
Biblical Figures Quotes

There are 124 quotes

"Enoch, a Biblical Enigma, drifts through ancient Scrolls like a shadowy figure, his story shrouded in mystery, peaks our curiosity and invites speculation."
"At the top of the tree is, of course, Adam and Eve, who, according to the Bible, were the first two humans created by God."
"I would give it to Mother Eve, our glorious mother Eve, as later scripture attests, for having the courage to step out of the security of Eden."
"There really was a King David, and even Pagan Kings knew about him."
"These men they're the hinge figures if they had not done what Jesus told them to do we wouldn't be sitting here doing what we're doing today."
"How does Pilate come off here? Well, it's kind of weak and indecisive."
"Through friendship, Paul and Luke accomplished what no man could do singularly."
"The enduring mystery of the Nephilim: survival, extinction, or something more?"
"The Gospel of Judas portrays Judas Iscariot in a positive light, challenging the perception of him as a betrayer."
"This is about life, this is a Deborah, a judge. This is about an Esther who has been chosen for such a time as this."
"I think the time has come that we do in history to find the biblical characters."
"There arose not a prophet since in Israel like unto Moses whom the Lord knew face to face."
"Joshua defeated 31 Nephilim Kings... the greatest battle ever fought in supposed millennia."
"Elisha could have asked for anything, but he says, 'Elijah, whatever is on you, whatever type of anointing is on you, please let me have it. And a double portion of it, because I want that type of power.'"
"It's more likely about the prophetic role of Jesus's followers who are to take up the mantle of Moses and Elijah."
"Jesus was a genius, he didn't bring the man, where's the man he could have done that, an ordinary person of average intelligence would have done that."
"According to the Acts of Philip, Mary Magdalene, Jesus's most trusted apostle, dies here in Jerusalem."
"The House of the Apostles: the remains of a house found underneath a church, believed to be the home of Peter and Andrew."
"If you worship somebody based on their creation, Adam is the guy to go to."
"By the end of the story when Haman's about to be killed, he is bowing down to Esther begging for his life."
"Abraham's sons Isaac and Ishmael buried him together."
"Every impactful person in the Bible had influential people who helped them find their way in Destiny and in God."
"Matthew was a tax collector... it was not convenience but conviction that made him want to follow Jesus."
"Where Mary Magdalene is at her lowest point."
"Did you know that Noah was a liberal eco warrior and the world's first environmentalist?"
"Jesus talks about hell more than any other figure in the Bible."
"Michael, the great prince who protects your people, will arise."
"The word of God is the Prophet Daniel once encountered the angel of God while he was so weak to stand."
"Adam was Superman in every sense of the word."
"The false prophet and the second beast from Revelation 13 are the same."
"Samson had powerful strength, King David had power of faith, and Joseph had the power to interpret dreams."
"She is the single most interesting female character in the Bible."
"Paul personally knew Jesus's brother and disciple Peter."
"It seemed good to us, having become of one mind, to select men to send to you with our beloved Barnabas and Paul, men who have risked their lives for the name of our Lord Jesus Christ."
"Joshua served the Lord and he was filled with power."
"Jesus was a Jew from the tribe of Judah... from the family of David."
"Sampson shows us how he got to heaven empty-handed."
"The Incarnation depended on the yes of Mary, the Mother of God."
"Among them that are born of women there hath not risen a greater than John the Baptist."
"Both Moses and Jesus spent 40 days fasting in preparation for their missions."
"The New Testament clearly identified Jesus as this one like Moses that the one that Isaiah was talking about is Jesus."
"The first woman who contemplated and figured out who Jesus was."
"The salvation story in a way begins with this man who was willing to listen, and so we call him the father of faith."
"This demonstrates the existence of Isaiah as a prophet in the 8th and 7th centuries BC at the time of King Hezekiah right in Jerusalem."
"Heroes like Abel, Enoch, and Noah emerged as beacons in a morally clouded world."
"James was Jesus' brother... Peter was his right-hand man, John was a pillar of the church."
"The figure of Michael emerges prominently in the Bible often seen as a valiant Archangel who acts as Defender and protector of God's people."
"Joseph is one of the few people in the Bible who never switched up."
"Mary Magdalene, the Apostle to the apostles."
"Mary Magdalene was mentioned more in the New Testament than any other woman besides Jesus's mother."
"Thomas is briefly listed as one of the 12 disciples of Jesus."
"Joseph, mentioned in Genesis, left his mark in Egypt. Imhotep, also known as Joseph, built structures still standing today."
"I thought only the poor would make heaven, but then I read about Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Solomon."
"Timothy and Paul had the same goal: to serve God and His people."
"Daniel prayed three times a day, maintaining his excellent prayer life."
"I can't talk about Joseph without mentioning the fact that at the very end when he got exalted and became powerful, he could have had vengeance upon his brothers, but he forgave them."
"John came back to Ephesus after his exile on the island of Patmos."
"Moses is such a unique character."
"Moses' life is divided in an interesting way."
"We're coming to the end of Moses' life."
"So, that's why Paul can't guarantee it. Does that make any sense? Yeah. I actually have a theory about that with Moses and Elijah... because their bodies... they had been assumed but not necessarily gloriously resurrected."
"Next to Jesus, more is written about David in the Bible than any other single human being."
"There's this complex relationship between Saul and David, this dichotomy of man, even outside of God playing with them."
"Abigail is considered as one of the wisest women in the Old Testament."
"What makes her so unusual, such a wonderful person to study is that there is a powerful combination happening in her life, it is the combination of knowledge, wisdom, and prudence."
"She had tremendous faith in God, we could say that she is a woman of great faith."
"Jesus was not poor, he was very rich."
"It got to a place where Enoch could not be stopped."
"If Elijah had my same nature, that means that I can have the same power in prayer."
"Adam was tempted in a beautiful garden, Jesus in a lonely wilderness."
"...the people that God use the most mightily in the Bible were people who were multicultural..."
"He's shiny, right? He's glowing. He's like glow-in-the-dark Jesus with Moses and Elijah. I mean, it's like, what!?"
"Why Moses and Elijah of all of the people that could come from the Old Testament? Why not Abraham? I mean, he's the father of the nation and father of faith."
"Moses represents the Law; Elijah was considered the great prophet, the greatest of the Old Testament prophets to the Jewish nation."
"Ezra and Nehemiah: necessary to understand the returning to the Father."
"All who saw the Lord on the road to Damascus, Paul, who was a witness of the Resurrection himself."
"The wealthiest man on earth in bible history Solomon the king... It was a spiritual path that led him to the realms of unlimited financial fortune."
"It's interesting these different patriarchs and their wives and the parallels between them."
"If you were to try to think of the most famous giant of the Bible, who would come to mind? I would be willing to bet that we would all say right away: Goliath, David and Goliath."
"David understood in life, but Samson understood in death."
"The Bible only attributes the rank of archangel to one angel, and that archangel is Michael."
"Historically speaking, we have a much better ground at who Jesus was with James than we are with Paul."
"Everybody thinks they're David, everybody thinks they're Moses until it's time to do David's stuff and to do Moses stuff."
"Women prophesy, teach, and preach in the Bible."
"Mary's the matriarch of the movement... Mary Magdalene and Mary the brother of Jesus are very united."
"I see Mary as a spiritual teacher of Jesus and James."
"Jesus hung on the cross for all of us to walk like Enoch did and prophesy like Elijah did."
"The major prophets being the four majors: Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and Daniel."
"The four women that are named by Matthew in the genealogy of Christ are four of what we would choose to be most unlikely candidates to be in that line that would bring forth the Savior to the world."
"Moses loved the people of Israel, but he was even more concerned about the glory and the name of God."
"Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, oh absolute legends."
"Strength like Joshua, strength like Moses, we just command these bodies to be strong to serve the Lord."
"The conundrum remains: the tangible evidence for Abraham, let alone the events in Genesis, is as elusive as a desert mirage."
"Professor, did David exist? Yes he did."
"Other than Jesus, the person in the Bible you would want to have a conversation over dinner with would probably be Abraham."
"Elijah and Elisha... Elisha became the heir of the double portion of what was on Elijah's life."
"Mordecai is the man of the moment; Jesus is the king of the ages."
"Who was Noah? And what lessons can we learn from the man that was chosen by God to save the population of this world from total annihilation?"
"These were not the illiterate fishermen who followed Jesus around."
"...Abraham had just turned 100, Sarah 90, when Isaac was produced."
"Men like Moses who will despise the riches of Egypt, men as David who will discern that the sacrifices of God are a broken spirit, a broken and a contrite heart."
"...you came to know about God, not any god, but the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob."
"God gave visions to Isaiah, to Jeremiah, to Ezekiel, and to Daniel, all major servants of the Lord."
"How you went from an orphan to being Esther, how you went from being Joseph to being a help to a King."
"Mary is acknowledged as the mother of Jesus, especially in the gospels of Matthew and Luke."
"A woman named Phoebe is a teacher according to Romans chapter 16."
"Pray to the Lord: make me like David, make me like Solomon, make me like Christ, make me like Nehemiah."
"Miriam's leadership underscores the significance of familial bonds and the diverse contributions of women in the biblical narrative."
"Melchizedek, king of Salem, priest of the Most High God."
"Deborah is the first person after Moses who is referred to in Scripture as a prophet."
"The one like a son of man in Daniel 7 is directly tied to the Lamb who was slaughtered in Revelation 5, and that person is Messiah Yeshua."
"I think it more probable that Peter and James and certainly Paul maybe several others saw something that inspired their faith."
"Grace upon grace, privileges that Noah, Daniel, Job, Abraham couldn't even fathom are ours."
"The Bible doesn't really do that. It shows the flawed nature of even the greatest people of the Bible."
"Moses is the first one to use that alphabet, and he uses it to tell us about Genesis, the Exodus story, the beginning of creation all the way up to the Israelites."