
Elves Quotes

There are 127 quotes

"Elves are a long-lived race found most commonly in places of ethereal beauty."
"Let's take an elfie together. Get it? Because we're elves."
"The Elves had minimalist lifestyles using what Ilúvatar had already created for them, Arda."
"The elves were not just between the gods and men but could also be men or gods."
"Elves were regarded as beautiful almost god-like entities."
"Elves are the exact opposite of the worst sides of humanity while also having their own flaws."
"Elves as beings of magic and great power associated with the divine."
"The elves are definitely doing a good job of cutting down these orcs."
"Congratulations to the elves for being the winners and I will see you guys next time."
"Glorfindel, an elf peer of the Maiar, returned to Middle-earth with enhanced power, much like the wizards."
"Elves do not need to sleep, instead they meditate."
"Elves are here, man, and they are not messing around this time."
"She is most revered by the Elves and stands as an opponent of darkness, a shining beacon of beauty and light – wielder of a power to shape the cosmos through the creation of the stars."
"Tolkien went to great depths to explain the traumatizing past of the elves."
"From beginning to end of the War of the Ring, Legolas remains intimately involved and represents the elves from one end of Middle Earth all the way to the other."
"It was the intention of Eru for Elves, as the Firstborn, to be the Elder brethren, to teach and eventually leave the world in the capable hands of the Followers, Men."
"The dealings of the Ainur have indeed been mostly with the Elves, for Ilúvatar made them more like in nature to the Ainur, though less in might and stature; whereas to Men he gave strange gifts."
"Elves were generally feared and seen as a potential source of misfortune and illness."
"Elves, revered as the first race to develop and master bow making, crafted flawless longbows, a symbol of their elegance and deadly precision."
"You just brought up an elf. I don't see why that matters. We're out of brooms. That has nothing to do with you. Why'd you ask if I'm an elf, then? Huh? Yeah, you got a problem? Okay, no, no, no. You got a problem now."
"While many great realms of the elves would come both before and after, arguably none were so marvelous as the hidden city of Gondolin."
"As he grows, Turin is trained in the ways of the elves - learning hunting, archery, sword fighting, and how to speak the elven tongue."
"May the blessings of elves, men, free folk, the fellowship, and all who seek the light be upon you."
"Elves sing to each other when they're in love."
"Elves are not knocking over the wall. Evidence: stones on stones, hard to balance, spell to make them balance."
"Elves don't use the ones, Holly, they just make them."
"Elves and men were created directly by Illuvatar, the one God of Tolkien's universe, without any demiurgic mediation by the Valar, as was the case with dwarves and ents."
"For the first time since the destruction of Arda's creation, the elves actually get more fair as they age because those of these early elves that do go and live in the West their beauty is enriched by an immortal lifetime's worth of wisdom and sorrow. Pretty neat."
"The Glory days of the Elves were now over."
"Elves are an ancient people whose civilization dates back tens of thousands of years."
"The elves are a race of near perfect immortal beings, who represent a vision of what humans would be like had they not been tainted by the original sin of Adam and Eve."
"Sometimes you just tell the elves with a lesson."
"The elves still in a state of disbelief look at him with wide eyes."
"What happens to the tooth now? We give it to the elves. They take care of the rest."
"It was good to see... the elves come through... I genuinely like their banter and their friendship."
"Sea elves gain proficiency with sea-based weapons."
"Eladrin have a +1 to Charisma modifier."
"'Of all the elves I have had the pleasure to serve, you were by far the coolest.'"
"Dark elves were considered traitors by elves stemming from a rumor that they were once part of the elf population during the war with Orcs but turned into a dark Army."
"We elves live in trees, goodness knows why."
"They all see like what they call them like uh The Elves and they're like they're working on machinery and and they're engineers."
"It seems that this really is a fundamental difference between elves and men and not just a question of tendency or mood."
"The Noldor are the ones who have that reckless courage."
"The elves, once the dominant force on the continent, being masters of both the arcane arts of magic and of nature."
"Elves often embody a sense of mystery, representing a bridge between the mundane world and the realm of magic and wonder."
"The concept of elves transcends cultural boundaries and has been passed down through generations."
"Alfur, commonly known as elves, are mythical beings that have captivated human imagination and folklore for centuries."
"The modern depiction of elves, particularly popularized by J.R.R. Tolkien's works, has had a profound influence on the contemporary understanding of these mythical beings."
"The elves on the shelves in the two bathrooms, hilarious!"
"In the wide world, the wood elves lingered in the twilight of our sun and moon but loved best the stars."
"Knight came beneath the trees as they walked, and the elves uncovered their silver lamps."
"The elves fled before him to arid weatheren and dorthonian in dismay."
"That is why, when the Elves bound the Dwarves in a line one behind the other and counted them, they never found or counted the Hobbit."
"Elves are very clever, and well, elves!"
"The light of the Eldar is fading."
"The fate of the elves being in his hands."
"The lives of the elves being tied to the decay of their realms."
"Elves are meant to be immortal... they're meant to live forever."
"Kingship for the elves is a really interesting topic because elves are meant to be immortal."
"These are ancient swords from the ancient elf city of Gondolin."
"The Sindar, they were named the Grey Elves, the Elves of the Twilight."
"Elves can do anything on horseback."
"Elves are good at that sort of thing, and we're elves."
"Elves are very good at climbing, and I'm an elf."
"Where's Santa and his little elves without a Christmas tree?"
"The smaller group, the Faithful, held tradition, such as befriending Elves and revering the Valar and Eru Himself."
"Elves are represented as Santa's workers, in Harry Potter as these kind of ugly little goblin creatures, and then of course we have Lord of the Rings where they're pictured as these beautiful advice givers."
"Light elves are fairer than the sun to look at, but dark elves are blacker than pitch."
"Go not to the elves for counsel, for they will say both no and yes."
"You are standing in the middle of the training ground for our elves."
"Those naughty little elves have been up to mischief."
"Elves are near universally portrayed as being unnaturally beautiful creatures."
"Elves can communicate with anything, like nature, so they can listen to the sounds of a stream to receive messages."
"They're the people who gave rise to all the stories about elves."
"Elves as they are written are beyond awesome."
"Wonderful folk, Elves, sir! Wonderful!"
"What do Santa's little helpers learn at school? The elf-abet."
"Still elves are light-footed, and though they were not in these days much used to the marches and the treacherous lands between the forest and the lake, their going was swift."
"Elves are a lot more in tune with nature than humans are."
"This one's a good solid reinterpretation of the elves in the Shoemaker story."
"Melkor never forgot that the Valar had gone to war for the sake of the elves, and he hated them, and vowed revenge against them from that moment onward."
"Ingwë becomes the leader of the Vanyar, who are the fair elves; the Vanyar all traveled to Valinor and most of them stay there for good, becoming the most favored of Manwë and Varda."
"Legends say that ancient elves could use the power of the Nexus to open up a portal to a shimmering world between life and death."
"It’s just so amazing that after so long we finally know what all the types of elves look like!"
"Tamal, the pillar city, was an ancient colored settlement in the Estroven Forest, constructed with the help of the elves."
"Elves are supposed to make Christmas special and children happy."
"Back when mankind hadn't come across the existence of elves, even in those days, elves were already a familiar existence found in numerous materials: novels, comics, movies, animations, etc."
"Elves were not pointy-eared little people, though, but rather semi-divine entities associated with the souls of illustrious ancestors."
"Elves are brief discs of dim light you can see about 60 miles high in the atmosphere."
"...the great bookery of Lux Aurea keeps the Scrolls of the first elves, one of the only few records of star touch elves."
"Elves don't do magic because we're elves."
"Elves love silver, and they associate with it much more than they do with gold. Gold is the shiny metal for men."
"I review thousands of elf resumes every year."
"She's very used to dealing with elves perhaps, and with how elves think very long term."
"The rings were to dominate elves, that was what they were made for."
"One should never underestimate the sharpness of an elf's ears."
"Humans and elves can live side by side."
"The love of the Elves for their land and their works is deeper than the deeps of the sea."
"It makes a very nice playset, has a lot of really strong Lego elves theme vibes."
"The elves didn't build a weapon; they built a warrior."
"Oh my goodness, I hope all the elves now are at least two feet apart."
"It was believed to be the fortress of the elves and the local people thought this bottomless hole reached into the very center of the earth."
"Luckily, the elves are ocean masters and remember a thing or two."
"All elves must cooperate and rebuild their home together."
"What did elves learn at school? The alphabet!"
"Elves originate from Norse mythology and within Black Clover, elves and human relationships were very similar to what is believed to have been in Norse mythology."
"The elves are believed to be the only creatures who are able to use magic stones to their fullest extent."
"She is scared the first time she sees Gobo and she seems to be a bit different from the other elves since she has wings."
"The culture of the elves seems a bit different from human beings."
"In terms of the elves, everyone seems to be treated equally with no prejudice."
"She promises to always protect the Elves and the deal sounds more than good to the Elder."