
God's Will Quotes

There are 170 quotes

"To pray according to God's will, there is no stopping that prayer."
"The safest place to be is in the perfect will of God."
"God's will is no secret; all you got to do is know how to discern His will by applying basic principles to your life."
"We have boxed God into the way we want Him to answer instead of believing that His ways are not our ways."
"If my prayer is answered with a 'yes' or if the answer is a 'not yet,' God is still good."
"Pray the Word... when you pray the word you're praying God's will."
"God hates idolatry because it makes men forget about Him."
"I have not hesitated to proclaim to you the whole will of God."
"God will not deny us such things because they are near to his heart."
"The safest place to be is in the center of the will of God."
"Sanctification is when one is set aside mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually for the will of God."
"We prove God's will, we don't find God's Will."
"Life is not about us. Our lives don't belong to us. It's God's prerogative when life begins, when life ends."
"If God gives you a dream... it may be that God wants to see what is more important to you: the dream or him."
"God doesn't want you to perish because God is merciful."
"God sits in heaven and does what He pleases."
"God speaks in the past tense because it's already happening."
"If God exists, the only way I'm going to get to know God is if God opens up."
"There ain't enough money in the world to overcome God's will."
"God doesn't want us to be blind permanently."
"Doing the will of God is a work, having true Faith because it produces works."
"In all things, try to see and know and accept the will of God."
"The Lord keep you in the center of his will."
"I'm not concerned about that now, I just want to do God's will."
"If we ask anything according to His will, we know that He hears us."
"If you need to find the general will of God for your life, you read the Bible."
"Your cross is where God’s will and your will cross."
"But one thing will remain. The will of God and the person who has dedicated himself to do the will of God."
"If God tells us no about something, there's generally a good reason for it."
"For I have no pleasure in the death of him that dieth, saith the Lord God: wherefore turn yourselves, and live ye."
"There's a thin line between inspiring people to do the will of God and charging people to do something they've never been commissioned to do."
"God wants to lead you into more, and he wants Revelation to be natural and normal for you."
"It begins with this whole issue of surrendering to the will of God."
"You need God's will. Surrender everything and say, 'God, I just want your will. Whatever my life is supposed to be, I just want your will.'"
"God says may it be my will that my Mercy will overcome my anger"
"God's telling me tell me what you want me to do, commit to me my works."
"It's not God's will for you to perish in hell but for all to come to repentance."
"Nothing and no one can stop the will of God for your life but you."
"Find out what God is doing and get in on it instead of hoping he will bless your plans that aren't his will."
"Emotional stability is absolutely the will of God for our lives."
"God just tells me exactly what I need to do through that time."
"What may be unfavorable and unacceptable by Humanity can still be used by God to accomplish the movements of divinity."
"The will of God always Trump or supersede your personal desires."
"When God asked for volunteers to entice Ahab into attacking Ramoth Gilead and going to his death there, a spirit, fallen angel or demon said he would be a lying spirit in the mouth of the prophets."
"You can be favored and still be in the will of God."
"God's will, not excitement, to exalt, to edify, and to comfort."
"Prayer is surrender, surrender to the will of God and cooperation with that will."
"The longer you stay outside of the will of God the more likely you are to make decisions that will permanently alter your future."
"God's will for you is that you walk and live in the purpose He created you for."
"God's will is never evil, His thoughts for you are thoughts of good."
"God's will is always good. It doesn't always feel good but it is good."
"May you walk in God's will for your life in the name of Jesus your mind is open and receptive in seeking wisdom and truth from God's word."
"God's will is that you be sanctified."
"Give thanks in all circumstances. It is God's will for you, whether it's from his hand or through his hand."
"Most people believe faith is something you do to make God move. That's wrong."
"The safest, and happiest, and most wonderful place in the world is in the will of God."
"Sickness is not a part of God's original creation, amen. God created things according to his perfect will, amen, right, yes sir, that's his will, and that's one reason we know it's not God's will for us to be sick."
"To say sickness is the will of God is tantamount to saying that sin is the will of God."
"We're sure it's God's will for all to be healed because sickness is of the devil."
"It is God's doings, not your doings."
"If you want to know a mature man of God, they are focused on their assignment. They have no time to talk about other people. They're about to talk about what God is saying."
"Sex outside of God's will is dishonoring Him, the opposite of worship."
"God's perfect will is at work even in less than perfect conditions."
"When it is God's will for your life, there's peace in it."
"It is impossible for you to receive the best that God has for you or for you to be in the center of God's will and his purposes if you are not consistently growing."
"He chose you, He just wants you to choose Him."
"God chooses to bless you according to his purposes in his time."
"God chooses how and when he wants to bless your life."
"Prayer is intended to get God's will done on Earth."
"What we wish is not as vital as what God wills."
"She seeks to do God's holy will in every moment, at every instant, and everything that she does."
"The will of God for the Christian: to make us like Jesus."
"There's no peace, there's no joy, there's no thrill in life like being in the will of God."
"Life gets good when we start doing what God wants us to do."
"If I do God's will, I promise you it's going to work out. But here's the catch: it might not work out on this Earth, but it will work out in the next life to come."
"You're going to be tempted tomorrow with the lust of the flesh. That doesn’t mean that you’re going to be tempted to go down here to one of these casinos, God forbid, but there will come to you tomorrow temptations to put your things that you want to do above the will of God."
"I am very opinionated, I have God's opinion, not my own."
"You know, you go where God puts you, and that's not always where you think you're going to be."
"Our lives belong to God. God decides the day of our birth, God decides the day of our death."
"If you want to know God's will pursue obedience to God in your life."
"No matter what happens, always be thankful, for this is God's will for you who belong to Christ Jesus."
"The question of God's will for our life is about answering who should I be."
"His will is that you would bear his image."
"What's the will of God for your life? That you would be holy."
"Meaning one who submits his or her will to do the will of God. That's almost... it means if you want to do what God says to do, you want to submit to do God's will. You're Muslim."
"Religion essentially is the same thing, inasmuch as the will of God is revealed to man by fact."
"To not just assign our own program to God and say, 'Ah, I've got this grand vision for what reform of the church looks like and therefore it must be God's plan.' But to instead like do the hard work of like, 'I'm gonna try to be the saint God wants me to be.'"
"Find out what God wants done and do that. How hard is that? This is not above and beyond the call of duty; this is Christianity 101."
"In everything, give thanks, for this is the will of God concerning you."
"So the best place for you and for me, loved one, God help us wherever we live to be in the midst of his will; because that's the best place and the safest place."
"What God desires matters... We need to build that foundation."
"Your faith is displayed in how you find and follow the will of God."
"The applause of people never confirms the will of God."
"Prayer is essential for God's will to be done in your family, in your church. All that God is, all that God has, you can receive through prayer."
"It's foolish to allow what we see to dictate who we are when God has ordered us to take the land."
"I do love people and I believe the most loving thing is to say the god who made you knows what's best for you."
"God loves us and He wants us to be healthy."
"They alone are the true revealers of God's will to this present generation."
"It is the will of God for you to be free."
"Sickness and disease can never be God's will because they make things not work the way He designed them to."
"Consider another dish that God serves at his banqueting table: Healing from sickness and disease is something that God desperately wants you to have."
"If you want to go outside the will of God, God will let you, but He won't make it easy for you."
"Either God desires to save all, or God does not. Scripture affirms that God does desire that all shall be saved."
"Poverty is not the will of God. Lack is not the will of God. Destitution is not the will of God."
"Here's the thing: you will do best what you're gifted by God to do because he had that in mind for you."
"If it's God's will that your health be restored and no more pain."
"Anything that takes precedence over God’s birthright, His blessing, His provision, if you go for that you know what; God hates it."
"The reason why you're having a hard time knowing where God wants you to be is simply because you have taken lightly the tools that God uses to speak."
"He that does the will of God shall abide forever."
"When God speaks, what is our appropriate response? Our appropriate response is obedience."
"I believe this is God's will for my life."
"God doesn't have a different will for each person. His will is the same for every person."
"Of course, God uses imperfect people, they're the only kind that exists."
"God's will is that our life should shine brighter and brighter, meaning that we should progressively become more and more like Christ, preferably every day or at least every year."
"Clarifying your aims. Setting your face like a flint to do the will of God."
"God's will is that you live this strong, confident, and abundant life."
"God wants us to be angry for a reason, so that we'll do something about it."
"But it must be prescribed by God if it's going to be pleasing to God. So in this book we see how worship was prescribed by God through the priesthood, to the people, for the Lord."
"Sometimes God's answer is no because your prayer request is in violation of God's will."
"He interrupts the normal course of history. Sometimes God just goes, 'I do,' and you're like, 'God, what are you doing?' and God goes, 'I'm God.'"
"True patience is the losing of our will in his perfect will."
"Here's what God wants for your sex life."
"God doesn't say it because he doesn't want you to have a good time."
"God will heal the sick if he wills to heal one then he wills to heal all."
"What God could do through you if you were to wake up tomorrow and say 'Here's my mouth, here's my feet, here's my hand, go for it. I want to see you use them Lord.'"
"It is God who worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure."
"It is an attack on the natural order of the home of the two of two genders a male and a female saying I can be whatever I want to be no God never makes a mistake God created you as a female or he created you as a male."
"The mystery is not that any one of us has 'allowed God to use us.' The mystery is that any one of us has been granted the privilege of being allowed to be used."
"God doesn't just sometimes will things to happen. He operates by laws, and we have to cooperate with them."
"God has established His will for us. It is up to you to claim what God has done for you."
"The soul needs the spirit's help to know God and His will: 'Without the help of the spirit inside us, the soul cannot know God. The soul needs the spirit's influence to understand spiritual truths.'"
"Willing that any should perish but it's an unfortunate English translation. It's better understood not desirous than they should perish but that all would come to repentance."
"You have to make yourself available to see what God's going to do next."
"You have someone living in you who knows the will of God for your life. If you want to get to know the will of God, get to know the Holy Spirit."
"God does what he wants to do, he's on his own time clock."
"It makes life so much more pleasant to feel the love of the Living God and that's what he wants most from you."
"It's God who opens doors that no man can shut."
"Give thanks to God in all circumstances, for it is God's will for you in Christ Jesus our Lord."
"You'll never be any happier than you will be if you're right in the center of God's will."
"The children of God... are born not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God."
"The original plan of God is very simple: for man to dominate and rule earth on his behalf."
"Be transformed by the renewing of your mind so that you can prove the will of God."
"What is the will of God? Your holiness. God wants us to get to heaven and He wants us to be holy."
"God is free to do what he wants, and how he does it."
"He's God, folks. He is sovereign. He can do what He chooses."
"It is the law of the Maker Himself, He whom you call God, who directs all things."
"God can do anything he wants and he always uses foolish things to confound the wise."
"God knows what we need and if we do his will, he's going to see that we get it."
"If you want to know God's will, this is the pattern that it gives."
"Then you renew your mind, and as you do those two things then you will prove, make manifest to the physical senses, what is the good and the acceptable and the perfect will of God."
"Prove what is the good and acceptable and perfect will of God."
"You may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God."
"The will of God is ultimately a gift of God Himself."
"God would have you keep back nothing from Him, little or great."
"The matter has been fixed by God, and God will shortly cause it to happen."
"You will have access to the mind of God; you will know what God is doing season by season."
"We have to allow God to mess up our plans."
"God lives and reigns and works today; His hand is on the wheel, and in His Providence, He is turning the wheel in accordance with His own will."
"The foundation of unshakable faith is the will of God."
"Favor from God has to do about advancing God's purpose and not your plans."
"It's not about doing God's will out there; it's about letting God's will in here inside."
"God is a good God. And everything he wants to give us is for our good."
"Isn't knowing and obeying God's will the essence of the Christian life after one is saved?"
"It is not God's will that you stay in departure; He wants you to arrive."
"Let us place ourselves entirely in His hands so that His will may be done in us."
"God's protection is not aimless, but reserved for those who genuinely grieve over unrighteousness and strive to live according to God's will."