
Zeus Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"Now, the main motivation for the Greeks to participate in these games was to honor their god, Zeus."
"Zeus was pretty just at times, and he was supremely intelligent."
"If things really went to hell, you could rely on Zeus to sort things out."
"The Olympic Games were dedicated to Zeus and all the ceremonies and events were hosted in his honor. It's no surprise that the largest temple of the sanctuary was the Temple of Zeus."
"The ancient Temple dedicated to Zeus Cassius: Uncovering layers of historical importance."
"Zeus descended into the underworld and found his long-lost uncles, the Cyclops, Uranus's kids, the one-eyed, oh yeah, all three of them."
"The raven which was originally white was turned black because it delivered to Zeus the information that Coronis had indeed been unfaithful."
"Religion is really gonna be a thing of the past very soon, just like nobody worships Zeus anymore."
"I really like that Zeus, I told you."
"Before the rise of Christianity, Zeus's myth captivated the Greek world."
"Religion was taken very seriously. Zeus, patron of the Olympic Games, was the king of the Gods."
"Right now, I'm super confident at Zeus's face."
"Zeus himself helps her out and sends down an eagle to beat up the dragons and bring her the water."
"Zeus was really touched by her good heart."
"Zeus faces his father besting him in not only skill but raw strength, forcefully freeing his siblings from cronus's belly."
"Zeus was also challenged by a giant serpent named Typhon who was also defeated by Zeus using his signature Thunderbolt."
"Ultimately, this does just go to show you how at the wave of a hand the entire world bends to Zeus's will."
"Zeus was afraid that our whole race might be wiped out, so he sent Hermes to bring justice and a sense of shame to humans."
"Zeus claims the number one spot on the Olympian hierarchy."
"Hercules is conceived when Zeus descends from his home on Mount Olympus to walk among mortal men."
"You gave your son a very powerful weapon!" - Zeus
"Athena emerged fully grown and fully armoured from Zeus's skull."
"Being the daughter of Zeus has its perks."
"I love the portrayal of Zeus in this because that's who he is in the myth."
"The ancient Olympic games were originally a festival or celebration for Zeus."
"Zeus, god of Olympus, not Olympics."
"It was inside of Dicteon Cave where Zeus, the great Lord of Olympus and the wielder of thunderbolts, was born."
"It was inside of Diction Cave where Zeus, the great lord of Olympus and the wielder of thunderbolts, was born."
"Zeus is number one, the single supreme god in the series, wielding the ability to exert control over all of time."
"The Greek god Kronos was the primordial being overthrown by Zeus."
"Zeus can be charmed by men and women alike."
"Apollo is the god who not only knows the supreme cosmic consciousness of his father Zeus but also proclaims it to man."
"Hey, you know why so many women hook up with Zeus? Because when they're with him, they feel a spark."
"Wonder Woman is the literal daughter of Zeus and is one of the physically strongest beings in the DC Universe."
"The king of the Olympians, Zeus himself, has been involved in just about every myth we cover."
"He stole fire from Zeus's lightning and gave it as a gift to humans."
"The story goes, according to Aeginetan legend, that Zeus had once impregnated and abducted a young woman named Aegina."
"The temple of Zeus was known as the most important building in the sacred grove of Zeus."
"She was one who sided with Zeus, and Zeus decided to allow her to have reign over the sky, the sea, and the land."
"If you are the son of the Sea God, your father's bitterest rival is Zeus, Lord of the Sky."
"Yes, she was greatly respected by Zeus."
"The Zeus cabin reminded Piper of a bank. It was white marble with big columns out front and polished bronze doors emblazoned with lightning bolts."
"Zeus is head, Zeus is center; all things come from Zeus."
"Zeus the King, Zeus ruler of all, he of the shining bolt."
"Zeus has committed unforgivable, reprehensible crimes against us."
"The beautiful home of the father of the Gods, Zeus, is the setting for many Greek sagas."