what to do with their own life and freedom."
"There is a difference between criticism and literally straight up hate comments."
"If you're the type of person that is okay with writing up something on the internet, posting it that's negative about someone, you are just dealing with your own demons."
"This is not an excuse to go out and dox people on Twitter over their opinion on an anime."
"Don't be one of those people that just lurks out on the internet."
"I think if you wouldn't say it to someone in real life, you probably shouldn't be saying it to them on the Internet."
"I'm gonna make a digital course on how not to be weird on the internet."
"Are hackers out there not even necessarily hackers? There are groups of people who go on the internet and instigate to create division within society."
"At first, I responded to comments, but you can't respond to every dumbass on the internet."
"The Internet will tell you quickly, 'Black in,' and it will tell you, 'N***a, stop crying.'"
"Don't click on garbage. It's the same kind of concept here guys, don't touch the garbage."
"People put on a facade for the internet, and that's like 90% of the people that log in."
"Now when you're being racist on the internet, there might be some dude that's actually adding your [__] lines to the next page of his Manifesto."
"Sometimes I wish people would just think before they type"
"If you're just a miserable person who spends your time on the internet bullying people and, um, you know, you're in health all the way around, you're not happy in your life and in your relationships at all, why would anyone listen to you?"
"That's so true, it's there's such a disconnect between like the internet culture who's like so rigid and almost like scientific about things, that's like clearly you just want to talk to a person."
"Just ignore the trolls and they will go away."
"Online never forgets, so be mindful of what you post."
"People feel safe on the internet and they just talk and they make you feel dumb."
"Be a little more kind to people on the internet because this is actually really hard if you don't like somebody's content don't watch them because hate watching is just not healthy dude."
"Most people are very bold on the internet because the internet breeds confidence."
"Don't be a dick and take it online, that's not what the video is about."
"The reason why obnoxious hyper-aggressive internet atheism died off is because it was counterculture and then it became the culture."
"There's great arguments to be made both ways here... I completely get why people are anonymous online... On the other hand the fact that so many people are anonymous online constantly encourages the worst behavior possible."
"You shouldn't feed the trolls you shouldn't attack trolls and you should not engage."
"Getting people worked up is not okay and I hope one day you'll mature to understand how toxic behaving like this on the Internet is."
"He's not saying stupid [__] on the internet constantly, so he's not trying to go have a fighting match with Zuckerberg or Musk at the Coliseum."
"Don't be that guy when you get out of the military, that grumpy fuckin' veteran on the internet complaining about how things were different in your time and all that shit."
"I'm not a teenage boy, I don't go back and forth online."
"Avoid forming definitive judgments about people especially on the internet."
"I think if any one of us were to get on the internet and celebrate some of death we probably wouldn't keep our jobs or would be on very thin ice."
"At some point I hope we can champion change and growth over canceling someone altogether or going for the absolute worst on the internet."
"What a weird thing to post on the internet and to just have that go through your brain and go, 'Yep, green light, I think that's a great idea.'"
"That'd be such... that would be a wonderful. We really need a shut-up button on the internet."
"99 times out of 100 I would say do not get into any sort of argument on the internet especially not in the comments section of a social media platform."
"It just seems like a massive troll, but why would someone make posts like this for seven to nine years?"
"...most people that watch this video are probably going to fall into the second category here I call this the Privacy conscious."
"It showed that as the good parts of the internet gets smarter, so do the bad."
"Nothing's off to speak candidly, people on the internets are [ __ ] idiots."
"Let people be horny in their corners of the internet as long as they're not abusing children or doing something morally apparent. I don't give a [ __ ] let people be horny."
"Most of you I absolutely look forward to your comments and I'd love to read them all, but yeah, please, please, people just, I'm sorry, I'm sorry for whatever is happening in your life that is making you so unhappy and ugly towards other people."
"People are really comfortable being really creepy and weird and other strange things on the internet."
"If you're gonna do that internet [ __ ], even though you can lie."
"Just remember not to lose the kindness that you would show people in person on the internet."
"The best way to find out information on the Internet is to say the wrong information and then read the comments."
"The family is already dealing with so much, and they don't need random people on the internet adding to that."
"Don't engage with trolls. If you engage, they win."
"It's a waste of time to argue with trolls, just ignore it and move on with your life."
"Stop yelling at people on the internet like as though they're not a person with feelings."
"The internet doesn't bring out the worst in people; it brings out the worst people."
"Be kind to people, even apart from the internet, really."
"You couldn't go up to somebody in a store... and get away with saying half the [stuff] that we say on the internet."
"Please be kind to everybody on the internet."
"Don't constantly lie on the internet, even if you can get away with it for a very long time, because eventually everything is going to catch up to you."
"You're better than trading petty insults on the internet; you can carry yourself with more dignity."
"Don't be a mean girl on the internet."