
Carelessness Quotes

There are 88 quotes

"Sorry is not going to bring my mom back. Your carelessness took away my mom."
"The most shameful loss is the loss due to carelessness."
"Words are powerful... yet our words can be very careless and idle."
"Talent on the ball means nothing if you're careless with it."
"The literal fate of the world relies on me not looking both ways before I cross the street right now."
"Clumsiness and carelessness can always lead to irreparable consequences."
"To paraphrase Oscar Wilde, to lose one arm may be regarded as a misfortune, to lose two looks like carelessness."
"Enjoy life while you can, 'cause they'll take your shuffle without a care."
"The lack of care and respect in horrible projects... is blatant and unforgivable."
"To sit here and not worry and not care is absolutely ignorant."
"He doesn't care. He does not care. And that was very illustrative in the way that he handled the entire COVID pandemic."
"Women and children can be careless, men cannot be careless."
"He really got careless there, I mean it was really played on the unprofessional side."
"The people need to be protected from their own carelessness and stupidity."
"then he kept these sensitive matal IAL carelessly about the property as you can see here classified documents ended up in a bathroom a ballroom on a floor spun about uh"
"Unbelievably the gang had used their own names."
"It was just like he fried things and threw it on there so I felt like there's no care at all."
"He literally just threw 20,000, said I don't care."
"As soon as they get a new helmet, first thing they do is they drop it on the ground."
"Girls, she said, were always careless with their jewelry."
"Carelessness is the one unforgivable sin."
"Be careless for a moment, spend a lifetime with the blues."
"I'm not gonna lose Teddy. I would never do that to Teddy. This is like your third Teddy Bear this year. You lose every teddy bear."
"Honestly, it's nice in here because no one seems to care."
"Rinsing it under warm water... you're [ __ ] of."
"She's basically passed out on my car."
"If the book was in my car, the book would have never been damaged."
"YOLO, let's go to Europe who cares nothing matters anymore everything sucks put it on the card put it on black let's go."
"Accidentally washed my wallet with an AirTag in it."
"To lose one aircraft may be regarded as a misfortune, to lose two seems like carelessness."
"It's almost like the engineers and the manufacturers stopped caring a little bit and said well we can have sloppier tolerances on just about everything and it becomes noticeable."
"This dangerous blend of Charisma and carelessness turned what promised to be the Journey of a lifetime into a harrowing fight for survival."
"that's two pairs of sunglasses I've now lost devastated"
"And not to mention, he definitely didn't care about this girl's life, just send her on the freeway with her. Oh yeah, yeah."
"I didn't think, Claire. How could you be so careless?"
"If a guy is driving crazy and reckless with you in that car, girl, he doesn't care about you."
"A woman left her unlocked car outside her house overnight and someone found it and stole her possessions."
"The hair on the back of my neck stood up. I realized something. We'd been careless."
"...you're more likely to cause damage to something you don't care about."
"I just think it's a little fun summer accessory and if I get them wet or I'm you know hanging out in the pool and I decide to keep them on and if I ruin them not exactly the end of the world."
"Even though it's not sapphire, it has held up to all the things I like to do like mountain biking and rock climbing, and even with how careless I am, it basically looks brand new."
"You really shouldn't leave these things lying around," Owen said with a grin.
"I've always felt like somebody who thinks that money isn't important but I'm also quite careless with money at times."
"Thoughtlessness is the outstanding characteristic of our time."
"We are getting extremely careless with our words, not knowing that our words have power."
"It doesn't even matter if the placement is careless, you can't dodge it cause you just don't have the spatial awareness."
"I pity the fool who dropped it so carelessly."
"I am sorry to Jennifer Lawrence, genuinely, for my carelessness."
"They were careless people, Tom and Daisy."
"Being careless with someone that you give your heart to and reach milestones with isn't sensible, no matter what the terms may be."
"His carelessness due to his need for attention proved to be his downfall."
"You were careless then; you were free."
"To lose one parent could be regarded as a misfortune; to lose both looks like carelessness."
"Thoughtlessness is the beginning of great loss in one's life."
"When times are good, people like to spend money and they don't really care about things going wrong."
"Carelessness and overconfidence are more dangerous than deliberately accepting risk."
"To lose one parent may be regarded as a misfortune, but to lose both starts to look like carelessness."
"Humans were so stupid. They had something so precious, and they barely safeguarded it at all."
"I never do anything maliciously, maybe from time to time I can be careless or slightly inconsiderate."
"It is a disgrace to grow old through sheer carelessness before seeing what manner of man you may become by developing your bodily strength and beauty to their highest limit."
"Go down and kiss their feet literally and say to them, 'Mom and Dad, forgive me for any time where I was careless towards you.'"
"Eli, I was careless. I will admit that now."
"Carelessness and presumption are the characteristics of this age."
"These clumsy feet, still in the mire, go crushing blossoms without end."
"There is a difference between being bold and careless."
"We were careless and reckless, thinking youth made us indestructible."
"He has a lot of potential, he has a lot of pull, but I do feel like he's letting it slip through his fingers by being messy like this."
"Negligence means that a person did not use reasonable care."
"Tom and Daisy were rich, careless people," they took what they wanted and destroyed what they didn't need.
"It's such a beautiful metaphor for just being free and careless."
"You did get careless and you did let your guard down, but it's all fine. It happens."
"I could care less or I couldn't care less. It just means you really don't care."
"When you're careless with other people, you bring ruin upon yourself." - Jenny Lind