
Documents Quotes

There are 105 quotes

"These documents don't belong to them. They belong to you and me. This is our heritage."
"The archives hold a vast collection of historical documents, manuscripts, books, and other records that date back to the 8th century."
"The evidence is overwhelming. There are documents that show the cover-up."
"The truth is really stranger than fiction if you really look at the actual documents themselves."
"So now we all know that y'all want to hide at the documents now we all know."
"They understood a human suffering, they understood that you can't get proper papers and documents."
"The public has a right to know, they have a right to have these documents unsealed."
"This is not comparable to other documents in Antiquity."
"I've seen the joining of dark forces that work together to bring him down... and I could even list the signed documents they will have produced to achieve what they achieved."
"The memo itself is legendary...the two most powerful documents involving the CIA and the media."
"The requested documents are pertinent to what is likely a lawful congressional investigation."
"Despite the presiding judge's order of releasing the documents Thursday, she gave Maxwell's attorney two days to seek a stay from an appeals court."
"I can't believe it, so you have documents clearly that have survived almost a thousand years."
"...I can't conceive of people signing off on documents that aren't true..."
"I can't allow you to go through with an expired document."
"Documents are the lifeblood of historians. We need these to build our picture of the past."
"Do not put your passport, boarding pass, birth certificate, kit ID in your checked luggage."
"Martha was engrossed in some documents absent-mindedly."
"I read the warrant and it looks like a bunch of [ __ ]."
"But in January of 1992, the City council passed this resolution here, which ordered the release of all files, documents, papers, films and audio held by the Police department or any other city department or agency regarding the Kennedy assassination to the public."
"Documents are fine but only as good as the people who wrote them."
"I'm glad I got your signature on the documents first while you were still able to use both of your arms."
"Captured documents reveal Hitler's plan."
"It's important to note that only 18 files regarding Lawrence's time as Director of Immigration were released."
"The Declaration of the Constitution was based off the Magna Carta, so this is like the OG Declaration of Independence."
"...the documents tell us things that we might otherwise not have noticed."
"We're going to break down the nitty-gritty of Word 365."
"Recover unsaved documents in Word 365 with just a few clicks."
"For something like an internal newsletter, where maybe you have content from your accounting department and your marketing department, you would be able to have one document with multiple dashboards and/or excel sheets that then people can drill down into."
"These documents remain incredibly significant and relevant to us today."
"...and it's not just the Hoffman ones they were suppressing, they had actual documents that they were suppressing, you know? So, and still do."
"Documents in the cloud really completes our iOS document storage story."
"One of the things that managed to achieve working for the B.A.P was a whole series of consensus documents."
"Thousands of years of human development and achievement, all contained in the pages of these wonderful documents that not only teach generation after generation of where we came from but where we might be going."
"I just went through all the documents and I'm just like, 'I can do this, I can do this.'"
"I've got all the documents, all in one place, much faster to grab it all."
"Forty-five thousand people around the world are traveling this day on falsified documents passports issued by government."
"Create a VIP photo album on your phone for important documents."
"Anybody with one of these can create a document that will physically last forever, and if the idea on it is a good one, the idea can last forever too."
"You can actually scan documents on this thing."
"We're death wrestling with ogres. You're reading documents is what you're doing, Ken."
"It's very important for you as an injured employee to maintain the documents associated with your claim."
"Interesting things you can find out by some documents."
"If I could just find the first occurrence of dollar sign I for each I, then I only have to pay order number of distinct documents."
"I will share these documents for free."
"I'll grab one of the signed partnership papers so you'll have a couple."
"Wow so this piece of paper really holds this much power."
"These sacred documents hold everything you need to know to get started, so make sure to take a timeout and study them well."
"Your resume and your cover letter are what's going to make you stand out."
"In brief, there's no longer any doubt that Shapiro's parchments were genuine."
"A few of these little pieces of paper truly mean the difference between life and death."
"The basic documents they need to have... it's a compulsory instrument for coming to Lithuania."
"Always carry your important documents in your hand luggage, never put these important documents in the checked-in luggage."
"I personally feel safer having my documents uploaded to the cloud."
"There are a few things more exciting than being brought a tray of letters or original documents and going through them."
"Keep your passport and your visa and your ticket together and safe and protected."
"Flattening your records, unfolding and flattening is a better preservation mode."
"Make sure that you have all of your proper documents."
"Right, folio number 12 is my favorite."
"Make sure all your documents are in your hand luggage."
"Those documents are a really valuable trove of information."
"The taking of information to the U.S national archives to guarantee preservation of the most important government documents."
"The fact that those documents were sealed in the first place... puts a little bit of a marker over what exactly is there to hide."
"Be ready to move out, keep all of your important documents locked away."
"Always go over any kind of important document at least once to make sure that you have done it correctly."
"A big hearing is taking place before Judge Eileene Cannon today in the Mar-a-Lago document case."
"Words that might appear frequently in one document but not frequently amongst a corpus of other documents might be unique or important to that particular document."
"The Dead Sea Scrolls are a collection of almost 1,000 historical documents dating back over two centuries."
"I wear this wallet around my neck, and in there I've got my passport and my pilgrim passport."
"You can have these trees and sub-trees within a document that you can fold and expand at will."
"The most influential documents, other than The Sermon on the Mount stuff, essentially go back to the Hebrew prophets and principles of the Torah of Abrahamic faith in general."
"The web is a network of documents, a network of information, as opposed to a network of computers."
"The importance of the Geniza documents for research into the lives of Egyptians and specifically, Jewish Egyptians in the early centuries of the 2nd millennium cannot be exaggerated."
"To file documents is 'archivar documentos'."
"I'm stoked, I needed a filing like organizer for my documents at home."
"It's a great way to secure important documents on your phone."
"The Bible is a collection of Supernatural documents."
"Some documents of mine," she said. "I thought it best if he didn't learn what was in them."
"That is awesome. This is so cool. I'm gonna use this on every official document I ever send."
"These are not trivial documents; these are critically important documents and they ought to be put before Parliament."
"You can turn any document you'd like into a professional sounding voiceover."
"Classifying a document, so deciding what category a document belongs to, is a surprisingly rich thing to do."
"How powerful of a UI you get for dealing with documents with the SwiftUI document architecture on the Mac."
"Vellum is calf skin, this was most often used for any very high status documents."
"The authenticity of the captured documents is beyond doubt."
"Most programs that produce digital documents have an Export or Save As command that allows them to save a document as a PDF."
"Once you're all said and done with it, you'll be able to take any PDF document or a group of PDF documents and start talking to them just like this."
"We store our data in collections of documents, which makes it really flexible."
"Now they're known as the most important Biblical documents in the world."
"The study of history is traditionally based on the study of documents."
"It's very important to note that not everyone named in these documents is accused or guilty of nefarious activity."
"The biggest pro here is that if a document's been renamed or moved, that link is not going to break."
"It's really great because it allows you to enable password protection on any of these PDF documents that you create with submitted form data."
"Important documents or contracts."
"The whole book seems to be documents and as you're reading, you are meant to figure out the mystery."
"We've actually found over 130 trillion documents on the web."
"The concept is basically take any digital document... and we need to find a way to make sure that the document that they receive is exactly the same one that I sent."