
Sightings Quotes

There are 239 quotes

"The mystery of the Loch Ness monster remains one of the most famous legends, with the most credible sightings being reported over the years."
"I think we've seen plenty of flying saucers. There's no question that we've seen exceptional numbers of craft here in the United States."
"According to Legend, Mothman is said to have been observed several times between 1966 and 1967."
"Whatever its true nature, sightings of the monster continue to be made every year, particularly on hot, tranquil afternoons when Okanagan Lake reflects the mountains that fringe it like a giant mirror."
"Visitors to the estate claim to have seen ghostly white figures in the night."
"Others claim they've seen a middle-aged man with a white mustache sitting at the bar."
"UFOs would appear more and more in popular culture, and sightings would never cease."
"The legend of Resurrection Mary persists, punctuated by reported sightings and eerie encounters."
"Curiously, five years later in Basel, Switzerland, another very similar siding took place."
"55 sightings of Mothman in Chicago during 2017."
"Encounters with Bigfoot: sightings and encounters in Yosemite."
"The sightings look damn puzzling. They do not look easy to dismiss."
"The Mothman Legend really took flight in November 1966 when several residents of Point Pleasant reported sightings of this unusual creature."
"Many people have seen UFOs. Rarely do they report them."
"UFOs are real, witnessed by pilots and residents alike."
"Some people claim to have actually seen Santa Claus in real life... when you consider the possibility that Santa might not just be a silly children's story but something much more complex and mysterious."
"It's weird though, I mean it's it's that's what you could take from a lot of these sightings just they're just kind of looking observing you know and then you know."
"Why wouldn't it potentially to be that these few sightings we've seen or several hundred actually under C be the tip of the iceberg of something more?"
"In the years that followed, we would see numerous 2pac sightings all over the world."
"After our time in Washington, it was easy to see why this state has more sightings than just about any other in the country."
"The existence of Bigfoot has long been a mystery, with hundreds upon hundreds of sightings, photographs, and alleged interactions being reported every year."
"These eerie local reports describe the entity as a tall, imposing, human-like figure, occasionally glimpsed moving throughout the woods."
"Adults and children alike seem to have witnessed odd humanoids, making it impossible to ignore the strange and possibly otherworldly events."
"Visitors to the Grand Canyon have reported sightings of a huge but strange monster known as the Mogollon Monster."
"The mystery object was recorded by various people, and they all claim it was definitely something extraterrestrial."
"Man descending from sky: Odd sightings provoke varied theories, could it be divine or something else?"
"Aliens have been seen many times throughout history even by famous scientists."
"There was this tall, hairy thing... it looked similar to a person, but there was hair covering its entire body."
"There are so many sightings of this same creature throughout the globe, the people must be seeing something."
"John Green was one of the first to begin compiling a record of Sasquatch sightings, amassing more than 3,000 sightings from across North America."
"Without a doubt, they're two Bigfoot, a male and a female."
"I saw a YouTube video on urban legends recently that mentioned sightings of dog-headed people and it sparked my need to know about what it was I really saw."
"I love seeing these things on the road."
"If the Indians saw it, people in different countries or different, you know, all over the world seeing the same thing."
"But nowhere are the stories more prolific than in America's Pacific Northwest where thousands of people claim to have seen or encountered the mysterious Bigfoot."
"People have seen dark shadowy figures dancing about and walking across the tapestries."
"There have been countless UFO sightings over the years, but many experts consider this next piece of footage the gold standard."
"The reflective eyes of Bigfoot have been reported in many sightings."
"Physical evidence includes footprints, photographic evidence, audio recordings, hair, scat, habitat, and environmental evidence."
"This is like one of the most documented cases of UFO sightings in the world."
"This park is where Debbie Marr saw the orang pendek and where locals can continue to see the creature."
"What state has the highest concentration of werewolf sightings?"
"Numerous people all over the world have claimed to have seen these creatures."
"People have seen them all around here, and the encounters keep coming."
"There are a lot of strange sightings and mysteries on the app."
"The origins provide some validity to the existence of the Jersey Devil, but the sightings are the most substantial pieces of evidence."
"The Jersey Devil has been seen by reliable people such as police, government officials, postmasters, businessmen, and other people whose integrity is beyond question."
"The sightings prove there is something out there lurking in the pine barons."
"I don't know what it was. I don't have a clue, but I can tell you that lots of odd things going on in that area, including lots of sightings of these... people, these beings."
"Bigfoot encounters come out of that state non-stop."
"There was one time where we just went out there, and there was just this blue ball of light hovering over the tree line, and then it disappeared."
"There have been other sightings of gray creatures in other secret military bases such as the one in Dulce, New Mexico in 1979."
"Locals and travelers claim to have seen the Gray Man in various locations across the province, particularly in isolated rural areas and near abandoned homesteads."
"Mothman is picking up some steam and, you know, while it may seem like the Mothman only appears at night, there was one sighting that happened in the middle of the day."
"In the final years of the 19th century, a wave of peculiar sightings swept across the United States, sparking a media frenzy and capturing the public's imagination."
"A person believed to be Asia was spotted on two occasions."
"Now, we're in an area that is well known for Sasquatch sightings."
"There are multiple reports of people seeing this dark entity, and many of them say that this is nothing other than a demon."
"I think the reason Washington has more Bigfoot reports is because there's so many people around Seattle and there's a lot of sasquatches there as well because the habitat is perfect."
"...the full-bodied apparitions of both the president and of Mary Todd Lincoln have been cited about the building."
"...the most commonly reported sightings include the ghostly figure of a former patient who said to roam the Halls."
"The only ones we have seen have been in this vicinity."
"Stroud, Gloucestershire had over 30 big cat sightings in 2007."
"Well, for me it began back in 1973. I actually had two, very close, broad daylight UFO sightings here in Los Angeles."
"Some claimed to have witnessed shadowy figures or felt an unseen presence while on tours."
"...sightings of phantom cars over the waters and encounters with the full-bodied apparitions of waterlogged walkers who always vanish mid-drive..."
"Without a doubt, it was seen by many and that would certainly put a dent in the theory that Sasquatch is a mythological creature."
"Aliens aren't just showing up in the forests, they're also popping up plain as day in regular settings."
"There have been numerous sightings of the HMS Eurydice since then."
"So I think we're going to soak up the scene a little bit here at Treehouse Dam. This has been such a prolific spot in the past with incredible sightings at this time of day."
"People have reported seeing strange lights in the sky above the island at night."
"People all over the world have claimed to see some creepy and unexplainable creatures."
"I believe the continuity of the forests allowed Bigfoot to travel large distances and it's been seen at both ends of the forest."
"It was not long after the police got numerous tips about sightings, especially in the Houghton Lake Area."
"Law enforcement agencies across the country had created a sightings list that they shared informally with one another."
"There have been reported sightings of creatures like the Loch Ness monster in approximately 60 other lakes around the world."
"1974 was also the year that so many sightings were reported."
"People that have seen Bigfoot have also noticed UFO activity. In other words, the two are connected."
"Apparently, even actor James Dean saw these lights while filming the movie Giant. But no one knows what they really are."
"Since time immemorial, giant squid had appeared along the shores of Asturias."
"Gulf Breeze's UFO hotspot: From Ed Walter's encounters to the search for extraterrestrial visitors."
"My Bigfoot sightings have been happening on a regular basis since 2011."
"The Arctic has its fair share of reported UFO sightings."
"It has been the subject of numerous reported ghost sightings."
"The team has collected the details of dozens of recent sightings and has identified some promising search locations."
"I'm specifically talking about the Paranormal side beings and entities that tourists and visitors report seeing."
"Dogmen are being cited all over the country and in other parts of the world."
"Bears have been spotted very heavily."
"She would attribute these tracks to a Bigfoot-like creature."
"There was also sightings of large hairy Bigfoot-like creatures on the property."
"...we had a number of possible sightings from all over the country and indeed the world various times but not a single one of them have we ever been able to demonstrate that it is or was Andrew."
"I think it's a very haunted place."
"People tell me that they do see things here."
"Years later I get told that they had both seen a little girl in the house too."
"The Burning Man of the Black Forest: a flying flaming humanoid witnessed soaring across village skies."
"The Pamer Snowman: reports of encounters with hominids in Tajikistan, Afghanistan, and Northern Pakistan."
"Encounter with the hairy man of Vergas Trail: a mysterious figure described as 8 ft tall with long, straggly hair."
"Despite being classified as extinct, occasional claims of Dodo sightings from uninhabited islands around Mauritius have definitely emerged suggesting the possibility however slim of its continued existence and isolation."
"The sightings have led to widespread fear among the local populace."
"I've just never seen anything like this, but I was wondering if anyone else had similar sightings."
"The Michelin men, also known as balloon men, are rare cryptids with a handful of sightings worldwide."
"We've had a lot of strange sightings, including a supposed mountain goat, wolf-like creature."
"An officer responded to a call about children claiming to have seen a Bigfoot or werewolflike figure."
"Known as the 'Glastonbury Glawackus,' this cryptozoological phenomenon captivated the public, the various sightings being connected by a thread of uncanny similarity."
"He said somebody's seen in Germantown. He said he's seen through the park they've gotten multiple calls on a woman in white, a woman in a white dress, and then he told me, black dogs running around the park."
"...reports from residents in the area saying that they had seen a strange object in the skies at around the same time that the event occurred."
"The ponic's sightings date back to 1873 with notable observations by individuals."
"Many people have seen something unusual on Lake Champlain."
"These are five real monster sightings that will defy logic."
"The legend of the Murray has been part of local lore since it was first seen by native villagers and later by two missionaries."
"Reports of this creature date back to at least 1999 with sightings describing it as a large dinosaur-like reptile stirring renewed interest in the possibility of prehistoric creatures surviving in modern times."
"Ogopogo has never been caught but people have been catching glimpses of the beast for a very long time."
"I truly believe that I've seen him."
"Journalists, explorers, scientists, residents, and tourists, more than 300 in all, are convinced they've seen a monster in the lake."
"The legend of the Lake Pendorile Paddler is still being told. This peculiar cryptid is said to still be cited to this day with some variations around the world."
"Encounters of the Beast have persisted throughout the years to modern day; a rise in accounts were noted in the 1980s and 90s."
"It's just the kind of place where you might see bighorn."
"We got UFOs that people are seeing everywhere."
"It does still baffle me how for centuries, people report seeing eerily similar things all over the world."
"How often do you see them? All the time."
"There's infinite possibilities out there, and people are not always crazy when they say they've seen something."
"A huge triangular object, like one seen over the United States."
"An epidemic of UFO sightings covers the British map."
"That Valley has had UFO sightings forever."
"I'm up to about 100 reported witness sightings between Wisconsin and Michigan alone, from normal, credible people."
"The hotel is also haunted by a ghost bride who's been seen many times in room 501."
"Visitors of the house report seeing handprints and strange marks in the mirror."
"The Jersey Devil was just seen all over the place throughout New Jersey, Pennsylvania, New York; the whole area was rampant with Jersey Devil sightings."
"Spirits have been seen more and more common in the human world."
"In 2017, there were more cryptid sightings than any other time in history."
"This main corridor entrance has seen some strange sightings, dark shapes, and ghostliness have all been experienced here."
"The ghost of a little girl has been seen peeping from behind the curtains."
"The Bigfoot mapping project is an initiative aimed at tracking and visualizing reported sightings of Bigfoot across North America."
"The large number of Bigfoot sightings can't easily be dismissed, suggesting that there might be truth to them."
"Reports of Bigfoot range from children to law officials to seniors that really have nothing to prove or gain from it."
"Why have these creatures been spotted all over the world throughout time?"
"The spectral image of a housemaid has been seen by a multitude of guests."
"This corridor links with the Georgian part of the house, and witnesses have seen two monks standing in this very spot."
"The figure of a Victorian lady has been seen in this room; she's been seen 14 times in the last few years."
"It's the biggest concentration of reported Bigfoot sightings in the entire state of Indiana."
"There have been various sightings of Normie."
"Many have said that this isn't the first time that strange entities and sightings have been reported from this area."
"Many to visit the building have claimed to see shadow people, apparitions, and poltergeist activity."
"Such a huge number of sightings has made Highgate Cemetery a popular tourist destination."
"He's been seen by people who are aware of the stories of ghosts in the building and he's been seen by people who don't believe in ghosts."
"There's a lady in white who's been seen on a number of occasions."
"In missing person cases, sightings are obviously one of the most important things for investigators."
"However, more recently there have been reports of their calls being heard in the higher elevations of Maui."
"Witnesses have described these enigmatic objects as having a distinct cross-like structure."
"The skies have long been a canvas for mysterious sightings, from unidentified objects to unexplained aerial phenomena."
"Even though Slenderman was fabricated on Something Awful forums, some people have already claimed sightings."
"The Loch Ness Monster has been spotted for the eighth time in just one year."
"UFO sightings released by the Pentagon."
"We're going to use this map of the United States to go over the different Bigfoot sightings state-by-state."
"Florida is a surprising hotspot for the Sasquatch Bigfoot culture, 308 sightings in the 21st century."
"California, the land of fruit and nuts, does not disappoint in the least, 433 sightings in the 21st century."
"The Belgian UFO wave and the infamous photograph that accompanied it remain compelling because of the scale of the sightings."
"So many people have reported the same exact ghost sighting in this theater while alone."
"Seeing shadows move past like your TV are sightings of spirit."
"Countless visitors are said to have seen full-bodied apparitions, shadow figures, and even ghostly faces peering from train windows at them."
"Millions of people have phone cameras with them and we have countless sightings of these mysterious objects and unexplained phenomena all over the world."
"There's clearly a reason so many people have seen these ships out here."
"It involved clear, unambiguous sightings."
"These creatures have been cited in the Mark Twain National Forest by many a weary hiker or an individual looking to enjoy the passages of the area."
"The species is not yet classified as extinct; there have been many unconfirmed sightings over the years."
"There's been more ghosts caught on camera than any place I've ever seen."
"Nearly 200 years have passed since the first reliable Bigfoot sighting reports were recorded, but Bigfoot is still being seen and is still a mystery."
"What exactly was seen that day remains a mystery, but subsequent strange sightings have corroborated the testimony."
"Either 1972 was the beginning of more Bigfoot activity on the reservation, along with increased UFO activity, or people were overcoming their fear of ridicule and reporting sightings more readily, or maybe both."
"The first reported sightings of which of these mythical creatures were in West Virginia in the 1960s? It's the Mothman."
"It's worth noting that Australia has become a focal point for UFO sightings over the years."
"The black bird of Chernobyl may have been the same creature spotted in Point Pleasant, West Virginia."
"Some have cited strange shadows or apparitions in the area."
"This exciting news motivated searches in other areas, and another group of ornithologists reported a series of sightings in Florida the following year."
"The only plausible explanation that would explain all of these sightings is the theory that these could be intelligently controlled vehicles, controlled by an alien species alien to this planet."
"The Dark Watchers... often reported wearing wide-brim hats, sometimes also carrying walking sticks."
"The Dark Watchers... they are often reported wearing wide-brim hats, sometimes also carrying walking sticks."
"People have seen these lights all around the world in graveyards, swamps, and bog lands, and they have been referred to as many different names."
"Several people have also witnessed the lady in grey roaming the corridors."
"Lovely, what seems to be a morning of special sightings."
"The dog man, or sometimes called a skinwalker, is one such cryptid that has been sighted all over the globe."
"The spirits wander and have been seen walking up and down the roads, going into buildings or homes."
"Of course, there'll always be those who believe in these sightings and those that remain skeptics."
"Sightings of similar creatures have been reported in many of the areas around the world."
"Statistically speaking, there are thousands of UFO sightings every year."
"The ghost of a man has been witnessed many times, wearing 1920s clothing with a trilby hat."
"I couldn't get it out of my mind. I did some research and found out that there have been other sightings of similar creatures in National Parks across the country."
"The family had actually seen three different types of UFOs on multiple occasions."
"Sometimes members of the Sherman family would see quick flashes of an unknown creature."
"The Great Saiyaman is spotted around the city more and more."
"The Loch Ness monster has been cited for a second time in less than two weeks."
"Cheetah Plains certainly compared with any other part of our traversing area has probably 95% of all cheetah sightings."
"Juma has given us another gift once again, some epic lion sightings this morning."
"It's just so wonderful to also just enjoy sightings at times."
"It's been some of the best elephant sightings I've had in many years."
"He provides incredible sightings because he is quite goofy and he plays."
"Sightings far outnumber cases of direct contact, face-to-face meetings with ETs or onboard experiences."
"For nearly 50 years, sightings of UFOs have provoked a mixture of excitement and derision."
"For almost 50 years now, military and civil pilots have been reporting strange objects in the sky."
"We've been completely spoiled with our sightings."