
Body Modification Quotes

There are 63 quotes

"Moral of the story: do your research before committing to anything permanent, especially with your body."
"Perhaps the extreme body modification like those undertaken by the Black Alien or Human Satan are attempts to realign their mental and physical body image."
"The only time he feels strange is when people look at him funny in the street; otherwise, his modified body is normal to him, comforting even."
"What is natural beauty and how much body modification is too much is something that's super interesting, and we need to have more discourse about these types of topics."
"Ridicule and harsh comments from others can lead people to consider getting some you know alterations to their body to better conform to the ideal."
"Single needle tattoos also have a reputation of blowing out."
"You're not a freak if you want to modify your body in some way that gives you a level of confidence that you didn't have before."
"I just can't believe that there are piercers out there who are like, 'Yeah, let's pierce your eyelid.'"
"I'm cyberware affinity. Hand razor, yes please. Twin slash, yeah, I want that."
"Smart tattoos: It's only a matter of time before the merging between the human body and advanced tech takes place."
"Of course, that's what happens. You're doing something to your body that is not only irreversible but it can't actually give you what you think that you want and you're removed from the people that actually love you and that's evil."
"Viking body modification... many Vikings 1,000 years ago were likely more modified than many hardcore body modders today."
"I've gotten my belly button pierced towards the end of the summer."
"This community is saying love yourself, but then we're also telling them in order to be yourself, you have to modify your body so that you feel comfortable."
"After my tattoo, you might notice the ridges over my eyes. They were created by having Teflons surgically grafted to my skull in a 6-hour operation without anesthetic."
"Everything can be an optical illusion but just really be out here facing their bodies and completely altering um their shape."
"I have never once in my life been like, 'Oh, I need a [__] triangle on my puss.'"
"It's essentially the ability to create seemingly infinitely deep pockets within one's body."
"I think these regulations on eyeball tattooing are great."
"I've always wanted bigger boobs, I was like never obviously had the money to do it, had them have them very lucky have the money to do it now and I was like you know what if I'm going to do it let me do it now because not why not."
"Price ranges can change... personally myself I spent about $25,000 on my whole body."
"What is this about the new trend of tattooing faces on women's? What's happening?"
"I got the Tad on my neck officially"
"Tattoos, piercings, and gemstones."
"A tattoo artist has started to create tattoos that are meant to change shape when a client's knees and elbows are bent or straightened."
"I'm surprised you don't have an eyebrow stud yet."
"The concept of morphological freedom is that you have the right to augment, to enhance your body."
"There's nothing else I need to do I love how I am now I did my maybe yeah my chichis my nose I I feel like I'm good."
"Advancements in the near future will give people the option to bring the avatars from Ready Player One into real life where body modifications can be taken to the extreme."
"Do you think strength sports are going to get more ridiculous and capitalize on technology or do you think that they're going to fade away as the average person has the ability to modify their body in such desperate and Extreme Ways?"
"I might just get one booty done, so I might end up working on the second one a little later."
"Would you ever get piercings or tattoos?"
"It is always just the best day. I absolutely love getting a new piercing."
"Additionally though your body could have been built for war, you could be a massive super strong barbarian warforged with hydraulic pistons for arms."
"No piercing modification is worth your own health or making your life more difficult. It just doesn't make sense."
"Having a stretch belly button piercing just looks horrible. It's so unnatural, it freaks me out."
"You're just asking for trouble with this kind of piercing. It's just trouble, why?"
"Gum piercings? Oh my god. If you want to get gum piercings, good for you, but I'd rather have my teeth."
"When you walk into your homies shop and his piercers be like, I already know. I always find it, I always always always find it so much more comforting when the person doing the modifications is also modified. My piercer Ronnie has had so many piercings over her lifetime."
"This is a method that I've seen a lot of people do, but I would always advise against doing it. It's not a good idea to split your tongue with fish wire."
"I ain't gonna lie, I'm one of those people. You get all this towards looking right, all the body lines are looking good, and then now we gotta go in and start carving holes out."
"A reshaping of the human body by modern technology."
"...so anytime I have a client come in for a super small tattoo and they want to get it done I recommend that you know through time it expands underneath the skin."
"...tattoos as a whole can be addicting you know people come back and get more and more as soon as you get one you're like oh it's not as bad as I thought and you get more."
"If you can modify something on your body to make you feel completely comfortable with yourself and you have the means to do that then absolutely go for it."
"I shaved off my Adam's Apple because I hated it. It felt like a tumor that needed to go away."
"I've done my lips, I've got my tongue, I've got my back dimples, I've got it... and right now, I'm a poco loco."
"I'm getting a breast reduction slash lift."
"Getting a piercing I don't know where but I just want another piercing I need it Body Mods."
"I think this might be the year I get my first tattoo."
"Have you ever had a pierced nipple?"
"This person takes people and turns parts of them into robots."
"Do you ever wonder how it went down for the first person to ever get their ear pierced?"
"I get it though, the endorphins and serotonin that gets released in your body when you get like a new piercing or a new tattoo is definitely addictive."
"I'm all for it, if you want your body a certain way and you have the money, go ahead and go for it."
"I see plastic surgery as this awesome opportunity to just do creative things with our bodies."
"The Tashik culture's practice of artificial cranial deformation reflects the significance of body modification within the society."
"One of the most valuable parts of body mod in general is the journey itself."
"I'm all about the body mods; I'm gonna be that eighty-year-old Doris in the hairdresser's getting my blue rinse with all my saggy skin tattoos and probably still have lip piercings in."