
Amazon Rainforest Quotes

There are 60 quotes

"He became famous for his expedition into the Amazon rainforest in the 1840s and '50s, during which he collected over 14,000 species of insects and other animals, most of them new to science."
"The Amazon rainforest is the lungs of our planet."
"The Amazon Rainforest is on fire and the Bolsonaro government is trying to charge forward with deforestation while trampling on indigenous rights."
"The Amazon is one of the best defenses we have against climate change so its health does affect us all."
"The Amazon rainforest, it's lost in the past 40 years, an area the size of California."
"Without rain from the rainforest, the Amazon as we know it would cease to exist."
"The amount of things that can damage or hurt you in the Amazon is second only to how amazing and beautiful the Amazon really is."
"In that sense, the large things are not what's going to hurt you in the Amazon, like a falling tree maybe, but other than a mosquito and a bullet ant, there's not much that's like looking for trouble out there."
"Peru has so much to offer beyond Machu Picchu, including beautiful lodges in the Amazon rainforest."
"The Amazon rainforest could disappear within 50 years."
"The river that gives its name is just one of thousands of watercourses that meander through the largest tropical rainforest on Earth since the green thicket of the Amazon Rainforest embodies more than half of the world's remaining rainforest area."
"New research has changed our understanding of the Amazon rainforest, previously believed to be uninhabited before the arrival of Europeans."
"The fate of the Amazon: most of the Amazon region is in Brazil... if the destruction of the forest continues there won't be enough moisture produced to reproduce the Amazon."
"The advanced civilization discovered within the Amazon rainforest serves as a powerful reminder of the adaptability and resilience of the human spirit."
"This newly discovered species lives in remote areas of the upper Amazon."
"Could there be a Bigfoot in the Amazon? A creature that for the longest time has been said to roam the rainforest of Brazil?"
"It is so unbelievable to see these ancient relics of our past civilization and considering how we couldn't live without the Amazon rainforest it's crazy to think of a time when it didn't even exist yet."
"The Amazon is the most incredible place in the world especially for nature whether it's the giant rainforest or the humongous River."
"Between the Napo and Curaray rivers, 50 miles south of Alcoca, Ecuador, the Waorani tribe has made their life."
"The Amazon is often called the lungs of the world as they produce roughly 20% of the Earth's oxygen."
"Here's the 20 deadliest monsters of the Amazon."
"What happens in the Amazon does not stay in the Amazon."
"Where investigation is taking place in the Amazon, astonishing finds are being made."
"We're probably the last generation that's gonna have the chance to save the Amazon as it is."
"When you're talking about the Amazon, there are thousands of different trees, plants, shrubs, every single one of those has a use."
"The amazon doesn't take anything away from our planet. The amazon produces, it's like an engine that gives us life."
"If you can send money to Jungle Keepers, I can promise you that money is going to go directly to protecting the Amazon."
"The Amazon is like a vast, unexplored wilderness, and if you want to get out of there, you better just plan to start walking like your Forrest Gump for 20 days and hope that you don't get eaten along the way."
"The largest known tarantulas in the world, called the Goliaths, are native to the Amazon rainforest of South America."
"Thousands of images drawn in the last ice were recently discovered in the Amazon rainforest, and it remains one of the most intriguing mysteries of our time."
"It's extremely relevant to understand these interactions and of course it also, the critical forcing levels of one tipping element like the Amazon rainforest, crucially depends on the state of all the other tipping elements that might affect that Amazon rainforest."
"It's known as the lungs of the earth and it produces over 6% of the world's oxygen."
"Can you believe it? We're actually here in the Amazon."
"Every two weeks, the Amazon releases an amount of water into the air through evaporation that's equivalent to all of the water in all the lakes in the entire planet."
"Explore the real Amazon, covering about 69 percent of the entire country, and home to some of Nature's finest creatures."
"The Amazon produces 33% of the oxygen."
"The Amazon rainforest is still on fire, just so everyone knows. Yes, donate."
"So why not have the COP in the Amazon so people can get to know the Amazon, see its rivers, its forests, its fauna."
"No true conservationist believes that you should build a fence around the Amazon, keep people out, and make it a living museum."
"The Amazon rainforest alone is responsible for the production of about 20 percent of Earth's oxygen."
"The Amazon is the largest rainforest in the world, so diverse it's home to a third of all life forms on Earth."
"If we were to imagine the Amazon rainforest as a contiguous country, it would be the ninth largest nation on our globe."
"The Amazon rainforest is not only a vital ecological treasure but also a repository of rich human history."
"The Amazon is estimated to contain 10% of the world's known species."
"Deep in the heart of the Amazon rainforest flows one of the largest rivers in the world."
"The Amazon rainforest, you've got 300 billion trees, 15,000 species, 20 percent of the world's biomass or carbon."
"It's just that tropical oasis in the middle of the Amazon, that really sort of humidity, palm leafy, hibiscus niceness."
"The Amazon has been called the lungs of the earth and plays a crucial role in our global ecosystem."
"The Amazon rainforest is a massive unexplored area of wide-ranging biodiversity."
"Little did I know that my most significant find awaited me in the heart of the Amazon rainforest."
"The Amazon rainforest plays a vital role in the transfer of carbon from the atmosphere to the biosphere."
"The giant ground sloth is believed to have lived an additional 5,000 years by retreating deep into the Amazon rainforest."