
Countries Quotes

There are 129 quotes

"Ever wondered what it's like to wake up in a new country every day?"
"How many countries are on the continent of Africa? ...54."
"It's Australia, New Zealand, the USA, your top three." - Commentator
"Yeah, it's hard to argue against that. Like it's, I mean, the thing is, you know, Canada and England, I think quite similar in a lot of ways."
"This is going to change the future of countries."
"I've been to 21 countries, I've been to all 50 states."
"There are two types of country in this world: countries people want to leave and countries people want to come into."
"We've traveled to over 17 countries and 34 cities in the last 14 months."
"Open countries are prosperous countries."
"Let me know in the comments if you got any countries that I don't manage to get."
"For a long time, it was kind of Germany, and you know, German-speaking areas, and England. And so those three are the kind of the big spots."
"So now three of them, each one is a symbol of his what country, each one of them a symbol of his country."
"You can travel to places like US, UK without a Visa."
"I want to live there, right? Right, Norway? It has to be one of my all-time favorite countries."
"Each country has its own reasons, but there are some commonalities."
"Switzerland is honestly one of my favorite countries in the world."
"If they're countries, they're quote private property. If people want to be [ __ ] racist, that's their prerogative to do so."
"There are historical routes to inequality that are different in different countries."
"Countries can change, and we should be sensitive to that fact."
"So income inequality at the end of the day is substantially lower in Ireland than it is in the U.S."
"The best part about the countries on this list is they're desirable people actually want to live there and they're affordable."
"Which is your favorite country among the top 20 richest countries in the world?"
"He writes nobody believed nobody agrees with me but Germany Japan and Italy are the best-run countries."
"Our dogs have been to 27 countries."
"C'est exactement le rôle de Luffy dans chacun des pays qu'il se rend."
"China, looks like you eat noodles, they love durian there, actually, Japan, Japan."
"Private Internet Access has over 20,000 servers in 70 countries."
"There's 197 countries in the world and surely I'll be able to name them all in 15 minutes, so let's give it a go."
"Every country in the world has dishes that you will absolutely love if you take the time to learn what they are."
"I know you're probably wondering what's the biggest difference between these two countries."
"I think both of these countries are gonna be major innovative forces."
"Every country's got their own lovely little stories."
"I would say in certain countries like if you look at what I'm going to say might be controversial but, and I'm not going to like promote these countries but there's a reason that the elites want to go after them."
"There's eight countries at least. China was the extra one."
"Not every country offers therapy with basic health insurance."
"America is doing significantly better than we are."
"Portugal ranks super high for safety and the US has a serious safety issue."
"Countries that don't lead the world can lead the world in this sport."
"Safety-wise, Portugal is safer than the US."
"It's difficult to combine because you take the best of each country, so if you take Norway and Thailand combined together, they're probably going to rank lower."
"Top five! Top five! Top five! Armenia, Italy, Lithuania, Greece, and I think I said Germany."
"Here are the cities Calgary and Windsor. What is the country?"
"I think with all countries when they do it right it's hilarious when the United States is funny it is incredible comedy."
"The most peaceful country in the world."
"Countries have to do what they need to do to maintain their values and their principles and also maintain their integrity."
"It's banned in Kuwait, Lebanon, and Algeria for promoting homosexuality."
"As the world increasingly turns its attention to the Pacific Ocean, we are witnessing the announced interest of a range of countries such as Australia, China, France, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States."
"I think they're attractive but I wouldn't have thought I would have actually thought something like Sweden or Brazil."
"Both countries are extremely beautiful."
"Both countries are gorgeous from what I'm seeing right this is unreal."
"After 12 hours, he could theoretically go to 216 countries."
"It's interesting to see how country names have evolved over time, emerging from initial definitions to current adaptations."
"I love America, and hey, I love Australia too."
"Two kick-ass countries are better than one."
"I decided for my own personal reasons that it would be fun to try and learn all 197 countries of the world."
"It's quite cool that you can drive across a huge bridge to another country."
"I got it wrong, Finland and Russia don't do joint military exercises."
"Brasilia in Brazil and Washington DC in the United States, the similarities between these countries do keep rolling."
"Football is a key cultural tie between Portugal and Mozambique."
"How many countries have you visited?"
"It's definitely one of my new favorite countries so far."
"The sea that separates the countries is what united them."
"New Zealand is definitely the Canada of Australia."
"The Testament to the unbreakable friendship between our two countries."
"Switzerland, a country of less than nine million people, has an economy size larger than that of Nigeria, Ethiopia, and Algeria combined."
"It's funny how that can happen, countries that are right next to each other share so many similarities."
"Brand equity matters as much for countries as it does for companies."
"This has been one of my favourite countries I have visited."
"Every single country has its flaws."
"Thumbnail and title: I traveled to two countries in one day."
"India, number one producer of bananas, followed by China."
"I've been in seven different countries since I left which is actually insane."
"They really are two of my favorite countries."
"The most important decision you have to make when you decide you want to move abroad is which country do you want to move to."
"It's going to be distributed in 125 countries."
"Only three countries don't use the metric system: Myanmar, Liberia, and the US."
"Both countries are amazing and we love spending time in both countries."
"Down under is what folks call these two countries since they're 'down under' most other countries."
"I'm very excited to welcome all of you to three of my favorite countries, places very, very close to my heart."
"Each of these countries is extremely different; I would say the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Poland are probably about as different culturally as let's say Germany, France, and Italy."
"There's so many countries in this country. Four."
"Vietnam is going to be up here in terms of my favorite countries of all time."
"More and more countries are subscribing to the ambitious goal of decarbonization by 2050 or 2060."
"We explored five different countries in about 18 days."
"I'm very at home in Germany, but I suppose England is my favorite country to work in."
"Name one country that starts with the letter U."
"I love Japan, Australia, and UK and Ireland."
"I feel like our countries are not that different after all."
"You should expect higher growth out of India than Russia."
"What is the only country in the world that starts with the letter Q?"
"This faded but not forgotten story links our countries through a unique and profound chapter in history."
"Once upon a time there were two brothers: Kazakhstan & Kyrgyzstan."
"Africa is not a country; Africa is a continent of 54 countries."
"Every single one of these countries is just so pretty."
"Just how expensive are they? A good way to look at this is through comparisons with other countries."
"It's truly truly beautiful and probably maybe one of my favorite countries yet."
"This trip is now going to be five countries and three that are new. Total, it's crazy."
"New Zealand is kind of like the Canada of Australia."
"The differences between both countries are so extreme that they might be hard to believe."
"It's one of these very small countries but it's fabulous, fabulous."
"I have family in both America and Canada and today I thought it would be fun to objectively compare America and Canada to see which country is more livable."
"Thailand has been one of my favorite countries on earth so far."
"The three countries that make up Scandinavia are Denmark, Norway, and Sweden."
"Germany is one of the high-ranking countries in the world; it's a tier-one country and ranks just as well as the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, and all the other powerhouses."
"Norway and Switzerland share a lot in common; they both are not part of the EU, they both are very financially stable yet expensive to live in, they both have mountains and snow."
"There are four types of countries in the world—developed, undeveloped, Japan, and Argentina."
"It's a love letter to their countries."
"Seven countries are part of Central America: Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Panama."
"Globalization is the growing interdependence of countries worldwide."
"I'm fascinated by the differences between Australia and America."
"Every country has a lot of pros and cons."
"Afghanistan is now one of my top five favorite countries."
"I've been traveling for 14 years, 65 countries."
"You can see that it has actually successfully identified the countries of this data set that we discussed before."
"I ended up traveling for 18 months and I only saw six countries."
"Both Canada and America took drastic action to prevent irreversible damage from happening."
"We're the top 10 largest countries in the world, big to small, measured by land area with facts about them all."
"The whole country of Australia is in the brain of you America."
"Japan and Germany are really the leaders in the world in the technology of maglevs."
"We are the countries of Oceania, there are 14 fully recognized sovereign states or countries."
"My heart belongs to these countries; I love everything: the culture, the history, the people."