
Savior Quotes

There are 347 quotes

"The reason Jesus came to earth is because the law could not do what we need in a savior."
"For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord."
"Empress Teresa, the humble world savior and conquer the right hand of God, was no longer in their lives."
"Praise God, we have a Savior who did not allow the sin to get here."
"The man who will save this world is Elon Musk."
"All of it points to God, all of it points to the wonderful splendid Savior."
"She's a savior, and she's going to save the world."
"They're looking for a savior, but there is only one and he already came."
"This story will be the story of a new king, a new ruler. This is the beginning of a better euangelion, a better gospel because in this story we are introduced to our true Savior, the Word made flesh, Jesus."
"All praise to you in the name of your son Yahusha Hamashiach, the anointed savior of Nazareth."
"He who frustrates me is he who is to become the Saviour, a man god whose name, if written on anyone's forehead, will defeat me."
"And the spirit answered: 'He who frustrates me is he who is to become the Saviour, a man god whose name, if written on anyone's forehead, will defeat me, and in fear I shall quickly retreat.'"
"But in a classroom of one, it seems that the Savior of the world was prepared personally by the Father of us all."
"We are givers through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior."
"People in the hood call him Black Jesus. They was like he was sent here to save it."
"You could be the one, the one that saves us all." - Gyome de Lange Loungeville
"Jesus Christ is our Savior, he is our high priest."
"If there's someone who saves people or shows mercy, he's called the Savior."
"Hallelujah, what a Savior He is to me."
"Messiah, the anointed one, God's son, the savior of the world."
"He became WCW's savior against this new faction who were hellbent on taking the company for themselves."
"The Savior suffered pains, afflictions, and temptations of every kind so that He can comfort us, heal us, and rescue us in times of need."
"It was because of him that the village was saved."
"Christ Our Savior is born. Merry Christmas, baby. Merry Christmas."
"He's done it again. Chelsea needed a savior, and no surprise, it's the genius."
"He saved basketball and he did it by playing it better than anyone else."
"You don't only have a Savior who died for you, but you also have an audience with the author."
"He was like the John Connor of this series like he'll save us he'll save the future."
"As we do, we will come to know the Savior, be like the Savior, and find for ourselves his Everlasting relief."
"Jesus is the Christ, the living Christ. He is your Savior and mine."
"I am the Lord, your Savior, the Redeemer, the Mighty One of Jacob."
"The savior, the club has just transformed."
"Even a messiah, or in other words, a savior of the world."
"Every good symbol in the scripture is simply another lens, another way that you can look to see different aspects of the savior's mission, his life, his love, his infinite atonement, his mercy, his character, his attributes."
"It's once you need that and you are aware of that that you appreciate the Savior that you have."
"The greater the sinner, the greater the savior."
"I have all the Hope in the world because of my savior Jesus Christ. He is the way. There is no other way."
"El Salvador is the savior, the ark, the Bitcoin Citadel."
"Every single savior of the world used gratitude."
"Dexter has saved Humanity on several occasions."
"Genevieve was proclaimed a savior and heroine."
"A dead savior can't save. What is transformative is the guy who died, got back up. If he can conquer death, then he can and he will, if you let him."
"Jesus died on the cross for our Redemption. Jesus, he's the Savior, he's the Savior."
"Christianity is different from all other religions why because we have a savior."
"There's only one savior that can always help you when your heart is breaking, who'll be able to help you face anything even that."
"...there's only one Savior and that Savior will never be the person that you marry."
"He did it. He handled it. This is why he is called a Savior."
"We listen to a prophet’s voice and hear the Savior too."
"When He says He's the only Savior, that's the truth. You must turn to Him and Him alone."
"There is always time with faith in the Savior."
"Enter Batman v Superman. This is our savior, this is our Jesus."
"Thankfully we have Hitch here to save us, being the only pony in the room with common sense."
"God loved us so much, He became our Savior."
"He is the only Messiah he is the only Savior."
"Arin could be the hero of this school perhaps even a savior."
"The kindness has been such a savior for me."
"On this day, I was your savior. On this day, I am your judge."
"How delightful is the weakness which causes us to be gathered up in the Savior's arms and be carried close to his heart."
"God is by nature a savior never forget that."
"He is the savior of humanity so maybe he doesn't have a purpose anymore."
"He had become both statesman and savior."
"His son is like a savior sent by God."
"The essence of what the angel said lay in this: 'He has been born to you.' You will never get true comfort from the Incarnate Savior until you perceive your personal interest in him."
"Only you can save them, only you could protect them that kind of a thing you have to go find the Savior you have to find the person you have to you have to find him you have to find that individual that's going to save everybody."
"We worship a Savior who left his pre-mortal station of the Godhead and condescended to come down to earth and live a mortal life."
"Churchill mattered a huge amount... the savior of his nation."
"That girl who isn't spotless she's filthy she reeks of worldly desires and sin and is so far from perfect but her Savior My Savior still says I want that girl."
"When we call him Savior, then we call him by his name."
"She's going to be the one to save the day."
"There is only one savior and he was born as a baby, the very word of God made flesh among us."
"Apart from me, there is no Savior."
"What a day that will be when our Savior comes."
"The Avenger has become our Redeemer."
"This message was to bring more prominently before the world the uplifted savior."
"I'm always amazed to see how well they understood the Plan of Salvation and how well they understood the role of the Savior."
"I need a Savior. I want to know you and love you and serve you."
"He seems to be the savior, doesn't he, for labor. Kit, the king in the north."
"It's not really our sins that makes us weep. Oh, they have a part in it. But for Peter it wasn't just his sin that made him weep, it is when we see the kind of Savior we have sinned against that really makes us weep."
"The Savior has been born. Savior from disease, savior from failure, savior from poverty, savior from religion, savior from inferiority, savior from self-dignity, savior from sin."
"The Savior appears, and his voice was as the sound of rolling waters."
"Jesus, you are the healer, you are the Savior, you are the deliverer and there is no other."
"It's all about the Savior. What he did for us is matchless, and I love him for loving me in that way."
"...the structure is not your savior, Jesus is still the Savior."
"We want a deliverer who comes in and is like us but greater. Greater than any superhero, greater than any comic is the Lord Jesus Christ."
"I see Christ Jesus, my Savior. His face shines like the sun."
"She sees herself as a savior, bringing a new truth that will bring about a redeemed world."
"It isn't explanations that we need, it's a person we need: Jesus Christ."
"Grandma saved Thanksgiving once again."
"Yeshua, Messiah of Israel, the Savior of the world."
"Tell you what, that’s a wonderful Savior to have—a Savior who keeps us in the hour of our deepest darkness."
"See Jesus as the Savior who is worthy of your trust."
"Holy [ __ ]! John Titor has asked Okabe to be the savior of humanity!"
"Osiris is every bit uh a savior God and that his resurrection makes it possible for others to be raised and justified in His image."
"Jesus is the one and only Savior of all mankind."
"He saved countless villagers in many kingdoms but never revealed his identity."
"Jesus Christ, Son of God, Savior."
"Let him be your living water, your Good Shepherd, your Messiah, and your savior."
"That a savior was born and he is Christ the Lord and that news has changed everything for so many of us."
"We serve a savior that even though he went through what he went through, when he got on the cross, he followed through."
"Christ is the savior of the cosmos, not just a savior of the earth."
"It was not just survival training, it was the test to find the savior of humanity."
"If they ever suffer like I did, I want to be their savior, just like my family was for me."
"Jesus is, beloved, the Lamb of God."
"What a wonderful Savior we have in the Lord Jesus Christ!"
"The Savior—yes, the Messiah, the Lord—has been born today in Bethlehem, the city of David!"
"Our hope is not in who's in the White House; our hope is in the Savior on the cross."
"Your kingdom is humble, as humble as death, His King is a savior who gave His last breath."
"Jesus is the only one who died and rose from the dead, and that's why He qualifies to be the Savior."
"God raised up for Israel a Savior, Jesus."
"He's not just the Lord, but he's also their Savior."
"Nothing is meant to be our Savior except for God."
"Isn't it wonderful the Lord had provided a way to finance that flight into Egypt to save the savior's life?"
"Who is Jesus right now in your soul? Is He your living Savior? Is He your Lord God Almighty?"
"God did not assign anyone to be the savior of the world aside from Christ himself."
"Jesus Christ is the savior of the whole world; honor him and proclaim it loudly."
"Grow up and come into the presence of a living savior today."
"We have heard him ourselves and know that this is indeed the Christ, the Saviour of the world."
"A savior was born to you today in Bethlehem."
"What a good God we serve and what a precious savior we have, his name is Jesus."
"We have a wonderful, wonderful Savior."
"Tell people that Jesus is mighty to save. Tell them that Jesus is the only savior, because Jesus is the only one who is qualified to save."
"Jesus the Christ is our Redeemer and Savior; He lives."
"You are truly the savior to our people."
"No man will ever look at Jesus Christ and say, 'You didn't want to be my savior.'"
"We are here to do great and glorious things for our great and glorious Savior."
"He rises above the critics, the Pharisees, and the scribes, and the priests; he rises above the Roman governor until you are transfixed on one life, one Savior, one man who is willing to die for the sins of the world because he is God incarnate in human flesh."
"And the Lord, even the Savior, shall stand in the midst of his people, and shall reign over all flesh."
"Our focus must be riveted on the Savior and His gospel."
"He's like Jesus Christ himself coming through the door to save the day."
"Hallelujah, what a Savior, and symbolically we receive the white robe of the gift of righteousness."
"Oh what a Savior, isn't He wonderful?"
"Bearing shame and scoffing rude, in my place condemned He stood; sealed my pardon with His blood. What a Savior!"
"Your model is to be the perfect Savior."
"God Elia picked out the savior of this world."
"As the elemental King had predicted, Allan was their savior."
"I like that she's feminine and emotional while also being like this weird light creature who will save the planet."
"Son, your sins are forgiven; it's something only the savior of the world can do who was going to the cross."
"This guy is a hero. This is a guy who saved Gotham."
"Jesus who has been set aside by God, anointed by God, the ultimate Redeemer, the ultimate Anointed One, the ultimate Christ."
"What our Savior did 2000 years ago, and what is the church, I think that's such an important question."
"How great You are, how amazing You are, what a wonderful Savior."
"We thank you for the one who came, the one who came to be the salvation of his people."
"I'll never turn our back on any saving like a savior."
"She couldn't express her gratitude enough; he was her savior."
"Mithra's painful Journey was a symbol of human sufferings like Christ; after all, he was a savior."
"When we are close to the Savior, when we come unto him, we come to understand that not only does he have a Heavenly Father, too—we come to know that his father is our father."
"The ultimate and only true and living change agent is the Savior."
"Whoever or whatever you are, thank you for saving my life."
"We adore you, behold you, our savior ever true, oh Jesus, we turn our eyes to you."
"Jesus was sent by his father as the savior of the world."
"The most important thing you can do is meet this Savior we call Jesus."
"The name Jesus means Savior, and how sweet will this name be to poor sinners, to lost men."
"God sent the Savior to save people."
"The orb is supposed to be a representation of the world, the celestial sphere of the heavens and the Earth; it signifies Christ's role as the savior of the world."
"And he shall send them a savior, and a great one, and he shall deliver them."
"I don't know what a sinner you are, but I know what a savior he is."
"Our greatest need is a personal, loving, and all-powerful Savior, and His name is Jesus Christ."
"I think our job as Catholics is to let people know that if they need a savior, we have one, and to point them toward Him."
"He needed a redeemer... someone who would pay the penalty for our sin."
"Jesus Christ is your exclusive Savior, and all other relationships are determined and conditioned by this one overwhelming, almighty relationship."
"I believe is the one who's destined to save the world."
"Starting today, you will be the savior."
"Jesus, a Hebrew word in English: Savior."
"I serve a risen Savior tonight because if I just look at Jesus... I can't take my eyes off of Him."
"He's the Messiah of the mess, the teacher in the trial, the Christ in the crisis."
"The Savior's life on earth was short, but he was always reaching out in love every step of the way."
"Every act of the Savior on earth was done out of love."
"The Savior is our example in everything, not only in what we should do, but why we should do it."
"This is how broken I am, this is how much I need a savior."
"Your greatest need is not for a guru, your greatest need is for a savior."
"Jesus did miracles because he oozed compassion, and he came as a Savior."
"The Lord Jesus Christ is the savior."
"There is a balm in Gilead; there is a savior, Jesus."
"If ever there was a savior who could be trusted, it's Jesus."
"Jesus will show up, and that Jesus will be our Lord and that He will be our Savior."
"Christ is mighty to save, and He came to save us."
"This world overlooks the grand news that a Savior was born."
"For unto you this day is born a savior, a savior now what does a savior do? He saves."
"Jesus Christ is the savior of the world."
"All flesh shall know that I the Lord am thy Mighty Savior and thy Redeemer, the mighty one of Jacob."
"It's not about perfection; it's about a perfect Savior."
"When a young woman awakens naked in a field, she learns the world is dying, and that she is the only one who can save it."
"I think he will be the savior of the multiverse, and he will never let anybody ever forget it."
"I am the one true savior; I must reverse the delusion."
"Even I, am Jehovah; and beside me there is no savior."
"It's his job to assume the responsibility of being the world's savior."
"We await the blessed hope and the coming of Our Savior, Jesus Christ."
"You're a wonderful Savior, a wonderful Healer, a wonderful Redeemer, and a Restorer."
"So He became their Savior. In all their affliction, He was afflicted."
"King Leol reiterated that L was the savior of their Kingdom and currently the most important person in the land."
"The first thing I want to see is the face of my Savior."
"Lord, since I found the Savior, my life has been complete."
"The god sought a savior capable of wielding their immense power, not a mundane spokesperson."
"Every religion in the world today talks of an awaited savior."
"I believe you're my Lord and Savior."
"You must embody it as the Savior, as 'I am'."
"He's the only one who could come and be our Savior."
"I'm looking for that glorious appearing of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ."
"...it seems like pie is the knight in shining armor that's come to save the day."