
Design Quality Quotes

There are 170 quotes

"The Diplomat Aero... has garnered a lot of respect and popularity in the fountain pen world because it's got really good build quality, it's got an interesting design that really stands out, and frankly, it's just a really enjoyable pen to use."
"What really makes Quake special is something much deeper."
"It is just worth your time because they've done such a great job with this space."
"I think everything from the premise to the atmosphere to the graphics to the way that the game functions, to the way that the game feels, to the way that the game sounds... I don't really see too many issues here frankly."
"Doesn't look Space Age... just seems to be very well done."
"Expressions in perfect condition and is built to the highest security standards."
"The attention to detail in this game is too good."
"These templates are very well thought out... very sophisticated."
"This is what video games can be: memorable, surreal treats."
"This is one of the best and coolest looking sets that we've seen in this competition in a long time."
"This sneaker is dope. It's just such a clean look and the materials used on it are pretty premium."
"Every location just looks so amazingly good."
"Revelations 2 included some pretty good puzzles."
"Everywhere you look the detailing is just fabulous and one of my favorite features is this slide-out fridge."
"I think this is probably the best dragon head we have ever gotten."
"I think that what they've done here is really outstanding."
"You put this much detail, this much thought and this much time into your build and you're gonna get an excellent result."
"When posed properly, it looks like a little statue. It's really incredibly well done."
"Lego is my favorite example of how extreme Precision does not need to be expensive."
"This is such a polished and final game, we're in the levels now and they're so good and they're using mechanics that are riffing on old mechanics from the games but also are like new and fresh."
"If you design something properly and well, it will stand the test of time."
"It's well designed... that's how you know that it's well designed."
"Rosa just has such an adorable and spunky design, she's definitely the most superior protagonist in the universe."
"Seeing this monster, I'm genuinely shocked at how great the devils look."
"Half-Life: Alex feels like a more polished game with a lot of rather creative, carefully designed set pieces."
"What makes it truly excellent though is its modularity... its ability to adapt to the scenario."
"It's all well and good to make a pixel art side-scroller and call it retro, but the cream of the modern retro crop knows exactly how to make a game feel like it traveled in time from that era."
"I feel very confident to confirm that yes, these decks are indeed the same higher tier level of design as the Strixhaven decks."
"This is a really great laptop, excellent cooling solution, decent display, nice selection of ports, and a well-constructed design."
"They did a great job of making this look seamless."
"The rotations that just stuff for these specs is really fun and well designed."
"I think they did a great freaking job with this game."
"The architecture itself is incredibly well done and very, very immersive."
"The level of detail put into this game is honestly astonishing."
"Quad stacked version – ease of use, maximum rates."
"Built on Google's Material Design: High-quality experiences guaranteed."
"Beautiful CNC milled out of a single block of aluminum."
"Even at this low price you can still get a very well designed solid 80-20 cockpit."
"This build is amazing, the attention to detail is fantastic."
"Kind of the designer premium... very tasteful, very handsome."
"The best small open worlds aren't simply measured in how few square miles they take up, but how dense and lived-in the world actually feels."
"One of the best buttons that I've seen yet is this back button."
"Wow, what a ship so far. I can't wait to see the rest of it."
"Sometimes chamfers are the difference between having a quality looking design and a cheaper looking design."
"It has a wooden ships on there, it looks like there's a lot going on in it."
"It's a brilliantly designed game with wonderful atmospherics and really great particle effects."
"You get that sweet Burnley design in a really affordable package."
"Sony can do it because this hardware, they can have confidence in it. Not just because of how they look after the battery tech but how well it's put together."
"Almost every one of these sequences is well designed and enjoyable."
"These earbuds are so comfortable and they will not budge."
"The tachometer is done very well around the outside."
"I'm finding it hard not to recommend any of these current Lego Friends sets because they really are beautifully designed."
"This really feels bespoke, it feels good, it feels like it was well designed."
"It doesn't have to be unreadable. It doesn't have to be flickering shimmering and hard to read."
"Best minifigures for sure come from the Kylo Ren shuttle."
"It's a really nice outfit, it really is a nice outfit. I love the color scheme too, it was very well done."
"You can feel the work and care that went into Paper Mario: The Origami King seeping out of every pore of the game."
"It's a brilliantly made game with great pacing, beautiful visuals, and an engaging gameplay experience."
"It is very nicely made, it is very nicely put together, it is very well designed, and my kind of thing."
"Good controls contribute to the overall experience."
"Looks amazing, super sleek, super gorgeous inside and out."
"You do feel it if you rub your finger over it, but it's very smooth."
"There's just a very loving amount of detail here."
"There's a fluidity and elegance from mission to mission that was sorely lacking in ghosts."
"It's a great piece of design that matches the high risk high reward playstyle."
"They would make a beautiful combination for the two."
"It's a really solid 20 to 30 hours of interesting game design."
"It is perfect. It is right in line with the old style but it looks so crisp and detailed. It is gorgeous."
"Premium as interior... it is so nice in here."
"Acoustics and thermals and the level of design and aptitude is mind-boggling."
"Oh my goodness that was actually awesome this is kind of well done guys I'll be honest this is this is pretty cool."
"High-class build quality, soft-touch leatherette, and a panoramic roof. This interior feels luxurious and spacious."
"Samsung finally has a flagship phone that has a very premium quality with its design."
"The interior feels crisp and clean and keeps passengers in unparalleled comfort."
"There's just something super satisfying about seeing it align perfectly every time. It literally closes itself. It's clumsy proof."
"It's beautiful, you can just tell it's been well considered, well planned, and well designed."
"Fitbit's attention to detail shines in the Charge 4's design."
"But you're really going to be impressed with the overall classy ambiance that Mazda gives you with this interior."
"Test driven development is the best way that I know to get great feedback early in the process of development on the quality of my designs."
"The attention to detail is supreme, this is a superbly engineered boat."
"Just overall a very thoughtfully designed slipjoint executed very well."
"A trend in pretty much all modern Dragon Ball games is the use of what are basically tailored intros for each game... almost always feel high effort and super hype."
"There's been no compromises on the looks either."
"Their games have always had exceptionally good level design."
"The whole thing from the information density to the animation between cards is just really, really top-notch."
"These two get that right, the official does not."
"What separates the ones that people really like versus the ones that are not so successful is really their sense of design coming through in that line work."
"The look and the feel of this device is one of the best I have ever experienced."
"The conversation system is the main way in which you interact with people in the game it's rather well done."
"The transformation is of course on the more complex side however you are never going to get a robot mode which looks as good as this without having a complex conversion."
"...one of the smoothest Heel To Toe transitions that I've ever felt in any shoe honestly."
"I was very, very happy with the quality and level of workmanship that has gone into every aspect of the design of this boat."
"...the holographic foil that pops on the back of the cards... just a beautiful back design."
"Yeah, there's always a certain reputation among the golfing community that there's excellence in the designs of these irons."
"It's really quite a bit more vibrant, right?"
"It's going to be well designed, well manufactured, super high quality."
"That's why I love this, so easy to use and it sets really nicely."
"The proportions of it, the design of it, the details of it hold up very well."
"Good software design can tolerate some bad implementation decisions."
"The components are well designed and made of quality materials."
"You want it to really feel high-end."
"The BTR7's chunky design is surprisingly good; it is a testament to quality construction."
"There's something about the attention to detail that iQunix has demonstrated here."
"The care with which this watch was made is certainly clear in that beautiful sunburst dial."
"It really makes it look a whole lot better."
"It's such a beautiful set and I like the small sentiments included."
"Once you've got that screwed in, it's just the design, it's so well done."
"The designers did a fantastic job with this, and I'm not worried about it falling apart over time."
"Their designs are gorgeous, their materials high-end, reliability is through the roof with a decade-long track record."
"I love how high-end these pieces look."
"The price drop and very strong designs here do make this an easier pill to swallow."
"They look absolutely stunning; they don't look cheesy, they look very sporty, eye-catchy, and classy."
"The designs so far have been smashing."
"Look at that, we do get an unintentional ab crunch."
"A well-written, well-designed, likable character... those also help a great deal."
"I love the way the designs feel like they're just made with care."
"I'm really impressed with the design of this top, it's very nice."
"The workmanship, the leather, the interior materials, the quality, the design, everything comes together beautifully."
"This guy looks like they did everything right. As long as they can make anything else they release look like this aesthetically, then I'm fine because this looks beautiful."
"The Mirra 2 does a lot of things very well; it was designed by Studio 7.5 out of Berlin, Germany."
"The most important thing here is clearly the keyboard, and the keyboard really is very nice indeed."
"Our categories look really well, really good."
"Luxury meets off-roading, elegant yet refined to withstand any condition."
"Don't be a crappy designer, please double check your designs, please triple check your designs."
"The interior of this Sonata is where this car truly shines."
"I'm leaving this one an A-plus. They really proportioned it really nicely."
"It's amazing just how comfortable these seats actually are."
"It's a great character design and I think it's going to go a long way in selling to a lot of people."
"This is a track-focused bike and it just really fits together well; the fit and finish is good, how this bike feels is absolutely awesome."
"It's really well designed, there's some great printed elements in this set."
"Even though they're very different artists, what relates them is they really prioritized the big major shapes and they designed those shapes really nicely."
"This bad boy right here DSM is as slick as it gets in terms of its design."
"The fact that it feels this good to use is a testament to the care and intentions that the design and build team and engineers at Technics put into the Sur 1000."
"Let me tell you something. I don't say this often, but at first impression this has gotta be like one of the best designed RV resorts we've ever stayed at."
"Very wonderful packaging design and you know exactly what you're getting."
"It has a nice quiet sound and not a jarring thump when it closes."
"This is one of the best I've seen."
"This thing is gorgeous. It's so solid, there's no movement, anything, there's no creaking."
"It's an absolutely wonderful touch."
"It's a nice attention to detail, and I just think it's really, really well architected."
"Design execution, final presentation, this has to be one of the best value for money Swiss automatic chronographs on the market today."
"The striping effect looks tremendous throughout the entire figure."
"The first step to building trust is making a great first impression with your design."
"Premium themes as a whole do tend to offer more advanced functionality and higher quality design than free themes."
"The quality of design, like did you write this code as efficiently as possible."
"The vector retains its quality when it's scaled."
"The design is really solid here, and that's one of the things I'm most excited about JupyterLab."
"Exactly how good or not a jump system is depends entirely on how it feels to play."
"The overall design of these figures blows me away."
"It's a great design and it can be very comfortable."
"These ideas are not cheap looking and they're actually very upscale and elegant."
"It's worth putting in the time to get this design just right."
"We look to make sure the components really are beautiful and usable and useful and accessible."
"It's one of the nicest feeling laptops I've used in a while, just really nice design here, really high-quality metal, it just feels premium."
"It's like every time you turn the corner, every single thing you look at has a touch, has refinement."