
Scientific Speculation Quotes

There are 65 quotes

"It's amazing that that's possible. Now, can we prove that that happened? No, but everything we can point to makes it plausible."
"So I'm going to boldly declare that time travel's not disproven by a lack of tourists from the future."
"What would dinosaurs have tasted like? Scientists claim that the bird-like dinosaur meats would have produced lean, slightly gamey-tasting red meat."
"New indirect hints that we live in a matrix are discovered every year."
"So, what does this mean? That the pokerus is inviable? That it's not a virus and it couldn't exist? Oh, absolutely not."
"Many in the scientific Community believe that the aliens on other planets are using black holes as a kind of teleportation device."
"Life forms similar to ours have emerged before or elsewhere in the universe."
"Maybe the Fermi Paradox was never a paradox at all."
"The chance of this happening within a few million years of the existence of humans is actually relatively high."
"For many years now I've been speculating that we're going to find even more signs of life on Venus and well looks like we got what I was asking."
"Is it scientifically possible that a moon can merge, break, or merge and then become one moon?"
"So there you have it if we want to be water benders all that's really standing in our way is the ability to create concentrated magnetic fields at will."
"There may be more Earth-like planets out there than grains of sand on our entire planet."
"Incredibly, some experts believe Boo's response may have been triggered by psychic abilities."
"If we found a galaxy that emits lots of infrared, but little or no visible light, then this would be a good indicator that a Kardashev type III civilization has encased the galaxy’s stars inside Dyson spheres."
"An artificial Interstellar object could potentially be a parent craft that releases many small probes during its close passage to Earth, an operational construct not too dissimilar from NASA's missions." - Sean Kirkpatrick
"Is it possible that the Black Knight satellite and the enormous alien antenna in Antarctica are connected or possibly in communication with each other?"
"Well maybe, but it's also possible that life on Earth didn't start on earth at all. Perhaps it started on a distant world somewhere in the Milky Way."
"Scientists now reckon they may actually exist."
"Portals to another dimension might sound like the stuff of science fiction, but scientists now reckon they may actually exist."
"Physicist Brian Cox talks about alien biology: 'I would not be surprised if we find microbes on Mars or on some of the moons of Jupiter or Saturn.'"
"The Infinity Gauntlet, if it is releasing radiation and that radiation is smashing into the air around it, it could produce a flash of light."
"The Earth's atmosphere might have been significantly different, potentially contributing to the extended lifespans mentioned in Genesis."
"The truth may also be a combination of all three: dark energy may be an unknown energy field."
"The universe might be a giant loop... everything we know about the shape of the universe could be wrong."
"Panspermia raises fascinating possibilities about the prevalence and diversity of life in the universe."
"Consciousness travels instantaneously over any distance, at least it appears that way over the known Earth to Sun maximum distances measured thus far."
"Now, if you were to ask me how strong would a magnetic field be outside of a black hole, it'd probably be pretty crazy."
"What secrets will James Webb reveal for us about the universe? Let's speculate shall we."
"I think SETI optimists have a fine-tuning problem."
"What if our 98.5% of junk DNA actually has the information? What if that was a Rosetta stone of life on Earth?"
"A tentative sort of safe middle-of-the-road feathering for a Velociraptor would be something pretty similar to this."
"Here are 10 anti-Great Filters that may make alien life and perhaps intelligence more common than we might have thought."
"So as it turns out, these sorts of breath weapons are shockingly plausible in real life."
"Now researchers think it he could have been witnessing an event that nearly ended the world."
"That speculation regarding its origins has moved into a territory including that may have once been part of a planet shattered in a cataclysmic supernova or even that it has an alien origin." - Though it remains very unlikely.
"The root of the issue for you will make itself known, be open to the information you receive."
"We've reached a turning point... The possibility that they are vehicles from other planetary civilizations has to be put on the table." - Misha Kaku
"The universe isn't infinite, it has a boundary 10 billion light years away, and there might be other universes. Black holes might be the key, they're mysterious, warping both space and time."
"That energy could be the energy stored in this field and so some people would say that's what happened."
"There is evidence that strongly suggests that there may be civilizations beyond our solar system."
"The story is told several ways and here you're going to hear them all we'll begin with the pull shift it's real and it's going to happen in fact it's already happening."
"Titan's surface could become a world bearing a striking resemblance to the oasis we know on Earth."
"Life can exist as almost purely electrical impulses independent of cellular or viral structure."
"He theorized that there was this crustal displacement that took place and it was the crustal displacement that happened at orders of magnitude faster than the continental drift guys were imagining."
"It's not space as we know it, it's the etherium."
"Could Big Bang type events occur regularly? In the Multiverse, yes."
"The Big Rip theory... an inevitable conclusion to existence itself for a finite universe."
"We physicists take the Multiverse idea very seriously."
"Perhaps man may one day obtain energy by building up heavier atoms from the lighter ones."
"It is unknown what causes these radio bursts, and experts have guessed that it might occur due to collapsing neutron stars or flares."
"Steven Hawking theorized alternative universes."
"We would see creatures that would obey the laws of physics, chemistry, and biology as we understand them."
"As speculative as these theories are, they serve as a critical reminder of the vastness of the unknown and the potential limits of human understanding, urging us always to look deeper and question more fundamentally."
"I do think that there is a bioelectric energy."
"The idea that a black hole could serve as a gateway to other universes is a captivating concept that blends the boundaries between science, philosophy, and science fiction."
"In a letter to 'Nature', written before I had a chance to consult with you, I have suggested that these objects may be within our own galaxy."
"That would make the guy behind it probably some kind of allosauroid, probably a metriacanthosaur, so something like Sinraptor."
"In every Dimension, they say there are about 11, and some scientists say there are 10 Dimensions, but I'm here to tell you there are multidimensions, thousands of them."
"Perhaps there is something that would permit a man to travel faster than light."
"It's all kind of circumstantial evidence at this point; we don't know for sure there was an ocean, but there's a lot of reasons to think there could have been."
"We can speculate, we can hypothesize... but when it really boils down to it, we don't know the answer and that's okay."