
Unique Design Quotes

There are 392 quotes

"It's a really unique design that offers a lot of great features that other companies haven't even considered doing."
"This plate is about collecting your passions and getting inspired. It's a one-of-a-kind metal poster. It's passion printed on metal."
"This DIY nursery makeover is a very unique one because it is all about heirlooms and vintage finds."
"Izanagi's Burden is the most unique sniper I have ever seen, with a design so slick and so unique it’s hard to not just appreciate it on looks alone."
"It looks kind of like some weird octopus tentacle holding a phone in your face."
"It's the only vehicle in this segment doing what it's trying to do."
"There is no question at all that this is a fascinating car and a pretty unique piece of automotive evolution."
"Just a really really cool looking vehicle and it's got a really kind of cool design to it and shape."
"The Sledge fire did something that Nerf refused to ever do again: make an appropriate break action shotgun Blaster that was super legit."
"This is by far the most unique and mind-blowing Game Boy Advance model of all time."
"The GameCube controller, I liked it. It's so unusual of a design."
"Each tower in Mad Max is unique, offering different challenges and stories as you climb them, enhancing the exploration aspect of the game."
"Cheetah Hunt is notable for having a unique layout and sporting three LSL launches."
"The H500's hallmark is 200 millimeter RGB front fans, carving out a unique niche."
"Distinct and unique, catches people's eyes on the road."
"It's kind of funny that Teach's jolly roger has three skulls in it."
"Just a very, very different design car, something I've never seen from Hot Wheels before." - Phil
"Just a really neat looking car, look at that, even it looks like it's not a parachute on the back, it is a parachute on the back of it as well."
"This is just a dope shoe, man. Different sneaker, I love those hits in infrared."
"This is one of those projects that's just so easy to do but I think it looks incredible and totally unique."
"You want to make a statement this is the piece I mean a great different unique design that I've never seen on a piece of cast iron."
"That's a cool looking design, just add breakfast cereal."
"Certainly a cool locomotive and the king of the moguls as it were."
"The Winchester Mystery House has six kitchens, 2,000 doors, 10,000 windows, and 160 rooms."
"Building a car that's shaped like a banana? That's what I call pure banana love."
"This $58 million Malibu modern mansion is unlike anything we have ever seen before."
"Architects and interior designers let their imaginations run rampant."
"The transparent house really has visitors scratching their heads."
"Listen, straight up gotta be one of the best drippers I've ever seen come from anywhere, including outer space."
"It's got two floating staircases, impressive contemporary interior, a screening room, and so many other things."
"Strongholds on their fortresses when they like, this is a never fortress that generates with a giant basalt pillar going through it. Pretty cool in my opinion."
"Plymouth Air Radial Truck: Where aviation meets hot-rodding!"
"Brutus: Death machine on wheels, reaching insane speeds!"
"It's a very unique Car with bronze t-tops, special decal package, and it's the only C3 Corvette with an opening back window."
"The Fiat Multipla: hailed as the best family vehicle despite its odd styling."
"Darkstalkers is a super unique fighting game with incredibly distinct character archetypes and designs that don't really exist in any other fighter out there."
"Make art not war is both charming and aesthetically really unique."
"Boulder Dash uses its terrain like no other coaster I've ridden. The entire ride is built on the side of a large hill and through the woods, and the ride hugs the ground at almost all times."
"This thing looks basically alien compared to virtually any other car on the road."
"This one is very unique, it's taking the weapon and making it a little bit more sight-like."
"Here's another room. Look at this crazy bathroom."
"It's like no stadium on earth - aside from its siblings built for the World Cup."
"With its cotton candy tail and unicorn horn, it was revealed in a really creative way."
"It's not a Theorywear collection unless there are some killer jackets in here."
"It's so rad, yeah, it's excellent. It's very easy to keep them all in line because they're cube-shaped."
"The Vacheron Constantin American history week 1921... a surrealist Salvador Dali meets Alice in Wonderland type of design..."
"This shoe looks amazing, it's not based off of any other shoe out there."
"Valstrax is one of the most unique monsters out there... it's basically a jet engine dragon."
"It's sort of slightly military with the way that it does up with the buttons and the color oh my god it's so cozy oh now this is so so cool."
"Yes, these are real products that Microsoft are making furry controllers."
"This is just a knockout watch plus the all-white look it's not something that you get very often."
"Try to be innovative to help the world feel unique and in its own realm."
"Then how about you building a website on Squarespace.com/co optional? With Squarespace, you can create something truly unique."
"Frogman's Rocket 2 trike, with a massive 1000 horsepower Hemi engine."
"In a world where cars can sometimes seem increasingly homogenous, the Morgan Three-Wheeler stands out as a beacon of bonkers alternative thinking."
"It has these cool secret pockets that's why it's called a Fendi Spy bag."
"This entire piece is actually a black Captain America shield the Lego printed this on and then attached to a clip."
"If you look at the cars, they look special. They look extreme. Because many museums, if you put a car on the floor, I see a car on the floor every day."
"The Kitty Hawk's Heavyside... a near silent and wholly unique helicopter."
"Robert One made a name for himself with his orchid shapes that burst forth from his clothing and his strong rigid pleating and silhouettes that feel like they crash-landed from space."
"Every hockey player likes a good pair of shades and these things look like hockey sticks along the sides and this is nuts."
"Tokyo DisneySea is not only the best Disney park but the best theme park ever created."
"This is going to be like a party treehouse, with fireworks shooting out the ceiling. It's going to be epic!"
"It is one of the most ridiculous features I've ever seen in a car."
"He looks adorable as a minifigure... the movie itself is a classic by Spielberg."
"You are adequate. As a creator of nightmare fuel pumpkins, I get to decide what she should look like."
"Nevada, Allegiant Stadium, not many stadiums can simultaneously look like a Roomba vacuum and badass."
"Oregon, Providence Park, it's by far the most characterful stadium in Major League Soccer."
"Are you seeing them? They dangle at a far away glance. You're like, 'oh she's just wearing like little hanging glitz.' No, they're spiders."
"This Dune book that you can read on any side."
"This shoe is so wild looking and I love how different it is."
"The Sakai Nike LD Waffle is a super out there and unique looking sneaker, and I love the way it looks."
"You can feel the influence of the creators' previous work, but Milo still feels like a whole new thing."
"I feel like everything should just be all about movement, mobility."
"Gucci Adidas Gazelle... Really cool, really good kind of tacky, but in the best possible way."
"This is unique architecture and this is another one of those aspects that really makes a property like this stand out from the rest."
"It looks really awesome, I mean it's not something that everybody's going to use but it is something cool."
"The Wally power 118 super yacht's aesthetic is just a little different than most."
"Without a doubt, one of the coolest homes we've ever toured."
"The customized ride sports an iconic electric purple body adorned with brightly contrasting orange stripes that make it look like it's escaped straight out of 'Tron's' game grid."
"Hackavat... it's outlandish, it's ridiculous looking, it's Turkish. It's a cool concept, like I like the concept of it but it's not one that many people are very fond of at all."
"It's a abomination, but on top of that, it's a good action figure."
"There's an indescribably serene urban flow to the overall feel of Shadow of the Colossus that only Team Ico have ever managed to deliver."
"This pickaxe is seriously out of this world."
"The best fixed blade for EDC that we tested in 2022 was the TJ Schwartz designed Overland, a super unique profile that really stands out from the crowd."
"Damien became an interior designer specializing in torture machines. Last month Vogue magazine called his products the refined marriage between macabre and chic."
"This shotgun might look a little unusual, but that doesn't stop it from being an amazing addition to the game."
"His pens created by Michael Zercher will get people talking."
"I absolutely love it and it has a little glow stick on the back, it's like a little embroidered pillow."
"The whole thing is just gorgeous, and I've never seen another guitar like it."
"That's probably one of the most creative items I've ever seen in my life."
"Imagine the vibrancy of the Italian Riviera blended with the rugged charm of rural Wales. This is Portmeirion! A colourful masterpiece of architectural styles..."
"I made what I guarantee to be his perfect irresistible Pokémon. Just try to pass on this one."
"This boat is definitely unique and it looks very, very tough."
"Spirits mode brings characters to life in unique ways that I really wasn't expecting from this entry."
"A rooftop sculpture portraying a huge shark implanted headfirst in the roof of a home."
"A game so inconceivably unique I'm not even sure its creators fully understood what they were making."
"This is unlike any other smart doorbell I have seen."
"We're gonna make a building. It's gonna be like a giant hotel or a big party house but the shape of a snowman."
"This is beyond a huge hit, beyond the shoot, I mean you will not find anything like this out and about, this is such a unique beautiful design."
"I mean, who wouldn't? It's a driving upside down truck."
"Unique designs unlikely to be confused with another creature."
"Other features that make Wrigley stand out are the hand-operated scoreboard, the famous marquis out front, and of course, the rooftop seating on the adjacent buildings."
"This is literally the most swaggiest house ever."
"Mud House, a giant mushroom in the forest, built with sand, clay, and straw."
"Pan cabin, a triangular treetop escape in the Norwegian wilderness."
"And listen: whoever decided to make that cowplant cake topper, I thank you."
"It's an impossible tower, one that shouldn't be able to exist in the way that it does."
"The body of it is one of the best sellers and it looks so unique."
"The British flag, the Union Jack, actually built into the taillight so it lights up at night a certain way."
"I honestly cannot tell you how proud I am of this planner. I've been working on it so long, she is so unique, vibrant, honestly unlike anything I think you will ever see in a store."
"It's a very unique design, with its own character, its own personality."
"These cases are the first of their kind featuring a 4C color ink display."
"Probably the most special hatchback in history."
"The driver sits in the middle of this interior just like in the McLaren F1."
"Ally of Justice Enemy Catcher breaks the mold of the archetype with an effect that only targets face-down monsters."
"Shadows of Evil is five years old and to this day is still one of the most unique and amazing zombies maps that we have ever gotten. Truly, truly a great time to be alive."
"There is no other Lego figure with an arm completely printed on the side the way it is here."
"The F1 is actually a three-seater, just a very unique car."
"Breitling Super Ocean Heritage 57: a vintage-inspired diver with a unique design."
"A very nice kind of clear vinyl with a blue tint to it, and if you kind of blew up splatters in there."
"It's quirky, it's unique, it's dashing, it's quaint, it speaks from his soul, chaos and insanity."
"It's such an interesting unique gigantic tree build."
"The only full-frame rear-wheel drive passenger car built in North America. A 4.6 liter V8 drives its rear wheels resulting in handling which lends itself well to police driving techniques."
"I love their design... they're really really unique."
"That's exactly what I was talking about, that Game Boy-shaped knuckle duster, that thing is just cool."
"It's a really awesome unique cardboard cover, a really nice spiral."
"Square Enix and Audi teamed up to create a one-of-a-kind model R8 designed after the Regalia."
"Honestly, I am in love with that gladiator shirt, everything from the design to the Latin phrase for fortune favors the bold is just, it's hard."
"This window in a local library that goes into a creek... That's so cool, it's like looking out of a porthole on a boat."
"A monstrosity known by many names, siren head is a tall skeletal humanoid creature with a long pole and multiple sirens in place of a head and neck."
"Such a unique design. I've never seen anything like it with the brick layers and the castle tower on top of it."
"And it just looks like a much more polished game from a graphical standpoint."
"The steering wheel resembles a propeller and it has to be one of the coolest modern steering wheels in the entire car industry."
"The unique design of this house is inspired by Pythagoras himself."
"Top of the line rooms and furniture... truly unique."
"It's a very unique design and something we haven't seen on cruise ships before."
"Honestly, I love wristlets that look like this, they're so unique and beautiful."
"The Keg tank is both flamboyant and functional."
"This skin, it's cool. You guys know how I love shooting food at enemy brawlers."
"Seiko shines in dress watches, designing sleek timepieces with something unique."
"An electric type that isn't just lightning mouse or lightning bird."
"The reaper puppet climbs over the railing of your hospital room balcony in the most disturbing way I can ever think possible."
"Think of it as a more beautiful, more rare E63 AMG wagon, and you're on the right track."
"The Mosquito was an unusual aircraft for World War II because its airframe was built almost entirely out of wood."
"LG phones over the years have been important for introducing new ideas and being unique, especially with hardware."
"Design something that has never been designed before and that will never be designed ever again."
"Flintstone House, Hillsborough, California: an experiment in new building techniques."
"I'm gonna put a really cool heart-shaped pool in the backyard, make it all funky."
"TF2 has such a recognizable art style that those who have tried to copy it haven't ever quite hit the same note."
"A car that refuses to die, a car whose owners are proud to drive something that's different by design."
"Studebakers answer was to build a different car, different by design."
"Including a fireplace in a movie theater is one of the coolest touches I think I've ever seen."
"Generally when you ask people what the weirdest Warhammer miniature which has ever been released is the real ones will probably say this miniature here."
"Reichardt is visually one of the most special and unique bosses in Elden Ring."
"Apart from that, it is the harpoon flipper that you probably know and love at this point, really aggressive looking blade."
"This is redwood made out of Redwood. It's truly a magical place, man."
"I love this AV receiver. First off, the NR1711 doesn't look like an AV receiver and then it isn't just another large black box with a bunch of nondescript buttons."
"Earthbound is a collection of everything that I love: quirky, witty dialogue, weird enemies, and an interesting sense of humor."
"Wow, it's like you're in a spaceship. You know, when I had my peripheral vision, I see the fin coming up the back, yeah? You know, this thing is just crazy."
"There are a few distinctive visual elements that make chaos space marines look very different."
"Pagode, it's like a big spaceship landing here in the middle of the park."
"Most of the actual build items are art deco. I feel like I'm kind of repeating myself when I say it but um yeah they're a really nice art deco style and I think it's pretty cool because we only have one pack so far that's in an art deco style."
"This is our brand-new tool, and when I tell you that this thing is awesome, that barely describes how amazing this pink axe of doom actually is."
"It is a different lookin' game, with a lotta platforming elements."
"It's just such a unique look and that neon vibe is so dope."
"That little area where you could just dip your feet in and not have to go in was pretty awesome."
"I love this shirt. I've never seen this design before. It almost looks like a wanted poster, like wanted Thundercats."
"European motorcycles are far more exciting, special, and unique."
"This is what they sort of sell, if you want something as on Ferrari is not apparent, it's about just being crazy and wild and being set free."
"Architectural freethinking at its best: The Palace of Bubbles."
"This thing gets a ton of looks... it's very boxy."
"I'm a huge fan of this weapon's unique aesthetic and functions."
"This thing is sick! Especially with the ice crystals for eyes."
"The lobby fit is an absolutely unique experience for you and for everyone else passing by."
"This tower actually looks really fantastic. It's not like most skyscrapers; it slants all the way up at the top, which had to have been a pain in the rear end to do."
"Such a cool unique looking bag as well I love."
"The most obvious of them all are the mysterious twin blades Abundance and Decay."
"There are no doors on this beast because of its tall height and narrow opening."
"It still just boggles my mind that a kid's bike was painted in a candy tri-stage color in the 70s."
"This lightsaber absolutely takes the cake for unique design as well as very interesting animated effects and technical effects."
"It's a lightsaber, but black. It's so [__] cool."
"Likely the most exotic thing to ever come out of the Porsche Studios."
"It's definitely one of the most unique batcave designs we've ever gotten in any form of media."
"They have the toilets, and here's a cool thing, the toilets here you'll see that they actually chopped off the roof for the support."
"A beautiful, colorful dragon with an absolutely massive nose."
"This car has its own unique character to it."
"The use of color-changing yarn with a neutral heathered accent gives this hat a unique look that I am obsessed with."
"The Nightclub armor looked ridiculous but cool, with its Japanese anime look."
"...they definitely look a little bit pokey I guess and like a life raft but they're definitely solid..."
"Oh, this level is the most confusing so far, but I like it. It's a little bit different to what we're used to."
"Grandmother is a synth with character... colorful design... extremely special synth."
"The Julia Quadrifoglio is special because it is pretty unique in this segment in unifying the goals of what a luxury sports sedan is supposed to be about."
"Every child is specifically designed and pre-wired for their God's given assignments."
"This table is in no way practical, but I really think it's the best piece that I built yet."
"Mirror sevens, that's a flashy wacky looking shoe but it's still sleek and clean."
"These are really unique. And look at the interior. It's even a little sporty on them. They've got a lot of character, these little cars."
"This design is so derpy, that's why I like it."
"I really love the way this turned out, and I think it's a pretty cool and unique build."
"It's just such a fun and interesting piece and I love having something different in my home than what you see everywhere else."