
Darwin Quotes

There are 78 quotes

"Charles Darwin knocked us off our pedestal with his theory that all species, even humans, are connected to each other through a long history of evolution."
"Darwin's 'On the Origin of Species' introduced the idea that life is not, as previously believed, static, but instead continuously changing, evolving over the course of thousands of generations through a process of natural selection."
"Ever since Charles Darwin published 'The Origin of Species' in 1859, the general public has come to believe that he is the father of the theory of evolution."
"Darwin had a way of explaining natural selection that was beautifully elegant."
"Darwin's idea put together the two biggest worlds: the world of mechanism and material and physical causes on the one hand, the lifeless world of matter, and the world of meaning and purpose and goals on the other."
"The achievement of Darwin, which was to show that you can get from without any design at all, that you can produce structures so complex that it seemed like utter and complete common sense they must have had a designer."
"If it could be demonstrated that any complex organ existed which could not possibly have been formed by numerous successive slight modifications my theory would absolutely break down."
"Darwin made many specific predictions and some had come true even during his lifetime."
"Evolution isn't just Darwin's theory... it has continued well beyond Darwin."
"Darwin made many specific predictions and nearly all of them have been confirmed."
"The rapid development, as far as we can judge, of all the higher plants within recent geological times is an abominable mystery." - Charles Darwin
"Charles Darwin is not the Messiah. He's someone who had a decent idea tried to come up with some of the answers to some of the questions that are raised and wrote it all down."
"Darwin wrote toxodon is perhaps one of the strangest animals ever discovered."
"Darwin's great insight was that life evolved steadily and slowly, inching its way over four billion years."
"Darwin is an Omega Level mutant that has the ability to adapt to any situation that he's in."
"Darwin's dangerous idea: the modern biological account of the origin of biological phenomena including psychological phenomena."
"Darwin asserted that humans had descended from a form of ape-like primate which may have originated in Africa, a theory which remains highly supported by more recent research."
"It wasn't until the younger Darwin was back in England and read Thomas Malthus's essay that the idea began to percolate through his mind."
"This adaption to environmental and social pressure will allow me to succeed much like Darwin had so brilliantly noted."
"Natural selection, the blind, unconscious, automatic process which Darwin discovered and which we now know is the explanation."
"Earthworms are sometimes referred to as Darwin's plough..."
"On the Origin of Species sold out on its first day"
"Darwin states that species are not immutable they change or evolve and the main mechanism for this change is natural selection"
"Darwin's warm little pond as well as the tide pools."
"Darwin's Tree of Life may look more like a net"
"Darwin made it possible to be an intellectually fulfilled atheist."
"Darwin talked of the survival of the fittest. Adaptability is what helps survival."
"Darwin realized that all species of life have evolved over time from common ancestors."
"The Victorian era was haunted by Darwin's ideas."
"He embraced Darwin's microbe to man evolution hypothesis... because evolution seemed to give an explanation of how everything came to be without God being involved."
"Despite the heavier fire from Australian AA guns, the Japanese lost only 1-0 and two vowels over Darwin. Another 34 planes were damaged in varying degrees so in this respect the Darwin raid was a successful operation."
"I think if I were to give a prize for the best idea anybody ever had it would be Darwin's."
"Charles Darwin's successful application of his ideas of evolution accounts for the origin of different organic species."
"What Darwin's idea of natural selection showed is how a series of 'how come' answers can eventually support a 'what for' answer to the question of why."
"In the beginning, Charles Darwin was born in this house, The Mount, in Shrewsbury, in the middle of England near a small Market town."
"But Dr. Darwin was an immensely wealthy man."
"Now it's often been repeated that the death of Darwin's mother when he was only 8 years old left him psychologically scarred or traumatized."
"He had a very happy childhood, a privileged upbringing, wealthy family, many servants who took care of him."
"He couldn't stand the sight of suffering and he couldn't bear the sight of blood, and that remained with him for the rest of his life."
"Darwin had one of these notebooks in his pocket, 15 of them. They're very tiny, about this size, very tiny, very hard to read."
"And as he had done in the Beagle voyage when he reads something, when he hears something, he writes it down."
"Charles Darwin traveled on the Beagle as part of his exploration."
"It's easy to understand why Charles Darwin visited Arroyos in 1832, being impressed by the variety of species."
"This is my first visit to Darwin, and I'll be honest, I thought the war history here would start and end with the Japanese bombing in 1942. Clearly, I couldn't have been more wrong, which has been a lovely surprise."
"I reckon that Darwin is one of the great historic cities of the southern hemisphere."
"What scientists wrote the book Origin of the Species? Darwin."
"...once Darwin's Origin of Species became known, people very quickly realized that the shared characteristics actually constituted a strong argument for evolution."
"Darwin's real theoretical achievement was to identify a purely causal mechanism that produces adaptations."
"If you ever thought about visiting Darwin and you're wondering what kind of things are to do especially with kids, I reckon you'll get a lot out of this one."
"There's always something to study about Darwin's finches."
"Building upon the foundation that he established."
"This island is an important piece of Darwin's history because it was the first island where Darwin actually came ashore in 1835."
"Darwin's hot little puddle... goes through wet dry cycles."
"The Galápagos Islands are a truly unique place; it's where the whole evolution idea started thanks to Charles Darwin."
"His book 'The Origin of Species' will forever be linked to those islands."
"All these distortions obscure Darwin's genius which was to look at the same world that every other human in history had looked at."
"Darwin closely studied every rock, plant, and animal around him, keeping an extraordinary amount of journals with him."
"The theory has changed significantly since Charles Darwin proposed the model."
"Darwin called life that vast tree of life, endless forms most beautiful."
"The whole idea of evolution of Darwin... he had mathematical intuition."
"Charles Darwin's theory of natural selection."
"I run the Pioneer restaurant in Darwin, the best feeding place in town."
"Darwin did change the way we thought about ourselves."
"Inside one of the notebooks is the famous sketch Darwin made depicting the tree of life."
"The dude wins in Darwin, what a race!"
"Darwin's prowess as a conceptualizer and really as a theoretician as a theoretical biologist."
"Darwin was a fervent abolitionist and in fact, there were anti-slavery champions on both sides of his family."
"The Galapagos Islands... are famous for inspiring Charles Darwin's theory of evolution."
"The theory of evolution by natural selection was proposed by Charles Darwin in the late 1800s."
"Heavily validated Darwin's theory of evolution, he went to his grave knowing he was right."