
Supernatural Experiences Quotes

There are 67 quotes

"I declare blessings over you, the angels of God watch over you, and there will be supernatural happenings in your life."
"Finally, thank God someone has one crazy thing happen and they're like, 'That's enough, I'm good.'"
"It's moments like the Estes methods when we're having a clear communication with something or someone, and things happen around us that make me believe more and more in the unknown."
"Visitors often feel like they're in the presence of children's spirits, especially around the areas where children have died."
"Mary Heaster maintained throughout the rest of her life that she had been visited by her daughter's ghost."
"The Tulip staircase ghost: providing a chilling glimpse into the inexplicable."
"It seems that when a number of Japanese people came over to Hawaii they brought minina over with them... it seems that the woman who saw her was so freaked out."
"I've been having some just really strange and frightening occurrences in this apartment."
"People have had some contact [with loved ones who passed away]... it's so real it stays with them for an extended period of time."
"You know, it's one thing to talk about 'em afterwards, but when you actually experience them, there's a, you know, kind of a feeling of awe because you know that there's no way to rationally explain these."
"It said Room 11 is haunted by her ghost and those that have stayed there say they routinely hear rattling doorknobs."
"When I stepped in front of the bathroom door, which was closed, did I see the light pop on and hear the fans start."
"I feel like ghosts exist in spirits and speak in all sorts of different ways and try to communicate. Like, there have been so many accounts of people hearing this [ __ ]."
"Locals have reported feeling as if they were being pulled underwater by unseen hands."
"Your struggles are just the beginning of a supernatural journey with the Lord."
"Perhaps it's just a friendly spirit looking for a midnight snack."
"Everyone who worked in this home, old or young, we're all convinced that the place was just undoubtedly haunted."
"What I saw that night was so unnatural. It honestly just did not belong in our physical reality."
"I immediately took it out to the burn pit and cleansed it with fire. It screamed as it burned, and I can still hear those screams 10 years later."
"I'm a bit of a skeptic, but man, that was the most terrifying thing that I've ever seen."
"Such deathbed visitations are much more common than sightings of angelic beings or indeed the traditional hooded Grim Reaper."
"Out-of-body experiences, and I know there has a beggar."
"It leaves you definitely with demons to deal with, especially after you've seen one of these things."
"We brought sage bundles and other cleansing stuff, we haven't seen anything like that again after that."
"God's people are about to awaken to the supernatural in a way that they haven't been awakened before."
"I once saw shadow men in my bedroom doorway but no features—just sixish feet tall and shadows."
"I do feel like there's definitely something there just from what I felt and some of the sounds that we heard."
"When you realize this is not your home, but you have a heavenly dwelling in my presence, it opens your world up to supernatural experiences."
"I don't believe in ghosts, but I know what I saw. It was real."
"Real glitch in The Matrix: Unexplainable supernatural experiences."
"I spent all day Thursday thinking about why Fay was still acting weird. I was the one who found the dreamcatcher and got close to it and I was the one who interacted with the voices at the cabin."
"I didn't really believe in them until it happened to me. I heard familiar voices calling out my name and saw everything as a threat to me."
"Could it be the spirit of the previous owner who allegedly took his own life at the farm, or could it be some mysterious lurker without a face? Let me know what you think."
"The church wants to walk in the superficial, my true remnant will walk in the supernatural."
"The scariest part is people have reported seeing an old woman with sunken eyes following them in their nightmares."
"Security guards who work around the sound stages of Paramount Studios have been so spooked by some of the odd occurrences."
"Having a supernatural encounter does not validate your spirituality. A supernatural encounter is an on-ramp for you to change your character."
"What they had witnessed defied rational explanation. Now each passing night would bring anxiety as they wondered what lurked beyond the darkness."
"I've seen people levitate during exorcisms. I've had people jump at me like wild dogs and growl."
"Nobody prepared him for the moments when he felt cold fingers brush across his phantom hand."
"Many visitors who had slept there would report that the president would appear to them as a ghostly figure."
"That house was haunted... it wasn't just you."
"I truly believe that we were supposed to go to Chillingham castle and witness what we experienced for a reason."
"Start with Miracles that seem small, and gradually you will enter the supernatural realm."
"I started believing in God after I believed in demons."
"Now that I know that others have had encounters with this thing, it gives me comfort to know that other people have experienced the same thing I did."
"I know what it's like to feel scared, but nothing ever has left me as scared as I was that Sunday morning under the full moon when I heard that giggle."
"Multiple instances of objects moving on their own has a YouTuber named Calum Tonner convinced that his Seattle house is haunted by a fearsome poltergeist."
"I've had a few ghostly encounters during the course of my life."
"I've heard spooky [__] happened to me my whole life, this is one of interest."
"It's entirely consistent with an encounter with something that is from the other realm."
"So long holy, oh I swear to God I did not close that door, bro."
"It's weird how we're just in this decrepit abandoned part, and all this haunted stuff is happening."
"If you're a radio or your music starts talking to you I think that's scary to me."
"I saw what I considered to be shadow figures."
"The experiences that shamans have with spirits, the experiences that people in the Middle Ages had with fairies and elves, and the experiences that people have with aliens today, they're all the same experience."
"The amount of paranormal experiences that I experienced living there..."
"I felt as if something was watching me. I even heard the floor creaking like there was someone in the hallway."
"I'm incredibly grateful that you've given me the chance and the platform to share some of my experiences hunting the darker creatures of this world."
"I felt so bad about leaving her here with a ghost, but it had happened before. I had seen ghosts before and left, and nothing had happened to the people who had stayed."
"We had a few terrifying experiences in this house."
"If you're sitting in your house and you see something, a shadow moving independently by itself, then there is no other way to put it other than you're gonna be terrified."
"These stories were sent in from subscribers just like you who have experienced things that they cannot explain."
"I've seen full body apparitions, I've been physically touched, I've seen massive shadow figures."
"I've been seeing spirits since I was about 11, you see. Not regularly or anything, just once in a while."