
Historical Parallels Quotes

There are 98 quotes

"Initially thought to be a quick annexation, the situation in Ukraine started drawing parallels to the aggressive military campaigns of World War II."
"It's basically a Salem witch trial kind of stuff that is happening right now."
"You drew some really interesting parallels between the 1929 crash and the thirties recession."
"There's a prevailing concern that the United States might be on the verge of a severe economic downturn similar to the hardships faced during the Great Depression."
"Unlike our politicians and pop culture figures who can only compare our society to World War II or the 60s, I find the most telling parallels to our current age being the fall of the Roman Republic, the French Revolution, and finally the 1600s."
"Could there be another Roaring 20s? Well, I think maybe, but for that to happen, we would need to see a correction in prices across the economy."
"It's like the 70s on steroids. This could go on for a decade."
"China will never ever have power ever again just like Egypt."
"Far more Russian soldiers have been KIA in this conflict than in Afghanistan, and it may start to look like Russia's Vietnam."
"It is time for everybody to watch or re-watch Dr. Strangelove because that is exactly the times that we are living in now and may have the same ending."
"Part of me feels like we're going through a second hippy revolution because I see so many parallels from that time to now."
"Those that are drug-addicted, those that are alcoholics, those that are economically distressed, those that have disability, those that have mental challenges."
"Both Rome and America were obsessed with games and sports."
"1969: men first landed on the moon, Summer of Love, racial tension... echoes of our current situation."
"This is exactly what we saw in apartheid South Africa."
"The situation parallel[s] that of the Soviet Union at its end."
"We've regulated from railroads to cars airplanes food drugs there's no reason why we shouldn't be able to regulate tech."
"This is absolutely terrifying, this is the ghosts of 2008."
"The story that surrounds Budika is one that we can see parallels with throughout world history."
"Books like 'The Railway Journey' help us draw parallels between the past and the present."
"As people come in and they say, 'Ah, cryptos, they're nothing,' just remember, there's the same type of people out there that predicted that the internet would come to nothing." - Rob
"The generation living today will see my glory as did Moses and it shall spread like fire, wow."
"Jesus warned that in the last days the world would once again be like it was in the days of Noah."
"It's almost mimicking the fall of Rome with the capitals moving and it all occurring over time."
"Are the petty games played by the Westerosians 200 years from now the same ones about to be played by these a-holes?"
"You're five times more likely to be profitable gambling at Caesar's Palace than being involved in an MLM."
"We must deal with that offense and not suppress it and pretend that it's somehow evil to mention these obvious parallels in history."
"If extraterrestrials visit us, the outcome might be similar to when Columbus landed in America."
"With all that said, some advocates are concerned that they’re witnessing a gravely inadequate response that brings up worrying parallels to what they saw in the AIDS pandemic."
"Diana's son Harry, together with his wife Meghan Markle, publicly Drew parallels with her story highlighting the invasive nature of the press and confines of Royal life becoming unbearable much as they were at times for The Late Princess of Wales."
"I think we're in for the double pump, the 2013 repeat."
"So when a story endeavors to tell a story about oppression, of course it’s going to resemble histories of oppression from our own world, or at least it’s guaranteed to make people think of real world examples."
"Many of the things that happened in the old Soviet regime and in the Soviet Empire are at least in a varied form and to varying degrees happening here in the United States."
"There were moments on set that we realized, 'Oh wow, that has not changed.' You know what I mean? It may have transformed, it may look a little differently, lynching looks differently, but it's not changed."
"Let's not let burn pits become the next Agent Orange."
"This technology might look like something that we've never seen before but at the core of it we've seen it for thousands of years."
"The Chinese are trying to do in Africa what European powers did to China."
"Inequality being the big one, we're living in a new gilded age at least in part thanks to these massive efforts to avoid redistributive politics."
"Lauren Elder's crash has many uncanny similarities with the Steve Fawcett case."
"Could the same force 30 years apart have driven both aircraft into the side of a mountain?"
"It's impossible to watch it now and not see nearly word for word and image for image the parallels to today."
"Hurricanes, especially the hurricanes becoming more and more powerful, they seem to follow the trajectory of the slave ships."
"Abolition is rooted in a black radical tradition in which the word is used precisely because it echoes the fight for the abolition of slavery."
"In Egghead, the Straw Hats represent freedom. They are now the ones who possess true freedom to do what they want, how they want."
"I cannot be convinced anymore that it's just a coincidence that it's Frodo and his three buddies that sign up for this great adventure and that it was Tolkien and his three best friends who signed up for World War one."
"Welcome to a new era akin to the drama and power of Tudor England."
"When will people finally find where they've had enough? When will they rebel? The formula is as old as history, played out exactly as in the French Revolution."
"Maybe we're living through the 1960s all over again."
"Racism has plagued the history of the world of One Piece, much like it has plagued that of our own."
"Kathy talks about how we might be in this era of a big transition where we go from late 1800s to early 1900s all of a sudden we get cars electricity light bulbs we get this massive explosion and growth from innovation."
"1973 perfectly mirrors the social economic conditions of the United States for 2023."
"We're in the season of fulfillment, and we're seeing the same parallels of the past happening today."
"We're gonna recover. We're seeing exactly what happened in 2013."
"All dictatorships do start with emergencies."
"Consider these similarities between the Americas and Egypt."
"If you are sitting there in New York right now and you are watching what they... are proposing and seeing what's going on and you say I'm just gonna stick around... okay not to use an old cliche but there were a lot of people in Germany."
"The order of the coagula determined who is going to be the lucky recipient of their latest host body... playing a game of Silent Bingo, a practice that's made all the more terrible because it Harkens back to the slave auctions of old."
"When the Roswell Rock was analyzed, it was discovered that the rock's design was similar to a crop circle found in England in 1996."
"Investors are ignoring the parallels between 1929, 1999, 2007, and today."
"A defeat in Ukraine could be the death knell for the entire Russian Federation- many today in Russia are no doubt remembering March 8th, 1917- the day that the Russian revolution started- because the parallels are staggering."
"We live in an opportunity that is similar to the industrial revolution."
"Pushing the FED... scared of a repeat of the 1970s."
"You're walking blind if you can't see the correlation between the events in Sodom and Gomorrah and the current state of the world."
"To not use those striking parallels as a kind of framework within which to process one's analysis of January 6 itself is ridiculous."
"This loophole... Hawaii could end up being literally a Pearl Harbor 2.0."
"There are strong parallels, similarities between the period of the early 1920s and the period of the present day."
"The conference wants to follow in the footsteps of other reimagined conferences like the Sun Belt or the Conference USA."
"I think the current inflation cycle behaves very much like the late 60s and 70s inflation cycle."
"As it was with the Maccabees, we are now living in times of massive spiritual and moral changes."
"Because of the way that the regiment works, it's the first time since the Second World War that all the squadrons, apart from the counter-terrorism team, all the three squadrons have been involved in the same sort of conflict as a mass."
"There are people alive today that their own grandparents have gone exactly through what the Ukrainians are going through."
"Egypt and Nubia and Ethiopia are to Africa as Greece and Rome are to Europe."
"I think that we made the mistake of thinking that Putin's war in Chechnya and in Syria and all the rest of it doesn't count in quite the same way, well it should have done."
"Hitler and Napoleon: mirroring journeys through history."
"Before you know it they gonna be euthanizing Negroes, they gonna be telling us what we can do, oh they did it was called enslavement."
"We need to resist moral corruption and division, or we'll face destruction like great empires before us."
"...the catastrophic disappearance of Hela in 373 BC offers a fascinating real-world counterpart to the legendary story of Atlantis."
"It's crazy how these events from over a century ago match up with large wrestling storylines playing out nowadays."
"Fiamma's reasons for starting a war for his own idea of how the world should be are reminiscent of many past historical dictators."
"There are still so many dangers, Americans are feeling a similar fear as their grandparents felt."
"Watching the Spanish guerrillas... it just kind of made me think about that parallel that we have here in the United States."
"The war between the Starks and Lannisters is a parallel to the war between the Yorks and Lancasters."
"You're going to be probably very surprised to perceive the incredible parallel between both the predicament and the reactions to that predicament that we see today."
"The big social and economic question raised by all this is whether the so-called second Machine Age is going to be like earlier disruptive technologies."
"It's good; the storyline does a good job, obviously, it super parallels what happens in World War II."
"Replace political prejudice with racial prejudice, and what we're seeing today is exactly analogous to what we saw decades ago."