
White Balance Quotes

There are 59 quotes

"Who needs a special white balance card when white paper is everywhere? Just place it in the light you're shooting in, point your camera, and set that custom white balance."
"Adjusting your tone curve and having the proper white balance is essentially the most important thing in your footage."
"We have these little arrows pointing to the right: white balance shift allows us to shift the color tone in specific directions."
"Leave white balance on auto when shooting stills, you have more power to change it after the fact when shooting raw."
"White balance can make or destroy your photo."
"Auto white balance does a really good job most of the time."
"Typically 99% of the time I'm using auto white balance."
"White balance is something that's really easy to fix back at your computer and a little bit of editing always helps."
"What the heck is white balance and why is it important, you ask? Well, I'm here to tell you."
"When you're flying your drone and shooting video, if the white balance is set to auto, every time the camera moves around and brings additional things into the scene, it's going to change the value of the white balance."
"A correct white balance doesn't mean it's always the best white balance for a particular photograph."
"The short answer on this is if you're just getting started, leave it on auto white balance."
"Figure out what your white balance is, lock it in, and leave it there."
"Proper camera white balance takes into account the color temperature of a light source."
"One of the huge benefits of shooting with RAW is the ability to change the white balance after the fact."
"I always recommend shooting on manual white balance, especially if you're doing a gallery."
"Auto white balance in a camera is, I believe, also improved drastically."
"What is white balance? If the colors look off in your photo or video, there's a very good chance the white balance is, well, unbalanced."
"Sometimes the setting of the white balance is better set in camera because it helps you achieve the final result."
"You can solve it at the time you're taking the picture by changing your camera's white balance setting to match what the actual light is."
"I like the automatic white balance because it does a great job."
"That is the important take-home message about white balance."
"This camera does a very good job in landing accurate white balance."
"The white balance scale is expressed in measurements of Kelvin."
"Finding a neutral gray point is more important than clicking around on something white."
"Adobe recommends finding a neutral gray point, not just white, for proper white balance."
"The true color of an image can be obscured if the white balance is far off and a gray card isn't used."
"Now with the new version with having the 18% gray card at your use, you can now get perfect exposures as well as white balance."
"If you're someone who really likes to dial in your white balance, I recommend shooting kelvin."
"The most important and first thing that you should do to every single image in Adobe Camera Raw is white balance."
"The auto white balance setting has two different options: normal and keep warm lighting colors."
"White balance essentially gives the camera instructions in terms of what kind of light source we are shooting in."
"Our white balance is to ensure that we have the correct color rendition."
"What does normal temperature mean? Simple answer is correct white balance."
"If you nail white balance and exposure, you don't need to shoot raw."
"A proper white balance will produce an image that looks natural to the lighting present."
"Auto white balance could save you a lot of time in post-production."
"Poor color can be the white balance is off, this image looks very blue because the camera is picking the wrong white balance."
"The preset manual or custom white balance option is used when you want to manually set the white balance for a specific light source."
"The white balance is probably the most important setting."
"Make sure you nail your white balance; it will completely change your footage."
"If you're trying to convey a certain mood or feeling with your imagery... you might want to set your white balance manually."
"You've got perfect white balance."
"Use this setting when you want to manually set a white balance for a specific light source for the best accuracy."
"The biggest reason to shoot in RAW underwater is for white balance correction."
"It was a very simple one, two, three process between white balance, brightness adjustments, and then HSL."