
Self-reference Quotes

There are 221 quotes

"The condition of meta-ness can exist in a tweet that takes a dig at Twitter, a song that references its own song-iness - and anything in between."
"You think I don't know the law? Wasn't it me who wrote it?"
"Anti-guru is what some people refer to me as. Okay, that might be more appropriate. The anti-guru, yeah, that does have a ring to it."
"If Jesus says I am and he's referring to himself, he seems to be claiming the name of God from the book of the Old Testament."
"It's funny to see just two of me as a Brookhaven fugitive."
"I am the watcher. I am your guide through these vast new realities."
"What happens when a story becomes so self-referential that it ceases to have a self to reference?"
"Groups of gays who will casually refer to themselves and others as the f slur are hurt much less by being called the f slur from outside."
"That's what we will be doing, and of course, we're going to be starting with the most important YouTuber in the entire world: myself."
"The show points to itself and whispers that is what this tale is about too."
"I don't know how to put this, but I'm kind of a big deal."
"If you were like the best Sprinter of all time and people were like, 'why don't you wait for the elevator?' Because I'm Usain Bolt."
"The variant we're hunting is you. I think you're fun."
"I only talk about things that personally affect me. That's why I'm talking about it."
"In this state, you are in complete control. You are a parasite."
"Congratulations Chesterton, you played yourself."
"Recursion is the act of a function calling itself."
"Mitrovich of Fulham is a game changer, they say, and I've got to be honest with you, I think he is."
"No, that's not just titled my autobiography."
"How you gonna name yourself after a damn gun and have a man bun?"
"We are fans of our fans for being fans of us."
"They're just gonna make a show about me, bro."
"I'm so [expletive] cool, every time you [expletive] say I'm so [expletive] cool, I laugh my ass off."
"We are back there in Hollywood making movies right now because of us!"
"Guess who's back and guess who's Jack? The answer to both of those questions is me."
"Wardrobe change because Kevin from the future is here."
"Thanks for watching this video about the times that games roasted themselves with Easter eggs."
"Trouser... serves you right, don't need to trouser, you already are one."
"Wow, the gift that keeps on giving, that's me."
"Well hey, if I'm putting stupid faces on thumbnails, I ought to just use my own, right?"
"Real me this: who has two thumbs and has had his morning coffee? Yes, Edward Nigma, The Riddler, and more importantly, your intellectual Superior."
"Amity doesn't mean friendship, it means you."
"That was the best fucking use of a callback to your own universe!"
"All praised our slab Lord! Yes, that is what I'm known as, the slab Lord."
"I'm Spider-Man. Spider-Man does what Spider-Man does."
"All the best artists steal from each other so why shouldn't I steal from myself?"
"These demons have holes, I've got a hole and I'm ready to use it. Oh yeah, look."
"I'm a professional streamer. I stream. Yeah, yeah, I stream. Yeah, yeah, I stream."
"It's the Hal Sparks radio program Mega worldwide, that's the idea." - Hal Sparks
"Speaking of making it about me, this is where I get to remind everybody that I have a Grammy."
"Jesus favorite title for himself was the Son of Man."
"Oh you gotta gotha tell, oh wait that's me, that's literally me."
"Get to the choppa! Oh wait, is this Max? Here we go, that's me."
"Reality is a sign that represents itself and that gives rise to an interpreting which then becomes another sign."
"Of course, I'm not called artificial intelligence for nothing."
"I'm being extremely clever up here and there's none to stand around looking impressed. What's the point in having you all?"
"The narcissist's speech is impregnated and dense with first-person pronouns."
"It's clear that I'm my favorite guest."
"I hate Russian dolls; they're so full of themselves."
"Stark quipped that they could serve as the title for his autobiography."
"The most important aspect of reality is self-reference."
"Self-reference equals self-destruction."
"I'm calling it the Watney Triangle because after what I've been through, stuff on Mars should start being named after me."
"I think technically I could come back right now and do like a review of different popcorn brands and most people would be like, okay, yeah, whatever. Like, 'I missed you,' I agree, butter lovers is bae."
"Emu seems to refer to themselves in the third person as moo, which is kind of adorable."
"Why are you referring to yourself in third person?"
"It's not about anything anymore, it's just about itself, it's just self-referential over and over again."
"The Meta references in wish are so overblown with winking at the camera about past Disney properties that the movie forgets to you know be its own actual movie."
"You my name is King King but some people also like to call me the Crimson [__]."
"If it ain't about me, let's get kidnapped."
"I'm a real raccoon man, you know what I mean?"
"I'm number one on the Secret Service's most wanted list."
"Just take a quiz. It's a quick quiz. Even I could pass it."
"I'm Dr. Octopus, I'm Dr. Octopus."
"I thought he did a great job... even if he's playing himself."
"I just remembered I had a dream love, that you said to me, 'Never put me one of your videos ever again.'"
"The Bible helps us understand the Bible. It's a unique characteristic of the book."
"I've never said that I am like the queen... well I do about barrel knots because you know I have that crown."
"These Jaffa Cakes, deliciously self-centered."
"...dude, I have my own show right now."
"The last death of a genre is when it's more a parody, parodies of itself. That is the last death of a genre."
"Y'all kind of brought it up yourselves."
"There's only one person for sure that can [ __ ] beat him you know that is that's him."
"...if I already have published this video it's going to be down below in the description so you can check that out now if you want to."
"I'm a [ __ ] fugitive, I'm a fugitive, I'm on the run, see?"
"Classic KB for you, I'm just saying."
"I love it when Gambit refers to himself in the third person."
"Talking about yourself a little spring chicken over there."
"This movie became a lot more meta than it was ever meant to be."
"You know he's made it clear I'm a headliner you're gonna make jokes about me you're gonna make jokes about me being a headliner well then."
"Let me show you another file, this is where I've unironically just typed Ed."
"They're not like other boy bands. We, you put that in. Is this working?"
"I'm probably my favorite of all their lead guitar today my Friedman."
"Yeah, guess what, it's me and I came back for the movie because they paid me too."
"My name is Luz, I'm the main character."
"I always love the memes of herself that she puts into the videos and her comedic timing is really great."
"Everything's already been said... my actual top moment is definitely mosh cosplaying himself."
"The whole exercise is to change the reference of the 'I'. When you say 'I', what does it mean? If you say it means this body and mind, then I am thinking of myself as the wish you are the Waker."
"When you're using your own name and the word 'you' to refer to yourself, it's a kind of automatic perspective switch."
"It's the most beautiful thing in the world. Talking about me again?"
"I'm the gift that keeps on giving."
"So it's the gift that keeps on giving."
"The best TV of the last five years has been about ironic self-reference like no previous species of post-modern art could have dreamed of..."
"This is the most meta thing that they could possibly do."
"The Quran is the authoritative source over itself."
"This is what made you, this is what turned you into the science fiction writer genius that I am today."
"This is the world eating itself: the model village of the model village."
"I'm smuggled in a joke. That's very, very good."
"For narcissists, disappointment is always through a self-referential lens."
"The word on the street is I am the word on the street."
"It's not the hat, it's all this knowledge in my head."
"Always reference your own hand if you can, take loads of photographs of your hand in different positions, be your own kind of reference pack, it's really helpful."
"Do you look at yourself in the mirror or whatever when you're drawing or let's say you're struggling with a pose, do you actually try to pose it yourself and use yourself as a reference? Because I do that all the time."
"What makes me a good pair of slacks? If I were a bad pair of slacks, I wouldn't be sitting here discussing it with you, now would I?"
"By two and a half years of age, the child should use the word 'I' and 'me' and use it appropriately to refer to himself or herself."
"You're probably feeling very fortunate that you managed to get a ticket to see a living legend. Or am I?"
"You know you've made it when you can wear a shirt that is of you."
"Hey, it's me! I'm standing on the number three, and so I'm the winner, I think."
"I'm a model, if you know what I mean, I shake my little brain on the catwalk."
"The Quran is constantly speaking about itself."
"We can use mathematics to study mathematics itself; that's why it's called metamathematics."
"We'll probably have the brain covered, but don't quote us on that."
"How does nobody find irony that the best, most successful set of 2017 Magic the Gathering was the set making fun of Magic the Gathering?"
"I am a comedian, you know who PR team wouldn't do that? Mine. You know who PR wouldn't do that? Beyoncé."
"Vengeance never solves anything unless you're me; then it totally works."
"Who was the winner of the game? Me, yeah, Mahi won the champion!"
"That kid is great. What kid? Me, I'm the kid."
"It's like looking in the mirror, I am one handsome robot."
"The only sign I'm going to give you is you're looking at it. I am the sign."
"Inspiration is also a source of inspiration."
"Meta programming is the ability to treat programs as data and the ability to read, generate, analyze, or transform other programs, and even modify itself while running."
"You know you made it when you start talking about yourself in third person."
"Every point must have an arrow to itself, that's called the identity arrow."
"Recursion is a fundamental concept in computer science and all it is, is a method that invokes itself."
"I didn't realize all those things were referencing me, but I'll take it."
"No one besmirches Tony Stark's reputation except Tony Stark."
"Star Wars is the story of Star Wars."
"I'm sleeping with someone's husband, my own."
"If we have a set of all sets that do not contain themselves, does that set contain itself?"
"We've always been here, and because we are so powerfully our own reference point for everything that happens, we seem central, we seem important."
"Are you referring to yourself, or are you thinking of me?" "Both," said Elizabeth, smiling.
"Stromboli, the master showman, that's me, and by special permission of the management, that's me too."
"I'm the cheese right in the middle, and everyone likes me."
"I'm going to be 44 years old on Sunday, today as a matter of fact."
"Reminding you to stay hydrated and speaking in third person."
"The brain is the most important organ in the body, according to the brain."
"I'm shining like Kubrick, my method is Clockwork, a full metal dud with my eyes on the prize."
"Ichibei refers to himself as the balancer of the three realms."
"I'm still standing, great and mighty Kevin keeps on kicking."
"Guess who has two thumbs and just caught a time loop? This guy!"
"Big brain moves right here, big brain."
"Ah, but you have heard of me. I've got a jar of dirt."
"Yes, eval and apply each sort of draw each other and construct the real thing which can sit out and draw itself."
"Well, well, well, looks like someone wants to watch a compilation of all of my greatest moments."
"Who is Mike Jones? Well, that would be me, sir."
"Hello, Keith from the future here."
"You have become death, destroyer of worlds... for content, though, for comedy."
"This is my Hollywood Hogan run or something like that, this is my second coming of me."
"All I know is I'm the king of the the the the thees."
"God is saying here concerning himself, I did."
"For those of you who have not been paying attention, the name's Rocket, one of the Guardians of the Galaxy, the smart one."
"The best commentary on the scripture is the scripture itself."
"I find it so iconic how they called their album 'The Album'."
"But I was President of the Galaxy, man!"
"Reason is whatever we find we must use to understand anything, including itself."
"I get to be in the movie as Silent Bob, but I get to be in the movie as me too."
"Make sure you use complete sentences, good grammar, capitals, use the word I with a capital when you're talking about yourself."
"My name is Lee Gikwang, and Kwang Gi Lee when said backwards!"
"The words 'I' and 'me' are more than just pronouns; they are the two ways we describe self."
"Everything is experienced in terms of the self, in terms of its absolute nature."
"I refer to myself as Ethiopian and I refer to myself as an American."
"I am your gentle and modern host, Erica, everyone's favorite ape that refers to themselves in that way."
"Remember the basic concepts that we started with: you are the user of your own graph."
"I walk and I'm an Allen! An Allen Walker, if you will."
"Who is that famous girl behind you? Oh, it's me."
"When using a stud finder, you must first point it at yourself and go beep."
"It's giving body, for reference I am a size six up top, about an eight on the bottom, or a size 29, slim thick as you can see."
"Well, my real name is Joe. My government name, you know."
"That's a recursive definition of just a physical object or a virtual object, whereby you can describe the structure of something in terms of itself."
"I'm not a Popeye, I'm Ralph, I'm a wrecking."
"I am Percy Jackson, supreme lord of the toilet, retriever of the lightning bolt, retriever of the golden fleece, hero of Olympus, defeater of Kronos."
"He's literally walking on his own cover, it's really great."
"Oh yeah, something of a scientist myself."
"Add me to myself and multiply by four, divide me by eight, and you will find me again."
"Take yourself as a target because you'll know how to develop the value proposition for that market."
"I'm Neil, you know, from of Neil fame. My job is to be Neil, and I'm always Employee of the Month."
"The literature and art of the period became highly topical and self-referential."
"I come before you even in the alphabet."
"When God refers to himself, he would pronounce the name 'I am,' but when other people referred to God, it becomes 'Yahweh'."
"Not if the conversation is about me."
"We just can't resist a movie about how special Hollywood is."
"This refers to the current object instance of a class."
"He's drinking from a mug with his own face on it, it's a mug with his mug on it."
"Here we go, look at this, he did fantastic, this guy over here, that's me, everybody."
"I'm talking about myself, of course."
"You can actually officially refer to yourself as a lord or a lady."
"This is a program that prints itself out. Let's see how it works."
"It balanced the worlds because Kevin Bacon being himself only works in Guardians."
"He wanted the film itself to talk about itself."
"I'm an egotistical bastard, and I name all my projects after myself; first Linux, now git."
"My name is also Dr. Robert Bruce Banner. Some people call me the Hulk."
"You thought I was Tom Cruise? Yeah, that's brilliant, I do my own stunts."
"I'm 32. I'm only saying that to represent the oldies."
"Is this breaking the fifth wall because it's Rico talking about a trailer of a movie that centers around his life? This is a whole lot of meta."
"You can call me Cam, you can call me Cameron, my pronouns are she/her."
"You should never refer to yourself in the third person."
"Allowing myself to introduce myself."