
Market Predictions Quotes

There are 150 quotes

"We could easily see prices drop suddenly and for a short window of time somewhere between 15 to 20 percent."
"If we all knew what the future held in terms of markets, we'd all be rich. But then we'd all be poor because if everyone's rich, then the value of a dollar has gone down."
"The xrp Army is going to be validated... four dollar xrp is nothing compared to where it's going to go."
"Credit cycles always end and they always end badly."
"I lost six figures... because I didn't believe that Elon Musk would continue to tweet."
"We're gonna end up with a big oversupply at some point. You know at some point this is going away."
"There's a 90% chance that we actually end up having the Nike Swoosh style recovery."
"I wouldn't wait too long, especially all the GPUs are out, mostly CPUs out, but the SSD and the RAM prices are more than likely going to keep going up."
"Oil prices were seen as peaking, investors may have seen the oil drop to near 100 after the massive 130 a barrel height." - Goldman Sachs
"The next 10 years are going to be very different from the last 10 years... the next 10 years will be a roller coaster in the markets."
"I don't think we're at the end of the bull market in gold."
"It's going right according to plan... We haven't nailed every single price prediction dead to the day but it still got there."
"The next cycle needs to be there will be something like that and for that reason, I think we will get through that prior cycle high level and go off to a big top."
"Gold is the best in a deflation, silver has mixed results but inflation there's nothing better than silver market right."
"Trillions of dollars could flow into altcoin markets as crypto flashes gorgeous chart."
"I have a feeling that just with the way she moves that we might be seeing middle end of January might be seeing us drop a zero and hit to the 1100 level."
"Wisdom would have you believe that immersive Sims don't sell well...this one's about to sell 30 million copies."
"If you thought March was gonna be bearish and not bullish, got another story to tell because it is going to be an absolutely massive month for Bitcoin."
"Get back down to 50k from there and then it'll rock it back up to 300k."
"In 2020 the chip shortage was relatively small; I didn't expect to be entirely out of stock today."
"Expert says gold could hit 100,000 in a very short period of time."
"The Bears always get proven wrong at some point. The Bulls always win in Bitcoin."
"I do think whatever happens, Luna ends up in the number three spot. That's where my head is right now."
"We like to buy great companies at a good price."
"The market's probably being too complacent in terms of what the Fed and central banks are likely going to have to do."
"There's going to be a point where the economic data weakens where the market starts saying you know what we don't think the FED will raise as much as expectations are telling us and that's that pivot where the dollar starts to roll over."
"Yes, EV growth will occur but will it occur at the pace that's been predicted? I don't think so."
"It kind of shook out it kind of did it this time it looks like 2023 is going to be the big year for the PlayStation 5."
"No predictions on what's going to happen next with something like Shiba."
"We give you guys our predictions on where we think the market is going to go for the top 5 major pairs."
"Big short investor Michael Burry warns of last hurrah for corporate profits."
"Good on those guys for being right about a lot of stuff when the rest of us were laughing at them."
"What I see here is that this thing has legs that can run well beyond 5000 on the S&P. So, I'm not even sure 5300, that's as comfortable as I can get or as far as I want to go."
"It could be years before Bitcoin retraces its previous all-time high again." - Patrick Karim
"That's around 50 to 55,000. That's the biggest fear for me."
"I hope we touch it soon because if you guys look back in the history... we then fall right back through it."
"If you got in on Solana... you are sitting at three to five times your money."
"I hope it will become a trend, but one year is not a trend, yeah."
"Bitcoin could eventually reach a price tag of six figures."
"I think Xbox will figure because not because we didn't say PlayStation 5, we said PlayStation."
"I was talking about it at that level when Bitcoin was in the seven and eight hundreds."
"Rates decline? Homes drop rapidly. The crash is coming, get ready."
"There's going to be a massive contraction in the automotive market."
"The reason stocks keep making new all-time highs? While most financial analysts keep predicting a crash, it isn't in the data."
"The blow-off phase we think is over. We think now it's just a matter of do you remember Pac-Man?"
"I don't think Call of Duty is going to die anytime soon."
"That's what I'm looking for to see if it's squeeze potential and if it gets above 20."
"I think they have a very low chance of having some outside event drop their valuation substantially."
"I'm not here to make a bunch of calls and then tell you I got it exactly."
"I think probably lose control at some point... I have no idea when that's going to happen because right now it looks like this Market wants to go on another Spike higher..."
"I think some of the hedge fund managers that are now d rated in our industry will probably come back with very good returns when the currently highly respected and praised quant acrobats will be downgraded a lot."
"As we go into the latter half... we're gonna see... an astronomical pump for bitcoin and all coins."
"The bond market is already suggesting an economic slowdown."
"Governments will fail, inflation will soar, housing will crash."
"Bitcoin is a risk-on Safe Haven asset, gold is a risk-off Safe Haven asset, Bitcoin as an untested theoretical Safe Haven this year will be the first proper Market to test it in a wartime scenario."
"We may see a rebound here which we expect, you can expect Bitcoin to do four times as well and that's why I think we're still going above a hundred thousand dollars this year."
"Will the markets drop another 50% from here? I mean, things are bad."
"You got lucky calling the top, good on you. But then why are you screaming and yelling?"
"I would almost wager that if Fantastic Beasts does not do well, that would increase the chances of proper Harry Potter sequels coming."
"Levels tested multiple times led me to believe we would see a bounce."
"What sectors I think will perform the best this year: energy, financials, and the opposite of whatever I do with Tesla."
"Gold prices could go down in that scenario, but they would go down a lot less than stocks, bonds, and real estate."
"Bitcoin could potentially still break its all-time high by the end of this year or minimally there still is that fifteen thousand dollar target."
"Do not expect this to be like 2020 where you had the v-shaped stock market recovery."
"Everything that we were looking for in 2017 is coming true now and we're halfway through the year."
"Once we get near 3,000, they're going to push it to 3,000 flat, 5,000, then in the following who knows several weeks and in the following months 10,000."
"It's not about always predicting...it's about being on the right side."
"It's easy to project that it's a double-digit number, so I think it immediately shoots up to ten dollars, potentially twenty dollars."
"We're topping right here, in everything: real estate going down, bond market flattening, and stock market topping out."
"When big tech goes down 25%, the bottom is in."
"If there could ever be the same level of trust in Chinese stocks as there are in American stocks, the stock's a triple up from here."
"There is no top, Laura. I think we might just not have these four-year cycles."
"Bitcoin should be expecting to go to fifty one thousand five hundred dollars."
"The price I believe will surpass the all-time high."
"Once you get up there, well, the reversal zones are going to rally, and then you're going to have to catch up with them. And then we could be looking at 100, 150, or 200,000 Bitcoin."
"Companies that have been come lax in the whole this is how it is and suck it I think they're about to have a rude awakening in the market."
"The bigger the bubble, the bigger the burst." - Financial Insight
"Many of the predictions from supposedly credible sources regarding electric vehicle sales adoption... have been catastrophically off the mark."
"We're one ETF decision away from $50,000." - Arthur Hayes
"If Ether breaks 5000, it just feels psychologically like a really interesting inflection point."
"To people in crypto, they expect to hit them in 2022 if not by the latest 2023."
"Very bullish long term... some of the incumbents might actually be removed because they'll be in jail."
"April's gonna be a big month for Bitcoin. It's gonna be a big month for crypto."
"I was wrong about Tesla and I'm gonna get into that a little bit later."
"The bear case is 1500, their bull case is 4000. This is all pretty much your game."
"While people say that it's going to come down to zero I think that the difference is that there's there's a lot there's a lot of energy and there's a lot of ways for this valuation to to happen in a very realistic way."
"Contrarian views and targets for the S&P 500, NASDAQ, and Dow."
"There's no doubt that yeah we could have another bottom but that one bottom is in and the question is do you want to leave those types of gains on the table so what I do believe."
"I think basically that Toyota is going to surprise everybody."
"This could be that long-awaited multi-year breakout moment."
"This is just one of those slower growths that we could see push into 80, 90,000, and then maybe that parabolic top off."
"The most bullish scenario that I could imagine, that's realistic, is to go up around 50k or so and to ultimately come back down and hold the bull market support band as support."
"Consumers within just a few years time will literally need to be brain dead."
"Bitcoin hasn't fallen to 25,000 like some people said it was gonna happen."
"The most ironic and entertaining outcome would be that the cryptocurrency that was started as a joke ends up being the leading cryptocurrency."
"It ain't hype, ladies and gentlemen, and if it is Ripple's responsible for it because it looks like they're on target."
"It'll be interesting to see how high it ultimately ends up going."
"It's the clarity from Microsoft versus the sort of vagueness a bit from Sony... that's all gonna change as time goes on I'm sure."
"I think it's gonna be much higher later. It's still fascinating to see the short term movements and they kind of, at least, get in the mind of people betting on the short or maybe take tiny bets from time to time."
"I think the miners will be to the next cycle what the dot-com stocks were of the '90s."
"This is more of an extended pause... versus a reversal." - Mike Larson
"2022 is the year that this total annihilation becomes blatantly obvious."
"There's no way Sony gets the digital down to 299. Nope. Not a chance in hell."
"Personally, I'm very excited about the possibility of looking at tech earnings just absolutely destroying, and potentially a tech boom in this next earnings season."
"When the market prices things in early in my opinion it's a sign that we're probably actually going to have a decline in fear."
"Do you see ethereum flipping Bitcoin at some point? Without question."
"Do not be surprised if we crack 10 or 12. Some people are like, 'That'll never happen.' Same people that say gas prices won't go to five dollars."
"Tesla's lead is unassailable. No one is catching up. Period."
"It starts to make one realize how Bitcoin could go to thirteen thousand eight hundred and far, far higher."
"I Believe Tesla will reach the 1 trillion market cap in 2024 as the next phase of growth story underway with musk and Company."
"Inflation or deflation, that is the raging debate. Will prices continue to skyrocket higher or is there a big crash in the future? That's the conversation."
"Instead, he made the unpardonable mistake of betting against Elon Musk, and his career paid the ultimate price."
"This is not a question of progressives or conservatives."
"Even Ark and Kathy Wood are underestimating Tesla stock... bit of food for thought."
"We think there's some opportunity for people to begin to travel again... that's kind of where my mind is when it comes to investing our clients' portfolios."
"What do you think about this entire situation? Where do you see the housing market going? Drop your comments below."
"I am expecting a very similar play out to begin inside of this market cycle that's going to send us in a new price discovery."
"Look saying that we're gonna be in a bear and then getting proven wrong is the most wonderful honor I would love to be wrong."
"Boom shakalaka! Bitcoin is repeating itself exactly to the tune of what could be a quarter million dollar Bitcoin today."
"I think Nexon's probably going to win out on this one."
"At some point, silver and gold will have their day."
"Tesla stock is worth three or four thousand dollars a share if not five thousand dollars a share."
"We're primed for a massive pump and we're primed for a situation where commodities will outperform equities and bonds once again."
"This Bitcoin bull run is really going to blast this last one out of the water."
"So many people try to pretend like they know exactly what's going to happen in the market, and as long as they say it in a very confident way, then people will believe what they're saying."
"As long as you're above that 20 cent pivot or so, I do expect that that is going to be a long term opportunity."
"Just about every single so-called expert... are absolutely completely and utterly dead wrong about the pace of EV adoption and sales."
"April is going to be a massive, massive month for bitcoin."
"Predict something over a 5 minute time frame but it's super easy to do it over a 4-Hour time frame so this will bring you into the swing Zone."
"That's right, inverse Jim Kramer going to the moon."
"Expecting the Model Y to become the best selling vehicle of any time next year."
"The street expects about $4 of earnings for next year."
"Congrats to those who did not partake in the 'we're going to 12K' group."
"I think it's only a matter of time before we see one dollar dogecoin."
"Ethereum is constantly updating itself and evolving... the price will only go higher."
"If I would have said this six months ago, I would have been welcomed with 'you're a boomer, everything's going to the moon bro.' Thanks everybody for hanging around with me."
"Being a good trader is not about being right or wrong, it's not about having a crystal ball."
"I bet you this sneaker is going to sell out."
"As far as one analyst is concerned, it is a ticking time bomb for a new all-time high."
"Bitcoin will probably continue to lose some of its price."
"The market has picked out the terminal rate or the peak rate to be five percent of the federal funds rate."
"Once we start to see use really picking up and we see mass adoption, the prices that we talk about and the price predictions that we talk about... all of that gets thrown out the window once we actually see full-on utility and mass adoption of the technology."