
Breaking Bad Quotes

There are 109 quotes

"The greatest show ever, Breaking Bad. One of the other greatest shows ever, Ozark."
"Breaking Bad, a show so powerful that you can tell the exact point Walter became Heisenberg."
"Tread lightly, you always want to tread lightly with Walt."
"Breaking Bad iceberg chart: from Mandela effects to real-life stories."
"Colors in Breaking Bad: each representing different themes and emotions."
"Jesse's shaved head: a symbol of letting go of past trauma and identity."
"Brian Cranston saw his daughter's face during Jane's death scene."
"My favorite show all-time is breaking bad i think is easily the it's month what vince gilligan did out there he's just one of the more creative minds that have been."
"It's the name of a spin-off show from the world's best television program of all time, Breaking Bad."
"Stick with Breaking Bad, because when you answer that door, it's me with a dozen roses and one simple message: I love you."
"Yo, Marie has been such an interesting character throughout the entirety of Breaking Bad."
"Breaking Bad had one of the best first seasons ever."
"Mike's big man monologue just makes his death in Breaking Bad so much more tragic."
"If you're able to watch them backwards, Better Call Saul first and then Breaking Bad, you'll be illuminated in a different way."
"Nacho is one of the most memorable antagonists in the entire Breaking Bad Universe."
"...Walter White managed to go out on his own terms."
"Breaking Bad is still a masterpiece."
"Breaking Bad is political in a way that very few shows can ever pull off nowadays."
"I liked it. I was good at it." - Walter White
"Why are you still alive? Why don't you just die? Just die!" - Junior White
"Vince Gilligan's goal was to turn an average man evil, and by the end, he succeeded. He showed us all the steps involved and showed us both sides of the equation: the prize—wealth and thrills, the cost—dying alone."
"If Breaking Bad advised against the perils of pride and ego, Better Call Saul expanded the tale to show other, more complicated paths to evil."
"Especially following the steps of Breaking Bad, which wasn't just one of the great drama series of all time, but had one of the most critically acclaimed seasons of that time to wrap up."
"We are like 'Breaking Bad,' moving slowly down a pathway towards destruction without consciously realizing it."
"Breaking Bad Season 5 is perfection."
"This is like her Breaking Bad moment."
"Nothing screams reliability like Walter White’s old Winnebago. Might want to grab that chicken parm to go; something tells me it’s going to be a long day."
"He's not gonna mess with the legacy that is Breaking Bad."
"The world of Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul seems to be sewn with a tight moral fabric where no sins go unpunished and freedom always comes at a cost."
"Once you hit that midpoint in season three of Breaking Bad I feel like it just kind of goes to this top shelf it plateaus at the peak of television as good as you can get."
"the Universe of Breaking Bad is structured so perfectly that if you were to remove any element anywhere in the story everything would change"
"Breaking Bad, probably my favorite show of all time."
"It's over Breaking Bad as of right now."
"Jesse is the most tragic character of Breaking Bad."
"Breaking Bad is the greatest television show of all time."
"The final season of Breaking Bad is just ah, I get chills, man."
"Breaking Bad is also considered one of the goats."
"Mr. White, actually, it's just basic chemistry."
"The hero in Breaking Bad's pilot reveals new aspects of himself."
"By the end of this pilot, Walter White has become what he's gonna pretty much be for the next seven years: a drug-dealing murderer."
"A high school chemistry teacher dying of cancer teams with a former student to manufacture and sell crystal meth to secure his family's future."
"Watching Walter White go from mild-mannered geek to a drug-dealing murderer."
"They're going to make you look unbelievable, and that would be Breaking Bad, the best show."
"That's brilliant, that's Breaking Bad."
"I think that's what makes Breaking Bad such an iconic story."
"I love Better Call Saul just as much as I love Breaking Bad."
"Breaking Bad really raised the level of TV production."
"It's hard to beat 'the one who knocks'."
"It's nice to see the extreme version, the extreme form of Walter White right now."
"We're finally witnessing the extreme form, the final form of Walter White here in Breaking Bad season five."
"Breaking Bad is such a perfect example of what happens when you perfect that."
"Welcome back as we continue on with Breaking Bad."
"Walt, man, what the hell, this dude is hilarious."
"Breaking Bad and Succession are the two best shows that I've ever seen."
"I didn't think Breaking Bad was slow because it immediately grabs you."
"He starts out as a loud, immature drug dealer who just wants attention and money, but where he ends, a battered, destroyed, humble, soft-spoken man."
"When we first meet Saul in the beginning of Breaking Bad, when they have the guns to him, he says, 'Did Lalo send you?'"
"You should go watch it even if you haven't seen Breaking Bad."
"Breaking Bad was a great example of a show where they knew where they were going."
"Welcome to the Breaking Bad W if series that I call the Heisenverse."
"Breaking Bad is not only dark, but it is very comedic."
"Gus's mistake was just meeting Walter White. That was where everything ended for him."
"Breaking Bad may be considered one of the greatest TV shows of all time."
"If you're gonna watch Breaking Bad, go watch Breaking Bad first before Better Call Saul."
"Breaking Bad will make you appreciate Better Call Saul that much more."
"Walter White is dead. Long live the king, Heisenberg."
"I have finished Breaking Bad. God show, IMO, incredibly good."
"The website we're going to create today is Breaking Bad information."
"We have this main page here which just says Breaking Bad YouTube app."
"The best ending I've ever seen in TV series is Breaking Bad."
"Walter White is a fictional crystal meth kingpin, a main character of the fantastic television series Breaking Bad."
"I think Breaking Bad is damn near a perfect series."
"Breaking Bad is the greatest TV show to ever exist front to back."
"You're the danger to me? I'm the one who knocks!"
"He's so believable and his name is Walter White."
"If you have Netflix and you've never seen Breaking Bad, start that show, man, you won't regret it."
"I'm not in danger, Skyler. I am the danger. A guy opens his door and gets shot, and you think that of me? No, I am the one who knocks."