
Eviction Quotes

There are 101 quotes

"10 to 15 million households could get evicted come January."
"Two thousand dollars is the difference between keeping our apartment and being evicted."
"We cannot let people be evicted because of nothing they did themselves."
"Every avoidable eviction of an American family hurt by this pandemic is an avoidable heartbreak and harm to a family's economic security and dignity."
"This is the type of people that they protect and then the media just goes along with protecting a black indigenous family from the eviction in the winter."
"I remember when we were so broke, like, if we weren't getting them hustling how we was, we was of getting evicted the next month."
"We're going to come in here, we're going to take everybody out, we're going to evict everybody."
"The greatest indicators of eviction are being black, being a woman, or having children."
"Who wants to be the person that's featured in that article in the headline as the individual responsible for millions of people getting evicted because that's how I imagine that something like this is going to happen?"
"Rachel, you are evicted from the Big Brother house."
"I don't think anybody should be evicted or have the utilities cut off when they cannot work."
"Honestly, I'm glad we're kicking you out of the house because you are fully doing my head in."
"Why is nobody talking about giving Property Owners the right to evict people on their own?"
"Evictions are violence. It is ripping someone from their shelter that they need for survival alongside their children."
"We're on the verge of the worst eviction crisis our city's ever seen."
"Millions of Americans face evictions in coming months."
"Every vote of five to one, Cades, you are safe. Oh ding, Robloxian, you have been evicted."
"He filed an illegal eviction on me... my son was operating a mechanic shop within the home."
"You don't get to stay two more days there, you gotta go couchsurf."
"So many families are struggling to catch up... and the number of those being evicted could rise to a level we haven't seen in years."
"No one should be evicted before they have a chance to apply for rental assistance."
"As expected, apparently Richard was later kicked out of the house as well."
"I want him out of this complex five minutes ago and he will not be coming back here ever."
"It says you still here Scott, it's about Bloody time that you off and move somewhere else."
"I'm not playing this game with you anymore. I kept telling you that I was gonna evict you if you pushed me too far and now you have."
"I love you so much, now we're kicked out of our own place."
"Danielle took Will off the Block and backdoor Janelle."
"Frank survived yet another eviction."
"Pack your things and get out of our house."
"He even got us evicted over a pair of shoes."
"Full stop. This was an illegal eviction."
"We then found out that they were renting the property and when their landlord found out what they had done he swiftly evicted them without listening to their begging and promises to stop causing problems."
"I actually don't mind night one evictions. In fact, I sometimes kinda like them."
"Although nobody has saved themselves during their eviction speech, players have certainly impacted the game past their evictions through their last plea."
"Rachel you're off to the jury house now, but this may not be the last you've seen of the Big Brother house."
"By a vote of 4 to 0, Matt you are evicted from the Big Brother house."
"The plan was for the next two weeks James and Sarah would be the ones that were evicted."
"Jeremy you are evicted from the Big Brother house."
"Every week two heads of household will be crowned. Each HOH will nominate two house guests for eviction. To be clear, when nominations are over, four of you will be in Jeopardy of going home."
"And that's just what I'm gonna do."
"One of the most shocking evictions this season just happened tonight. Quite shocking."
"I've already sent an eviction notice your way, and I'm giving you 3 days to move out."
"For God to evict Satan, he needs to see your title."
"Am I the jerk for disowning my cousin for evicting us from her rental property? This whole situation couldn't have come at a worse time in our family."
"So, Shane, I'm sorry, I have to evict you."
"Will actually almost went home this week, but by the end of the week, Jace got into a verbal argument with Marcellus in the house, unanimously evicted him instead of Will. Overall, it was the week of the underdog."
"The housemates up for eviction this week are in alphabetical order, Stevie and Stevie."
"whoever was sleeping on her couch shouldn't be in her house at this moment"
"Tenants have every right to tell people who they don't want on the property to get out."
"We ended up getting evicted because two or three months into the apartment he ended up losing his job."
"One of the biggest causes of homelessness is a landlord serving a section 21 notice to sell up."
"...he already called the landlord and asked him to put me and his four kids out on the street."
"...if you were to care about every tenant who can't pay their rent or don't follow the rules and who wouldn't have where to go, you'd end up broke in no time."
"And so Henry was more than happy to purchase the estate for himself and subsequently force the old witch out despite the fact that she was a descendant of the original owner."
"The group addressed the eviction allegations at the time and confirmed that they were not evicted from their home as stated in the Press."
"Eviction affects everyone, regardless of their income."
"Eviction is not always the result of personal irresponsibility but inevitability."
"Eviction reshapes the lives of low-income African-American women."
"If I walk out of here being evicted over Howie then it definitely was a strategic move."
"By a vote of two to zero, Victor, you are evicted from the Big Brother house."
"Corey, I'm sorry, I'm gonna have to evict you."
"James, you are the last person to be evicted from the Big Brother house."
"At the live eviction, a Big Brother legend was sent packing by a vote of five to two."
"You are evicted from the Big Brother house."
"Sorry, Danielle. You are the last person to be evicted from the Big Brother house."
"James you have been evicted from the Big Brother all-star house."
"There Comes a Day in every future Lion King's life that'll absolutely break your heart the day you get evicted from your pride."
"Action for the tenant which will be stated in the legal paperwork at the moment is for them to get out of the property within 14 days and actually pay me all of that rent arrears which is 6,250 pounds plus the costs as well of 1,200 pounds."
"When it comes to eviction, there's no shortcut and no room for mistakes."
"The process for eviction is expensive."
"100 tenants are evicted Every Day in the UK when it's due to excessive clutter or filth."
"Doesn't she understand what dispossessed notices are, what court orders are?"
"They want to evict them out of their land because of what? They want to lease the land to a UAE-based company for them to create a wildlife corridor for trophy hunting and elite tourism."
"Tonight an eviction will take place and the players at this table will decide which one of them takes the walk of shame."
"It was an eviction due to the fact that I stood up for what I believed in and saw how we were being collectively exploited."
"Landlords across America have just unleashed a devastating wave of evictions."
"Double eviction nights are perhaps the juiciest nights of any Big Brother season."
"That's the true best double eviction in all of Big Brother."
"It was one of the more fun eviction interviews we've had in a while."
"Did you hear about the weight lifter who got kicked out of his house? He was squatting."
"Just because landlords don't have to have a reason to evict a tenant who has a month-to-month tenancy, it doesn't mean the landlord can do it for a bad reason."
"Start looking for another place, sweetie. Don't worry, I'll take care of it."
"The only thing positive about Kaysar being evicted on Thursday is that he's gonna be out here with all of us."
"Tonight's really exciting blindside of a live eviction."
"What a double eviction it was, really really great."
"I cannot wait for Sam to leave, she's everyone's target."
"It's the people that everybody is so comfortable with that all of a sudden they're out of the house, and then they're like, 'How did that happen?'"