
Sales Tactics Quotes

There are 115 quotes

"There's the sales pitch which is aimed at the ego, and then there's the real thing."
"Negotiate the out the door price... that's done with the sales person and the sales manager. That is not done in the finance office."
"What if they know that they can trigger you into some sort of triggered emotional state and then throw a sales pitch at you?"
"It's amazing. The more you deal with rejection, the closer you are to a yes."
"If you have expansions then your friends can play multiplayer and they get to use your expansions it's such a good uh sales tool for a game."
"Simultaneously I was selling a membership... to the same company that was offering this package."
"People will try and sell you all sorts of stuff that you simply do not need."
"This plan is here to get your money. They want your money."
"Guys gets 50,000 likes we will pull them off his nipple or we get a hundred sales in the website we will pull it off it's happening."
"Understand your audience's false beliefs... about the thing you're trying to sell them... their internal ability to do the thing... and then the external fear they have."
"Lay down the law, give them the price, and then try and close the sale."
"Nonetheless, right now this thing is still very much up in the air and anybody who claims that it is not up in the air is trying to sell you something."
"By walking away or giving the impression I'm walking away, that creates urgency and scarcity."
"The biggest mistake a salesperson can make is not observing first before they try to to push their agenda."
"When you're trying to sell something, you actually should try and make it look attractive."
"Retailers are increasingly baking in sales discounts and deals into their pricing so that you always feel as if you are both getting a good deal and have to hit that sale while it's happening."
"The correlation between powerful characters and high sales suggests a strategy to continuously push new characters with early powerful constellations."
"Speed of sales is massive... It's a massive key to getting rich."
"You just have to continuously put your products in front of them until they decide to buy."
"If anybody ever told you it was easy to get rich, they're selling you something."
"Sales is about doing... it's a phone call, it's a follow-up call, it's an email, it's a visit."
"Please don't fall for any of those high-pressured retail tactics."
"I feel like they're trying to, I hear the phrase, sell you a bill of goods. And in the meantime, you're still waiting and waiting for like the real thing to happen here. Moon, I feel like you need to manifest with the Sagittarius moon."
"The worst thing for a cult is actually knowing what they sell before you buy it."
"By doing some discounts or doing a pay-per-click or doing a lightning deal."
"Why not package them together and sell them at a much higher price point than anyone would have been willing to spend otherwise?"
"You can literally sell anybody anything. You can even tell them I'm selling you a bridge and they'll buy the [__]."
"I feel like you're about to run a scam on me, like you're about to sell me some of that hair gel, and I feel like if you head-butted me, it would not move. Like, that would not move." - Robbie
"Over the years, I have learned when to walk away from a prospect if a sale is taking up too much of my time."
"One of the most important sales strategies is the ability to walk away from a deal."
"Sales often tempt us into buying things we really do not need."
"Remember you're trying to build a relationship and help these people... it's not about selling or being pitchy or being spammy."
"Avoid buying from high-pressure salesmen; take your time and make informed decisions."
"I really did not appreciate being pressed by the sales guy into giving tens."
"The scam is the method they use to get you to buy a car."
"It seems a lot easier right I think you can find eight people who can pay that two hundred and twenty-five dollars on sale versus fifty people who want to pay $400 or $120 whatever it was you see it's just like a game you play with yourself."
"Bill Barr is like a used car salesman who drones on endlessly about the shiny wax job on the car he's trying to sell you."
"The key question is how do you discover a customer's true buying motivation."
"Don't fall into the Trap of having someone sell you a bill of goods that you do not want."
"It's so crazy to me that jewelry salesmen are told if a customer leaves without buying, they've lost them forever."
"If you don't price appropriately, you're never going to sell."
"It's like pitching somebody a car for them to buy but never letting them test drive it or even see what the interior looks like."
"People who are selling bullshit pretty much always have the better sales pitches."
"Video games are structured to force players to navigate sales pages constantly."
"We're educating the customer because if we educate the customer with the correct information and what to ask, they can grill that salesman, find out, weed him out, and get rid of him, boot him out the house."
"You want to create something that creates scarcity and makes them feel like this is their last chance to purchase your product."
"Anyone who tells you they know the worst is over is probably trying to sell you something."
"One of the things that I've discovered as I've developed Proficiency in sales is that prospecting is largely a waste of time. Instead, you would be better off to generate leads."
"If you promote offers with video sales letters, you're gonna absolutely crush."
"Customer education from a car salesman is like misdirection from a magician."
"A big number is just gonna get people to buy it."
"Do not go in there and try to instantly sell them, people don't want to be sold to; provide value first."
"You don't have to buy today, do you? Disarming the situation takes the sales pressure out."
"You gotta know how to play the game, you gotta know where, what you're selling, you gotta know who's buying it."
"He's just teasing it out so he can sell more [ __ ] pillows."
"Every sale is a scam, but my sale is real, I promise you on my life."
"It's becoming very very common so be cautious, be careful, exercise patience out there ladies and gentlemen, sales are coming and this is a thinking man's game, a thinking woman's game."
"Then halfway through, before they finish that first thing, then sell them the second thing."
"Honestly, the MLMs, man, the multi-level marketing schemes are so problematic. They encourage you to sell to the point where you don't even care if it's helping people; you just want to make the sale."
"Another red flag is when a sales rep says, 'Hey what kind of payment do you want? What do you want your payment to be?'"
"Getting tricked into a timeshare presentation is a common mistake. Be prepared for high-pressure sales pitch techniques."
"There is anecdotal evidence that suggests that those who run Posh live shows have stronger sales on Poshmark altogether."
"It's just you know the four square tactic it's just an old school way of trying to sell a car as opposed to like a new school way of trying the S card which is just be transparent and share all the information up front 100%."
"Filters, when you buy your camera, the camera salesman or your checkout page is going to try to push different kinds of filters onto you."
"I don't like too pushy sales people."
"Normally, this would be sold at 42 dollars, but because you are such a wonderful customer... 42 dollars."
"Salesmanship is selling a customer something he did not come into the box."
"Just print them off. It is shocking how easy it is when you are closing a sale and you're just like, 'Oh yeah, you remind me of Susie right here.'"
"A closer is not some hardcore closer that goes in and slams his hand down and shuts a deal down. It's somebody that goes into the room that sells like a lion acts like a lamb."
"Sometimes I just feel like I have to buy something, you know? The sales associates are working on commission, they're trying to make a sale."
"Regardless of the intensity of the rapid, you have your mind and your breath like your paddles, they just steer your way through."
"...ask them to try on the bag... that will buy you so much time to really let them get to know you a bit more..."
"Nobody puts their information in for no reason that's exactly right nobody's on the car dealership for no reason people don't call on the phone when they're not trying to not buy a car."
"The reason you're not selling is because you're trying to sell."
"We were taught to become product pushers."
"Your gym's presentation needs to be dialed in. Rehearsed and part of your sales strategy."
"It makes me sick to think how far some business holders are willing to go just to increase their sales."
"It's something that makes an appearance in The Wolf of Wall Street as well but at a high level it refers to a call center style of operation that cold calls investors and uses high pressure sales tactics to try and sell questionable and speculative Investments."
"I hate sales tactics and car show rooms when people turn up at your door and they try to talk your ass off before you can actually say a word. All this kind of stuff absolutely winds me up."
"The messaging of that graphic paired with the direction to go fill out this form so that my daughter, the optivia salesperson, can sell you something really rubs me the wrong way."
"The dealership can influence what they sell the most of."
"If you go into a sales meeting and you say, hey, you should buy my product or service because we're the best."
"You're going to use a sales letter that's disguised as free value."
"Why would you put a rebate if a car is going to, if you have to bid on it?"
"Stop trying to sell me a bridge in Brooklyn bro, I'm not buying that."
"A huge pleasant surprise was that they did not try to sell us a timeshare."
"If a guy is marketing and selling you too hard, he's probably not a great portfolio manager."
"Always call higher. Call people higher because those people are gonna have access to bigger budgets."
"I've got to stay away from salesmen like that."
"These sellers, they're not going to seller boot camp and coming up with new objections every year; they say the same damn thing over and over and over again."
"Psychologically for buyers, they are way more likely to buy the products that are on sale."
"The key here is to only suggest upsells when they will make you more money."
"Trigger an emotional reaction; either sad or funny always seem to sell better."
"What would it take for you to buy the car today?"
"Asking them what their time frame is on getting back to you is a powerful question that helps you position you as an expert."
"Don't trust someone who's trying to sell you something."
"People love to buy but they hate being sold to."
"Snake oil, of course, bro. I heard of that, don't they call it a snake oil salesman?"
"Don't fall for the old 'the price is only good for today' routine. Trust me, the price will be good tomorrow as well."
"This is a very popular marketing tactic that people use to get people to buy a specific product."