
Political Involvement Quotes

There are 143 quotes

"If you don't get involved in politics, the politics will get involved with you."
"We may have the choice to not indulge or interfere or involve in politics, but we do not have the choice to not be affected by the outcome of politics."
"In 1895 Willard boldly declared, 'A wider freedom is coming to the women of America. Too long has it been held that woman has no right to enter these movements (…) Politics is the place for woman.'"
"The only way that real change is going to take place is when millions of people get involved in the political process."
"I have become involved in politics because I'm trying to protect the American dream and the opportunity that everyone in this country should have to have a great life, a great education, and to have a life well lived."
"We need to get involved politically, not just with our wallets." - Michael Knowles
"This could be your backyard next week, next month, next election."
"This is what it takes to take our country back."
"The reason the black church keeps talking about 'don't get in politics' is because it's the most political institution of your community."
"You deserve economics, you deserve a political voice, you deserve leadership roles."
"75 percent of those eligible young voters in Texas did not vote."
"Most big corporate institutions are very political, very slow, not good at innovating."
"Be involved and do something big with it, don't just be a member, run for office."
"You can't just sit this one out, politics affects you whether you acknowledge it or not."
"People that weren't really political people they're coming in and you know the deal."
"Get involved in local politics, donate to abortion funds, and vote."
"People should be like this is great we got one of our own in here trying to help make a difference."
"Demand investigation. Write to your local representatives."
"Focus on local elections, school boards, attorneys."
"It's not a situation where you just vote and do nothing. Once they're in, then you can advocate on your behalf."
"Louisiana can do more than its share to set the stage for a great victory for America in 2020."
"I still firmly believe that there are more of us there are of them but it starts with the midterm elections."
"It's way past time for all of us to consider running for office because if we don't we could be running for our lives."
"The real facts are Donald Trump was driving the entire program." - Donald Ayer
"Registering to vote, getting your voice heard, is more important than any time."
"The penalty good people pay for not being involved in politics is being governed by people worse than themselves."
"I want to make sure that we are involved in the voting process to ensure that we are electing people who have our best interests at heart."
"Do not wake up the day after election day and wish you did more."
"Should I get on one? Yeah, I want to be on a trump jury. That'd be fun."
"Conceding the vote is not enough. You've got to do more than that."
"Not everybody's gonna end up being president. But if you decide that your voice makes a difference, if you decide that you can have an impact, then through the ups and downs, you will end up having some pretty extraordinary experiences."
"I really encourage people to be on the right side... it's not only protesters but... legislation passed... rights and stuff that we enjoy. Yeah, right."
"If you don't care to be involved in politics, you surrender to those who are."
"There should be no question you need to be involved or you have no room to complain about the state of this state or the country."
"I have no desire to get back in the frontline of campaigning politically."
"Run for office, support the people you believe in."
"What does appear clear however is that while the texts showed varying degrees of involvement by those members of Congress, the communications provide an explanation of how Republican members participated in undermining people's faith in democracy."
"Watching this brings a tear to my eye if only Canadian politicians cared as much for our freedoms as these people do."
"Whatever your issue is from a policy perspective... understand that the people that you're up against will show up."
"I never thought I was going to go into politics."
"I really want to encourage everyone to go to the Shiva for Senate site and support our campaign."
"Running for Senate is not something I thought I'd ever do... it would be very valuable that a guy like me actually did run for Senate."
"You may not be interested in politics but politics is interested in you."
"Everything has to be shown to be what it is and the Congress party is itself in a position to help us in it."
"If you do not interfere in politics, politics will eventually interfere in your life."
"Students come out and demonstrate, they are generally the more educated and the more politically motivated members of society to come out and ask for Change."
"Get involved on the ground in local politics."
"Former CIA director Jim Woolsey now tells The Wall Street Journal today that one week after he joined the Trump campaign on September 19th of last year, he was invited to a meeting at a New York hotel called the Essex House."
"Stop going to all these places and shaking your ass, eating food, listening to music, but then we don't turn around and use that same collective action to put people in office."
"We're making this up as we go. Where is any Republican to do the smallest bit?"
"John Kelly has become more and more openly political."
"We need to ensure that Republican elected officials, we voters, are holding them accountable."
"It's kind of a call to action in a way for calling up your representatives."
"Everybody who cares about the future of this nation should turn out and vote. It's vitally important, it's absolutely important."
"I never asked about Joe Biden, I was told about Joe Biden."
"Last question for you: what do you want African-Americans and others to be doing?"
"We definitely have to oppose at every step... call all your reps and complain."
"I think that he was absolutely there for politics."
"Why are people still involved? Why does Dianne Feinstein continue to defend the Chinese Communist Party?" - Lee Smith
"Identifying these institutions as a threat to the community is one of the most significant ways to get black folks to care about politics."
"The fight for these candidates in Texas is our fight."
"A standard plan that revolved around a basic concept all of which led to a single crucial goal: fabricate a reason for the Sorcerer Kingdom to get involved."
"Our democracy is far too important for anybody to throw in the towel."
"Encourage people to go into politics... you want to live in a world where good people are going into politics."
"It's bigger than Bernie and like he says it's not him it's all of us."
"You don't get involved in politics straight away first of all that's one of the things you know don't get involved in politics."
"Ice Cube in hot water after revealing he's working with the Trump administration."
"Everything you do is a political decision, so guess what? If something is going to control every part or have a say in every part of your life, you damn well better have a say in it."
"Her journey reflects the complexities and challenges actors face when navigating both the entertainment and political spheres."
"Voting is our shield, but that sword is organizing, educating, and agitating."
"We have to be informed, advocate, and be willing to recycle our politicians."
"We're past that... the world is on fire and we no longer have the privilege of not being political."
"You and I have to take this initiative... there is hope in the political system."
"Maybe if we said only taxpayers and people that have passed basic political literacy can vote that it will inspire people."
"I voted for what I wanted. I didn't win. You can stay and keep fighting, and that's respectable too."
"He's a guy who played football till he was 35 and then when he was 45 suddenly discovered politics."
"More teachers should definitely run for office."
"At Olive Garden, you get unlimited breadsticks."
"We have what I call a cowardly Pastor problem because they don't want to get involved in the political situation conservative Christianity and
republicanism have grasped hands in a way that's very unhealthy."
"I'm sorry, but I think that you're kind of worthless to the left if you can't even engage."
"Making sure that we're encouraging people who should be in leadership positions to run for office."
"This was part of the deal between Group 935 and the Nazi Party where the Nazi to provide Group Man 3/5 of the funding they needed."
"I want to hear from Virginians from every walk of life about how we can fight even harder to build the Virginia that they deserve."
"Our founding fathers gave us a republic that it is not a spectator sport."
"Ordinary people with extraordinary vision can redeem the soul of America by getting in what I call good trouble, necessary trouble." - John Lewis
"Politicians are disproportionately and intimately involved with these acts of violence."
"We gotta become Mayors and we gotta make sure we have representation in our legislative branches because we need to fix our neighborhoods and if anybody is gonna fix it it's gonna be us."
"It's not enough to say is what I did the right thing you also have to ask is it the right thing that the United States is giving aerial support to a genocidal war."
"Joe Biden's involvement was not to be mentioned in writing, only face to face."
"We need to step up and I believe I can help get us on a path to real recovery."
"I was in Georgia for a good chunk of it, helping Reverend Warnock and John Ossoff flip the Senate."
"It is kind of going mainstream right and you have bipartisan Congressional members meeting in these classified skips and discussing it and getting read into it more than ever."
"But you are right now helping Texas rebuild in the aftermath of this hurricane and we say thank you. It's my honor."
"Jersey deserved better. My wife and I got involved in this last winter. Oh, it wasn't my plan in life to be doing this, but we were just morally offended."
"Voting folks is not the most you can do, it is the least that you can do."
"The leader of the Proud Boys, Enrique Tarrio, has been arrested and charged with conspiracy for his alleged role in planning the January 6th attack on the Capitol."
"I have become more involved in politics over the years because I'm trying to protect the American dream."
"He is speaking loudly today, signing this himself, and moving forward after getting the answers from Trump down on paper."
"Already this year, Republican lawmakers have proposed about 50 bills in 20 states that would restrict DEI initiatives."
"We the People, not them, not those people in Washington... it's on us, we have to take ownership of the kind of future we want."
"This is so important that we really stay civically engaged."
"I'm just a dude trying to figure out who really wants to help make this country work."
"I never dreamed I would get involved in politics, I mean I'm just a plain Jane and nobody."
"He's gonna be even deeper in it by the time the election comes along."
"Where's the legislation? Where's the movement from Republicans and Democrats to create legislation around these issues inside of school buildings?"
"He has been advising the Proud Boys for years."
"I'm going to be getting involved in my local politics here, and talking to legislators, and doing everything I can to affect change in a more meaningful way."
"I'm a Bernie Sanders surrogate so full disclosure."
"David grush went in and for 11 and 1 half or 12 hours of testimony talked to everybody that needed to know."
"I think it's probably about time we become much more familiar with those running our country."
"I charge all people out there especially, I mean especially people who are young, don't be afraid to run."
"We're gonna move into something Canadian which is... for all of those out there who may not know, I ran for federal office for the People's Party of Canada."
"Democrats are Americans who want to feel as though they have a say in the makeup of the most powerful judicial body in our country."
"Our voice is going to need to be heard in 2024 in order to save democracy."
"This should encourage you to get more involved in the political process."
"Your voice matters and we want to give it back."
"The problem that we have here in America is that Christians are not getting involved in the political process."
"They're not simply marching, they're not simply talking, they're also running for office, and when they do run they're going to make a difference."
"We want to encourage you to fight for the right thing. And when I say fight, I mean pray, vote, get involved, run for office."
"You can't take the family out of the Congress, you can't take Congress out of the family."
"We're getting away from politics this year... except that they didn't."
"Getting involved locally, in primaries, is the best way to make a difference."
"The power of the people can prevail. Start with your church, your Moose Lodge, any organization. Start asking people, meet up, get involved politically."
"Canadians say it's time for the federal government to get involved."
"That's pretty much all the political funding I personally do is keeping up my membership, but that's because I want to have that say in who becomes leader of the party."
"Activists, be involved in politics, learn, educate yourselves."
"We're in a political emergency, and we have two choices: we can either hide from it or we can engage."
"To truly understand how extraordinary it was for a woman at this time to be involved politically like Sarah Pownell was is just incredible."
"I think we're talking about voter turnout in conjunction with the youth in their political education in general and their political engagement."
"Politics is something everybody should aspire to be a part of."
"If you're just interested in politics and want to help good people win, what you learn here will make you invaluable to the people you're trying to help."
"Ukrainians have found a unity in their civic duty and personal engagement in politics."
"I'd like to be more involved in helping elect the new leader of the Green Party."
"We have decided that the political process was something that we wanted to be involved in to achieve change."
"History has taught us that if we do not get involved and stop a dictator, it could actually put our national security at risk."