
Community Interest Quotes

There are 70 quotes

"Pro-black means always putting the best interest of my people first in any situation or any decision that I have to make."
"It's a real-life mystery, and I believe that people are following it because Gabby could be anybody's friend, sister, brother."
"People would love to see an M249, a 5.56 belt-fed machine gun."
"The project is still running today and it has become one of the most talked about features of my backyard."
"It just like drills it in that there's people out there excited about all of this stuff"
"Once again proves that there is still plenty of appetite for a multiplayer zombie survival game."
"It's cool to see so many people excited about space flight."
"Thank you all so much for coming. So about a week ago, we circulated a Google form, and by like 11:52 a.m, we had 100 RSVPs which I think is sort of a testament to just how much interest there is in this world of AI and open Ai and GPT chat GPT."
"I think we all want to see rapid progress." - Unknown
"At the end of the day, everyone from the families to the investigators that were part of this team to the worldwide aviation community to those who travel on planes want the answers to MH370."
"There is a silver lining to it because it means there are a lot of people in Australia who are very keen to get vaccinated."
"I'm very happy that people even care about retro games."
"Most of you don't even play Smash anymore. Now I can safely say the thing people care about most with Smash Bros are the character reveals."
"And so at this point everybody that's interested in this, which is literally all of the people of Mexico..."
"It's incredible that there is this show and that people care enough about it to want to watch it and be a part of that conversation."
"This seems to be the most anticipated game of this year, I won't lie."
"Chelsea fans should want to know who's going to be running the club."
"So, what are your guys's thoughts on the Apple leaking world? Are you a fan of these leaks? Do you love to follow the rumors?"
"I try to follow what you guys are saying and your interests because I want to put out videos and stuff that you guys are going to like and that you'll get value from."
"She's charismatic enough to lead. She has Agrabah's best interests at heart."
"This case has been highly requested by a lot of you."
"And it is this mass prediction that has shaken up conversations surrounding the largest black hole in recent months."
"I have more than enough space now, I have probably got 50 different emails from guys asking about like XJ Cherokee LS swap..."
"There's always been something about Halo 3: ODST that has intrigued so many people within the Halo community."
"Do you think that the wiki is anomalous in itself?" - The endless fascination with the SCP universe.
"Why are we not going out of our way to reintroduce Siphon Filter to the masses?"
"Nobody gives a damn about Gary's incident, whereas a lot of people cared about the success of Warcraft 3 reforge. People wanted this to be good; there's emotional attachment to this."
"This is the moment where people, without us trying, said, 'Hey, I like this, I'm interested. Where should I go? What should I do?'"
"We're here for the announcements. We don't care about the awards at this."
"Wow that's 700,000 people who want experience Financial pre Freedom."
"The story of the unlikely friendship spread like wildfire and people from other villages started coming to witness the phenomenon."
"It attracts a lot of attention if you get one of these, be prepared to fly it and have spectators from all over the place come and take a look at it."
"This is a really interesting look into a five-year-old game."
"House has been reworked, ladies and gentlemen. I think a lot of people have been waiting for this for a long time."
"Camouflage and concealment are gaining a lot more traction in the Tactical civilian Community."
"A great start for a game that I know a lot of people were looking forward to."
"We voted in our interests, and now we should take this moment set Democratic Republican aside forever and think about this in terms of what is in our best interest."
"As a rocket enthusiasts, we have had high expectations."
"because the footage comes from an official Federal agency banaya says the UFO Community is taking this rubber duck very seriously."
"People who care about this would be fascinated by it and they would be drawn in by the decency of the people in the discussion."
"Let's get into it, alright? So Tavares, a lot of people have been asking for the ground root information."
"Would you like them to revisit those Destiny 1 raids, would you like to see the Vault of Glass come back in Destiny 2?"
"There's just a lot of interest going around for other TTRPGs, people seem to want to try out different things."
"The animation meme community is so interesting I love it I love the animation meme communities one of my favorite communities on the Internet"
"People are going to the little Maine town of Westbrook to watch a massive rotating ice circle on the Presumpscat River... rotating gently, while astounds inhabitants and visitors alike."
"Enough about me, let's check out Tina because a lot of you mentioned she was pregnant."
"Competitive shooting should be able to offer to the environment. It should be a fun thing to do, but when matches start losing martial relevance, they actually start to lose interest to a wider cross-section of the firearms community."
"In the search for the right idea, the willful search not for what's going to be best for me but what's going to be best for the community."
"Just looking around, driving around town, you can see it is a hit; people are really loving these things."
"Nothing comes before the best interest of black people, not no political party, not no city, not no fraternity, not no church, no mosque, no Masonic lodge, nothing comes before that."
"CRISPR Cas9 has really captured not only the research community but also the broader community as well."
"I'm humbled that so many people are interested in what I'm doing."
"The engineers... they're expected to act in the best interests of the project they have things they want to do for sure, but they have that agency to go and do it in the way that is best for that community, not just best for Red Hat."
"We always have Equestria's best interest at heart."
"The joy for me came from helping other people and just so many people being interested in this craft."
"We will lose interest in selfish things and gain interest in our fellows."
"I'm so excited to see how much interest there is and how much enthusiasm there is for saving these cats."
"The Kickstarter was over four thousand and that's enough money to kind of first off let you know that people are actually interested in this product."
"They realize they don't have the luxury of voting for their own best interest; they have to vote for the best interest of everyone around them."
"It's really gratifying that we built something and create an effort that people are interested in."
"It's great to see so many people here interested in testing."
"It's really cool to see that there's interest for Cosmic outside of just Pop!_OS."
"I'm very excited; a bunch of people have asked about this bike."
"Thank you all so much for even being interested in what I am knitting and sewing and working on."