
Modifications Quotes

There are 137 quotes

"Custom body, kick candy paint, LED lights front and back, airbag suspension."
"Attention to detail is what really makes this modification."
"I'm really digging this, I really, really like this mod."
"This mod is absolutely insane! This is way better than I thought it'd be."
"One fascinating element of sightings involving triangular-shaped unidentified flying objects is their remarkable tendency to appear in close proximity to military installations and engage with military activities."
"The potential of this game with mods is just insane."
"At its core, what WMX is going to do is flush this out to make it so nearly every weapon in Fallout New Vegas has three distinctive weapon mods to choose from."
"This thing's freaking wild. It's got a 3-in lift over stock, it's got 10 1/2 in of ground clearance, 423 lb feet of twerks at 22 PSI of boosts."
"This mod truly does change a battle Lord forever."
"Seriously some of these mods I consider to be absolutely essential now."
"A lot of this was glued together and screwed together very quickly for the nature of being the stunt car, which is what you'd expect but not helpful when you're trying to take that nice bodywork and make a hypercar out of it."
"We have all these mods at our disposal, maybe the better bet would actually just be focusing on modded ways to get resources."
"Mods on this motorcycle that actually mean something while you're out on the road."
"Players will be fine or modders will fix it."
"One of the interesting things about this one is that it's adept, meaning you can run adept mods."
"There is only one choice and that would be to purchase a higher mileage 430 Scuderia and then send it to Texas to have the boys at European Auto Group do one of their six-speed swaps."
"That is gonna end off this update today. This is by far my favorite update of the 1.14 version of the furniture mod, and it is now available."
"As of late, we've been getting several mods adding in new NPCs to Fallout 4, and I'm just really happy about it."
"Hopefully, I gave you a nice collection of mods to make Fallout 4 feel a bit more like some of those other Fallout games."
"But with the power of mods we can resurrect fallen friends and force them to accompany us on our journey until time itself reaches its natural conclusion."
"If you're into silly gimmick builds, put the prime critical damage mods on this, and do very, very hilarious damage."
"I play a heavily modded game as you can tell and I love it."
"Mods are way better than any DLC that Rockstar is gonna give us, and they're also free. It's a no-brainer for me."
"That's why I play with mods, guys. That is why I play with mods."
"Mods are the way to play GTA. If you have a PC, do yourself a favor, pick it up."
"Mods are the way to play GTA if you have a PC."
"Suspension is one of those cool niche mods that you can do for a onewheel."
"This mod includes an assortment of new assets for your settlements including neat meet ceiling racks meat hooks meat chains clothing line racks hooked meats hanging bodies and much much more."
"There's so many kinds of decorations, but also stuff you can use. It is just insanity how fun these mods get."
"This is like a streetable car that we brought as a backup car, so the pro car is getting wrapped and a motor put in right now." - Dylan Hughes
"Mods can solve a number of unique problems and fill content gaps in the game."
"Is this modded to the base game? Oh crim, this is modded, man, this is Awakening the Rebellion."
"Just make sure those mods are done properly and keep in mind that any mods very well ah bloody hell."
"Next week when we modify this thing, oh my God I'm so bloody happy with this."
"This is funny, you know. Good, certainly an enjoyable experience, little bit faster than vanilla."
"Finally, Grit saw a massive change to how its effect operated."
"Always ask because there's probably a mod for that, right?"
"Skyrim was my first Elder Scrolls game but after going back to play Morrowind or Oblivion the only way I find Skyrim enjoyable is modding the hell out of it."
"And there we go we got the tornado along with having stock versions of the car you're trying to get."
"Making sure each faction has a thing that you do want to mod towards."
"Several mods you could download for Fallout 4 right now that will make your game overall feel a bit better, overhaul several aspects of this game to give you a vastly improved Commonwealth."
"In stock form, 200-something horsepower right up to four figures with turbos in race cars."
"This is the greatest mod for Stardew Valley out there."
"The mods for the m416 will be found in Sector 7."
"if you build it right... the value of the truck is basically the market value for the truck on year and miles plus about 50 of the mod value"
"This makes so much more sense for the game and again once we get modding this game it's gonna be super interesting."
"This game is huge, especially when you have the aspect of mods and stuff."
"There's a lot of utility in overland modifications that you will use a lot of this stuff on your day-to-day and you'll also use it when you're out on the trail."
"Crash protection is always one of the few modifications that doesn't impede resale value when it's time to part ways with your beginner bike."
"Maybe this could be the end of coyote swaps."
"It was becoming pretty clear that Yggdrasil made extensive changes not only to the Linux kernel, but the system as a whole."
"The Dark Horse, like it's just got so many little changes that just add up."
"One of the biggest changes that Brabus has done is to the engine."
"Look what we usually see in the 300 series is that we usually see around about that 100 horsepower gain. The difference is with the modifications we've done, we can maintain that power for a long time, and that's what's important."
"Planes, you know, I'm not... I'm just not a fan."
"We're changing that, doing some much-needed modifications."
"I've heard a lot of people talk online that these trucks are just a front clip change... that could not be more false."
"We have made a ton of mods, upgrades, renovations that you're gonna love."
"Let's make it faster so we're going to do an lt4 supercharger, a custom btr cam, some texas speed headers, and dod delete."
"One of my favorite things about 12 valves is all the cheap modifications you can do."
"You could save money from building a fastback from a coupe which by the way that's what we're going to be talking about."
"...now that we've got the kit all put together, we can start identifying any other further modifications or fixes that we're going to make."
"Regularly making portfolio modifications as needed, such as putting projects on hold or terminating projects, assures that projects are still aligned."
"OTS just stands for off the shelf, referring to different tunes packaged together for some of the most popular modifications."
"Let's take a tour of my Honda Fit and all the modifications."
"I didn't do any mods to that, now are you referring to the fact that I use smooth idlers on my V2s and the V1 instead of the tooth idlers, is that what you're referring to?"
"It looks so good and we've not even scratched the surface of the performance modifications that we want to do."
"The Mach 1 is a turnkey modified Mustang, right? It fixes any type of cooling you'd have on track, it fixes any suspension or crazy body roll that would make you feel uncomfortable."
"...if you ever see a vintage one that doesn't have the mini toggle, it originally had it. Trust me."
"But when you start adding the bar, so in this case, that's an iron man in front, a lot like the ARB, and those are in the low thousand range."
"I could just enjoy the car. I love reliability mods that make a certain motor that much better."
"There were right around 100 modifications Shelby did to make the GT350."
"Anyway, now that I've covered all the P1 GTR changes to make this into a race car and then the Lanzante changes to make it back into a road car, let's go through some of the other quirks and features of this vehicle starting with getting in."
"My purpose is to highlight modifications and other do-it-yourself techniques to get the utmost out of your hi-fi rig, be it a very modest system or a very expensive system."
"You're not only buying a high mileage car, you bought a modified high mileage car."
"The Supra MK4 became an icon in the tuning Community with modifications ranging from turbocharger upgrades and engine swaps to extensive suspension and Brake enhancements."
"The Gen 2 Raptor is getting more tuck than the Dirt King long travel kit."
"Might as well, way better fitment, and for sure it won't fall off now."
"Check that out honestly so going all around you got the high spoiler carbon third brake light the Velux mattress with the z28 diffuser and your tips are actually installed so as you can see the carbon tips we made it happen for you."
"That's exactly why I have a pro charger on my car."
"we're not gonna bump or delete this car don't worry but we do have to cut the bumper to make all of that that's so it's like literally adjustments right there dude"
"When things aren't panning out, you have to then go back to why is this not working and make modifications accordingly."
"I intend to probably put the 400 and the Turbo 400 we were building in this car."
"That's the whole thing at one time the information was good but you're doing so many modifications to the network it is now bad and it's causing all kinds of problems."
"It's got a big front mount intercooler, it's not a hatch, this is something a little bit different."
"So there we go a really quick video running through all the modifications I've got on my car and let you know where to get them and what price they are and giving you some discount codes off too so I hope you did enjoy this video."
"In my mind, I feel I have a proven Milwaukee 8 engine here that could be the platform to go even bigger and get more performance out of it."
"Also, make sure to check out vehiclevirals.com for BMW performance mods."
"Tesla has been kind of known for not wanting to service any modified Teslas."
"Be honest with yourself when you're doing these mods."
"If you are looking to do something to your STI and you want to make it a better driving experience, go ahead, visit some interior mods."
"Parts and modifications are by no means scarce. Just about every manufacturer of parts who's anywhere near relevant to the tuner community makes parts for the R35 GTR."
"It's a very inexpensive and worthwhile modification to have if you have an investment like this."
"We're not just giving away a factory original square body Suburban, we're also giving you, the winner, 10 grand in cash or 10 grand in modifications."
"I think the most important modifications that you can do to your rig are the ones that aren't seen, they're but they're the ones that will ensure that you get home."
"Modifications all come from you, there's an infinite number of modifications that are possible, and what I'm asking you to do is listen to your body."
"All of your modifications bring you immense joy, as this one certainly is doing so for me."
"We've got a lot of modifications that we have in store for this Jeep, and we're going to be taking it on some amazing adventures."
"I chose bar work, snorkel, and lift as the top three mods for off-roading."
"Believe it or not, it's actually pretty simple to do these mods."
"They're really capable Offroad with the right modifications; they're fun to drive."
"It's all the more important to stick to a budget and also accommodate and account for every single thing that you do."
"The details are what needs to be stressed and every single inconspicuous line item on a mod list needs to be acknowledged and recognized."
"Upgrade your CDI box, if you are not a big gearhead and you just plan to do very easy modifications."
"That's going to wrap it up for the video today, that was a great set of mods and had a lot of fun."
"I can't wait for the mods to come out for this model because it will be very popular."
"Traction was improved, all in all, those were just some really impactful mods that we did."
"The main thing with these mods that I'm going to do, apart from the shocks which are a little more expensive, is these are all really cheap and some of them don't cost anything."
"I'm going to do my best to review this 2600 Escape as well as show you all the modifications I made."
"It's definitely just a really nice complete package of a bunch of system modifications and tweaks."
"I will always offer modifications, so this is really good for everybody."
"You're not going to need a lot of equipment for this video, but you will need an exercise mat and you might need a yoga block or a small shoe box for some of the modifications that I'm going to suggest."
"I can't wait to see some of the crazier community mods people do to this thing."
"Look how nice, honestly, it's the little mods that make the biggest differences, in my opinion."
"With the modifications we've made to the car, this thing is as tough as they come."
"We're going to be putting some very special modifications into our application."
"It's got adjustable front rear shocks, it comes with a headlight and brake light stock."
"We're actually going to deal with deformation; we're going to actually have to make some modifications for that."
"Adventurous do-it-yourselfers have discovered a wide variety of mods and hacks that make spring-activated and pump-action Nerf guns endlessly fun."
"She talked about why she had certain things and how she made the modifications herself."