
Supernatural Belief Quotes

There are 70 quotes

"To live in the supernatural is to first of all recognize that there exists, at the same time, a physical world and a spiritual world."
"We serve a resurrected Lord. That's supernatural."
"If a believer's life isn't supernatural, it's irrelevant."
"I'm just saying, all the good comes supernaturally."
"I never thought they were real but how wrong I was."
"The island is covered in thousands upon thousands of rather unsettling dolls who are said to be possessed by the young girl's spirit."
"Let us not be ignorant of the supernatural realm."
"Seeing the deer stand on its hind legs right in front of the camera made the individual think it was a skinwalker playing with him."
"Haunted houses are often associated with paranormal activity."
"We're praying right now Lord, we break every vex heck Bell dings every witchcraft curse... that are designed to launch against him."
"She stoned her two sons to death and then later she said that she knew that they were dead because a light flashed in the sky to signal to her that she had done well."
"Men of Prayer who believe in a supernatural God."
"Possession is a real thing and that this is lining up."
"We were witches. Me and Remy did this weird thing where we would just stare at each other and we would like manifest."
"To be demonized in the strict sense of that term is to be inhabited by a demon with varying degrees of influence or control."
"If you believe in ghosts or not, the house is absolutely stunning."
"We've cleared away the entire nation of chaining, which really is something."
"I am a firm believer that the dog man is a demonic entity that appears to be very physical when people see it."
"Satanic powers are real, they shield their existence with rituals, but God reveals the faces of the perpetrators."
"But it oddly gives me a sense of comfort knowing that something might be trying to watch over me and make sure things turn out okay."
"Activate your faith and operate in the supernatural realm of healing."
"Legend has it the Devil Himself lives on Mount tater."
"Household wickedness is ongoing, spirits don't die, they're still operating."
"The supernatural is as close as the air between your fingertips."
"He's real, I said breathlessly. I saw it on the tape. He's real."
"The supernatural life is above the natural life!"
"Residents are living in fear amid indications that invisible creatures suspected to be goblins have been terrorizing them."
"The majority of subjects seem to agree these experiences are not like dreams or hallucinations."
"You are opening yourself up to real evil entities that want to destroy your life."
"If you want a real supernatural power in your life, then pray."
"The word of wisdom is I receive wisdom supernaturally."
"This is Magic, like I get why mfers in like the year 200 would jump into a lake see that and be like 'ah, there's a God in that Lake'."
"Our fight is not in this physical realm but it's in the supernatural realm."
"They're both convinced that whatever entity this was did not want to be bothered."
"If ghosts do exist I truly hope the ghost of Kristen French was scaring the crap out of Karla and Paul."
"The Bible's 100% accurate...nothing can be 100% accurate that's not Supernatural." - Rick
"I literally thought I was possessed by a demon."
"Hey, this really validates my opinion that the boogeyman is real."
"There's something about releasing the angels of God so that they can begin to bring things into the realm that we operate, and those things are powerful, those things are real."
"Simon doubts that it's an animal and instead believes that it might be a spirit that haunts this Forest."
"Stress does not produce supernatural, surrender does."
"This house is cursed, you have to come with us."
"Supernatural intervention right now in the name of Jesus."
"We are made for signs and wonders. You and I are made for the supernatural."
"Stories like this make me want to believe in the supernatural."
"They believed that this was the portal to hell." - On the "Demon House" of Gary, Indiana
"Any of you guys out there believe in guardian angels? Because hey, if there was ever a guardian angel story, this is probably it."
"Kindness to strangers, for some have entertained angels unawares."
"I would say there is absolutely an uptick in demonic activity today."
"Guardian angel because I feel like one of us is alive because of them right now."
"In this business every scare is real every shadow has something inside of it."
"Upstairs could be something evil... but I really believe that this doll is why."
"You would be surprised of the thousands and thousands of dollars even that this demon have robbed you of."
"We got to pray these demons out of here bro."
"It's about a ghost beside his bed."
"You were right, Clem. The building lives. It loves life, all the things you and I love. It wanted me, Clem."
"I'd like to think that if I ran into a ghost, it would be someone who was warning me or something like that."
"Christianity is not a religion. Christianity is a supernatural revelation."
"The day you became a believer, you became supernatural on the inside."
"I do believe this place is haunted."
"It's the place that made me believe in ghosts."
"As a result of being baptized in the Holy Spirit, I have seen the supernatural power of God operating in my life."
"The ghosts prefer to live only in old houses or the ones that look old."
"I started to believe people who claim to see or feel ghosts."
"It made me feel like spirits or entities are real whether or not we see them."
"I have always believed in the Paranormal and ghosts."
"You have to believe this, that God's Word is supernatural."