
Pan-Africanism Quotes

There are 55 quotes

"The goal of Pan-Africanism is to unite all African people globally into one unified and organized system through which we can protect ourselves politically, economically, socially, culturally, spiritually, academically."
"I am a pan-africanist upon Nigeria. The IPOB deserves to be heard."
"We are one people, one nation separated by the great ocean. Let's build the Africa that we want."
"Pan-Africanism is so important; every business Africans can produce in America, you could do at home."
"The third part of today's Pan-Africanism is connecting all exploited people to each other."
"Pan-Africanism based on scientific socialism."
"Pan-Africanism of the people, not of the banks."
"Pan-Africanism is not like let's all get together and sing Kumbaya because we like each other, it's an ideology where unity between African people is a precondition for economic development and prosperity."
"Pan-Africanism at its core is about Unity. It's about recognizing that together we stand, divided we fall."
"Africa is home. Come home and invest in Africa, and let Africa invest in you. Africans for Africans, man. Let's do something."
"Pan-Africanism is a concept of unity, not a tribe or a nation."
"Liberia's ban on unprocessed rubber exports aligns closely with broader pan-African movements seeking to optimize national benefits from natural resources."
"Africa needs to unite and realize strategic moves against it."
"You're mighty, you're awesome, the miraculous, victorious new Pan-African rule."
"The bigoted cab driver in his negative way is a better pan-Africanist than all of you."
"You must have psychological kinship with me, you better be a Pan-Africanist."
"Imagine if we all just took one intention that africa must be free within our generation and restore the shrines and remove every foreign name and restore our names restore our nations."
"Our folk, our hope is that the Pan-Africanist Congress of Isaiah uses the death of her because you saw an incident at the funeral of Mama Sebou Quay."
"So you could see on the left-hand side two things: number one, he's waylaid through Africa and not only that if you study Pan-Africanism Congress of Azzani assemble the star is placed at Ghana an acknowledgement of Asaji for Dr. Kwame Nkrumah."
"Pan-Africanism has an ideology of unity, controlling our resources, and building up the African nation."
"Pan-Africanism is not just about representing black heritage; it's about productivity."
"It shows solidarity, it shows Pan-Africanism."
"Just the change in the tone and the people are challenging themselves and they're discussing issues and the spirit of pan-africanism and people just, you get the sense that people are proud to be African."
"There's more to be done for us. Our small part in the work of pan-africanism is by starting our tour group."
"Most of my pan-african forefathers they were pastors but they believed in Black excellence and black struggle today these pastors sell our people Pie in the Sky you ain't got to do nothing but pray and give me a couple dollars and all will be well and we believe it."
"I always want to add the word 'practical' to panafricanism. Long trait of intellectual analysis, which I appreciate, partly because they are important to us defining the world we live in and having strategies for changing it."
"Everybody expects us to uphold the whole one-sided pan-Africanism. You see, we're supposed to be the glue to uphold love for Africa."
"Garvey gave pan-africanism a worldwide movement of 13 million people on every continent, every major country, in every major city."
"We take it from there and embrace pan-Africanism in its true form."
"Duo's enduring Legacy in pan-africanism is marked by his Visionary approach to uniting African descendants under a common cause striving for a world where discrimination and exploitation are relics of the past."
"A pan-Africanist movement which resonates with any African anywhere, especially the dejected masses of our people."
"I would never ever give up a continent for an island. Yes, I'm an African yesterday, today, and forever."
"Pan-Africanism is anything that would be in the best interest of African people, black people locally and globally."
"Pan-Africanism means to me it's mainly on a personal and humanistic level."
"Pan-Africanism is so alive, and this is just the beginning."
"Pan-africanism rejects all forms of tribalism."
"The Mataba was an organization set up specifically to support Pan-African revolutionary activities in Africa."
"The Mataba was about assisting in the overall philosophy of Pan-Africanism where Africans would want to take control of their own continent."
"We would live out pan-Africanism, we won't preach about it and forget about it, we would live it out."
"Imagine if 1.2 billion people spoke with one voice, United States of Africa."
"Africa for Africans is a vision we articulated."
"Pan-Africanism is serious business because it helps to give us a worldview of what we can do in order to give Africa and Africans a sense of direction and a sense of esteem."
"Pan-Africanism is the only thing that's going to save us anyway, a world unity of African people."
"I live what I talk, I talk what I live, peace and Pan-Africanism."
"Peace and Pan-Africanisms to brother Herman Smalls."
"Pan-Africanism has not outlived its mission."
"Political Pan-Africanism should make the continent a bed where African peoples... can feel truly at home."
"We believe in the freedom of Africa for the Negro people of the world, and by the principle of Europe for the Europeans and Asia for the Asiatics; we also demand Africa for the Africans at home and abroad."
"The pan-African movement was about wherever we are in the world as Africans, we're going to find a way to unite ourselves."
"Africa for the Africans, those at home and those abroad."
"He is one of the pioneers of pan-Africanism."