
Generational Conflict Quotes

There are 73 quotes

"I'm surprised there isn't more anger among younger people about the way in which the housing market has been rigged against them."
"Ignoring him and anyone stoking this dumb age war hogwash is the first action to solving all the other problems in this video."
"In every generation, there is a defined confrontation for those who favor free expression over those who don't."
"Let's not forget as well that some of these Millennials who are dying on the hill that they all look younger than gen Z is just plain delusional."
"It's not a Millen versus gen Z thing it's a stupid cringe thing and 30 is not even old that's the thing Millennials like they're not old they're really not the oldest age for Millennials are like 40 years old and really 40."
"Teenagers' time horizons clash with adults', leading to conflicts."
"We're going to show how worthless this last generation of politicians have been."
"Every Angry Boomer that is screaming for Tucker to do something right now is right."
"AOC's ascent is inevitable... trying to tackle 21st-century problems in a body that is largely dominated by 20th-century thinking."
"That's a brilliant opportunity to stick it to our parents."
"There is a whole generation under 40 having their interests completely thrown under the bus by this leadership."
"They accuse you of being entitled. They accuse you of being narcissistic."
"Their perpetual bickering, continuing into old age or through their descendants."
"Genius... makes teenagers want to watch to piss off their parents."
"Turning Red introduces an element of empowerment towards the younger generation in relation to the older generation."
"There is a spiritual war going on for the soul of this generation."
"My generation watched your generation get screwed by the baby boomers and we're not falling for it."
"The central theme of A Song of Ice and Fire is intergenerational conflict."
"The next generation are going to kill us for this because they will."
"I feel like okay boomer is the perfect way to end a debate which is going nowhere."
"I'm glad that nowadays adult children are standing up to their parents and demanding better treatment and acknowledgment of their parents' flaws."
"Thank you very much, Jeff, for doing what you're doing, and I completely support it."
"This was the classic case of the young killing the old, and all things considered, Charlton was foolish not to see it coming."
"The problem with every generation is the previous generation thinks the next generation is all confused."
"So many grandparents went along with it and wanted it, pushed this separation."
"Advertising encourages people to consume more than they actually need for survival."
"The technocrats and the politicians despised the boomers."
"Follow your passion" advice from elders clashes with YouTube's "college is a scam" narrative.
"When the younger generation hates the very foundation of the country, how long can a country survive like that?"
"Don't listen to your parents at all, that's the quote."
"It comes with a whole set of conflicts and family dynamics that put a lot of stress on those who are gradually moving away from the center." - Robert Hardman
"The reason why I point the finger at the older rappers is because I feel like they definitely point the finger to new rappers when they repeat the same mistakes."
"I think there's an element too, a lot of young people feel rightly I have to say insulted by the modern debate, that divides them into victims and oppressors, victims and victim makers."
"The Zoomers are like 'okay Boomer' and they hate the older generation now."
"If you convince a whole generation of children that they can choose their sex, they're not going to know where they come from."
"Evangelical teens were no exception to this Rule and while the evangelicals put up a good fight with both their fire and brimstone they were simply no match for just how [ __ ] cool MTV was."
"That's too aggressive, lady, you've been in this country that my ancestors built for about 20 years."
"Every generation has their own forms of conflict."
"The whole gen z versus millennials argument is really stupid."
"It's a generational thing unfortunately the last two generations haven't given hope that each generation rebels against the previous generation while there is somehow."
"What sick society throws the kids under the bus to save the grandparents? That's a great question."
"There's a stench of white guilt that permeates America. The new white kids hate their grandparents."
"Okay boomer has become such a powerful retort, invalidating the entire argument without actually needing to destroy it bit by bit."
"I cannot imagine being alive on this planet at a more exciting time."
"Black Millennials and Generation Xers should be livid... Don't you ever get on TV and say stuff like that to diminish us. Never again in your life."
"Okay boomer, whatever you say boomer because that's how you're acting right now PETA."
"War is when the young and stupid are tricked by the old and bitter into killing each other."
"This was our battle. It was about time the old generation of Saiyans settled their own score."
"Your turn is going to come. Get ready, it's coming, and Gen Z is going to call you guys a bunch of boomers!"
"We were the first like so every generation seems to forget that they were shitty to the generation before them, right exactly. So frustrating to me because I just knew that we weren't gonna do this to the Z's in the outfits."
"Because she carried the hostility from me and carried on to my child."
"She no longer has that light Academia aesthetic the light is gone from her eyes she's drifting and going maybe I can follow in my grandmother's footsteps even though that's what my mother doesn't want."
"The enemy is fighting this younger generation with their identity."
"...the politics of the 21st century will be about generational conflict not class conflict."
"Socrates has proven to me through the power of his rhetoric that if old men beat their sons there should come some point of time where there's a little bit of payback where sons beat the old men."
"Old Justice was made up of golden age Sidekicks that had aged to their 80s, and they were leading petitions in Washington against young Heroes."
"The problems raised in this report confront every major American city and they also apply to a whole generation from the 50s and 60s who face the conflict of dreams and ideals up against the realities of politics."
"What's worse, our daughters losing their cultures or us losing our daughters?"
"Younger people are calling Boomers they're saying they all have lead poisoning."
"Fight Club is the perfect representation of the dichotomy between conformity and rebelliousness that Gen X faced in the pre-9/11 world."
"The bloody war between the old and the new mafia of South Philadelphia."
"The feud between the younger and older generations will see the company produce fantastic work over the next couple of years."
"It's like generational cognitive dissonance where they hold two conflicting beliefs at the exact same time."
"It's upsetting a lot of older people, which I find really funny because it tends to be the older people who keep talking about how sensitive the younger generations are, but they literally can't handle being called a boomer."
"There is no conflict between two generations, but a conflict between two ideologies."
"If your parents approve of your marriage but your grandparents and uncles didn't, would you still get married?"
"Each of the books is basically trying to take an ax to one of the sacred cows of what I call the Boomer truth regime."
"Crypto is a generational protest, young people versus Boomers."