
Theological Statement Quotes

There are 73 quotes

"Jesus Christ said, 'He that has seen me has seen the Father.'"
"All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me." - Matthew 28:18
"The Christian position, Jesus' position, is that Jesus was the son of God; he said, 'I and the father are one.'"
"No preacher by virtue of his calling has any authority." - JOHN
"...the foolishness of God is stronger than the wisdom of humans and Christ is the foolishness of God..."
"The Lamb of Elohim who takes away the sin of the world."
"When Jesus says 'my Father' and 'your Father,' it means they share the same Father, which is God."
"Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law. We are blessed, not cursed."
"Jesus Christ is the Son of God, he's the only way to heaven."
"The cross says to the world, you're a sinner and you need to repent."
"Jesus Christ is God's son in the spirit and his only begotten son in the flesh."
"We are Kingdom, we are Sons and Daughters of the government of Heaven."
"The final word to mankind is in and through Jesus Christ."
"Jesus is the only way, the truth, and the life. All may change, but Jesus never changes."
"Jesus is the law and the prophets, he is the word, the word is him."
"Without Indo-Pacific, there is no India and without India, there is no God."
"Jesus is not just a man. Jesus is God in human form who is the judge of the universe."
"There's only one way out that's why Jesus said I am the way."
"God has never asked for anybody's opinion about how He's going to do things."
"The Father was called God and the Son is called God."
"God is the sole source of truth about heaven."
"If Jesus Yeshua is not the Messiah of Israel Israel will never have a messiah."
"Jesus is not only the creator of all things, he is going to stand in judgment of all things."
"Muhammad didn't say he was a divine being... merely a messenger."
"All have sinned and come short of the glory of God." - Billy Graham
"God doesn't change, and His truth doesn't change."
"Jesus has the keys to death and hell." - Revelation 1:18
"The only unforgivable sin is sin against the Holy Spirit."
"There is only one God, one Messiah, one Redeemer who deserves to be worshiped and adored."
"Therefore since we've been justified by faith... we have peace with God."
"From him and through him and to him are all things. To him be glory forever! Amen."
"We have good reason to believe that Jesus is in fact God's decisive revelation to us in human history."
"There's nowhere in the Bible that tells us He ever moves out."
"When Jesus says upon this rock I will build my church... it seems like if nothing else it means we shouldn't end up with what we would get without that."
"There will be no rapture, and Jesus is not coming back."
"Christ is the full and final revelation of God."
"For I am the Lord your God, I do not change."
"Without shedding of blood, there is no remission, no healing, no casting out of devils."
"Everything comes from the One. Everything comes from God."
"This ain't a religion, everybody's a Child of God period."
"God said, 'I do not do this for your sake, O house of Israel, but for My holy name's sake.'"
"Salvation is completely the act of God. It's not something you do, you can't gain it, you can't earn it."
"2845 is a god it is not a petty local god it is not one of the mild gods of earth or some weaker spirit that is bound by the strength of man's belief."
"No man born of woman is greater than John, yet he that's least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than John."
"For me, Allah said he rose above the throne. That's it. We stop there."
"Christ died for sin once for all, the just for the unjust."
"The gospel is Satan's defeated and so is death and so is sin and its power."
"The claim 'God is' is a claim of restoration or realization of what is always so."
"The Cross of Christ is a clear statement: God takes evil seriously, and forgiveness is not free and easy."
"God is only one without a second." - Chando yo panishad
"God and God alone, whose name is our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, is still on the throne."
"According to Matthew 25:41, the everlasting fire (hell) was prepared for the devil and his angels."
"When God said 'I am' to Moses, he was trying to get him to see, 'You are as I am.'"
"Jesus is God, he's not some hapless victim... this is Jesus saying 'no one takes my life from me, I willingly lay it down.'"
"Focus on Christ, he is the way, the truth, and the life, the only way to the Father."
"Jesus said unto him I am the way the truth and the life no man comes unto the father but by me."
"Earth is the planet where God Himself became incarnate."
"This then is the message which we have heard of him, that God is light and in him is no darkness at all."
"He who denies that Jesus is Son of God is the Antichrist, to quote St. John."
"Who has abolished death and brought life and immortality to light through the gospel."
"God loves you because He's loving."
"God doesn't create existence; He is existence."
"God is love; this absolute definition of deity is the theme for time and for eternity."
"Unless Jesus Christ is truly God, then man is not saved."
"It is good news if God so loved everyone."
"It is good news if Christ died for everyone."
"It is good news if eternal life is a present possession at the very moment of belief for everyone."
"God is explicit in saying He is God."
"God is the one God, the eternal, he did not beget and he was not begotten."
"It is not befitting for the Most Beneficent to have a son."
"I declare that I am free indeed and whom the Son sets free is free indeed."