
Factions Quotes

There are 83 quotes

"At the very center, you have the academy, the most powerful faction at the beginning of the game, optimistic about alien existence."
"Participating in the STV PVP event can also reward two new unique mounts, both of which can be obtained by either faction."
"The Republican party is made up of at least two warring factions the more establishment GOP and the more populist Maga brand."
"The setting was amazing, the factions were compelling."
"Poland would be really cool... what do you guys think would be one of the first Scandinavian factions?"
"Factions are the beating heart of urban campaigns, where they really shine."
"The factions in GreedFall are interesting, especially when you incorporate their desires for shaping the island."
"There's just lots of possibility for lots of little niche factions: hunters, bards, alchemists, blacksmiths, merchants, cults, enchanters, pirates, necromancers, you name it."
"Being able to approach an outpost like this to reclaim it for you and your faction is one of the highlights of the game."
"More dynamic, it's a way of delivering story and adding to the general feel of Horde versus Alliance throughout the expansion."
"Each faction gets a different Titan... they're all designed to do different things."
"It's far more interesting when you have to pick from lots of kind of horrible factions."
"He's scared of saying that the whole Boris faction is now marginalized."
"The factions themselves are genuinely morally ambiguous, there's not really a clear-cut case of who is in the right per se."
"Disagreements among the Eternals led to split factions, some of whom would leave Earth to start colonies elsewhere."
"The faction system is not something that will play a big part in your first playthrough."
"In an expansion about a faction war, it's not just Azeroth that you're battling for."
"That's a cool idea for a faction. That's a cool new faction right there."
"Jeremy claims all male adaptis Cadre faction had always featured female members."
"Holy, they finally did it! A brand new faction that isn't a spin-off." - Destiny Player
"It adds lightsabers, various factions such as the Imperial Stormtroopers, rebels, and Mandalorians."
"The Imperial war machine is one of the coolest sci-fi factions ever created."
"It creates this interesting contrast between these two warring factions."
"I've always imagined that the NCR and Brotherhood of Steel have maintained an uneasy truce with barter and some technology sharing between the two groups."
"Factions are just deeply stupid in a metric multitude of manners for the sake of the plot."
"These people have built something where it [ __ ] works because we saw the quarantine Zone we see [ __ ] Freedom Fighters and fascists and everyone's out for each other's next."
"Factions, groups, stables, gangs, families—whatever name you give them, we all love a good faction in wrestling."
"There's probably other factions. Fujitora being a part of the Bureau of Investigation makes a lot of sense."
"In Fallout when you arrive in the Capital Wasteland, you’ll encounter maybe a few dozen factions, some big, some small."
"The factions in this game are phenomenal."
"The Marines, Warlords, and Yonko make up what is called the Three Powers of the One Piece World."
"The only possible reason is that philosophy has adopted... an adversarial system... you're either in this faction or this faction."
"So remember, the two big factions already in 1792 that had developed already were the Federalists who wanted the federal government to have more power and the Anti-Federalists who wanted the states to have more power."
"Someone or something has been biding its time while the feuding Imperial factions distracted our attention."
"Reason falls by the wayside and it is replaced by our will, and it's really destructive in that way because if we can no longer reason together, we can't think together, then all that's left is various factions vying for power."
"We haven't even got sub factions yet so you've got the mark of the marks and the banners which work in conjunction with each other which is really cool."
"Those new kill team militarum traitors are perfect for pairing with the iron warriors."
"The Brotherhood of Steel knew The Enclave was trouble right from the start."
"King Alfred birthed the Templar Order, the ones that Assassins have been at war with for centuries."
"Perhaps long ago, in deep space, all three factions: the heirs to Blackwell’s corporate empire, Kazak’s space marauders, and dissatisfied Federation intelligence agents, came together in order to form the Blacktron conglomerate."
"Hey, we're getting to experience like different factions of this world but it is mostly focused on character development."
"So everybody is kind of really on edge and the question is who is going to hold power and authority while this boy is too young to rule and we've got kind of the faction of the the Queen Elizabeth Woodville and she wants to maintain power for herself."
"They were the glue that kept all of the different criminal factions in Canada from killing each other."
"Having an interesting world or having an interesting lore and stuff, none of that matters if the factions aren't cool and unique."
"What is driving all this the thing that occurred to me concerned the energy behind the two rival factions why are they at daggers drawn of necessity the answer is that the two rival factions are shaped and contained by two rival definitions."
"The Bullet Club, has there ever been a faction in wrestling with a bigger bunch of jackoffs in it?"
"WWE has no good face factions currently most of the stock is in the heel factions."
"Every faction has something interesting."
"Brawling Brutes are easily one of the best factions in wrestling today."
"Our strategy is to launch synchronized attacks against the hideouts of the Fenrir Sect and the Cult of Diablos scattered throughout the capital at the same time."
"Even though there are considerable factions that control areas of the West and the East, much of the old United States is still left unclaimed."
"The magical world is divided into three parts: the Royal faction, the Nobles, and The Equalizer."
"People were proud to fight for The Horde or the alliance."
"Politics is a faction system; there's like guilds, dude. You got the different servers, and then you have guilds within servers that absolutely dominate."
"The best way to control the mischief of factions is by having a large republic."
"We are enmeshed in one of the most epic stories of all time involving an epic faction, the Bloodline."
"From the beginning of everyone just being separate factions and hating each other to being like, kind of working together and hating each other is good."
"Welcome, gentle listener, I am Bald, and I wish to introduce you to the factions of Warhammer 40k universe."
"I think it's quite cool now that we're getting all these factions building up."
"It's very effective the way that Oda breaks down all of the different factions, almost like a recap of where everyone stands."
"Now was the era of the noble Nam gong Clan and the Heavenly demon cult."
"I'm always interested in the conflict between factions who are correct."
"Listen carefully, for there are four powerful factions upon this land."
"Not all Mandalorian factions are meant to be good."
"The factions need to get rid of corruption."
"Bonds can be incredibly strong even within factions that aren't necessarily heroic."
"It's great to see women factions."
"There is something that he does in this book which I just fell in love with and that is called the factions turn."
"Some team today is gonna find out that they are one and oh and they're off and running and they're doing it for their factions."
"It's cool that you have different traits to represent different Commonwealth factions."
"The reformists are inarguably the weakest religious faction in the game."
"What's important in Watch Dogs 2 is that these factions can now fight against each other."
"These notes allow for these different tribes within the Caves of Chaos to feel like actual factions and actual tribes."
"There are many factions that exist within the Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic universe."
"A war will split ours into two factions."
"This game is so sharp, I've only played four of the six factions now, and they've all been interesting."
"I really wanted to know what was it like rebuilding the Republic, what are these factions all over the galaxy that now compete."