
Allegiance Quotes

There are 581 quotes

"Satan wants his mark because he wants people to worship him."
"Which sacrifice are you willing to make? Do you bow to the world, do you bow to the enemy, or do you bow to the throne of God?"
"It's going to be a god emperor landslide absolute Trump victory. Greenland pledges allegiance to the United States under Donald Trump and don't you forget it."
"At the bedrock of our politics, we will have allegiance to the United States of America."
"My allegiance is to my country, my allegiance is to my Constitution."
"The knockers decide to give their allegiance to Dariel, making the mine his."
"Would you like to say Jesus, I want to stand with that group?"
"Are you a good person or a bad person? Are you with us or against us?"
"South Africans will never be a part of organizations that work for the West."
"Stay your blade from the flesh of the innocent. Hide in plain sight. Never compromise the Brotherhood."
"Our only allegiance, also unlike Freemasonry, is Jesus Christ and Him alone. The True Light of the World. The One and Only God, the God that is in the Bible and only the Bible, not Lucifer, their light, who they freely clearly worship."
"There are risks here... serious interventions... if you believe those risks are worth exploring... then you're on my side."
"As a mercenary, you swear no allegiance. You've chosen the outlaw life and trust that your abilities will carry you up Night City's ruthless underground social ladder."
"When the war breaks out, you've got to choose sides."
"You're either with the people or you're with that mob, it's pretty clear-cut."
"The nation-state works because it's what you're prepared to swear allegiance to."
"Either you are with us or you are with the terrorists."
"It's not our number that's the issue... it's his number that we take as an identity of allegiance to him."
"Our ultimate allegiance is to the kingdom of God."
"What Republicans have done is sell their soul to Donald Trump."
"Caught at the heart of this struggle is the Prior Elizabeth Becquin. Will she stand with the Inquisition or with the Cognitae that raised her?"
"The question has to be answered: Do you believe in American democracy or not? Which side are you on?"
"We don't belong to the elephant or the donkey. We belong to the agenda of the Lamb."
"From this day forth, Highmountain bows to stand with you against all foes."
"Wherever your path takes you, know that you fight for the Horde."
"Make a decision now to not bow to the kings of this world, but to only bow to the Lord Jesus Christ."
"The Republican Party stands with still Donald Trump."
"Thanks for joining us today, my name is Alan reminding you that my allegiance is to the Republic, to democracy."
"When you see him, meaning the Mahdi, then pledge your allegiance to him even if you have to crawl over the snow."
"Let me know who y'all repping in the comments. Team Sasha? Team Ida? Team Janeo? Who are y'all repping in these comments?"
"Between 1642 and 1646 those loyal to the king, called Cavaliers, faced off against those loyal to Parliament, called Roundheads."
"The Knights of the Flame are unwavering in their allegiance to Lord Oberon and Lady Dorion of Eclaire."
"Picking sides: why I'm joining the purple Empire faction."
"We have an alternative political philosophy and it's that we have allegiance to King Jesus."
"The allegiance of the latter is his own, as are his dark councils."
"They want to live in Makoto's territory, reminding Makoto that he is the master."
"Vegapunk, as it turns out, is not loyal to the World Government; he has ties with the Revolutionary Army and is even seen being a good friend with Dragon."
"Shall I crucify your king?" Pilate asked. "We have no king but Caesar," the chief priests answered.
"Enemy to those who make him an enemy, friend to those who have no friend."
"Your ultimate allegiance is not to the government, not to the state, not to the nation, but your ultimate allegiance is to God."
"I took an oath not to them, to the Constitution."
"There's this defense of Donald Trump by people who feel like they're in his tribe, in his camp."
"Loyalty is not a physical thing; loyalty is a mentality."
"Favor commands the allegiance of men."
"Every lord was made to swear to honor Rhaenyra's right to the throne."
"I must protect Cybertron from all hostile threats."
"Either you're with me, or you're against me."
"He really wasn't a Decepticon, he was just a very misled Autobot."
"I owe allegiance to no man, only your help in leading us to our destination."
"You're a Starfleet officer. You have a duty!"
"Declare his allegiance to his soulmate, to his higher nature."
"Whose side are you on?" she screams.
"If you're not on our side, you're on his side."
"There is a line in the sand, you either for him or you against them."
"You can't play the middle and both ends, you got to pick a side."
"Jesus is my man, Jesus is the one I love, Jesus is my plan."
"Dolores convinces Maeve to turn on Sorak."
"After the apparent death of Wolverine, Mystique joined forces with a group of mutants with close connections to him."
"When Charles Xavier founded the mutant nation Krakoa, Mystique joined as a member of the Quiet Council."
"You have to remember that your first allegiance is to Jesus Christ because you're bought. Anything that comes against you is really against God."
"I literally hate her... let me turn in my stan card right now."
"Wouldn't change a thing. I would have followed you, my brother, my captain, my king."
"Gods need not be alone. I will stand beside you, Lex Luthor, and so will your army."
"I didn't even know who Little Dirk was, but... I'mma live and die for anything taking shots at the West Coast."
"I am a servant of the secret fire."
"It represents an explicit statement of allegiance to Christianity at a very early date in the"
"Pac is from the Bay, that's our [ __ ]."
"True loyalty doesn't know the law. That's how it goes, you know? You're my boy."
"I'm just here to tell you, 69 ain't a rat no more."
"Dumbledore was careful to keep Snape's true allegiance a secret from Harry and the Order of the Phoenix."
"So, does this mean they're on our side?"
"Whose side is Jack on for the moment?"
"There are two kinds of people: those who love Jerusalem, whom God has revealed, and those who oppose her."
"Colerus has indeed recovered and pledges his support to Rhaenera, already securing her a powerful fleet and three more dragons."
"...the village priest was supplying lead to the royalist army to make musket balls to shoot at puritans like the people of Liam."
"I'll never turn to the dark side. I am a Jedi, like my father before me."
"It comes as a great shock to discover that the flag which you have pledged allegiance, along with everybody else, has not pledged allegiance to you."
"I'm still Dumbledore's man, through and through."
"I tell him right there, 'I'm committed, you don't have to say anything else, I'm committed to Oregon.'"
"Jesus is not asking you to go hate your parents. But it's all about the master, it's all about the Lord."
"But if he doesn't, and it's a personal thing with me, then I hope that he comes on Vandalist's side."
"He really is, and we see this in chapter 1092, he is a dog for the world government."
"And then finally you get to the gods Knights, I think that we're even a slightly above Kong, I think the gods Knights listen directly to the Goro say maybe even just directly to eem and eem alone."
"No mere Ranger. Ranger he is Aragorn, son of Arathorn, you owe him your allegiance."
"Everybody, everywhere has an allegiance, an obligation, a connection to the Savior through his sacrifice."
"Support for the lancastrians I think is waning steadily as it becomes obvious that they are not really making much impact on Edward's security I think pragmatism comes into play here."
"You just gotta pick your side, you just have to pick your side."
"It's possible that the supernova will join luffy by the end, not necessarily because they're all friends, but just that if push comes to shove, if there is a great war, then pirates would side with pirates before the world government."
"Iona asks blade to become her new master to stop a self-destruct countdown."
"You know what to do, long live the Empire."
"He's making us wonder, well, what side are you on?"
"The loyalty oaths in Deuteronomy are not to the Assyrian king; they are to God."
"This man said that he would follow the gods and become an ally of the elves."
"But no matter what King John did, William Marshal stayed loyal to the crown."
"I'm not with the angle Alliance, nor am I with the Christian coalition. I'm with TOMCO."
"They'll be loyal to you, even in difficult situations."
"Prime Soundwave might have been the most loyal to Megatron."
"You have to back the king. Yeah, he is my king."
"We will go to the White Citadel and pledge our loyalty," said Kira.
"He should be careful with their leader. His name is Fanu. He is the son of the Fan family in Nanan. Moreover, he is a follower of the Broken Heaven Clan."
"Their policy of Tolerance was so interesting because they didn't care what religion you were. Just give us money, give us troops, or whatever. Pledge your allegiance to us and we're good."
"We take an oath to an idea the idea that's America."
"My allegiance is to The Republic, to democracy. I will do what I must."
"Papa Nurgle ain't got [ __ ]. I'm a Slaanesh boy now."
"Cousin had officially aligned himself with the Blackbeard pirates."
"It's about showing your Allegiance on YouTube or whatnot but this is the way and this is what we're going to try to do we're going to do something positive today"
"I will live and die under the Union."
"No matter how much Monster Blood he had, he was on the side of the people."
"Uphold the oath they took to the Constitution."
"Peridot defects and becomes an official member of the Crystal Gems."
"The chaos Beast realized what a terrible situation it was in and bound to its new master."
"My allegiance has never been to the party, it has always been to our country."
"I don't trust Snape, but I trust you."
"Don't ever take sides with anyone against the family."
"To be a stormtrooper means perfection at all times for you are the faceless enforcers of our emperor as well the might of vader's fist."
"I kind of, I suppose, have subtly pledged allegiance in every moment of my life."
"If there's anything that I'm saying that's actually, I don't know if I pledge allegiance to the flag, I skip that part."
"But don't you feel like it's a much better thing to pledge allegiance to the country or the government rather than to one single group of people?"
"Saul is my king... I'm his servant or I'm his son... I'm his Soldier."
"It's a battle, a chap with him is Drake's right hand too."
"He's basically saying just because you fought for a side that doesn't mean you actually believe in what that side is fighting for."
"I am loyal to that Throne no matter who sits upon it."
"It's important to mention, they're staying in the Alliance family."
"That's a Lord I can follow to the end of the world."
"Some of us may be urged to bow down to Earthly dignitaries, but make no mistake about it, bowing to God may come at a great price."
"The bravery of this young Targaryen makes her so dangerous and she will be willing to defend her house at any cost."
"Our allegiance is to Jesus Christ and Christ alone, and there's no amount of money, there's no amount of people that could allure us into an assignment or a lane that God has not called us to function in."
"How can you be sold out for God and sold out for another organization at the same time?"
"The Lord has said, 'He that is not with me is against me.'"
"The Knights of God may directly serve emu."
"It's not just people who are willing to fight for him and die for him, but political appointments."
"Happens to the best of us. We side with the wrong team in the revolution."
"...their enemies shall be our enemies, their need shall be our need, and whatsoever evil, or threat, or assault may come upon them we will aid them to the utmost end of our strength."
"Hornet was obviously pleased to see her people saved but hated the idea of one of her own working for the enemy and still longed to see Khan slain."
"What do you think? Are you a Stan of something in particular?"
"You don't know who you're supposed to root for."
"Everything the false prophet does is to please the first beast, to return power to the first beast."
"The false prophet imposes the mark of the first beast."
"I am fully, fully, fully on team Sheffer now, and I'll be honest, it's the beard."
"The only real way you can assure loyalty is with bonds of blood. That is how the Targaryens operate."
"Once a Cobra Kai, always a Cobra [__]."
"Joining the White Walkers because humans suck, I like that idea."
"I pledge allegiance to the Lamb with all my strength, with all I am."
"I guess they deserve to know who will kill them. I'm Takami, sacred God of Darkness, follower of the Supreme God Balud."
"So right there, the Night's Watch are compelled to obey the Night's King figure."
"The only blood that was shed that day came when a man in service to Lord Verwell began to boast that he had been one of Bloodraven's eyes."
"Whoever loves him, loves me; whoever hates him, hates me; whoever angers him, angers me; whoever hurts him, hurts me."
"Anakin, my allegiance is to the Republic! To democracy!"
"Everybody say it, I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America."
"The dragons now follow him...or her...or it."
"The people owed allegiance to the King in return for his protection."
"We are first Kingdom citizens before we're American citizens."
"She had this overwhelming sense of duty, not just to Britain but to the Commonwealth as a whole."
"Loyalty is something that I wrote down."
"Hilda even debates with Aris by taking Rudy's side."
"By order of the Peaky Blinders, I love that shit."
"If I was around I would have joined the Jacobites. I would have fought for what I believed in and stood up for something."
"We serve Harry, he has given us purpose again."
"Once He pushed us out through the miracle of regeneration, once He made us His own, once we recognized His voice, once we began to share His life, once we were set free from the bondage of the world's fold, we follow willingly, and we will not follow a stranger."
"There's all these more interesting people, they're Lannister people and they are you know, Targaryen people, I am team Stark forever."
"Never. Never will I turn to the dark side."
"I serve Ningguang, the Tianquan of the Qixing."
"Wouldn't you rather be on our side than theirs? Our side is going to win."
"You're essentially following the person you believe is most worthy of following and you're following the methodology that you believe is the right methodology."
"Joining the knight's watch or taking the black is a singular honor for any northerner."
"She believes her life and duty is for Alabaster and Alabaster alone."
"Life was going, I lay on the ground, I said, 'What did you say?' And they said, 'We want to ride for you.' And I said, 'You ride for Natas, and that's my homie, and he, uh-uh, I ain't taking none of his riders. I ain't going to do that.'"
"If the time comes when a full-scale war between the human population and the mutant population happens, you can count on us to join your cause."
"I'm going to make your team my team."
"Choose what you will do: Your God shall be my God, your country shall be my country, your Lord my Lord. I shall go with you."
"Many people did not like the fact that Joe the Boss sided with the Neapolitan."
"Will you be a dogmatic follower of The Emperor's Holy Light, a heretical pawn of the chaos Gods willing to do anything for power, or like myself, will you take the iconic class route and do your absolute best to make the Grim dark future a better place for mankind?"
"What owns our hearts becomes our master."
"You are either with me or you are my enemy."
"From the beginning, God never expected perfection; He expected allegiance."
"He wanted more pain to dive deeper into the dark side and pledge himself to Palpatine's teachings."
"First things first, I am an SEC fan first and foremost."
"The Alpha Legion would pledge their allegiance to the Traitors to the Throne."
"Lorgar had proven to be a worthy conduit for the will of the Ruinous Powers."
"Anakin wanted nothing more than to kill him like he killed Dooku, but he couldn't. Then Palpatine would win. So he would go find Windu and have him arrest Palpatine right now."
"Realizing that they were evil, Rusty turned on the Daleks who were attacking the human resistance fighters."
"The Ash-King reincarnated once more, and attached his cause to Talos."
"Von was one of them dudes, man. If you were ops, he didn't got no sympathy for you."
"Is it healthy to pledge blind allegiance? Shouldn't there be more nuance, more reasoning, more independent thoughts involved in this particular act?"
"We're not on the fence about who we want to win. It's about who's the good guy."
"The Gathering served as a strategic move, a subtle Declaration of allegiance that had been steadfast since the beginning."
"Every day we get to choose the Masters we serve."
"On behalf of the captains of the Ninth Legion, I accept your fealty and honor your allegiance, O son of the Emperor."
"Not gonna be working for [__] Dooku or something, is he?"
"Acknowledging the gravity of Valentino's words, was the Valentino family prepared to stand alongside Dimitri?"
"Are they Imperator?" he said, despite himself, finding himself smiling too. "Hail Imperator."
"If you ain't invoking or we in your circle, that's proof you going with them. They not coming with you."
"But basically says to Hashwolf, you know, we need to get close to Yuhar Bach too. We need to kill him. And Hashwolf is kind of like, am I supposed to be coming with you?"
"We are the Crystal Gems. We are with genocide now."
"Your allegiance, you don't want to be on the wrong side of the truth."
"If even the most loyal guards of the Tsar have surrendered, there's no one left to fight for him."
"My allegiance is to the law. I'm paid to uphold the law."
"Long live the king! Long live the king!"
"In a democracy, it's the head of state that should swear allegiance to us. This is an offensive and toned deaf gesture and holds the people in contempt."
"Von is one of my favorite characters in the series because I love that you never really know where her allegiances lie but yet she ends up having one of the biggest hero moments in the series."