
Vocalization Quotes

There are 78 quotes

"Orphans were more vocal and more active at both periods compared to the mother-reared kittens."
"I've been very fortunate to live up my imagination, and I've been very vocal about that."
"In hearing yourself vocalize what it is your code is supposed to, very often that proverbial light bulb goes off."
"People shouldn't feel bad about vocalizing their mental health issues in fear of getting judged."
"Remember to speak out loud when you're learning Korean."
"Generally when you're looking at vocalizers and how they're perceiving the world, there's a lot of different language that implies how a character feels about things."
"I'm gonna speak up now, whatever instincts I have, I'm gonna speak on it."
"Your voice matters so speak up, speak loudly, never be afraid."
"You need to speak things into existence."
"You want to be able to make the biggest sound in the most efficient way with the least effort."
"You'd see so much Beauty and it's like oh you need to be more vocal about this or you need to be you know super out there with this."
"The enemy wants every one of us to shut up, to not live an authentic life, to live a half-hearted Christian life."
"I will not be silent, I will be vocal for the Gospel. I will raise the standard, I will burn."
"Your voice is often the first line of self-defense and will help bring other people's attention to your attacker."
"I just screamed around, like basically every metal vocalist, let's be honest."
"I will not come back on this and I won't be silent about it."
"The more vocal the outcry, the more likely things are to change."
"Some of the most vocal are the ones who are just vocal and hateful but they're not always right."
"Tyrannosaurus Rex's scream was similar to birds, not mammals; it used nostrils to scream, not a mouth."
"Godly leaders don't remain silent, and God will honor them."
"Orangutans have a rich repertoire of vocalizations that they use to communicate with other members of their species. These vocalizations play a crucial role in establishing territories, attracting mates, and maintaining social bonds."
"Relaxation is key and relaxation is actually going to help you get a lot lower tones as well."
"Robert Plant was known for his iconic scream, an impressive vocal range that have captivated Led Zeppelin fans for decades."
"My voice is so shot bro I don't think I can hit those notes anymore."
"Lucky for them I have a really loud voice."
"If you learn typical blues guitar patterns, you'll soon find that a lot of those patterns that have melodicism within them lend themselves to vocal lines."
"A really interesting fact about red-eyed crocodile skinks is that they're one of the only reptiles that have vocal cords."
"Believe you can, yes. Some people do like to vocalize things; it helps them to understand things a little bit better."
"If this is something that the community wants to stand up against, you got to do it loud and now."
"Helping a child become vocal and verbal and noisy is the very first step in moving a child toward using words."
"We're not thinking about words yet for this child, we're thinking about vocalizations or making noise."
"We've got to help them get control of their little voices."
"It's a cool way to practice vocalizing with your guitar."
"The right vocal tone is not too bright, it's not too dark, it's not too breathy, it's not too brassy; it's right in the middle."
"The nucleus ambiguus is associated with cranial nerves 9 and 10 and the axons coming out are going to innervate palatal muscles to elevate the soft palate."
"These animals are one of the only reptiles that aren't geckos capable of vocalization."
"The fascinating New Guinea Singing Dog is a breed distinguished not just by its unusual name but also by its characteristic vocalization."
"Your voice is an instrument, a piano is an instrument, guitar is an instrument."
"Grasshopper mice are nocturnal, and if one wants to verbally defend its territory, it gets up on its hind legs and releases a high-pitched howl scream kind of like a wolf."
"Dogs only have limited ways of communicating things to us, and the most obvious one is their voice."
"Lychees are very vocal; they have vocal cords and they have many different noises that they actually make."
"I believe in saying what you want out loud."
"Elk are more responsive... they feel safer and they're more vocal."
"The vocal folds vibrate to produce sound, and we can alter their tension to change the pitch of the sound we produce."
"Try it with your tummy and go 'Hey! Hey!' Now don't come from the chest, just from the stomach."
"Your breath, your exhale, is actually your 'Ha!' You're saying stuff, 'Hey! Hey! Hey! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Great!'"
"When you vocalize a need... your ears, your brain hears what your mouth said, and that is the beginning of healing."
"A dream, say it out loud so someone can help."
"Exceptional deer vocalization and activity will make this ultimate whitetail video one to remember."
"Listen to her growl, listen, that modified trachea, the only snake on the planet that has a modified trachea that allows it to growl, letting predators know to stay away."
"Christian's been very vocal about wanting to win one of these races."
"Faith is voice activated and you don't really believe something until you get to where you'll speak it."
"There's a bird that made a complete mimic of R2-D2's voice and human voices."
"Did you know that studies show there are six distinct types of screams?"
"The vast majority of sound that you produce comes from your vocal folds right here."
"They're amazing little animals, Tasmanian devils, and they scream, and that's why they call them devils."
"Barking is really special vocalization in dogs because wolves rarely bark, and you know, dogs bark all the time."
"Vocalization is because your vocal cords in your larynx are part of your respiratory system."
"Studies have shown that vocalization can help switch our nervous system from the sympathetic nervous system to the parasympathetic nervous system, which is rest and digest."
"This is some of the best harmonizations too, as far as the groupings of voices."
"The most beautiful birds... tend to have the least musical calls."
"It's quite cool and pretty amazing so like I said the Birmingham's are known to do that, they're known to start roaring from quite a distance away."
"Crow calls are sufficiently graded; there's lots and lots of different variations."
"...that is a saw everyone that is a leopard so they do not roar that is a leopards vocalization and I think it is just the best noise you will hear right here."
"Birds are particularly vocal this morning, lots of chirping happening."
"Vocalizations are one of the most important ways that people find birds."
"You've taken the first step by saying it out loud, now make sure you get proper support from people that are qualified to help you."
"Their melancholy concerto of howling has more or less the same meaning as the nightingale's song: 'This is our territory, and woe to those who dare enter.'"
"I'm a firm believer that if you want something, you need to say it out loud."