
Harsh Reality Quotes

There are 154 quotes

"She mentions that she learned this lesson the hard way, and that personal experience is a ruthless teacher."
"It's a harsh truth that many of the homeless population aren't ready to reintegrate into society properly."
"No one's gonna give you any fucking money except me, and the only way I'm gonna do that is if your movie's shit."
"You have a job to do, tell people this, and it's not nice and it's not pretty."
"A broke [ __ ] ain't worth anything to anybody."
"America is the land of rotting cities, serial killers, gun-crazed hunters, shallow materialists, religious nuts, and bloodthirsty cowboy presidents."
"Accept death and accept that you are a disgusting fat piece of [__]."
"They can smash them... it's just a meat grinder."
"This world is a callous and merciless place."
"The best way not to get shot is not to be black."
"You must kill someone if you want to leave. It's as simple as that."
"It's an industry that will eat you alive and spit you out."
"Reality is not as nice, it is not as fun, it is not as comfortable but it's reality."
"You're acting like a basement dwelling 4chan conspiracy theorist Nazi in public. Yeah, you should be fired. That's not being canceled, that's being held accountable. That's what's up."
"They're just gonna show you that they chew you up and spit you out."
"You're gonna die alone if you don't get your head out of the clouds."
"Unfortunately, it's not a bad dream, it's a reality."
"Stop being a goddamn simp and spending your [expletive] money thinking that you're gonna donate to a girl and she's gonna be your girlfriend. Grow the [expletive] up."
"I remember he said that you know keep the child comfortable while you decide whether or not to kill them or not."
"Damn that's a harsh way of putting it but like facts yo facts."
"The whole nightmare was not just a dream but reality."
"That person is a f***ing loser, and you know they don't get it."
"That's some spiky, just straight-up hard man garbage right here."
"I'm the best there is at what I do, but what I do isn't very nice."
"Life's gonna [expletive] on me, I'll open my mouth."
"Reality stabs you in the back because that's what reality does."
"As men we need to be animal because it's animals out there who don't have any rules."
"There's no romance or poetry or sentimentality that will prevent the [expletive] COVID from entering your lungs."
"I feel bad for you, Tom. I really do. Because at the end of the day, I get to go home and you get to go to whatever hole you came out of."
"A father forced to face the truth: 'I said, well, your son's a monster.'"
"It's the truth it's [ __ ] up worlds really got to be vigilant at all times."
"There is no level of Jesus, no level of mercy in this world."
"100, let's get it baby! Or misshapen, he would have been discarded. That's heavy."
"It's still a war and war is horrible as hell."
"People are just gonna die, it is what it is."
"It's cruel, callous, and cold-hearted, but what else have we come to expect from Trump, McConnell, and the boys?"
"The real world down here operates in the chuck norris punch you in the face slap you with a giant fish."
"You killed a bunch of people and your economy crashed. So fuck that."
"Eating animal products is one of the cruelest things anyone ever does."
"This shit is gonna get you nowhere. You're lucky you ain't died yesterday."
"Truth is not always pretty. Truth is not always peaches and cream."
"In a cold reality where nothing is handed to you on a plate and the utter void where we perceive a karmic system to be often leaves us dried and calloused, we look to each other for anchors."
"The only thing worse than that is the gripping reality that tomorrow is going to be an absolute Nightmare and that everything you've done tonight was a mistake."
"Don't nobody give a [ __ ] about your feelings because you never care about anybody else."
"The Internet will tell you quickly, 'Black in,' and it will tell you, 'N***a, stop crying.'"
"Once you become a liability, once you are not useful to them anymore, they will throw you off the bus and run you over multiple times."
"15 years of prison camps... but you also want to kind of hug him."
"Arkham Asylum: the real world where real thugs and killers lurk."
"A butcher slaughters a pig yet expects the pig to perform well before dying."
"Joel just walking in and just not even caring and being like, 'Oh, so they're dead.' That just showcases again how he is in such a survival mode."
"This system is uniquely designed to grind black people up into a dust into a pulp."
"You win or you lose. If the results aren't there, [__] you."
"You can lead a horse to water and then you can drown it and let its lungs fill up with water."
"This is real life and no one is coming to the rescue."
"If you're a content creator and no one is watching your stuff, then the reason for that is because your content sucks. Like, I'm sorry, it's a sucky thing to say, but it's true."
"It's a case of killing each other to survive because the goal is to survive."
"They don't care about us. They never have, they never will."
"No one loves you, not even your mother. Your mother hates you."
"The truth is not there to make you feel better again, the truth is not an easy pill to swallow."
"You're gonna find out the hard way, sorry to say it, do not love to say something encouraging."
"There is always a price and that price usually involves blood."
"People are fucking cruel. They're cruel, they're mean, and they say a lot of crazy shit."
"There's gonna be [ __ ] winners and there's gonna be [ __ ] losers."
"I'm going to share a depressing truth... very few people live inside reality."
"A truly horrible way... probably one of the worst ways to grow up."
"The hard truth is that we live in a universe where the consequences of harmful actions are not always proportional or even realized at all."
"We're living in hell. Drisking, it's Hell in our own reality."
"If you're good, if you're not, you're gonna get crushed."
"If they want to kill themselves, let them kill themselves."
"Massive blood sacrifice: You can't make a bone crusher without crushing a few bones."
"Politics is not built for compassion. It's a blood sport."
"No matter what you think in this world it's kill or be killed."
"When reality gets to your door, the blinders go down."
"I'm just kidding I just don't yeah I don't think about I don't think about failure I think about how I'm going to succeed."
"I don't think these girls ever had a chance of going back home... These girls were never going home to begin with." - Insights on the grim reality.
"To keep you is no benefit, to destroy you is no loss."
"Life isn't fair for starving children in Africa so deal with it."
"This world doesn't revolve around your feelings. It doesn't give a [__] about your feelings."
"In this industry, if a girl [] up, what a fake []. Such a worthless piece of [___]."
"Slavery was not romantic. It did not have a great view. We're not talking about a sunset, we're talking about children raped, men and women destroyed, individuals murdered, and human beings who are owned. Never forget that."
"Unless you [ __ ] you will not get ahead in life, that's the reality."
"Constantly locked down, going to the hole every time."
"War is hell." - Civil War General William Tecumseh Sherman
"It's a cruel world, and maybe that'll be something that will cause that child to be raised better."
"Expectations versus reality hit him harder than the speeding car."
"Life is a war. If you can't win it, you lose it."
"The world can be really, really cruel at times."
"If I got 100 million dollars... you ain't even with me here [ __ ] take this and get the [ __ ] out of my life."
"Those goody good people who work shitty jobs for bum paychecks and who took the subway to work every day worried about their bills were dead. They were suckers. They had no balls."
"This world is strange; if you let your guard down for too long, this place will eat you alive without warning."
"They call it the spiritual path for the psychopath. They say there's only three options: you go insane, you die, or you quit. That's the harsh reality."
"It's either kill or be killed, and that's the life of living, you know?"
"The world was to kill or get killed."
"Because the jungle is a cold and unfeeling place."
"Fair? What's fair in this place? It's just survival, Brett, that's all there is left for us here."
"The world is so harsh that even the people that live there are twisted versions of their fantasy archetypes."
"Those who survive in this cruel world become trash."
"This ain't Disneyland, mate, nobody cares. This is Premier League elite level football: win or piss off. It's as simple as that."
"The Targaryens are Nazis, like I'm not sugar coating this."
"Truth hurts. This is as bad as it can be. He knows he's the best."
"You're cannon fodder, you know what that means?"
"Life itself is not fair. So, like me, have a drink. The truth must rise, it's a wicked world we live in."
"You think you want truth, but that truth will only bring you pain."
"The truth is tormenting to people who don't want to hear it."
"In space, life becomes a cold equation, and the equal sign is often followed by death."
"Wake up to reality! Nothing ever goes as planned in this accursed world."
"Time put a patina of affection on yesteryear, and we tended to forget how appalling existence could be."
"The reality of modern life is biting."
"I desperately wanted to believe that I was only trapped in a horrible genjutsu. But there was no mistake. I was trapped in reality."
"The truth hurts, Jasmine. The world is a hard and lonely place, and nobody gets anything for free."
"Instead of having a religious scene meant to inspire and perhaps comfort people, he presents us with this very harsh depiction in metaphorical form of the modern age of the big city."
"Real life's nasty. It's cruel. It doesn't care about heroes and happy endings."
"Sometimes reality can be far more unforgiving than the world of imagination."
"It is beautiful, if in a real like nature doesn't love her children kind of way."
"It's like getting slapped in the face with reality, but not the kind of reality where you know, 'Oh, I got to pay my bills this month,' it's like a reality where everything that you fear is live and it's out there."
"Life is cheap, and survival by any means possible."
"Poverty is a silent massacre, kills dreams, kills lives."
"The truth is much worse than a ghost."
"The prison system... from the moment you walk in that door through that gate, the prison environment abuses you."
"The world is a terrible place sometimes."
"All kings must be butchers, or meat."
"If you want to win, if you want to live, you have to fight because the world is a cruel place."
"Odd Eye" talks about trying to find the road to utopia, a perfect world full of beauty where no toxicity or negativity can follow. But they reveal the sad truth, no such utopia in the real world exists.
"The weak always lose, no matter what. That's the way it is."
"Sometimes, the truth is a tough pill to swallow."
"War is never pretty, it's never good, even though it's necessary sometimes."
"The truth is what it is, sometimes it's difficult to swallow."
"This can be the most cruel sport in the entire world."
"The world was a cruel place, full of meaningless violence, and the only way to survive in it was to fight."
"Sometimes the real truth is uncomfortable."
"The cold," Gared said with iron certainty. "Nothing burns like the cold."
"Welcome to the real world, darling."
"That's reality, that's not a game, that's people's life."
"This world is terribly cruel, and so are the people who inhabit it."
"A brutal world needs the brutal truth."
"This place was not a utopia at all, not even for the German people that went there, let alone the locals; this place was hell on earth."
"Normally you don't want little girls killing people, but in this world, you kind of appreciate it."
"This world is full of cruel and strong people."
"I wrote this book because the world can be harsh and terrible, and often unforgiving."
"This is the brutal world they lived in."
"Reality is tough, unyielding stuff and it doesn't care what you think or feel or say about it."