
Sculpture Quotes

There are 697 quotes

"The West focuses on sculpture and the Islamic world is more of a calligraphic textile art aesthetic."
"Liquid fire in a giant vat being poured into these casts, just the amount of work and effort that goes into making one handmade statue, my mind is blown."
"Still today, at Tanis can be found the remnants of what might have been the largest and greatest single piece stone statue ever executed by human hands."
"There's this lonely statue, a tentacled creature, vaguely human-like with hands outstretched."
"But at least sculpture gives us a shot at eternity; long after we're gone, our Land Art will still be there."
"They are considered fine examples of Greek sculptural perfection."
"what's even more remarkable is that the faces of these statues are all the same"
"It's really about the balance of the sculpture."
"The present statue [of Our Lady of Pui] is made of black marble and has Mary seated on a stool, holding Jesus, the baby Jesus."
"Masterfully created statues and structures often carved straight out of stone bedrock with such vision and artistic prowess."
"Another breast-centric sculpture but this one comes with a little bit of a message."
"Next time that you're near a big weird outdoor sculpture, go have a closer look."
"When posed properly, it looks like a little statue. It's really incredibly well done."
"Why do things like painting or sculpting when you can sculpt your body to become a perfect gymnastics machine?"
"The Sphinx: originally a statue of Anubis, later recarved to resemble a Pharaoh."
"There was two sculptures that looked like this one. Yeah, interesting."
"He's cool, I like him but he is not to scale with my jack and sally sculptures that I'm about to show you."
"I'm so glad with how this sculpture turned out, it's better than I ever could have imagined."
"Nothing has been more rewarding in my sculptural career than putting finish on this sculpture."
"Start making some character busts - the face is the most interesting part of sculpting and the most difficult."
"Sculpture exists in time, resists time, displaces space."
"It's drawing with the brush. There seems to be a real parallel between his sculpture and the way that he uses the clay and manipulates that in the way that he uses a brush as well."
"The sculpture is already complete within the marble block before I start my work. It is already there and I just have to chisel away the superfluous material."
"The only firm friend you have, the best friend you have is sculpture."
"This underwater sculpture park at Molinare Bay in Granada in the Caribbean created by Jason deCaires Taylor features a whole bunch of human figures in various poses and groupings."
"In the aftermath, a statue of Foster as the Mighty Thor was erected in New Asgard."
"Inside every block of stone there's a statue and the task of a sculptor is to discover it."
"So I wish people would just learn how to get a bit more of a sculptural feel of their work."
"Set aside 10 minutes every day to win, to do something, some accomplishment, some small moment of capability."
"Art in fact, this entire figure is a work of art. I'm so glad I picked this up."
"There's a hyper realistic nature to this statue where the details are amazing."
"This is the best statue you will buy for $120, well worth it."
"Here's the 15 most amazing Lego sculptures ever made."
"Lead carving: These tiny works of art are totally spectacular. Artist Salavat Fidai is a talented sculptor with seriously gifted hands."
"In my talons I shape clay, crafting life forms as I please."
"The crew sculpted a full-sized lion in clay, which served as the basis for all of the animatronic lion rigs."
"He built this, and he built this guy, this Monty or our mascot, and he did this, I mean, three-dimensional artwork for it, which was pretty cool."
"The further down we get towards here so this time when you get to this point where the overhang of the eagle is we're just going to hint at it just in the middle just around about there."
"Design theory... it's basically sculpture, it's art."
"A rooftop sculpture portraying a huge shark implanted headfirst in the roof of a home."
"I sculpted out the first Walter in my apartment one night with a knife and a lump of clay and a mirror."
"I've been sculpting every single day ever since."
"I love the colors on it, I love the sculpt, it just looks great overall."
"I love sculpture and this is as close to sculpture as you can get in two dimensions."
"The Great Sphinx: oldest known royal portrait in such large scale."
"This head sculpt is a huge improvement over the 1.0."
"Wow, look at that giant crazy statue, my god."
"Overall just such a fantastic looking sculpt."
"You have articulated the human form in glass like nobody has in the past."
"I really like the sculpting a lot on this guy and the paint applications."
"Isabella's legacy as a sculptor was not just in the tangible forms she created but in the intangible impact her art had on hearts and minds."
"I sculpted all of these directly onto the things that they're on except for this one I sculpted that here and then ripped it off trying something different."
"I saw the angel in the marble and I carved it until I could set him free."
"The golden statue was erected in their honor. It was so huge, tremendous."
"It looks that darn good and realistic standing there the sculpted hair i think really sells it for me."
"While you're doing your number, Edward Scissorhands is doing the sculpture."
"She had a sculpture of her face, a bronze sculpture, in our house in Palm Island."
"This head that we now call Tres Zapotes Monument A was the first colossal head ever to be found."
Michelangelo sculpted David in 1504, stating, "In every block of marble, I see a statue as plain as though it stood before me."
"These soldiers aren't tiny either; they're effectively life-sized, all with their own special characteristics and facial features."
"The Great Sphinx: 66 ft tall, carved from a single chunk of limestone."
"I made a partial dragon skeleton, this is like the skull."
"That face sculpt looks absolutely spectacular."
"Every time I finish a sculpture or a project, I'm like, now I know what I'm doing. I could do that way better."
"We still need to get a drawing of you, we still need to get a sculpture made of you by hand."
"It's the largest stone sculpture in the Forbidden City, showing dragons playing in the clouds."
"Hand-carved from a single vast block of marble more than 50 feet long, it weighs over 300 tons."
"Grave markers are kind of sculpture."
"Driftwood figures roaming the forest by Japanese artist Nagato Iwasaki."
"These are the sort of iconic masks or sculptures of Teotihuacán."
"A substantial and striking bronze sculpture... Flora is elevated on a light green marble base."
"Cryptus is a sculpture erected on the CIA grounds in 1991. It bears four encrypted codes consisting of 865 letters and four question marks punched into a curved wall of copper."
"The sculpture's Discovery was a complete accident."
"This looks like a fantastic mid-century modern sculpture, it's all made out of wood."
"Michelangelo added something to David that you don't see on any other statues from that time."
"The journey toward uncovering and nurturing our hidden genius is akin to sculpting from marble. Michelangelo reputedly said that he saw the angel in the marble and carved until he set him free."
"Even the most beautiful sculpture has a few cracks and dents on the surface."
"This was designed by Emma steans she was the first woman to be commissioned in the entire city to make a public sculpture."
"That's right, this is a bronze sculpture of an Irish immigrant family."
"The sculpture Gallery displays sculptures including real people, Napoleon, his sister, and mother, figures from mythology, Achilles, Venus, Cupid, Apollo, and Artemis."
"If you're the artistic type and you're making a cool big metal sculpture and you want to have splashes of gold in your project then this is where brazing's going to come in handy."
"You will never have done with him in England," said the priest, looking down. "While brass is strong and stone abides, his marble statues will erect The Souls of proud innocent boys for centuries."
"i set the stone angels in the 1960s"
"How could you possibly take a block of marble and create David out of this? He said, 'Oh, it's very simple. I just chisel away everything that does not look like David.' Simple."
"We're making an eagle right here boys."
"here's Jazz Imaginarium art actually did a really nice job at creating G1 Transformer statues"
"The Terracotta Army consists of about 8,000 life-sized statues of soldiers as well as numerous horses and chariots."
"Whatever amount of money we will get from this sculpture, it will make a big difference to us."
"The sculpt of the beard is spectacular. I love the sculpted hair."
"This is actually cute. This is what they should have done. It's like a duck with just a couple of unicorn features, you know, instead of... anyway, okay, awesome."
"I am on a quest to conquer a dragon to sculpt the best dragon I could ever sculpt and immerse it in a giant resin D20 to make the ultimate Dungeons and Dragons Dice."
"...total of about 14 pieces that comprise the sculpture."
"It's going to create that soft sculpt."
"Why are they doing it? An excellent question. Most of the goodies you need to make sculpture - stone, wood, water, clay, the sun - are plentiful in nature."
"There's a giant resin sculpture with Santa Claus on it."
"Many figures are clearly human, but many also display distinctly nonhuman qualities ranging from horns to animal snouts and limbs."
"One of the great discoveries of archaeology: the world's oldest wood sculpture."
"This tradition of making statues or 'colossi' in Greek wasn't just limited to ancient Greece, it continued into Roman times."
"A One of a Kind sculpture that you can also sleep in, that you can also live in."
"The difference between a sculptor and a bricklayer is perspective. A bricklayer looks at a piece of stone and he tries to stick it in a wall. A sculptor looks at a piece of stone and he carves out a masterpiece."
"And the thing is with sculpting like this, you can keep working forever with it. Like, there is no point you're gonna go, 'Yeah, that is it, sculpt is done, completely done.'"
"Sculpting is not a linear stage where you go from step one to step four, no you're gonna keep tweaking things."
"Whatever danger will subside and the people protected, originally David would have been placed in the Piazza della Signoria, the courtyard of the city hall."
"Michelangelo's imposing sculpture embodies and promotes security and peace for the Florentine people."
"It's also an art gallery with its marble replicas of the seven Michelangelo sculptures."
"Why sculpt from scratch when you can trace an image? Nature's pretty good at wrinkly skin."
"That sculpture! What a beautiful face!"
"Every town has their pride and joy and their claim to fame, and in Sparta it's Ben Bikin, this 32-foot tall statue."
"It's very much sculpting, you know, it's a three-dimensional object."
"The famous lions out front were crafted by the renowned sculptor Edward Chemies."
"...the colors do pop i mean there's no doubt about it this guy is going to stand out on the shelf because of his very saturated color palette the teals are really deep the light blues contrast to that really well the oranges and blacks pop the sculpt on him is fantastic."
"Donatello lit up his statues with an inner soul, giving his subjects unprecedented realism and emotion."
"I absolutely love this portrait bust... it's a really beautiful sculpture."
"I'm in my sculptural artistic era."
"This sculpture by Richmond Bar is an embodiment of quality despite its unconventional appearance."
"The Pieta sculpture was intended for private devotion."
"We've been making sculpture for a living for about 40 years, on and off, in Liverpool."
"The most important manifestation of the antique sculptural portrait was revived in the bust."
"The tympanum: a space for beautiful sculpture in romanesque architecture."
"Just working on the body sculpting, we're going to start with the feet."
"The head sculpt is looking pretty good."
"Looks really nice again... Painted portions throughout. Sculpt looks pretty good."
"This is what I like to see in a Captain America head sculpt."
"a good head sculpt goes a long way."
"For Asherick, furniture and sculpture are part of the same conversation. That sculpture is furniture and furniture is sculpture."
"You can't go wrong with a classic Optimus Prime head sculpt."
"Throughout these galleries you have a lot of stone sculpture that would have been in churches."
"Bernini blurred the boundaries between sculpture and architecture in a remarkable display of grandeur."
"If you want to make a face Garden sculpture like I am you can make it as abstract or lifelike as you wish."
"This is quite an interesting sculpture."
"I kind of love that statue. I feel like this arm isn't right, but whenever you have forearms like, probably some anatomy is going to be strange."
"The sculpt is so much better leagues better than most Marvel Legends figures."
"...by stacking boards on top of one another you are able to create an endless form which will allow you to sculpt whatever you want."
"You're really not looking at a sculpture; you're actually at a theater piece that is there interacting with the light and the sun."
"Beautiful beautiful sculptures, monumental sculptures."
"...a sculpture in the round way that as you went down the stairs it actually spun in a kind of baroque way."
"You're able to feel, you're able to see, you're able to see where you as a sculptor start putting things together."
"Sculpture is a study of the whole, the entire material world, and it's about how material and material forms affect us. That would have to be my definition of sculpture."
"Rome was THE place for a sculptor to find work."
"The Leshan Giant Buddha stands 71 meters tall and is the tallest stone Buddha in the world."
"There is a development of these statues, they start to get more realistic as things move on."
"The temple was done in a Doric order, but what really demonstrated it as a significant temple was this enormous pedimental sculpture."
"You got ear up here on the right and this water is his eyee and this is his trunk all curled up and angry."
"Well, I've studied anatomy, but I doubt if I could ever be a sculptor."
"In the academic schools, we study masterpieces of sculpture because then while you're studying light and form and developing sensitivity and control in shapes, values, and edges, at the same time, automatically you're also studying the work of master sculptors."
"It is worth it for her wonderful sculptures."
"I'm sure everyone has seen pictures of the famous statue of The Thinker."
"What really makes Charles Deaton unique is that these buildings were designed originally as sculptural forms."
"This head sculpt is absolutely perfect."
"The sculpt captures Boris Karloff's pointed portrayal of the misunderstood monster."
"...the original Jabba figure is almost the perfect sculpt in terms of representing the Jabba puppet from Return of the Jedi as it actually existed."
"Hulk figure: Classic Hulk look, sculpt is awesome."
"The beauty of it because it's such a large three-dimensional sculpting light is that it works tremendously well on fabrics and textures."
"The sculpt and design is very well done."
"The Mickey Rourke sculpt on here is really quite impressive and it's one of their best at least to date."
"I am a light sculptor, not a heavy sculptor."
"I think this is nice and different."
"If you want to sculpt the head, you should start with a sphere. But as long as we don't forget to come back on the whole ball of the skull if you will, to really start to make it look a lot more anatomically correct or more appealing, I suppose."
"It's made by a very famous American sculptor named Glenna Goodacre."
"So here's one of the many busts on this stretch all the way down here, this guy, Captain of the Navy! I thought it was Colonel Sanders, that's why I stopped! But it's not! It's a naval captain!"
"One of the main individuals of this era is considered by many to be the greatest figure of the Baroque era in Italy - Gian Lorenzo Bernini."
"But it is Bernini's use of light that is the piece's most remarkable feature by positioning the marble in front of rays of bronze below an invisible window through which the light pours Bernini creates an utterly compelling illusion of light descending from heaven."
"His work inspired the sculpture called the awakening which was made by American sculptor John Seward Johnson II and stands at the National Harbor in Prince George's County, Maryland."
"The figure is 235 feet long and clutches what are thought to be staffs in each hand."
"...there's a sense of motion and movement to a lot of these sculptures."
"The power of storytelling, captured in sculptures and reflected in literature."
"Sculpt thin, worrying first about the primary underlying forms, then add on the secondary forms on top of that, and then finally the tertiary forms or surface detail last of all."
"It's a beautiful sculpt. It's a beautiful toy."
"The hair sculpt is wonderful overall. The musculature is very much in the Dragon Ball aesthetic."
"The faces are great, I love the way Bandai's been doing the Dragon Ball faces lately and these blow away these softer sculpts."
"Michelangelo's hatching is not as calligraphically precise as that of Dürer or Rubens, but his training as a sculptor gave him a three-dimensional understanding of the form, allowing him to imbue his drawings with an unparalleled sense of structure and weight."
"Wow, it's like it was sculpted by the gods."
"Look at that face sculpt, I mean, dude, they nailed it."
"I think it's very well sculpted and it does a perfect job of recapturing one of those old school Playmates Ninja Turtles action figures but making it feel modern and awesome."
"Always a fan of Life-Size figures."
"But that's important and you can do so much with it. You can create sculptures, you can do molds, you can do paintings. I'm going tomorrow to do a countertop."
"You felt like a walking sculpture."
"The head sculpt though, it is so perfectly aligned with my taste."
"Look at that statue, it's amazing."
"...you have a majestic sculpture for the taruk itself which is the main focus of the set it is the largest and most majestic of the creatures."
"The sculpting work is phenomenal."
"The sculpt on this guy is nice... all the muscle groups are there where they should be."
"There's really no technical way to describe how to do this I'm just pressing them every which way until I get a shape that I like."
"I made a huge two foot Babadook sculpture that I hope you guys will like."
"...I think she's my best sculpt of the Year."
"Beyond the usual cakes and desserts, pastry chefs also build sophisticated artistic sculptures out of sugar and chocolate to display their creativity."
"The chicken wire ghost isn't it neat how you can just see right through her but you can still feel her silhouette."
"There's an awful lot of work into carving a leg like this." - Dave
"I aspire to make things that just look like sculptures."
"It's really important to present your sculpture in a way where it's pleasant to look at and most importantly it showcases the work that you've done."
"I do like this lady here, she's the spirit of ecstasy."
"The sculptures are so well done and convey a lot of emotion and weight on their soldiers in these simple plastic figures."
"Wow, that is the part of the stone with that roll over lip on the front side which points or maybe points to a double orientation of the piece."
"It's a sculpture with many meanings, it's not just a figure of a person."
"It almost looks like it was carved from a single piece of clay."
"Visit the Holy Trinity column A UNESCO world heritage site and one of the largest Baroque sculptures in Europe."
"The Rosenthal example demonstrates that the relationship between photography and monumental sculpture went both ways."
"It is now time to make a head, and the heads scare me every single time because a head will make or break a sculpture."
"Animals mutated because of this sculpture; now that it is broken, this will no longer happen in the future."
"His sculptural sensibilities combining very new and different and unseen forms with the familiar patterns of flame and ash."