
Work Flexibility Quotes

There are 105 quotes

"The good is you get to set your own time; I get to wake up whenever I want, I get to stream whenever I want."
"As long as the work's getting done, and the client's satisfied, and you're happy, I'm happy."
"Learning and capitalizing on some of the positive things that have come out of the last few months is leveraging some flexible work arrangements."
"Focus on company culture, allow for more flexibility in work schedules, and show more empathy."
"Bethany is not a stay-at-home mom she's a work from home mom."
"It's really easy to get started in and the flexibility of where and when you can do the work is unbeatable."
"In today's economy, the ability to work from anywhere is really, really attractive."
"You can do this from your bedroom, your car, your couch, even your toilet."
"Working from home allows for more flexibility in streaming times, catering to different time zones."
"We're supportive of remote working and greater flexibility."
"Freelancing really gives you a lot of flexibility in many areas such as where you work."
"People are willing to take a pay cut if they don't have to go into the office because that means you can have a better quality of life."
"There is likely to be an increased feeling of freedom when it comes to working and fulfilling our duty towards society."
"We're probably going to see flexible working, working remotely, and working from anywhere, anytime becoming the norm."
"Unlike all the other performance clothing brands I've seen, Unbound Merino offers exceptional quality and style."
"It gives her the power to do it anywhere she wants without having to feel like she's a slave to the nine to five grind."
"Folks, you want to earn some money but for some reason or another you can't or you don't want to come into office. The great news is that there's actually a lot of stuff that you can do to work online jobs at home."
"Mobile work from home: Enabling flexibility and accessibility."
"People were now starting to realize that I like this flexibility of being able to work from home."
"It's totally possible for you to start and scale an Etsy business that brings in consistent revenue and that could allow you to work from home on your terms."
"What if your work could go with you wherever you went?"
"The digital economy allows people to work remotely, incentivizing leaving high-tax areas."
"Be your own boss, set your own work schedule."
"You might have a lot more...but if somebody's willing to out-hustle you, they're gonna beat you."
"You don't have to be in that office...you could be location independent."
"Being consistent is good for latecomers who work late shifts and can't make it early to market."
"You can take big holidays and you can take them at short notice. You can take them whenever you like."
"You can do this all part-time in just literally four hours a week from anywhere in the world."
"Just being able to work from home and pursue my passion... has just been the biggest blessing in my life."
"Independence, the ability to pursue passions, flexible work hours, and more time with family and friends—these are the reasons and the benefits of being a content entrepreneur."
"I currently am a large employer health and welfare insurance broker... I have the luxury of working 100 from home."
"Remote working anywhere in the world with a flexible work schedule driven by results not hours."
"Living a creative life would not mean nine to five."
"Having the freedom and flexibility to work on your own terms is something that a lot of us aspire to."
"Flexibility is more than just where you work... it's about how you work."
"Why would you want to commute to work when you can easily do your job at home?"
"Productivity level is higher when you have flexibility."
"I got lucky because I alternate some days I work from home."
"Most people have found freedom by working from home."
"Passive income is really liberating because if I simply want to take a day off, well, I just take a day off."
"Flexibility is key. Schedule your shifts, but remember, you can edit or delete as needed."
"I'm so grateful that I'm in a position where I have a job where if my mental health is not doing great, I can take a break."
"Research is the key... it's a lot easier than 9 to 5 and plus you're doing it for yourself."
"I think it's hella cool that I have complete control over my hours and income."
"Yeah, I think this thing is really awesome if you can run at 720p for gaming works great 1080p screen for work and everything else."
"I always like to get you out early because you guys can stay late."
"Understanding that yes you will be interrupted every once in a while and yes you do have the freedom to be flexible."
"It's easier than ever to find work online and work from home."
"Having a job with some flexibility is amazing. If you want to achieve something great, you're going to have to be willing to pay the price."
"When it comes to work, it's all about being flexible. Come on, relax."
"Digital Nomads are the poster child of this concept of gig economy, a powerful poster to sell the idea of freedom at work to everyone else."
"We're doing weird, yeah, we were able to find something in our lives that we were able to work and travel at the same time."
"If you have the flexibility to work more, you can make a thousand dollars or more in the week."
"You can work whenever you want in your clinic or hospital, you can be mornings, afternoons, or evenings."
"The vast majority of people want the option to work from home."
"You get to work when, where, and how you want to."
"I feel so lucky because since I work from my computer, I can kind of be anywhere in the world and still be able to work."
"Flex time not only makes employees happier but may actually increase productivity."
"You can make your own hours, work on the road, work from a vacation home, contribute to the creator's economy, and build your own profitable business that you can be proud of."
"I wanted a company that would allow me the flexibility to work from home."
"You can work at night, you can work during the day, you have lots of flexible hours."
"I think probably the most valuable thing that I would never have been able to do where I still working is just take seven weeks and travel with my family."
"Traveling and being able to work while doing that is like literally the best case scenario for me."
"If the gig economy is going to market itself as a modern paradise where you can work whenever you want from wherever you want, it better live up to it."
"In conclusion, having the choice to work from home has changed the traditional work style."
"Plus, you can create your own schedule and work anywhere worldwide."
"I get to work when I want to, I get to go where I want to, like I have total freedom."
"I'm My Own Boss. I get to pick my own hours and make a lot of money."
"The world the work world has opened up to me now that I'm free from that nine to five schedule."
"The welcome stamp allows foreigners to live in Barbados for up to a year and work remotely from their laptops."
"Flexibility shouldn't be a perk; it fundamentally can change people's lives."
"You can be a good parent and still make money while spending time with your family."
"Taiwan offers what's called a gold card to allow Freelancers and remote workers to stay and leave the country."
"Dropshipping is also very flexible so you can work from anywhere in the world."
"This has allowed me to live my dream which is to travel and work at the same time."
"I love working at this company, I'm not ready to leave, but I do want to renegotiate so that I have more flexibility."
"People want more flexibility, so if you're worried about compensation packages, give people more flexible work."
"My personal goal is to give myself and my family the freedom to work from anywhere and to build our own schedule."
"Many workers want the freedom to choose their own hours, lifestyle, and pricing."
"We have the flexibility to really work wherever we want."
"Nearly 80 percent of knowledge workers want flexibility in where they work."
"I really like having the freedom of working from home."
"I'm very lucky in the fact that I'm self-employed, so I make my own hours."
"A mobile office is a game changer."
"I'm learning to code for myself, and being able to work from home and all the things they said here seems like a dream."
"My job is actually flexible and allows me to be involved with diversity organizations within the company."
"Remote or hybrid work is great for you and for me."
"We are so blessed to now have a job where it allows us to travel and we're still working."
"I really could work in any place and still make the same amount of money."