
Gatherings Quotes

There are 204 quotes

"The most we can say is that we can be confident that these centers were the sites of major feasts and gatherings."
"The white shark cafe... is said to play host to a vast group of great whites every year."
"I just don't want to gather any more without giving opportunity for people to come to know Jesus. It's the most important part of the day."
"Avoid all gatherings large or small... if you're around other people and they're ill, you're gonna get ill probably."
"Everyone can mingle about and enjoy themselves."
"Avoid large gatherings if possible, but stay vigilant in any situation."
"It's kind of fun having them all in one room together."
"There's a gathering, and you can't wait for the right conditions."
"There's no better time than getting around the table."
"Spread is guaranteed if there is one person who is infected in these parties, they will be infecting other people."
"It is really cool. I just want to say that it has been a very very very very very very long two years since we've all been able to congregate together."
"This is a Bluetooth speaker... hidden, out of sight, charged up and ready to go for those tailgates."
"Thank you Community is built in circles not in rows."
"Revival tents and outdoor meetings on a radical scale are coming."
"Even though our lives look different, we're still making a point to get together and do these trips."
"So many Republican congressmen are coming to Mar-a-Lago." - Carol Leonnig
"Good luck for your store and I'll see all of you party people in my next video guys, take care."
"I honestly had such an amazing time this was like one of the days where like all of my girls side got to know the boys sides cousins and friends."
"A very innovative way to prevent gatherings."
"The redhead though, yeah with the beers? Yeah, unbelievable."
"There's always a chance anytime there's this many people in a room."
"Guys we have a lot of food over here just check out all of the foods."
"Without them, the ministry could... would be... you know, with us just doing meetings and going places."
"It did really bring together so many aspects—the wild family, everyone being together."
"Anytime businessmen get together in a cafe watch out."
"My favorite thing was probably just being with everyone and spending time together."
"We all had a nice time, I appreciate you stopping by."
"In theory, the more people, the more leftovers they're gonna create."
"Most of the COVID cases are coming from living rooms and household gatherings."
"I think everybody's going to get to know each other, both sides of the family."
"It is important for gatherings like this to take place."
"Christmas is a time of gatherings and cozy company."
"Tens of thousands of people will make their way to Miami."
"The greatest gatherings are the gatherings in which we come together to remember Allah."
"People love nothing more than to gather with a large group of people who share the same interests as them and then talk about those interests."
"There's a lot of people there that we only get to see once a year and every year we go we made several new families that just become good friends of ours."
"We'll use this yard for many years to come and we'll have many lovely evenings with good food and good wine and good friends."
"Christmas is one of those occasions where it's like the more the merrier."
"There was something so cool about getting together with like all my friends at somebody's house."
"For your next tea party, it doesn't have to be a formal sit down. It can be a large social gathering where people can grab the food and socialize."
"Indeed, the best gatherings are the gatherings in which Allah is spoken about and reminded of."
"We don't have to see each other, we can't, we can all reconvene for dinner upstairs, you know, upstairs, but I'm saying, we got the basement."
"If you're at a family gathering, it feels like the children at the family gathering may be flocking to you quite a bit."
"But if you were to have a really nice party, I think a great thing to do is to say, 'Hey, we're gonna put the phones away.'"
"The outdoor viewing parties are probably going to ramp up."
"Ali cherished moments with friends, often hosting dinner gatherings and sleepovers."
"I love big festive get-togethers, they always give you a warm glow."
"Hey, where's the booze? What's everyone having?"
"The gatherings of remembrance of Allah are the best gatherings."
"These are the real gatherings Allah loves these are the real gatherings."
"Being with the community and being in gatherings like this has a very positive effect on your spirituality."
"A lovely book celebrating love and friendship and food and gatherings."
"Those things that can feel corny, like Christmas parties and family gatherings, they feel corny but then you get into them and it's an important thing."
"The more the merrier as the saying goes."
"Every time people get together, they get together on evil agendas."
"I'm sorry, those times are over. I'm really happy that I experienced all those amazing family gatherings. I miss them very much."
"Don't think you just have to have a big sit-down dinner. You can have a barbecue if you want, just don't do a potluck. There's no requirement for that. Everybody can do something different."
"A kegger, a kegger with your friends."
"Oh my gosh those deck parties are so much fun."
"In order for me to be around people, I have discovered that I love the big dinner parties, I love Christmas parties, I love to be out socially at Christmas."
"There's a reason why we have thousands of people in these rooms."
"What a great time to have a reunion."
"I mean even no party for too long now."
"I almost have 300 records, 50 45s, 400 CDs, tapes, and A-tracks. It's a music listening room and party central for my gatherings."
"I haven't made opportunities for gatherings. I want to change that in 2024."
"Every time we get together magic happens."
"You have your Gatherings for the Youth up here or adult Gatherings whatever."
"That's cold in the summer. That's all like your nephews, your nieces, and your cousins all come party together."
"They had everything going on. Tate's house was always the place to go to."
"I actually don't want to gather with all my relatives for endless days of claustrophobic conviviality."
"Plan your gatherings ahead of time, especially with the winter and holiday seasons coming."
"Cozy moments, best of gatherings, and of course, a cup of delicious coffee to savor."
"People miss a year of family gatherings even more than usual."
"Whenever any two of us get together it's kind of an event. But we do it all the time."
"This is what it's all about, getting you guys together."
"Family reunion is a very common thing for people to have in the summer."
"We have a huge family gathering for any family holiday, Mother's Day, Easter, Father's Day, birthdays, Christmas, Thanksgiving."
"In the ensuing years, Medivh hosted numerous gatherings, and indeed, his mood appeared to improve."
"On occasions when the flight deck is not in use, it hosts social gatherings and events to boost the morale of those on board."
"I love seeing everybody and we have so much fun."
"Barbecues bring out the best in camaraderie."
"Whether you're making this at home or taking this to your next barbecue or party, it's always going to be a hit."
"This is one of my favorite no-baked desserts to take to like a barbecue cookout, a carne asada, it's so easy to travel with and make the day before."
"No bake desserts perfect for the summer, all of these no-baked desserts and sides are perfect for your next family holiday gathering or barbecue cookout."
"It's a family reunion whenever we get together."
"You don't need a brunchy mad scientist like Zack to make the most out of your outside space for get-togethers."
"It's the place where we'll gather and we both love to cook and have parties."
"Everyone I invited was like the perfect group, just exactly what we needed before the holidays."
"This could be good for a crowd or for your family."
"It's literally one of the best meet and greets you can find on property."
"Spring is upon us now. I love having sort of spring gatherings, getting people over, nice times in the garden as it starts to get warmer."
"I'm bringing this to every holiday gathering that I go to."
"It's the holidays; we're trying to bring in all of our friends and loved ones."
"I call it a party stew, 'cause everyone loves to eat it."
"This house is perfect for them family get-togethers."
"We're finally going to get an opportunity to have big family gatherings at the house like we wanted to."
"We love having the concrete pad when everyone is over roasting marshmallows and hanging out."
"It's been fun every time we get together."
"It's a massive area for you know your parties love it and lower house and you can have up to 100 200 guests."
"We actually entertain a fair amount and we have a lot of family dinners."
"We always have such a good time when we get together with Michael and Emily."
"It's also a place that will have gatherings, there's a place for tables and chairs where we can have gatherings."
"I hope you try this really fun summer side to bring to all of your barbecues and picnics."
"You can't go wrong with a charcuterie board; they're popping, they look beautiful for like holiday events."
"It's just been awesome with all of our family friends coming in."
"Ah, you got to love family reunions."
"Our Friday dinners were loud and crazy, and I loved them."
"In his blue gardens men and girls came and went like moths among the whisperings and the champagne and the stars."
"He's heard that advanced Warriors occasionally gather there to exchange knowledge."
"Avoid large gatherings and public places."
"It's just fun, and we just like it to be with people and then to have them over."
"The best way to bring a family together is at a wedding, or death, or a funeral."
"We would have all the girls in the parish, both brownies and guides, coming together."
"Regardless, her family was very important to her, and she was known for taking charge and organizing their get-togethers."
"It's a great thing to bring to a party."
"Everything back then revolved around taverns, political meetings happened in taverns."
"This makes a large cake, two-layer, perfect for birthdays and special occasions or when you're having a large group."
"I just look for an occasion to just get people together so we can just enjoy."
"Can you imagine friends and family here for Thanksgiving, for Christmas, for all the special occasions in your life?"
"It's all about reunions and gatherings, can be socializing and generally partying."
"Party rings work whether you are having just your family over or you are having all of your friends too."
"Think about Christmas dinners, you know, lunches, and just family gatherings."
"We're getting back out into the world, Craig. We finally get to connect with people in small gatherings."
"Enjoy gathering around your tables with family and friends."
"When different friend groups get together and everything goes completely smooth."
"It's the community that comes with it, it's the meets, it's the shows."
"I had over 60 individuals come through."
"Look at the high ceilings, like this is amazing, this would be a perfect home for get-togethers."
"With these matching sets, you'd be serving your family your friends both mornings and afternoons."
"It's so true with distant relatives; we only see each other at weddings and funerals."
"I like the family gatherings and everybody running around, and you know, just family time is something well needed."
"Everyone was there having fun, mixing it up, having conversations."
"Every night we'll be able to get together, hang out, it's going to be awesome."
"Family get-togethers when we all get together are special, so I decided not to be away from the holidays."
"All my family was there, was really special."
"It's not just the shows, it's just getting together with Kiss fans and hanging out."
"I just love having friends and you just get everybody together and it's just fun!"
"The family get-together was great at the weekends."
"It's going to be so much fun going load of family and friends."
"We're so impassioned every time that we gather together."
"This portable fireplace will add some soothing touches to all your gatherings, in and outdoors."
"Shrimp at a cookout will always hit."
"We're about to fall in love all over again because there are thousands of them out there in this field."
"Here's where I think alcohol thrives: when there's a group of people getting together that might not otherwise really mesh easily."
"If you want to have the most cake, then you want to have more cakes on the table and the least amount of people showing up."
"All I've ever tried to do is gather people in crowds."
"They actually met in homes, they ate together around tables, and they fellowshipped."
"I always have a blast because you guys are all friends, you all gather and it's not just three or four people, but you bring a whole gathering here."
"Instead of family arguments, there's family dinners, family gatherings, family harmonious situations and circumstances."
"Just like a great family Sunday dinner, you come over for some positive talk, discussions, and a fight breaks out."
"It's fantastic, it would be good for Christmas time or any get-togethers."
"We can never really get the family all together; this will bring us all together."
"Keep gathering around that table with family and friends."
"Families are hard, especially big gatherings, because you will disagree and fight over anything and everything."
"A party without a cake is just a meeting."
"It's not what's on the table that matters, it's who's in the chairs."
"It's like coming to a family reunion every weekend."
"We deliberately keep the party small in size to minimize disruption to people and landscape."
"Perfect for the family gatherings, Christmas, Thanksgiving."
"This would be perfect for a game day."
"Yes, I do miss when we all got together, those are my favorite days."
"I'm excited to see family, friends; my family have always been like the hosts of the barbecues, the summer parties."
"As a family, they seem like a happy loving family, and I think that's the important aspect of these family gatherings."
"This is where we plan to have a lot of big family dinners, Thanksgiving."
"I love the idea of being able to have sleepovers."
"Every time you had a gathering, people could sign it and maybe even include a group photo to form a lasting memory."
"I'm surrounded by family and like family gatherings and my friends, I love this."
"The events with all the grandparents and everybody is so much fun, isn't it? We laugh and have such a good time."
"Every friendly get-together has moments you can't forget."
"These are great for bringing people together, very good for social environments."
"I've always dreamed and wanted a space where I could have all of our family over for the holidays under one roof."
"Celebration, social gatherings, this is something positive."
"The sun is coming out, and it is time to enter the fairgrounds and find out all about the sweaters that you have been working on throughout the years."
"I think we need to normalize breakfast gatherings, maybe make it more brunch so you can sleep in a bit."
"Pajama parties are lots of fun, a great time had by everyone."
"You could even bring it to a party if you have to attend a party and you don't know what to bring."
"Everybody loves tangerine juice over orange juice when I make mimosas."
"I'm thinking this would be perfect for like family gatherings."
"I absolutely love hosting my loved ones."
"Nothing says the holidays more than like gathering and sharing boards and kind of having like finger foods."
"You can serve this with coffee or hot chocolate after a dinner, everyone's settling into the living room to talk, pull these out, what a big hit."
"There's good food, great friends, and happy times."
"I'm excited to host like lunches and barbecues and dinners out in our garden in the summer."
"This is my go-to grill when we're having parties or big family get-togethers."
"For me, the most special thing is having all of our families together."
"My favorite way to see this kitchen is when it's full of people and life, and there's a party going on."
"Hosting my own intimate get-togethers."