
Inspirational Stories Quotes

There are 83 quotes

"That is big. You just saved somebody's life because they're gonna make a choice based off her story."
"The fact that she uses her story to help others and help other victims is wonderful, and she's really doing such great work."
"The moment I started using my toes and my feet and my legs was the same moment I ceased to have a disability."
"Every so often you just need a break from social media, a little bit of sunshine, and everything just seems to go back into position in the world."
"It’s a story of remarkable engineering and human resilience from which the world could learn a lot."
"I think Nick Foles his NFL story his football life that they eventually make is gonna be one of the best."
"A truly moving story to tell, continuing to inspire and spread awareness of mental health."
"That's really powerful that she's taking her trauma and trying to use it to help others."
"My little sister Ella motivates me to play she passed away late last year from uh from brain cancer so you know everything I do I do it in honor of her."
"It's a beautiful story that could not only change the fate of Yemen but also farmers across the world."
"My favorite characters in history are women... their stories are very endearing to me."
"I hope you enjoyed Rob's epic story I think it's quite inspiring to see what he's been doing over here the fact that he's been feeding himself out of this urban front yard I mean that's kind of unheard of it's not very common to say the least."
"Elon likes positive science fiction stories because what is the point of science fiction if not to broaden the horizons of humankind?" - Everyday Astronaut
"Everybody loves a good underdog story or in this case a Rocky Balboa story."
"There's no better story than a Cinderella story."
"Your story one day... is going to inspire other people."
"And to motivate this new generation of developers, we created a video about what first inspired some great Apple developers to start coding."
"His story is an inspiring example of humanity."
"Some of the darkest moments sometimes in your life end up being those moments in your story that people go wow."
"If people don't believe in you, you are down on yourself. I love stories like that."
"Screw those guys, this week I'm talking about the underdogs, the ones who bucked the trends, defied the odds, and inspired the masses on their way to championship glory."
"We're all inspired by stories that profoundly changed us."
"There's a beautiful story that happened last couple years."
"I love the idea that she's nobody and becomes the galaxy's last hope."
"I think it's one of the most incredible 180 stories."
"Chandra's resilience and will to survive is shockingly incredible."
"People want to hear stories where the underdog attains power to fight for justice."
"Her story is a reminder that beauty does come in all shapes, sizes, and conditions."
"People all over the world are gonna start hearing stories about visitations."
"I want to hear about growth, about how MM went through the worst with his mum and managed to let go of the past and become a better man."
"Isaiah Acosta, 21, was born with a variety of health concerns including a rare ailment known as agnathia which left him without a lower jaw."
"I thought her story was impressive and inspirational without being intimidating that's what was so impressive about it."
"It's really a story of never giving up, of grit, of determination."
"I flunked English twice... today I'm a best-selling author."
"Movies are magic and there is always something magical about seeing extraordinary feats done by ordinary people for real."
"Everyone stands to learn something from his story."
"It's inspiring, just no matter where you come from, you could flip it around like she did."
"The unlikely cat-dog friendship between little Rosie and her husky guardian Lilo was not just cute; it literally saved the kitten's life."
"I want to shout out to a guy that took me out of the abyss and brought me to the light."
"I've always had a soft spot for underdog stories."
"A legend is special, not simply because their talent set them apart, but because their stories transcend the individual."
"Science actually shows us these stories that are so much more awe-inspiring and breathtaking than anything we could possibly come up with."
"Everyone wants to be that amazing comeback story."
"This story really does go to show there are amazing people out there."
"When the world seems dark, I remind myself that Mr. Rogers once got a letter from a blind girl..."
"Miracles are true, people survived the impossible from time to time."
"Their story of perseverance and just love dedication and the work that they're doing in our city to make it better just, I wish I had a hundred thousand."
"People think it's so taboo, and what they're doing is so risky, but they like it because it's the feel-good story of Robin Hood."
"If you're sitting there and you've had some sort of a struggle... it's only inspiring if you win."
"Our God's best ability is availability so I want to tell you two stories."
"People are doing amazing things all across the world and you could be covering that."
"Take the good guy overcoming the odds for example, something which has gone well for the likes of Brian Danielson, Mick Foley, or Rey Mysterio in the past."
"These are stories where regardless of your race you should admire these people."
"I want to do positive stories that shine the light on good things."
"This book also represents a pretty inspiring story of self-made success."
"She inspired thousands when she opened up about her mum's depression."
"In these times of war, stories of the ghosts inspire villagers, warriors, and lords across Tsushima."
"Man, I gained financial freedom... I remember a year ago... I got an email... I love reading things like that."
"It's just so cool to hear stories like that, unbelievable."
"I don't think there's a better story in all of sports."
"Faith is contagious. Your story of faith, your story of the miraculous will inspire faith in others."
"Share those survivor stories, hearing someone else's story often sets others free."
"There are hundreds of rags to riches stories, each one is inspiring in its own way."
"Sometimes you hear these stories and you just can't believe what some people have gone through in their life and yet somehow they still manage to keep moving forward. It's honestly incredible."
"Viewers are saying incredible success stories."
"Good stories should encourage [men] to aspire to a higher good."
"When people really want to try their very best, you hear stories like this."
"Our aim is to share stories that inspire, help, and put a smile on your face."
"It's a story of absolute miracles, miracle after miracle."
"There's a reason that success stories tend to overshadow the tough times."
"He was a hero, and everyone on the set had some kind of story."
"Look at my stories, and I'll show you the best of humanity."
"The Triumph of Liberty, Jim Powell's collection of stories about people who've contributed to America's fight for liberty."
"Victory over unbelievable odds, incredible comeback stories, the sick being healed."
"The stories and heartfelt words of these heroes are what we need in everyday life."
"There's nothing that is more rewarding to me than when someone sends me a story saying... thank you for getting me into this."