
Medieval History Quotes

There are 157 quotes

"The Gothic suit of armor requires a tremendous knowledge of the human anatomy."
"A realistic single-player RPG set in medieval Europe with an open world sandbox and period-accurate melee combat."
"Greetings, I'm Shad, a historical weapons and armor enthusiast as well as a practitioner of historical swordsmanship, specifically medieval European swordsmanship."
"Justice can be swift and brutal in the painfully realistic medieval peasant simulator, Kingdom Come: Deliverance."
"Because there's this pervasive you know uh annoying myth that medieval people never bathed and they're always dirty and stinky and I where on Earth did that come from?"
"The ulffbert swords: exceptional craftsmanship baffling historians."
"Archaeologists have found the ruins of a huge Nubian Cathedral from the Medieval era in Sudan..."
"The mystery of where the Vikings came from and why they attacked has now been revealed."
"Let it be clear that Ethelfled, the Lady of Mercia, was very real."
"Spread the Habsburg dynasty like medieval dysentery."
"Mysterious network of medieval tunnels discovered beneath a 12th century abbey."
"Recruits wishing to join the Templar order made a vow to discover the joys of paradise."
"If it wasn't for Islamic contact with you Europe would be in Dark Ages."
"Everywhere besides Rhodesia now agreed Great Zimbabwe, medieval city that thrived from the 11th to the 15th centuries, had been built and lived in by Africans."
"Arsuf played a key role in damaging Saladin’s reputation gained at Hattin four years earlier, and helped cement the legacy of Richard the Lionheart as one of the great generals of the Medieval era."
"The Knights Hospitallers combined the life of a monk with that of a knight."
"It's extraordinary to think that this tile might once have been walked over by knights offering hospitality to pilgrims and other travelers."
"King Edward was one of, if not the best commander in medieval Europe at this time."
"King John has been used and abused frankly over the centuries as a kind of foil or a kind of prop figure in whatever history people want to tell of the past of medieval England."
"Agincourt is possibly most people's minds the most famous medieval battle."
"Baldwin IV of Jerusalem lived up to the challenge of facing Saladin, emerging victorious again and again despite being outnumbered."
"Baldwin IV of Jerusalem triumphed against Saladin, ruler of a vast wealthy empire, despite facing overwhelming odds."
"Beginning in early 1397, Richard became a far more forceful and autocratic ruler..."
"Perhaps, given all this, there is little surprise that this period came to be known by near contemporaries as 'the Tyranny'."
"Richard's commitment to the Crusade: Plans underway to depart throughout the summer and autumn of 1189 and into the winter."
"This is the first known biography of a medieval Knight and this remarkable Legacy provides a unique insight into the period and into one of the most remarkable men of the era."
"Were the crusades justified? I think the important thing is to look at what medieval Latin Christians thought about the crusades and did they think they were justified?"
"It's really hard to imagine the Crusades not happening."
"This book will reveal the secrets of a medieval age far more advanced than future generations would ever imagine."
"Medieval women were much more powerful than they've been given credit for."
"Jousts were done for the following reasons: to demonstrate prowess, to learn martial skills, to gain renown, to gain honor, and for the love of women."
"It's hard to imagine such a sophisticated machine in the medieval age, an age perceived as containing only primitive technology."
"With the fall of the Western Roman Empire, however, parts of Europe did experience a resurgence of Flat Earth belief during the Middle Ages."
"The system of chivalry is an invention almost entirely poetical."
"Charles Martel's dramatic and unlikely victory at Tours dashed all hopes the Umayyads had."
"This time, we're going medieval, cruising river gorges steeped in legend."
"Attention Hollywood: Medieval war horses were little ponies."
"It is absolutely wrong and incredibly misinforming on a multitude of levels to come up with very reductive statements such as how medieval horses were ponies."
"Europe's medieval cities and history remain unmatched to the rest of the world."
"It just makes you wonder what it must have felt like to live here during medieval times."
"Quality control in the crafts of medieval period reflected high levels of education."
"The misconception of medieval illiteracy arises from applying conditions of medieval England to all of Europe."
"The idea that medieval people were uneducated and illiterate is a pervasive myth."
"Of course people could read, evidenced by the popularity of written works like medieval cookbooks."
"Medieval people weren't stupid, actually really smart and inventive."
"What's intriguing about this newly discovered enclosure is that it and what's inside it appear to be earlier than the medieval."
"And that's the end of the battle there. The medieval knights did manage to get the dubski."
"The first crusade was one of the most spectacular victories of the Middle Ages."
"Reynold was clearly a man trusted by Baldwin."
"They represented a fusion of the medieval calling of warrior on the one hand with the medieval calling of religious on the other hand."
"The Lionheart himself fought with ferocity and valor, like a proper medieval warrior."
"A newly published set of documents from the Vatican's archives has revealed a bizarre medieval tale."
"By the time they showed up in the 960s, all the good land was already gone."
"The new Knights Mission tree is actually quite enjoyable."
"The sword of Roland, Durandal, is the legendary sword of Roland."
"The first university of Christian Spain was founded at Valencia by Alfonso the Eighth in the 13th century."
"Without proper scientific understanding, there was little that could actually be done to hold back the Black Death."
"Over 500 years ago the small French Village of Savanyi was rocked by a horrific tragedy."
"The Black Death, or Bubonic Plague, decimated the population of Europe during the Middle Ages."
"The Caliphate of the Islamic Golden Age boasted the highest literacy rate of the Middle Ages."
"In the centuries that followed, Ahmad ad-Din Zengi would be remembered as nothing less than the savior of Islam."
"Out of the chaos, darkness, and violence of the Middle Ages, one family rose to seize control of England. Generation after generation, they ruled."
"Pope Leo III immediately recognized Charlemagne as a Roman nobleman, crowning him the first Holy Roman Emperor."
"In the shell of the mighty Roman Empire, Western Europe was plunged into the Dark Ages."
"Late yesterday afternoon, we unearthed a tile from the abbey belonging to Edward the Confessor, 200 years previously."
"Kingdom Come Deliverance is that if you like the Middle Ages and you love knights and swords."
"This discovery not only confirms that Phil's located the hall's kitchens which would have put meat and grog on the table of the Norman Lords but the roof slates suggest that this could be a building that predates the Norman Hall."
"Ultimately, Sweyn would not live long enough to enjoy his newfound Empire, dying after only a few weeks as king of England."
"The city they founded would eventually become the torch that carried the light of civilization through the Dark Ages."
"The Dark Ages may not have been so dark after all."
"When nearby Stralsund became too influential, Lubeck, threatened by its rise, sent out a fleet and sacked it in 1249."
"I think if you're interested in just good storytelling and learning about a medieval culture it pre-medieval I think you're in good hands with dr. Jackson Crawford."
"My new favorite genre is people in medieval manuscripts who have been stabbed but simply do not care."
"Was any of it real or based on genuine historical facts, and how did this noblewoman who lived over 1000 years ago become the subject of such a tale."
"There is no reason to think that the original record called Edward the black prince instead this seems to have been Cotton's preferred way of describing him which is perfectly in line with what we have already seen."
"Welcome to our video on the Norman Conquest of Southern Italy, and the creation and culture of the Kingdom of Sicily."
"Bubonic plague caused millions of people to die in Europe in the 1400s, going from rats to fleas to humans to hemorrhages to suffocation."
"The mystery of the Knights Templar has stuck in human memory ever since."
"The mysterious Silver Bible is considered the masterpiece of all the medieval era's religious manuscripts."
"Evidence suggests that the alwa kingdom dates back to the 6th century and flourished for nearly 1,000 years."
"I want to show you the Plantagenets as I see them: real, living, breathing people driven by ambition, jealousy, hatred, and revenge."
"So maybe, just maybe, this kingdom wasn't actually a kingdom at all, but a geographical term used to refer to the combined lands of Dyfed and Brycheiniog."
"She exerted some of the most meaningful influence, not just in the medieval world, but in all of history."
"For hundreds of years, knights were the closest thing to professional soldiers in medieval Europe."
"These findings not only align with DNA results but also challenge the age-old image of Richard III as a hunchbacked villain it seems like history might need a little rewrite after all."
"The Iron Maiden was an awful barbaric fake torture device."
"The Templars amassed a fortune equivalent to billions of dollars."
"His Reign spanning from 768 to8 14 ad marked a period of cultural and political Resurgence often referred to as the carolingian Renaissance."
"What an absolutely brilliant solution to a really challenging problem in the Middle Ages."
"Henry II ruled for 35 years from 1154 to 1189. Quite a long reign for a medieval king."
"Edward's court became the central European example of chivalry and pomp."
"Henry's reign saw a systematic process of destroying illegal castles, reclaiming royal lands, and abolishing certain earldoms."
"His right-hand man and chancellor, Thomas Beckett, became infamously synonymous with Henry's reign."
"He facilitated an alliance between the kingdom and the church."
"Nearly a thousand years later, this is the last remaining part of the castle, the Great Hall, which was built by King Henry III who was actually born here in the 13th century."
"The most profitable trade route was eastward; the shallow-keeled Viking ships sailed up the wide rivers that sliced through the Russian plains."
"The original well is all that stands of the medieval castle, decorated with a chimera, the Greek mythological creature that was the emblem of the Mark family."
"The counts of Tusculum are like any other lords where they have land and they're farming."
"Even during his lifetime, his reputation catapulted him to heroic status."
"From mid-level knight to one of the great power players of his era, El Cid's life is nothing short of remarkable."
"The Statutes of Kilkenny is one of the most important things you should take away from medieval Ireland."
"The discovery of a remarkable artifact from centuries ago among tens of thousands of medieval objects found in Sweden has thrilled archaeologists."
"Richard can certainly be criticized for having done little other than make war throughout his life, but that was after all substantially perceived to be the duty and responsibility of a European monarch during the High Middle Ages."
"The Bruce directed Douglas to take his heart and bury it in the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem, the place where the crucifixion of Christ and his resurrection took place, the very heart of Christendom."
"But fear not, for there exists a wonderful realm where medieval kings can be trained, and its name is Ireland."
"Philip II... is almost without a doubt the greatest of the medieval French kings."
"Monks... were the scribes and Scholars of Europe, preserving the knowledge of ancient times."
"The Third Crusade was launched under such luminaries as Richard the Lionheart, Philip II Augustus, and Frederick Barbarossa."
"His rule ushered in the Carolingian Renaissance, a period of spirited cultural and intellectual activity within the Western Church."
"They turned Egypt into a cultural powerhouse which was the only prosperous state when the Black Death hit in 1348."
"The samurai have been called the knights or warrior class of medieval Japan, and the history of the Samurai is very much the history of Japan itself."
"Edward I placed Gaveston in his son’s household to act as a role model, as he was an excellent jouster, brilliant soldier and was very courageous."
"In his six year long rule, the man who would become known as ‘the pale death of the Saracens’ waged constant warfare."
"Targaryen sits the Iron Throne, Stark, Tully, and Baratheon all swore to me when King Viserys named me his heir."
"A knight would wear armour, have a sword, usually a shield, and defend the king or queen."
"Prague Castle is one of the largest ancient castles in the world with a history that dates back to the 9th century."
"The marriage between Elizabeth and Henry was probably the most successful marriage in medieval English history."
"The War of the Roses... pitted brother against brother, father against son."
"The concept of Reconquista is a very valid framework and approach when studying history of medieval Spain."
"We owe the Catholic Church a lot for how much these clerics did preserve of the ancient medieval world that wasn't part of their own worldview."
"Every royal house in medieval and modern Europe can somehow trace their roots back to Charlemagne."
"In the medieval period, there was perhaps no greater display of martial prowess and pageantry than the tournament."
"Let those who were formerly brigands now become soldiers of Christ."
"The peasants had turned the world upside down."
"The peasants absolutely trusted Richard to do the right thing by them."
"Archaeologists discovered signs of an early medieval monastery, the site dating back between the 6th and 9th century."
"Welcome to Kilkenny, a city rich in medieval history and once the very capital of Ireland."
"God's Nails, this is one of the old hand-illustrated books the monks made."
"Henry Bolingbroke entered the world during uncertain times; his reign was a transitional period from the societal chaos of the Middle Ages to the beginnings of modern statecraft and nation-building."
"In its strategic position... Nottingham Castle became of great importance to medieval and early Tudor kings who wished to control the north of England."
"I'm standing, looking at the White Tower, begun by William the Conqueror pretty much a thousand years ago."
"When we imagine what political power looked like for women in the middle ages, we're often thinking of one woman: Eleanor of Aquitaine."
"The inability of Edward the Confessor to name an heir to his throne led to the crisis of 1066."
"When we think of the medieval past, we think of armored knights."
"Edward of Woodstock, also known as the Black Prince, fought against the French during the Hundred Years' War."
"His vision was that he, the Emperor, with the help of the monks, would set about creating the city of God on earth."
"Through his mother, he was a three times great-grandson of King Edward the Third."
"The reign of Andronicus III Paliaologus was very successful despite some initial failures."
"Archaeologists digging in the medieval ghost city of Dongola, Sudan, in April 2023, discovered a unique complex of rooms decorated with Christian wall paintings."
"The monks were involved in almost every significant endeavor in the advancement of civilization during the Middle Ages."
"To soften up the Barons, Edward promoted the idea of chivalry and Knighthood, hearkening back to the old stories of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table."
"Many women, especially in a medieval context, were willing to risk their lives and even die for the sake of bringing their child into the world."