
Unexpected Opportunities Quotes

There are 87 quotes

"There's going to be this potential for something greater, something that you probably couldn't even imagine."
"The actors of Squid Game have encountered opportunities they never could have imagined."
"Please listen to me when I'm telling you this. And two days later, Heineck gets the call, landing case, Socorro, off he goes."
"I didn't think that they even knew that I existed and I did not know that they would want to sponsor the show but we approached them anyway and the answer came back and yes."
"Sometimes blessings come in disguise, so stay open-minded and see the potential."
"You've got an ex-intelligence agent hiring this man out of nowhere, no college degree, plops him into high society."
"That was a chance and a half it's one of them chances you wouldn't expect anything to come with it but that shot was so good it deserves something."
"Share what you love, it might take you places you never imagined."
"I think my plans just change for the rest of the year. That's a mega giant!"
"It's a really cool video, it shows us doing all kinds of things we didn't think we were even going to get to do."
"Sorry to keep you waiting, but to be fair I've had my hands very full for the past few weeks with some work for a very unexpected but very exciting project."
"Something out of the blue will be offered to you this month, putting you in a great position."
"My best client ever from Craigslist was a five and a half million dollar sale that I met as a lease on Craigslist."
"Sometimes life has an unexpected twist that can turn even the most impossible dreams into reality."
"This isn't about just football. It's about the community."
"If somebody would have said four years ago I would potentially be doing what I'm about to do this Sunday, I just want to believe that."
"Expect the unexpected; great opportunities lie in the shadows."
"This really could be some sort of very surprising offer that's very possible with the magician here and with the star."
"This person is going to race back into your life with an offer."
"There's a blessing coming here out of the blue, so God is either bringing a blessing or some opportunity of some sort is going to appear."
"Reward and success connected to a big dream job you're not even aware of."
"Something good is here right now but it's not gonna be where you expect it."
"You never know who's watching you, you never know where your blessing gonna come from."
"And as unlikely a place as this may seem, it's as good an example as I've found."
"It allows me to showcase wonderful magicians, which has been a really cool thing that I did not expect."
"As you let go of what you think should or must be, you'll recognize perhaps an unexpected path to your true healing and inner fulfillment."
"Unexpected opportunities await those who follow their dreams."
"Remain open to unconventional and unexpected romances that may lead to passionate relationships."
"Be prepared that it's going to lead to something much bigger or greater in your life than you may expect."
"Imagine if you met a millionaire just walking down the street and he gave you a step-by-step blueprint telling you absolutely everything you need to do to get rich."
"You may receive some sort of bonus from work or a very appealing and quite impromptu offer."
"Spontaneous Awakening: You're not even expecting it, but opportunities are coming your way."
"Suddenly, there's a new opportunity coming in, the universe is actually going to surprise you at the end of the month."
"There is a surprise opportunity coming for you."
"Expect the unexpected, a lot of nice surprises heading your way."
"Unexpected income, some sort of offer, wow, opening up for you."
"Wishes for you can absolutely come out of nowhere."
"Be prepared to do things a little differently, don't become thrown off when your well-laid plans have to be just tweaked a bit - go with it, it could be brilliant on a much deeper level."
"The act of taking small steps each day and trying will open your life up to all kinds of unexpected connections and possibilities."
"Wow, so you've seen this? No, I didn't know he got his start with a [ __ ] camera recording."
"There's always chance for some serendipity to play a role."
"Some kind of blessing or unexpected opportunity coming to you out of the blue."
"Now I'm in a new scenario that I would have never been in."
"Many people had great breakthroughs by accidentally bumping into a stranger."
"One day you're just an ordinary everyday wrestler, and the next you're announcing a major new species. What a time to be Hulk Hogan."
"It's gonna bring you to a place that's really unexpected of dreams for you."
"It's a beautiful opportunity that comes out of the blue that you gotta get yourself organized for, but that makes you feel very empowered."
"I now have multiple young attractive girlfriends vying for my attention a position I could have never imagined would be possible."
"Do not try to hold on to it. This is a blessing in disguise to put you on your path."
"You didn't see it like you didn't know when or where, you just had faith and hope in your heart."
"We make room for the unexpected to become possible."
"Unexpected doors are open, unexpected channels are free. Avalanches of abundance come in and open up in unexpected ways."
"Sudden love, sudden options, all of a sudden."
"Expect the unexpected, Scorpio. Something you didn't think was possible is going to be possible."
"Divine timing often intersects our lives in surprising ways, bringing Redemption and transformation when we least anticipate it."
"Challenge any challenge you have... The weirder the challenge feels, the more wonderful it's going to be."
"Eventually there'll be a knock on your door and life's going to be standing there and say congratulations you're a success."
"Watch for the little bird, it's an amazing opportunity."
"An opportunity will come towards you quite by surprise."
"God opened doors that I could absolutely never have opened for myself."
"So I was just training for MMA fights and a request came in, 'Hey, do you want to compete in the ADCC Europe qualifying?'"
"If you think a job won't come up to the house, you know what I mean, knock on the door, who is it, job?"
"I would have never thought Queen rearing could have been something to help me pay off a very large bill."
"If you were to tell me a month ago that walking into a television station in south nebraska would change my life forever i probably would have laughed my head off."
"Jupiter conjunct Uranus: unexpected surprising opportunities and breakthroughs."
"I felt that shift but then what's funny is 6 months later after Charles was born Co hits and our work where most people's work died down some people lost jobs ours spiked out the Wazoo and every interview I ever wanted was Suddenly at my doorstep."
"I was just playing snooker, and this thing, I just almost stepped onto this roller coaster ride, and I was just in it, playing snooker, taking me incredible places."
"Sometimes even the mistakes can be the catalyst to take you off in a direction you never even imagined."
"So you know things work in funny ways but but but I guess what I would say to students is just you know be open to opportunities. Look - things fall into people's laps that you never expected."
"Yeah but you work with serendipity. You know, something weird happens sometimes that you can capitalise and produce an interesting shot."
"I'm open to money coming to us from unexpected sources if we are open to it."
"It was just such a shock, sudden opportunity that came out of nowhere."
"Never in my life did I ever think I would speak at conferences or speak at churches."
"And know that at the right moment, a way will be made where there seems to be no way."
"Seek your fortune in unlikely places."