
Dwarves Quotes

There are 58 quotes

"Dwarves are a tough, tradition-abiding folk known for their strong martial traditions and beautiful craftsmanship."
"Indeed, commerce seemed to be the main method for Dwarves to feed themselves, and thus be able to devote the majority of their time to their mining and craftsmanship."
"The dwarves in the Forgotten Realms get character and culture like we've never seen before."
"The dwarves shall prevail, the dwarves shall endure, the dwarves shall grow."
"I feel like this is the game that you know, people who love the dwarves in Tolkien's world, like this is a game you've been waiting for all your life."
"Statistically, six out of seven dwarves are not happy."
"Can you imagine dwarves with like a big [__] backpack jet pack, just blasting their way through?"
"The dwarves have some of the best artillery in the game."
"Axes of the dwarves! The dwarves are upon you!"
"The rust mountains were once the capital of the kingdom of dwarves."
"The skill of the dwarves was unequaled, fashioning objects of great beauty."
"I love how many unique and characterful sculpts there are in the Dwarf range."
"Together the dwarves conduct a grand funeral honoring their three Fallen comrades who bravely reclaimed their mountain and sacrificed their lives for their kin."
"They're not the most exciting, they're not the most speedy, but playing Dwarves is a masterclass in creating a cage and controlling the board."
"I'm not knocking these guys, the dwarves have written far better songs than I ever will, that's their legacy."
"The dwarves, famed for their knowledge in trading, smithing, warcraft, and acute sense of the stone, ruled the world below in the early days."
"Slayers are not dwarves without honor, they are dwarves trying to get honor back."
"Thus started the great animosity between dwarves and dragons."
"The seven Dwarven Rings were the foundations of each of the seven hoards of the dwarf kings of old."
"For twenty years, the dwarves fought the dragons, and in that time, they held their ground in the gray mountains."
"King Dane's eldest son led many of the Dwarven survivors to Erebor where they rebuilt the great Dwarven Kingdom Under the Mountain."
"The Dwarves often get a bad rep, but actually, when you look at them, they seem to be quite open with having good relations with whoever they happen to be near."
"The Dwarves fashion it from gold and decorate it with gems uncounted from Valinor."
"Ever since, the ambikes and cloud dragons have forged a lasting friendship bound by mutual respect and admiration."
"Baiting your opponent into basing a slayer is the best thing you can do as a dwarf team."
"The skill of the dwarves was unequaled."
"The great tombs are a relic of ancient Dwarven engineering."
"After spending thousands of years in relative isolation, the Dwarves would now find themselves at the forefront of the events of the Third Age."
"The Durga are a subrace of dwarves known as the Gray Dwarves, and they carve out an existence deep in the Underdark."
"Our story begins in an age past when the world was new, and at this time, the dwarves as a whole were very content and comfortable creatures."
"Dongan Hold, the second Sky Citadel ever constructed, stands as a testament to the great dwarf kings of old."
"We find that Celebrimbor has a great admiration for the dwarves."
"From the first age to the fourth age, we look at the wars the dwarves fought against the dragons and the orcs."
"They stand a head and shoulders shorter than the average human, are physically strong and stout, and they make their home deep in mined cities beneath the mountains."
"The dwarven realm does not admit thy kind."
"Once upon a time, there lived in Middle Earth a very different type of dwarves, relics of an older world."
"Longbeards were crafters, miners, barterers of wealth, and they stood forever in alliance with the other free peoples."
"But when it comes to the Dwarves, much of their Third Age history is lost to us."
"For most of the Third Age, Dwarves fought Orcs. In fact, that sentence pretty much sums up a good chunk of all Dwarven history."
"Every named Dwarf in the legendarium, except Azagar, Antelka, and Kim and Meme, is one of Durin's folk."
"Thrain amassed what is probably the greatest Dwarven army ever assembled in Middle-earth's history."
"The Dwarven dead were beyond the count of grief."
"The Dwarves may have won a Pyrrhic victory, but it came at a heavy cost."
"Tolkien dwarves are more poetic and almost artsy."
"The mountain dwelling, dirt-digging dwarves are far more than just Miners and smithies."
"The dwarves are pretty much exactly like they are in the Norse mythology as they're in Black Clover."