
Workout Routine Quotes

There are 54 quotes

"I like a hot shower before I work out because I go in the shower and I start sweating immediately."
"So whether you're a beginner or not, you should definitely be incorporating the burpee as well as the other two exercises into your workout regimen, as they're not only gonna give you a fast, effective, whole body workout, but will also drastically improve your fitness capabilities."
"You can do the entire body workout in about a half hour, and it's effective."
"Man, we're not messing around... Arms day is always a good day."
"What can I expect from your workouts? At least two hours of weight training, preferably in the morning."
"Your workout looks like this: you have nine full body exercises and you're gonna work through all nine exercises three times."
"If metabolism is the priority, I want to make sure it's a training style, it's a workout I can do regularly as part of my routine."
"Three sets of ten with four exercises is, in my opinion, the bare minimum of what a workout should be."
"Overall, it's just like a really phenomenal workout so we are going to do four times ten of these trust me feels like a lot but you can do it."
"That's our Friday workout we burn fat we sweat we built muscle we got that we got athletic and our mind or mental toughness we got through some tough times some rough times so I'm really really super proud of you."
"Each circuit is going to alternate with strength and cardio really gonna get the best of both worlds."
"FST 7: 'Seven sets is a number that we created to do enough without going too much.'"
"Do this for six to eight weeks and you will see, you will definitely see positive changes in your body, and you will definitely get away from this problem of being skinny fat."
"Last one, let's hold our arm and leg lifted."
"Let's do four more. Last one, now hold your legs together, lower your heels and roll your hips down, vertebra by vertebra. Let's hug our knees in just for a moment."
"Honestly that was like the best gym experience I've had a week because I turned up and there was one car there and I went to the one that typically this week was super super busy."
"It feels good to be just working on these basics in my workout routine."
"So, what this suggests is that we probably want to try and hit each muscle in a fairly lengthened position at some point within our training routine."
"It's exclusive to those muscle groups. You could do max effort legs on Monday, max effort upper on Tuesday, then Wednesday, you probably want to take off."
"...it kind of changed my mindset from, you know, can I fit a workout in today to it being non-negotiable..."
"I found what worked for me: full body splits, lower reps, fairly high intensity."
"Circuit style today, we've got 45 seconds to work."
"Don't leave before we stretch. The cooldown is just as important as the warm-up."
"We're using the Tabata format: 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest."
"I love working out, but I hate getting to the gym."
"This is one of my favorite circuits to do for the glutes and the hamstrings."
"Welcome to a moving mango, and today we are going to do our total body workout."
"We're going to be doing 10 different exercises, going through each one of them for 1 minute straight without any break."
"I like to put in a chest exercise, then break up the chest and shoulders by putting a back exercise in between the two types of pressing movements."
"Well stick around, that's this workout right here. No equipment is necessary."
"We're going to be doing 30 seconds of work followed by 15 seconds rest."
"On Monday, everything is heavy. On Wednesday, everything would be light. And on Friday, everything would be medium."
"My system shows people a new format to transform, get strong on the key lifts, work out three days a week, hit your calories, hit your protein."
"Training muscle groups two to four days a week is the best way to maximize growth."
"I always have the best workouts when I do that, so that's what I'm going to continue doing."
"Sweat and sculpt, so every little circuit is going to have a sweat move using the weight, and then a sculpt move using the weights."
"This workout is called an EMOM, which means Every Minute On the Minute, and it is suitable for any level of fitness."
"Normally in a leg workout, I like to do one squat variation and one leg press variation."
"Let's build some muscle with this testosterone boosting workout."
"So I hope that you are seeing the theme, we're doing lower, we're doing upper, we're doing core, we're doing cardio, but everything has an element of mobility."
"Keep your fitness habit with a personalized workout."
"Using metabolic training, using total body workouts three days a week is the perfect way to do that."
"Welcome to your new workout; we are doing abs and glutes, my two favorite body parts to work out."
"This is going to be a full-body martial arts-themed workout that you do not need any equipment for."
"Thanks so much for joining me for my fitball inner and outer thigh segment. I hope you felt that burn in all the right places."
"This workout is just my interpretation of combining some of my favorite mat Pilates moves with my favorite TRX Suspension Training moves."
"Barbell bicep curls, four sets of ten to twelve, I really like that rep range."
"The boring workouts are what you build your foundation on."
"This hybrid split actually solves a lot of the issues with both the Arnold split and the push-pull split."
"Good day, this is Paul Eugene, and I am back with a fresh new exciting workout."
"I like to start off pretty much every workout with some form of dynamic stretching."
"One of the things I like about the split is that you get to spread out your squats and deadlifts."
"The push-pull split fits well into four times per week which gives you a built-in twice per week frequency."
"I'd love to start doing like two-a-day workouts; we just can't go to bed late."