
Daily Reflection Quotes

There are 64 quotes

"If you go to bed that night and think about everything that happened in your day and you didn't learn something, that's a problem. You need to learn something every day."
"Every single day of our life we should be grateful for all the promises that God has given."
"Without the preaching of the cross, without preaching the cross to ourselves all day and every day, we will very very quickly revert to faith plus works as the ground of our salvation."
"I'm praying and saying tomorrow would be a better day."
"Another day, another brilliant gift from God, another opportunity to serve."
"Learn to feel good about yourself at the end of the day, even if you didn't achieve everything you wanted."
"I can't be mad at the person I see every morning."
"There's not a day that I don't wake up that I don't think about my own death."
"You've got an opportunity to be very grateful today."
"I envision a world of peace and plenty; see if we take a moment every day just to think about the planet."
"Every day we need to recognize God's goodness in our lives and express gratitude for all he's done for us."
"There's always something for you to be grateful for."
"I'm feeling amazing this morning, I'm feeling chipper."
"Take time each day to enjoy Creation. And most importantly, slow down and listen to what the Creator says to you."
"What went well today? What am I grateful for?"
"Thank you, God, for today, for the gift of life."
"It's already 6 p.m. so overall the day was pretty good."
"Every time you're presented with a scenario, what did you learn today?"
"Every day I wake up, I think about the things that I'm thankful for."
"All things considered, things really haven't gone that badly today."
"Every day you have to tell yourself, did you follow through?"
"I had the most amazing day today seriously how do you, Mack?"
"Am I better than the person I was the day before? That's the question I ask myself every day."
"Every single day, are you able to do what you love to do? Can you ask yourself these three questions: Did you live, did you love, and did you matter?"
"Keep a grateful journal. Every night list five things that happened this day that you are grateful for."
"Gratitude practice: write down at least five things you're grateful for every day."
"Tomorrow is a new day. Today was fun. I really enjoyed it."
"Ask yourself: What is my most important value today? What can I do today that will honor that value?"
"Reflect on my actions today, be better tomorrow."
"If you had hours every single day to sit down and find a new passion, do you think you'd be able to find something like OP did that would change your mind as to what you want to do for a career?"
"Well, I'll tell you what. This day has, I think, ended fairly well."
"End each day with gratitude instead of that to-do list we didn't get done."
"I'm so grateful for that every single day."
"Thank God for my sight every night."
"And what are you grateful for today? Have that in your mind set to your big inhale, let it out."
"At the end of the day, I still thank God for everything that He's put in front of me."
"Be thankful for every single day."
"I thank God every day that I'm able to wake up and enjoy life."
"Thank God for us all waking up this morning and another chance to do it all over again and do it today even better."
"Okay Lord, thank you for another day."
"Thank God for letting me see another day, thank God for waking me."
"Every night at dinner at home, we do our peak and our pit, so I figured that we could do it for our day today."
"Count my blessings today, we did everybody."
"Say bless, oh Lord Jesus, I want to thank you for today."
"I always ask my kids every single day, what was the best part of your day and what was the worst part of your day?"
"I thank God every single day for the opportunity to do what I love."
"It's time to say good night, so before we go tonight, let's share what made us happy."
"I can't believe how quickly today's gone."
"Every day is a blessing from the Lord."
"Every day is the day the Lord has made, so we rejoice and are glad in it."
"How was your day? What was the best part of your day? What was the worst part of your day?"
"Thank you, God, for this day, thanks for blessing us, giving us the right state of mind, comprehension, thank you for giving us the energy to get out of bed today and work."
"How I saw the Lord's hand in my life that day, just like a little blessing from the day."
"I'll try and be grateful at all points in the day."
"Ask yourself every morning, people, what are we gonna do about systemic white supremacy."
"I know my blessings and I do thank God for every day."
"Be thankful for the lessons at the end of the day, and also treat yourself."
"Heavenly Father, we thank you for today, and Lord, we thank you for every day."